Silver Overlord

Chapter 860

Yan Liqiang did not expect that the Shatu people would hide so many children and children in their flame temple. Here, besides these people, there is no man who is taller than the wheel, and a soldier who rushes into the Temple of Fire. Holding a weapon on his hand and watching those who were shaking, he waited for Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang thinks that he is not too soft-hearted, but at this moment, watching the baby of the child’s monk, he feels his heart trembles.

After taking a deep breath, Yan Liqiang calmly ordered, “First drive them to the outside terrace, and then search the temple to see what the Shatu people still hide here!”


When the surrounding sergeants were given orders, they began to drive out the women and children in the hall and drive them out of the hall.

Seeing the surrounding sergeants want to drive themselves out, the silent and solid atmosphere in the hall was finally broken, and the Shatu women and children began to cry and cry, waiting for those people to come outside the hall and see the terrace outside the main hall. And the body and blood of the Shatu people all over the stone steps, the people who were driven out were even more alarmed. One child, woman, all burst into tears, and the clouds were foggy.

Yan Liqiang also walked out of the temple, stood on the steps of the temple, and looked at the women and children on the terrace.

At this time, Shi Changfeng, Shen Teng, Gong Tieshan, Wang Naiwu, and Lei Jun, the military officers of the Gan Prefecture Army, also arrived here. They had been swaying in other places before. I heard that the Shatu people were resisting, so they came over, only two minutes later. The resistance here has been cleaned up by Yan Liqiang. When I saw the crying women and children gathered on the terrace, they just asked, and they understood what was going on.

“Is there other people in the Shatu who are recalcitrant?” Yan Liqiang asked Shi Changfeng.

“Starting elder, the Shatu people around the Star Lake have basically been cleaned up. It is estimated that only a few Shatu people have been hiding in the grass or the lake last night, but they can’t hide for a long time. The Star Lake has been completely surrounded by us. One bright, it will be searched out soon!” Shi Changfeng replied, looking at the Shatu people’s women and children, and the eyes flashed a little, and hesitated a little, lowering the sound, “elder , killing these women and children, I am afraid… I’m afraid of being ominous…”

Shen Teng looked at Yan Liqiang, and he stopped talking, but his eyes were indeed unbearable.

“Is there any unknown, these Shatu scorpions, should kill, keep what they do?” Zhao Dachuan heard Shi Changfeng’s words, immediately squinted, said murderously next to it, “If elder is soft, do not want to see The next scene, just hand it over to me, it will be cleaned in a few moments!”

Other school officers did not speak, just looked at Yan Liqiang. Basically, the words of Shi Changfeng and Zhao Dachuan were already very representative. Some people felt that they could not bear it, but some people thought that they should put these Shatu. People kill clean.

To be honest, Yan Liqiang is also very contradictory. He wants to bite his teeth and let Zhao Dachuan handle it. But when I look at the women and children next to me, I feel cruel in my heart and can’t get my hands…

“elder, beg you, beg you, my child is innocent, he is still small, do not understand anything, you will kill me, kill me, leave a living path for my children…” among those women and children, Suddenly a woman squeezed through the crowd, rushed toward Yan Liqiang, and squatted after being held by the long spear guarded by Yan Liqiang. Then she opened the headscarf on her head and smashed it down.

The woman was in her twenties, bursting into tears, and holding a baby of about one year old in her arms. After she opened the towel, Yan Liqiang noticed her black hair and face, but she was still a Han Chinese. The appearance is a bit more delicate.

Yan Liqiang’s brow wrinkled slightly. “Are you a Han Chinese?”

“Yes, slaves are Han Chinese…”

“What is your name, how are you here?”

