Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 506 Steam battleship escort?

French Empire, Paris.

Napoleon III was listening to the reports of Prime Minister Olivier and Foreign Minister Edmond Drouin de Lu.

Foreign Minister Edmond Drouin de Ruy said solemnly: "The Institute of International Affairs of the University of Paris, a Paris think tank established by President Locke of the University of Paris, modeled on relevant institutions in the Netherlands, analyzed that due to threats from London, the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives Huntington If he really visits Spain, he will be escorted by the Dutch naval fleet and escorted directly to the Port of Gijon on the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic Ocean at the junction with France to ensure that no dangerous accidents occur."

Napoleon III asked: "So, Huntington is indeed prepared to visit Spain regardless of the opposition of the British Empire?"

"Yes," Edmond Drouin de Lu followed: "According to the data, I think that Huntington's visit to Spain will definitely not provoke the Anglo-Dutch war crisis, and I think he should go.

At the same time, I believe that Huntington’s decision to not visit Spain and to back down in the face of obvious coercion and intimidation tactics from London would be to send the wrong message at the wrong time. Therefore, I do not think Huntington will back down. "

"Also, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington originally went there a few years ago, but it was canceled due to the suppression of Prime Minister Tolbeck. This time, as the mid-term election period approaches, and the strength of the Netherlands has greatly increased, that is why it is so of persistence in action.

London reacted strongly at this time because London saw opportunities from the Dutch Ministry of Defense, the Prime Minister's Office, and the Dutch Cabinet Government. These institutions have all sent out the signal that "coercion is useful", so London is currently raising its voice. But I don’t think London will actually attack. I think London is bluffing. "

Napoleon III nodded, looked at the silent Prime Minister Olivier next to him, and asked: "What does the Prime Minister think?"

Olivier seemed prepared and said: "I also analyzed the current tensions between the Netherlands and the UK. It is not in the interest of the British Empire to provoke a crisis or conflict with the Netherlands. If the British navy attacks the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, the UK and the Netherlands will There will be a war.”

Olivier said: "I don't think London would be crazy enough to want a war with the Netherlands"

Napoleon III asked with interest: "Should the Dutch Ministry of Defense still maintain readiness?"

"Of course," Olivier replied: "I think the ideal situation is that Huntington returns to Spain and will be escorted. Due to the threat from the UK, as the Foreign Secretary just said, the Paris think tank International University of Paris The Institute of Foreign Affairs’ analysis believes that this is the case, and I fully agree with it. As the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Netherlands will at least send a large fleet to escort it.”

Olivier guessed. "The relationship between the Netherlands and the French Empire is not very friendly, and the relationship with the United Kingdom is similar. Therefore, the always large fleet can make people feel more at ease, and it can also establish the French Empire's prestige, so as to ensure that no dangerous accidents occur."

Napoleon III asked: "What is the attitude of the British side?"

Foreign Secretary Edmund Drouin de Lui responded at this time: "The London Times, the mouthpiece of the British ruling Tory party, issued an article stating that if Huntington visits Spain and simultaneously publishes a speech against the British rule of Gibraltar, Unfavorable remarks, I suggest that the British Navy can send troops to intercept Huntington when he returns, and can also send the British Home Fleet to suppress and support."

The newspaper analyzed Huntington's possible route of interview. Whether it was from passing through the English Channel directly to the Bay of Biscay, or from visiting Lisbon in Portugal and turning back to Spain, both options would be in the Atlantic Ocean, which provided the British Navy with interception and escort. possible. "

Napoleon III asked with some emotion: "As a result, the relationship between Britain and the Netherlands will become tense?"

This time Prime Minister Olivier replied: "According to our sources in London, many people in London are very dissatisfied. If Huntington visits Spain and launches a provocation against the British Gibraltar, London believes that this will constitute an Anglo-Dutch conflict." For major events in the relationship, London must be prepared for a full showdown. Many people in London also believe that they hope that the British Navy can achieve maritime hegemony, which is in line with the identity and image of the British Empire. This great companionship will accompany Huntington on his visit to Spain. "

"The British Foreign Secretary Russell said regarding the incident of Huntington's visit that if the Netherlands insists on going its own way, the Netherlands will be responsible for all consequences. Russell also said that London has recently expressed to the Dutch government in Amsterdam its firm opposition to Huntington's serious concerns and seriousness about Britain's intervention in Gibraltar. position."

Olivier said: "However, Mark Ruede, Chief of General Staff of the Netherlands Ministry of Defense, said that he had personally talked with Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington and provided him with the security agency's assessment. In addition, sources said that the Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck also met with Huntington behind the scenes to clarify the potential risks of the visit. According to information sent back by our insiders in Amsterdam, the Dutch Ministry of Defense briefed Huntington yesterday to explain the attitudes of the United Kingdom and Spain. , and Gibraltar, a place that could trigger tensions between Britain and Spain."

