Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 228: Want to dye your fingers?

St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, is the largest church in the state of Michigan. It is located on the edge of the busiest Fifth Avenue. The unique Gothic style of architecture contrasts with the surrounding skyscrapers and is particularly striking.

This is one of the holy places in the minds of countless believers. I do n’t know how many people worship. * The people outside the church are so crowded that they are visitors from all over the world.

Just outside the church, there is a crowd of people, noisy and noisy. Located at the back of the church, there is a small and independent courtyard, which is far away from the noise of the city, like a pure land of joy.

The architecture in the courtyard is also Gothic, but it is much smaller than the grand church outside.

In the immaculate courtyard, an elderly man wearing a linen robe with a dull face and an unknown age is holding a kettle to water the flowers. He is meticulous in action and serious, as if it is not watering the garden, but life.

Looking closely, the water column spilled from the kettle in the hands of the elderly is not actually a water column, but a mysterious gas lingering around the crystals. This gas is like a substance, when it falls on the flowers and plants in the flower garden, those The flowers and plants that had been calm and still seemed to have life, shaking constantly, and sending a happy signal.

Suddenly, at this moment, the old man's action trembled, the water column in the kettle trembled, and the mysterious gas poured became thicker. The lower part was originally full of flowers and plants that gave out a signal of pleasure, and screamed in pain. sound.

What's even more weird is that those flowers and plants showed humanoid faces, showing an infinitely painful look, and a look of embarrassment.

But the old man seemed as if he hadn't seen it, just slowly raised his head and looked towards the eastern sky. His eyes were completely different from ordinary people, very bright, like two luminous pearls, with a husky murmur in his mouth: "How? Will? Someone broke the divine restraint I set in the ring of God ?! "

"I feel like I have lost control of the Ring of God!"

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard. A blond man in a military uniform appeared at a speed like a wind. His body exuded an irritating energy wave, which was stronger than John did not know.

However, even so, the blond man's face showed a strong awe and respect. He stood outside the courtyard and said astringently: "Master Priest, just received news from China, we sent John who entered China to be China has found it! "

"I'm afraid I have been arrested by the Chinese party now! What should we do now?"

不 This unbelievable old man is an priest who has a reputation throughout the special field of the whole of Michigan. He is a rumored spokesperson who has control of divine power and possesses incredible magical powers.

According to rumors, the priest, when he was young, once went to ancient Egypt by himself. He learned a strange magical technique from there, and later returned to his country and was immediately reused by the State of Michigan.

Today, the sacrificial lord, who is over eighty years old, holds the supreme position in the special field of the whole of Michigan.

"Is the Yanhuang organization in China?"

The sacrifice worshipper whispered to himself: "I did not expect that after many years of absence, Huaxia has such a strong man who is proficient in spiritual power, are you? Old Qinglong!"

His voice was not concealed, and the blond man naturally heard it. When he heard the words 'old blue dragon', the top powerful man known throughout the world of the Awakener suddenly shot a towering war in his eyes. !!

"The ring of God is of great importance! That being the case, it seems necessary to go out again!"

"Good to see you old friends!"

The Lord Priest murmured and continued to water the flowers. What was stored in the kettle was not ordinary water quality, but his vast spiritual power. It was hard to imagine that a person's spiritual power could be so strong!

"Erikson, tell the people below that if there is anything about John, everything will follow the normal international procedures!"

The blond man bowed and left, and at the moment of turning, two small tornadoes appeared under his feet, holding his body, the whole person disappeared quickly, and the quiet small courtyard returned to tranquility again ...

Xi Huaxia, Shencheng Modu, an interrogation room of the police station.

At this moment, the atmosphere became extremely depressing. Lin Zhanlong's face suddenly changed when he saw the group of people who broke in at the door.

Especially the scorching gaze of these people at this moment, staring at the ring of God in Pei Junlin's hands, one by one, made his bad feeling more and more stronger.

Lin Zhanlong recognized the person who was headed by a senior from the Shennongjia subdistrict, accompanied by the director of the Modu police station. The Yanhuang organization's high-level Shennongjia subdivision just arrived recently .

He also followed Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi behind him.

Obviously, these people must have used the camera to see everything in the interrogation room and the content of their conversation, otherwise, it would not have happened so well.

Zhe Lin Zhanlong had originally guessed that precious treasures like the ring of God would definitely cause great disputes. I did not expect trouble to appear so soon!

