Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 727 The Complainant of the Orphanage

When Lu Xin's repressed and angry roar sounded, the twisting force field on his body also violently aroused along with the roar.

The surrounding air instantly twisted layer by layer.

Like a kind of shocking ripple, it rushed to the surrounding walls in an instant, and then bounced back.

During this process, the twisting force field filled the entire office, and also flooded all the black silk threads. In an instant, all the black silk threads were broken and fell to the ground. They struggled painfully and disappeared little by little. And those chaotic, overlapping and intertwined laughter, as well as the strange figure, were also washed away in an instant, making a sharp cry, and then washed away by his spiritual power.

Even Mr. Xiaolu suddenly stopped struggling, and when he looked at her again, he would find that everything just now seemed to be just an illusion. There was no black silk thread on her body, she just lay quietly on the sofa, only the hair on her wrist The dressing is very conspicuous.

The office was shaking, as if in an earthquake.

In the security booth at the gate, the old security guard suddenly raised his head and took the shotgun he had prepared earlier in his hand.

But looking at the only dimly lit office in the teaching building, he hesitated, wondering whether he should go up or not.



"Number Nine..."

After a while after Lu Xin yelled, after the trembling in the office stopped, a voice rang out softly.

Lu Xin turned his head indifferently, and looked at the door of the bathroom behind him.

The door of the public toilet was broken, half-opened and half-closed, and the mirror could be seen through the broken hole.

Lu Xin saw that in the mirror, there was a person walking out slowly.

He was wearing a black suit and was carrying a silver suitcase in his hand.

Like going through a window, he got out of the mirror in a little embarrassment, and then walked out of the bathroom.

The white shirt seemed to be stained with blood, and the hair was not combed as neatly as before.

When he came to the living room, he looked at Lu Xin, Xu Jing, or number eight with painful eyes.

The moment Lu Xin saw him, he couldn't help but move his feet.

She wished she could immediately pull him in front of her and question him seriously.

"It wasn't me just now..."

But before Lu Xin's palm grabbed his neck, No. 8 sighed deeply, and said in a low voice:

"I didn't make her do this."

"I also noticed that she had suicidal thoughts, so I rushed here from outside the city."


Lu Xin's palm stopped in front of him.

In fact, he could also feel that before Mr. Xiaolu cut his wrist, there was no clear fluctuation of mental power.

Even the madness and weirdness that appeared in the bath room just now appeared because of a strong mental change after she committed suicide.

"So, what's going on here?"

Lu Xin's palm was slowly lowered, and after a moment of silence, he kicked the chair under his feet in front of No. 8.

This is asking him to sit down, after all, hospitality is required.

"She's under too much pressure..."

No. 8 didn't sit down, but just said in a low voice: "During this time, I've been trying my best to find a way to save her, but I didn't expect that even though it has been delayed for such a long time, the contract itself is so important to her. It has a growing impact."

"I don't know if she is under pressure from other aspects, but..."

"He actually chose to commit suicide before execution..."


Lu Xin was silent.

But I already have the answer in my heart.

Is it because I am guarding Teacher Xiaolu here, which has increased the pressure in her heart?

This may be part of the reason, and more importantly, she is on the verge of collapse. When I look at her, I am silent and stubborn, and my mental strength is a little confused, but even if I face to face, I don't know that she has been tortured to the extreme.

She couldn't even bear it, and was about to end her life early.

It was precisely because of this spirit that was on the verge of collapse that when she committed suicide, her mental power was scattered and radiated.

So I perceived her bizarre and distorted inner world.

The endless auditory hallucinations and hallucinations, even if I only felt it for a moment, I felt abnormal depression and pain...

And she was tormented by this feeling every day?



After a moment of silence, Lu Xin suddenly raised his head to look at No. 8, and said in a low voice, "So, what's going on?"

It's still the same question as before, but the content of the question is different.

Moreover, Lu Xin's tone has become more serious, and there are black particles faintly floating in his eyes.

No. 8 felt Lu Xin's anger, standing in front of Lu Xin, he could clearly feel the pressure from him.

But he fell silent.

"answer me……"

Lu Xin suddenly spoke again, and the whole room trembled.

The surrounding desks, lamps, and walls all became blurred, as if distorted and elongated. Only his figure became clearer and clearer in this blur, but the pressure he gave people became more and more Heavy, almost driving people crazy.

His will is strengthened in this distortion.

Just three simple words, but enough to convey more ideas.

Answer me: Why did you sign such a contract with Teacher Xiaolu?

Answer me: what is she guilty of?

Answer me: Who actually sued her?

Answer me: If you can't solve this problem, how do you want to die?




Under the pressure from Lu Xin, Number Eight couldn't help but take two steps back.

The invisible pressure crushed his body inch by inch, making him feel like his body was resisting a mountain.

His spirit was on the verge of collapse, and a kind of fear and awe from the instinctive level tormented his body and mind.

