Silver Overlord

Chapter 859

Dragon steel’s long spear stabs on a tall steel shield, under the ferocious force of the sea, the body of the handsome Shatu man behind the big shield is instantly shattered, mouth spit blood, fine The steel shield slammed into him like an iron wall. In the squeaking of the whole body, Shatu’s body flew out and knocked several people behind him to the ground. Behind the spins, more than a dozen Shatu warriors screamed and fell, directly hitting a bloody road on the stone steps!

The two handsome Shatu masters rushed over and took the long spear like Yan Liqiang’s throat and saw the skills of the two Shatu people, at least the cultivation of the martial artist.

Under Yan Liqiang’s long spear, what Martial Hegemon Grand Martial martial artists are ants, not waiting for the two people’s long spear thorns to Yan Liqiang, Yan Liqiang’s long spear flashes, flying out two beautiful spear flowers, Spear spent the throat of two Shatu masters, the two Shatu masters, each snoring, and then fell to the ground.

In the next second, Yan Liqiang stepped into the chaotic formation of Shatu. The long spear of dragon steel bloomed in the hands of Yan Liqiang like a peacock. The splendid spear art rises like a rising sun. Just an instant, with Yan Liqiang as the origin, all Shatu people within a radius of three meters, the shield smashed the throat and flew out of the blood, and the formation of the Shatu on the entire stone step was already broken, so suddenly It is as straight as if Yan Liqiang digs up a large piece of meat at once, and vacates a large piece of land.

“Kill…” Zhao Dachuan rushed over, and with a big knife in his hand, he cut the two Shatu people into four on the steps with a single knife.

Shi Dafeng also rushed over, smashing a Shatu’s sternum, and then cutting a Shatu’s head again.

The brothers of the Gan Prefecture army and the bow-riding camp rushed up behind them, and the hand of the hand lifted up, and a smashing arrow flew out, directly shooting a large rush of Shatu people, in this melee. In the state, the power of the hair dryer is no less than the spear of the hand, which is very terrifying.

Full of smashing arrows from the piece that never stopped, the shouts of the Shatu on the stone steps turned into screams at this moment, one by one, rolling down on the stone steps, donating blood to the ground, and putting the original gray The stone steps were completely dyed red.

Yan Liqiang step by step, his body is like a dragon. Wherever he goes, he has a long spear or a sweep or a thorn. The Shatu people along the way, no matter what the masters are, they scream and drop, and donate blood. Long spear, even if the wall of the copper wall is crushed, let alone the flesh and blood and a little shield.

Behind Yan Liqiang, Zhao Dachuan and Shi Dafeng led countless fighters to follow up, killing the sound in the mouth, the arrow is like a rain, like a forest, just a moment of effort, just the Shatu people who are blocking the stone steps, just one They became the bodies on the stone steps.

With a cry, Yan Liqiang first rushed to the top of the stone steps, and Long spear swept away and swept seven or eight Shatu people around him, smashing the group of Shatu people around him. One by one, they fell to the ground.

There is a terrace of thousands of square meters, the temple of the Flame God Church of the Shatu, just behind the terrace, the Shatu people gathered here, there are only a hundred people.

Not waiting for those Shatu people to rush again, the soldiers who followed Yan Liqiang rushed to the terrace and spread out to the left and right of Yan Liqiang, in the sound of a machine and the sound of a smashing arrow. The Shatu people gathered around the group screamed and fell, the second batch of Shatu people rushed over, the soldiers behind them rushed up, and the sound of a machine rang, and the Shatu who rushed up fell again.

At this time, the horror power of the metal shackles in the melee was played out. It was only rushed to dozens of warriors. The shots of the smashing arrows and the batches of the squadrons were continuous. The only Shatu people, even if they wanted to There is no chance of being close to me, and the more soldiers that rushed up, the faster the Shatu people fell, the less than a minute of effort, and the more than one hundred Shatu people gathered on the terrace. No one can stand anymore, and all fell to the ground. On the entire terrace, they were all soldiers of the Gan Prefecture Army and the Bow Camp.