The atmosphere of the interrogation room became extremely weird at this moment. Pei Junlin played the ring of God in his hands, his eyes were calm, and he looked at the unexpected guests quietly. He saw a kind of greed in everyone's eyes, but So what, maybe there are people in this world who can steal things from his Pei Junlin, but it will definitely not be the people in front of him!

He's going to take a look. What kind of means can this group of people play? !!

And in this weird atmosphere, finally, someone broke this deadlock. I saw that the heroic man from Shennongjia subdivision showed a strange light, fell on Pei Junlin's face, and smiled, "Presumably this It ’s Pei Junlin. It ’s not as good as seeing it. It ’s long been heard that a young king who has recently emerged in the martial arts world has been hailed as the youngest congenital power in a century. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation!

"Hello, I'm Huo Tianlin, one of the vice captains of Tianzige, Shennongjia District!"

Huo Tianlin's cheeky smile and windy smile extended her friendly palm to Pei Junlin.

"Hello Captain Huo!"

The so-called person who does not smile at reaching his hand, since Huo Tianlin did not take the lead in revealing his attack, then Pei Junlin will naturally not change his face immediately, and he is also smiling.

"Pei Junlin, the environment here is not so good, can we go out and say!"

Huo Tianlin made a request gesture, Pei Junlin did not hesitate, strode out and walked out. When passing by Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, he didn't even glance at him and went straight out.

About a quarter of an hour later, in the luxurious conference room of the police station building, everyone gathered. The table was filled with freshly brewed tea leaves and the room was full of fragrance, but no one reached out to touch the tea cup.

Lin Pei Junlin stood on the side of Lin Peilong and Li Chaoran, while Huo Tianlin stood on the side of Shen Tianci, Yan Qingsi and the director of the police station.

But facing this weird situation at the moment, honestly, whether it is Lin Zhanlong or the police chief, they are just sitting on the floor, if they ca n’t get away, they really do n’t want to participate.

Although their identities are high enough, one is the deputy commander of the Jinling Military Region, and the other is the police chief of Shencheng Modu. They are all powerful people. They can face the group of members from the top forces in China in front of them. Individuals are trembling.

任何 Any one of these people is a kind of non-human being with a terrorist fighting force. Even if Li Chaoran, who has the lowest strength, is a master and a master, what good would it be if these non-human beings come together?

"Lord, you've done a great job tonight!"

In the silence, Huo Tianlin was the first to break the atmosphere and smiled: "Without your help, John's cunning militians are really a little tricky!"

"Here, I represent Shennongjia District, thank you very much for your help!"

On the sofa, Pei Junlin quickly waved and said, "Well, what is this Captain Huo saying? Thank you, I can't bear it!"

"In this operation, we also obeyed the above instructions and intercepted them. Otherwise, how would we know John ’s identity? So Captain Huo thanked Ke but he was wrong. He should find us in the high-rise area of ​​the Hengduan Mountains. We just Where can the little people who work below afford?

As soon as this word fell, the atmosphere in the room suddenly condensed. Li Chaoran and Lin Zhanlong, who were sitting beside Pei Junlin, breathed a little sigh of relief and praised Pei Junlin's leak-free answer!

On the other hand, Huo Tianlin's people raised eyebrows, showing unpleasant faces.

"Pei Junlin ~ ~ I didn't understand what you meant."

The smile on Huo Tianlin's face has gradually disappeared: "As far as I know, the high-level aspects of this mission operation are fully entrusted to me by the Shennongjia Subdistrict, and there is nothing about you crossing the Mountain Division!"

"You and Li Chaoran belong to a horizontal insertion tank. I don't have any blame for it. After all, although everyone belongs to different divisions, the final goal is the same for the people of the country!"

"Don't worry, I will never forget Huo Tianlin's shots this time. When I do a report afterwards, I will write both the credit and the name of the two, and I will win the greatest reward for both ..."

"Captain Huo!"

He did not wait for Huo Tianlin to finish his speech, and Pei Junlin directly interrupted: "Maybe what I just explained is not clear enough. This task, we also participated in the above instructions!"

"As for whether the high-level task will be assigned to the Shennongjia subdivision alone or two of them will be arranged separately, we really don't know, you are telling us this here, it is a waste of words!"

"If you want to figure it all out, you have to call and ask us about the high-rises in the Hengduan Mountains!"

Pei Junlin's words dropped, and suddenly turned to Li Chaoran, who was beside him, and said, "Be aloof, give your father Li Xiulong's contact information to Captain Huo!"

Ps: The last week of the ip contest, Langya strives for ip tickets, capable brothers and sisters can give a reward! Thank you!

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