“The slave is called Liu Cuixi, Gan Prefecture. He was poor in his family. He had no mother. His father loved to gamble. When the slave was sixteen years old, his father owed his debts and sold me to the brothel. He was bought from a brothel by a Shatu two years ago. Going to the Gulang grassland, I saved a child last year…” The woman raised her face and looked at Yan Liqiang with tears. “Elder, slaves committed to Shatu, have a sin of sin, knowing that they are sinful and afraid to ask for elder. It’s just a slave child. It’s really innocent. Today is just the child’s one-year-old birthday. He just gave birth and didn’t even say anything. He didn’t know who his father was. What Seven Shatu Tribes did before, Nothing to do with him, ask elder to enlighten, give the slave children a way to live, and the slaves will do the next thing, repay elder Ende…”

The woman said, and her face prayed. The child in her arms may be hungry. She burst into tears. The woman saw the child crying and squatted directly on the floor to untie her clothes. Many sergeants began to breastfeed their children directly. The child who was just crying immediately ate milk, and immediately did not cry, but ate it with a big mouth.

“Hey… Hey… Hey… Baby doesn’t cry… Baby doesn’t cry… Mom doesn’t cry… Mom doesn’t cry… They say Mom can’t cry when she is breastfeeding… Otherwise milk is bitter… Baby If you eat it, you will get sick…” The woman looked down at her child with a loving look, wiped her tears, and showed a smile on her face. “This is the last time my mother has fed you milk. Eat more, or you won’t be able to eat it later…”

At this moment, the entire terrace was silent, just in the bloody corpses and corpses of the land, under the numerous spear arrows, a mother kneeling on the ground, bare chest to feed the child’s picture, seems to have an unspeakable impact Even Zhao Dachuan, who was just awkward, was quiet at this moment.

Yan Liqiang sighed and turned and looked at the sky in the distance. He didn’t say a word. A woman behind her had nurtured the child. He turned and looked at the woman and the women and children of the Shatu. Saying to a guardian who is next to Shatu in his side, “What do I say below, you translate it to these Shatu people…”

“Yes, elder!” The guard nodded.

“I am Yan Hanqiang, Great Han Empire…” Yan Liqiang looked solemn and glanced at the women and children of the Shatu people with majestic eyes.

The guard then loudly translated the words of Yan Liqiang into Shatu and shouted out, so that all Shatu people on the terrace could hear it.

“I took the soldiers into the Gulang grassland this time, not aggression, but crusade. The Gulang grassland was originally the territory of our Great Han Empire. When your Seven Shatu Tribes was in the first place, we sheltered you and let you breed here. It’s just that you are Seven Shatu Tribes, but you’re envious of the enemy, the wolf ambition, the first to destroy the Yunyun Supervisor, and then the Black-Ox Tribe. For decades, I have committed countless crimes against my Great Han Empire and the Northwest people. Countless, this is the newspaper of today. You are the Seven Shatu Tribes. Today is a sin, and it is not worth the pity and sympathy. All the dead Shatu people are in my eyes, I am very proud. I am very proud today. I can lead my heroic soldiers to completely remove your Seven Shatu Tribes from the Gulang grassland and restore the glory and majesty of the Great Han Empire in the Gulang grassland!”

“Wansheng”, “Wansheng” and “Wansheng”…

Yan Liqiang Just finished, all the sergeants on the top and bottom of the terrace screamed at the weapons in their hands. After the translation was finished, Yan Liqiang went on.

“I once vowed to Heaven that all of your Seven Shatu Tribes should be wiped out, and that one should not leave, let every Seven Shatu Tribes use blood and life to wash the shackles of your men and elders. But when I saw you today, I also remembered a sentence saying that God has a good life. Today I will give you a chance to see if God wants to use your hand to destroy you, or to leave you a line of life for these women and children. Here, Yan Liqiang looked at Liu Cuiyu, who was kneeling in front of him. “Your son is not just one year old today. According to the habits of Chinese Han people, let him grab a squat today, I put it in front of him. Four things, if he catches a weapon, don’t blame me for being ruthless. If he catches something else, I will let all of you live a life today!”

The words were translated, and the Shatu people understood it. All of a sudden, the eyes of all Shatu people were concentrated on the child who was just over the age of Liu Cuiyu. Yan Liqiang put four people on the floor. Things, a knife, an arrow, a piece of silver, and a step of wool cloth on the ground, then touched the child’s head, let the child climb and choose.