He could barely bear the torture and was about to collapse on the ground.

And under this invisible pressure, he suddenly shouted desperately: "Because of you!"


Lu Xin, who was in the middle of the invisible twist, turned cold in an instant, looking at his face.

On the other hand, No. 8 became a little crazy, and the blood in his eyes came out: "No one wants to judge Xiaolu."

"I do not know either."

"I want to judge you, always you."

"I want you to pay the due price for those who died in the orphanage..."


Compared with the coercion unconsciously released by Lu Xin at this time, when No. 8 was angry, both in terms of strength and oppression, it was faintly lower.

But his anger was not inferior to that of Lu Xin at this time.

This anger also affected Lu Xin.

Especially when he mentioned the dead people in the orphanage, Lu Xin's chaotic mental strength suddenly subsided slightly.

His gaze was no longer so solid and powerful, and guilt flashed by.

Looking at No. 8 quietly, after a while, he whispered: "Since it's me, then..."


No. 8 took a few deep breaths, and looked at Teacher Xiaolu lying on the sofa.

Even though she has fallen into a coma, her expression is very painful, full of guilt that cannot be resolved.

The white gauze wrapped around his wrist is extremely conspicuous in this dim office.

"I didn't expect her to do this..."

After a while, No. 8 replied in a low voice: "I just want to seek justice for those who died in the orphanage."

"However, if I want to get justice, I need the power of the midnight court."

"I'm a law enforcement officer, so I can't file a complaint with you, so I must find someone to sue you..."


He spoke slowly, his voice trembling unnaturally: "I found Xiaolu and mentioned it to her."

"I told her about the fate of the children in the orphanage, and told her who are still alive..."

"What's more, I told her about people who were dying forever."

"Who else has fallen into eternal fear because of you..."


"They shouldn't."

He gritted his teeth suddenly, looking a little nervous: "They didn't do anything wrong, why did they end up like this?"

"We are getting better and better, but why should they be forgotten?"

"So, I want to get justice for them, I need someone to file a complaint against you, and then..."

He raised his head abruptly, fixed his gaze on Lu Xin's face, his eyes were bloodshot, and said word by word:

"Judge you."


Lu Xin fell silent, facing No. 8 at this moment, even he was afraid to look directly at him.

What he saw at this time was not No. 8, but the faces full of fear that were so clear in his memory.



"I think I've made it clear enough."

When No. 8 said this, his voice suddenly trembled again: "I also think she can understand."

He looked at Teacher Xiaolu, helplessness and sadness appeared on his face: "But I didn't expect that even if she explained the truth to me, she assured her that I would definitely be able to kill a monster like you." During the trial, she still made a decision that I didn't expect, she didn't refuse my request to let her sue, but the person she sued was not you..."

"She accused herself."


When Lu Xin heard this, he suddenly raised his head, hesitant to speak.

"She said that if justice was to be given to those children who died, it was she who should be judged."

No. 8, while talking, squatted down slowly, looked at Teacher Xiaolu, feeling unspeakably tired: "That's why I left as soon as possible after you came back, I originally wanted to talk to you Let's talk, but I have to go and fix this..."

"I'm going to explain to the Midnight Court that it was a misunderstanding..."

"But I didn't expect that the problem would be so troublesome, because she not only accused herself, but also directly pleaded guilty."

"The trial contract between the midnight court and her has been reached."

"And once the contract is reached, it cannot be canceled."

"What's more, the midnight court has gone through an investigation and has established a fact..."

As if exhausting his last strength, he slowly said the last sentence: "She is indeed guilty."




Lu Xin already understood the explanation before No. 8.

He even had complicated emotions because of this truth, and fell into a deep confusion.

However, when No. 8 said the last words, he was suddenly hit by an unexpected surprise, and he shone with astonishment.

At this moment, he even felt that the midnight court was very absurd...

If the misunderstanding at the beginning is barely understandable, then the rest is even nonsense...

How could Teacher Xiaolu be guilty?

Miss Deer, she...



"I am indeed guilty."

Suddenly a weak voice sounded.

Lu Xin and No. 8 turned their heads at the same time, and saw Teacher Xiaolu had opened his eyes at some point.

She who had bled a lot just now, her face was abnormally pale, and her spirit was on the verge of losing control, which also made her eyes a little dazed. She was sitting up from the sofa with some difficulty, and slowly pulled her legs under the sofa. A sense of confusion.


She looked up at No. 8 feebly, then looked at Lu Xin again, and explained in a low voice:

"If a knife kills someone, the one who is guilty is not the knife, but the person holding the knife."

"A monster eats people, the one who is guilty is not the monster, but... the person who released the monster!"

"So, I am the one who is guilty..."

"From the beginning, it was me who caused these things to happen."


Her expression was dull, she looked at Lu Xin in a daze, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, showing a weird smile:

"Number Nine, I knew you were a monster from the beginning..."

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