Everyone rushed toward the gates of the Temple of Flame God Church.

The outer wall of the god, all the rough granite blocks were built, thick and hard, and the gate of the temple was iron, and there was a pattern of Flame God Church on the gate. I really don’t know how much time the Shatu people spent. Built this temple.

“Touch… touch… touch…” More than a dozen soldiers of the Gan Prefecture army slammed into the door of the temple, and the door of the entire temple did not move.

Zhao Dachuan kicked himself and slammed his foot. The door was still motionless except for a muffled sound.

“Grandma’s, this door is still iron, the bolt inside should also be iron…” Zhao Dachuan smashed up and then told his men around him, “Go find a few cars, lift it here, and then fill the car with stones.” Mud, make a change, make a car, knock the door open!”

There is not much wood on this prairie, so Zhao Dachuan can only tell the men to take the materials on the spot, and to transform the equipment to break the iron gate of this temple.

“Don’t go, let me come!” Yan Liqiang called Zhao Dachuan’s men and walked to the iron gate of the temple. He looked up and down the iron gate and then slammed it out.

“Boom…”, the stone wall of the granite on both sides of the sturdy iron gate smashed at once, just like the tofu that was smashed and smashed by the madness, and the foot suddenly changed shape, and the tall iron gate that was completely recessed from the middle A thunderous thunder rang, and Yan Liqiang smashed out seven or eight meters, and squatted on the ground inside the temple.

Yan Liqiang The strength of this foot is terrible. It is beyond the understanding of everyone. It is not the temple in front of you. Even the sergeants on the terrace feel that the whole hill bag seems to be shaking, looking at Yan Liqiang one by one. The eyes are like a god who is looking at the gods, full of awe.

Shi Dafeng took the first man to the temple and just rushed into the temple. Shi Dafeng saw a face full of face, and the dress on his body seemed to be the old man of the Shatu priest. The old man seemed to be suddenly the door of the temple. The collapse was shocked and I watched Shi Dafeng, who was rushing in. The old Shatu man screamed palely. “I am…”

“Go to your mother…” Shi Dafeng didn’t wait for the Shatu priest to finish the conversation, and the knife fell, and the Shatu priest’s head was cut down with a knife.

A few more steps forward, seeing the hall of this temple, Shi Dafeng suddenly stopped…

On the altar in the hall, there was a burning flame, and in the middle of the hall, at this moment, full of people, all women and children, about eight or nine hundred people, crowded the hall It’s like canned.

Shi Dafeng looked at the people and found that many of those women were pregnant women with big belly, and some women, holding the baby in their hands, the other Shatu children, it looks like No more than ten years old, they are a group of children.

At this moment, those people are shivering one by one, the horrified eyes filled with tears, the pale, fearful face, curled up, cuddling, watching the Han warriors rushing into the hall, crying and crying, Like a lamb to be slaughtered, there is a little girl who wants to cry, but she is held a mouth by a woman beside him, not letting the little girl make a sound.

Looking at these people in front of me, Shi Dafeng has only two words in his heart – I rely on! If there are other Shatu people in front of him, Shi Dafeng must have cut it without hesitation. If it is outside the war, watching one or two such people fall in front of him, he will pretend not to look at it. Yes, because this is a war, in such a battle, I don’t care so much. At this moment, I look at the pregnant women who are pregnant in front of me, and the babies still in the shackles, and those who are still not tall. The childish child, his heart trembled, but the knife in his hand could not be cut towards these unarmed women and children and children.

Other fighters who rushed in also stumbled, but there were still soldiers who bite their teeth and wanted to do it.

“Stop…” Shi Dafeng saw someone trying to stab the long spear on his hand, and he screamed.

In the deafening pace, more and more fighters rushed in, completely surrounded the hall, and then Yan Liqiang came in and saw the scene in front of him.

Yan Liqiang also stumbled on her own. I didn’t expect the Shatu people to hide so many women and children in the most defensive place.

“Boss, you see this… this… what?” Shi Dafeng walked over to Yan Liqiang, grabbed his head in a dilemma, didn’t know what to say…

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