“Children… our lives are in your hands…” Liu Cuiwei shuddered and put his children on the ground, letting his children choose things.

At the beginning, I saw that the child who had just had enough milk crawled toward the knife. All the women and children of the Shatu were like earthy and sweaty, but the child only climbed a few steps and turned, first on the ground. After sitting for a few seconds, I climbed straight into the face of the silver and wool cloth, then grabbed a piece of silver in one hand, grabbed a piece of wool cloth in one hand, and then giggled…

In just two minutes, Liu Cuiyu’s back was all soaked. When she saw her child picking up silver and wool cloth, Liu Cuizhen couldn’t help herself, crying and crying, then one Put your child in your arms.

Shi Changfeng Shen Teng and others looked at each other and suddenly let out a big breath.

“From today, there is no Seven Shatu Tribes in this world. If I hear any news from Seven Shatu Tribes, even if I am separated by thousands of miles, I can send people to destroy you. You must not stay in Gulang again. The grasslands, and will never be allowed to step into the Great Han Empire in the future!” Yan Liqiang said to the Shatu people’s women and children, then looked at Shi Dafeng, “Dafeng, you look at them, give them a horse, let They took everything they could take, and then sent 500 people to send them out to the Gulang grassland…”

“Where are you going?” Shi Dafeng grabbed his head.

“From here to the west, turning over the Moon Hill is the desert of the Western Regions. Where did they come from?”


“Thank you for elder, thank you elder…” Liu Cuiyi held her own child and squatted down again to Yan Liqiang.

“You will do it yourself in the future!” Yan Liqiang waved his hand and Shi Dafeng took the women and children away from the terrace.

Looking at these women and children walking down the hill, Yan Liqiang also felt a long sigh of relief, a feeling of easyness.

“elder is benevolent, admirable!” Seeing that Zhao Dachuan also walked away, Shi Changfeng smiled at Yan Liqiang.

“Histor elder, what is the meaning of this, this is God’s will!” Yan Liqiang said in a serious way.

“Cough…cough…is indeed God’s will, it is indeed God’s will, God is going to leave a way for these women and children, I lost my word…” Shi Changfeng blinked and sighed, “These women and children left the ancient waves.” The grasslands, entering the deserts of the Western Regions, and wanting to return to the Shatu Alliance, it is impossible. If they do not die on the road, the best result is that they will be obeyed by the tribes of the Western countries and become slave servants. Point women and children, in a different place, surrounded by foreigners, it is impossible to turn up any waves, it is good to survive. After two generations, these people and the aliens get married, one is assimilated, they are not themselves Know where you came from…”

“I hope so!” Yan Liqiang smiled softly.

Just then, an officer who had searched the temple before rushed to the front of Yan Liqiang. “Starting elder, we found a lot of gold and silver in the temple, and found a prisoner in the dungeon below the temple…”

It is not unexpected to find the gold and silver Yan Liqiang, but it is strange to say that a prisoner is found. “Prisoner, what kind of prisoner, bring me to see!”


After a while, the prisoner dressed in tattered hair and beards was brought together. When seeing the prisoner, Yan Liqiang was happy. The prisoner was not a Shatu or a Han, but a foreigner. “Yes, a foreigner, a high-nosed, red-haired, blue-eyed foreigner. At first glance, this foreigner has a point like Yan Liqiang’s fellow of Bethune who had been on the television for the last time.” Take the elder…

“Black hair… Dark eyes… You… are you big men… The army of the Great Han Empire?” The old man who was taken to Yan Liqiang saw Yan Liqiang, stuttering and asking in a half-baked Chinese.

“Well, yes, I am Yan Han, Great Han Empire. Who are you?” Yan Liqiang asked.

After listening to Yan Liqiang’s tears, the foreigner suddenly left tears, then squatted on the floor and burst into tears. The whole person was so excited that he continued to beat the ground…

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