Finally, Olivier pointed out: "Your Majesty, the trip of the Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington seems to have been shaped by the Dutch government as being related to the national security of the Netherlands. However, the Dutch government seems to have left it alone and only stated that Only he decides on his own journey, starting today to visit Portugal, Italy, Greece, and of course Spain, but I don’t know if he will go to the Spanish side of Gibraltar, the rumored place, to make pro-Western remarks.”

"So it seems that the risk index of the current situation is not too high?" Napoleon III asked disappointedly.

"At present, it seems that the Netherlands has no intention to directly fall out with the United Kingdom." Edmond Drouin de Lu, "However, the Netherlands does not seem to be willing to bow to the British easily, so there are Tolbeck and Dislay. The Prime Minister of Liberia communicated via telegram, so I guess that this may be an opportunity for the Netherlands to ask for benefits from the UK, and this opportunity was created by the Netherlands itself."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The Netherlands could actually use Gibraltar as a breakthrough feature to make it possible for Britain and Spain to confront each other, and to maintain the Netherlands and make profits. Why didn't the French Empire think of this approach before?

If it did what the Netherlands did, the French Empire would not fall back and fall out with Spain like it is now, and it would seem to be an enemy.

Napoleon III also changed his face and regretted it. In order not to anger the British, when Spain repeatedly asked France to support their claim to Gibraltar, the French senior officials represented by him avoided talking about it, and finally angered the British. Isabel II turned pro-French and turned anti-French, causing France to lose a loyal, reliable and powerful ally. If he could never do it again, he would definitely risk the wrath of Britain and support Spain. Unfortunately, it seems that at present, late.

Just as he was thinking this, there was a knock on the door.

Several people frowned and looked towards the door.

High-level meetings are generally not disturbed. Napoleon III's captain of the bodyguard could not have known this. In this case, it would obviously be interrupted only if something urgent happened.

Napoleon III shouted to the door: "Come in"

After the captain of the guard came in nervously, he quickly walked beside Napoleon III and whispered softly. The two people next to him were a little curious.

After a long time, Napoleon III faced the doubts of the two men. He said with an unprecedented seriousness on his face: "The analysis of President Locke of the University of Paris is correct. The Netherlands Ministry of Defense announced that the Netherlands has decided to mobilize warships to protect the safety of Speaker Huntington when he visits various countries, including the steam battleship Rotterdam."

After Napoleon III finished speaking, Olivier and Foreign Minister Edmond Drouin de Lu were shocked and actually dispatched a steam battleship?

Just as Olivier, Foreign Minister Edmond Drouin de Lu, and Napoleon III were shocked by the Netherlands' "generous gesture", they were all shocked by the fact that the Netherlands even dispatched the battleship Rotterdam. You must know that the steam battleship is currently the most advanced maritime weapon in the world. The Netherlands' use of it means that the Netherlands will not easily compromise to Britain's so-called escort threat, and this reflects that the Netherlands will not let its speaker become someone else's. Threat object.

Huntington, Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, is about to embark on a trip to southern Europe, especially the visit to Spain, which has escalated military risks. The Dutch Ministry of Defense announced on the afternoon of February 18, 1869 that it was developing countermeasures and would use the Rotterdam steam battleship for protection if necessary. Speaker Huntington’s trip is safe.

According to reports, this security machine= plan formulated by Aquilia, Commander of the Southern Fleet of the Dutch Home Fleet, according to the process, must first be approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense Mark Rudd, and will also be contacted by Prime Minister Tolbeck. Make a report.

Announcement at this time means that it will only be announced with the approval and consent of the two people.

A senior official from the Dutch Ministry of Defense told the European Times: "As expected, any time a Dutch official of our own is visiting, we will look at how to ensure the safety of this official. This is very important and is also the responsibility of our Ministry of Defense. It’s our duty and no one will think this is unreasonable.”

It is understood that the Dutch government has begun to say hello to Spain in advance. As well as visiting countries, their warships will also play a protective role. In addition, the Dutch Ministry of Defense is also planning policies. If a gunfire occurs at sea, it must ensure that everyone Speaker's safety.

According to insiders in "European Times", Huntington plans to visit Spain in the next few days as part of his southern European tour, and has invited Dutch parliamentarians from the liberal and Christian rivals to accompany him. The newspaper pointed out that Huntington If he really visits Spain and expresses his dissatisfaction with Britain, he will become the first high-ranking European official in history to intervene in the dispute between Spain and Britain over Gibraltar.

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