Rhine looked at the God Princess in astonishment.

The divine concubine who used to be noble and cold and arrogant is now as weak as she has ever seen before. Her face is pale, her arms are trembling, and her eyes are lifeless. She seems to be a delicate flower that has just been ravaged by a storm. It is so dilapidated that it is almost withered. Heartbreak.

Lain's eyes were complicated. He was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, what are you..."

"do not worry about it......"

The God Princess smiled weakly: "Every time he draws his gun, I become like this... I'm used to it."

"Oh...is that so?"

Rhine didn't seem to accept this answer, but he didn't know how to refute it, so he sat helplessly next to the God Princess.

Rhine: "I heard that the God King personally conquered Caldera today."

"um, yes......"

The God Princess looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance: "Today, he destroyed Caldera with that gun. I'm sorry. Caldera was once one of the most prosperous places in the kingdom of heaven, but now it has been destroyed, and the high elves have been damaged again." He gained a piece of power that could have been used to fight against Yuanji."

The God Princess said helplessly: "But there is no way. Perhaps it is precisely because Caldera's life is too rich that it causes tragedy... Your Highness Rhine, are mortal countries often corrupted by the Nether Realm? ?”

Rhine shook his head: "Corruption is common, but it is rare for a country to collapse so seriously. In fact, in my opinion, the local people's prosperous life is only one of the factors for the destruction of Caldera. Your Royal Highness, you have a prosperous life in the mortal world. , there are many countries with high people's happiness, but not all countries will succumb to the Netherland. In the final analysis, it is still because of the leader's negligence."


The God Princess nodded lightly: "The corrosion of the Nether Realm is due to the willing transaction between mortals and demons. If the high elves in heaven cannot even resist the temptation of the Nether Realm, how can they be able to fight against the demon star? The front line..."

Unfortunately, the God Princess has little hope for this.

The God Princess looked at Rhine.

Today, Rhine's face looked a little complicated, and he was not as calm as in the past. The God Princess smiled and asked: "Your Highness, are you worried?"

"No, I just can't accept seeing you like this..."

Rhine sighed:

"Your Highness, I heard something in heaven recently that surprised me... When the God King summoned the Shining Star weapon, did he activate the Shining Star phenomenon through a ritual?"

God Princess: "Well, yes."

Rhine: "But the truly chosen hero should be able to easily trigger the twinkling stars as long as he touches the body of the star elf."

God Princess: "Yeah...I know."

God Princess: "But, he is still the God King of Heaven."

Hearing this, Lain nodded with some relief: "Really? In other words, you can still smell the hero's scent from the God King, right?"

The God Princess was stunned: "Huh?"

Rhine was also stunned for a moment: "What's wrong?"

The God Princess asked in confusion: "Smell... breath? What does that mean?"

Rhine was a little surprised, as if he couldn't believe that the God Princess would ask such a question. He explained: "That is the way the star elves screen heroes. The star elves can use their sense of smell to most efficiently find candidates worthy of entrusting Shuo Xing. Don't you think so?" Haven't you ever smelled a strange fragrance on the God King?"

The God Princess was silent.

There is no special smell on the God King's body.

On the contrary, every time she got along with Rhine, the alluring fragrance on his body always made the God Princess find it difficult to control herself and almost fell in love with it.

The God Princess said truthfully: "I have never smelled the smell of a hero on him. Of all the princes in heaven, no one can make me smell that smell..."

The God Princess smiled bitterly: "I always thought my nose was malfunctioning."

As she said that, the God Princess secretly glanced at Lain.

Until... I met you.

The God Princess suddenly had a ridiculous idea.

If the strange fragrance on Rhine's body is the star elf's heroic sense, it is working... Doesn't it mean that Rhine is the one worthy of her entrustment to Shuangxing?

If it were Rhine, would he be able to directly touch her body without relying on any rituals, and then easily pull out the Star Weapon?

However, the God Princess soon gave up this absurd idea.

Commandments of the Star Court - Star elves can only choose one god king in their lifetime.

The God Princess forced herself to smile: "But fortunately, there is also the burning star spell developed by the Star Court, which can promote the phenomenon of twinkling stars. In this way, even if there is no suitable person, I can still play my due role... .It’s pretty good too.”

Rhine looked at the Divine Princess with an unspeakable sadness in his eyes: "Is this what you think, Divine Princess?"

"if not......"

The God Princess smiled bitterly: "I have made an oath with Sommerfeld. I am his tool and his wife. I will serve him with my whole life. This is my mission. The other star elves also do the same. Life may be painful, but for the mission, I...will persevere."

Rhine hesitated, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he showed a smile:

"Your perseverance and compassion are far better than your husband, God Princess. You are the only person I have met in heaven who deserves my admiration."

"You too, Your Highness Rhine."

Men and women from two different worlds looked at each other and saw helplessness and bitterness in each other's eyes.

In this decadent country that has been ruined by Yuanjie silently.

The only two normal people felt deeply powerless.

In the end, this meeting ended in regret.


That night.

In order to celebrate his triumph, the God-King held another luxurious dinner.

The God Princess was also forced to participate by the God King.

Very helpless,

Dragging her weak body, the God Princess arrived at the banquet.

Here, she met Rhine again.

And...Moonlight King?

The God Princess once again couldn't understand the God King's mind: "Your Majesty, why did you invite them both at the same time?"

"Don't worry, concubine."

The God King smiled and said: "Of course I know that the Moonlight King and the prince have conflicts, but Brother Lain said that for my sake, he will live in harmony with the Moonlight King, so I don't mind and just enjoy the banquet."

Princess Goddess: "Your Majesty, Your Highness Rhine is just being polite to you, you can't take it seriously..."

However, the God King didn't believe it at all: "How is it possible? Prince Rhine and I are brothers in love, and we are sincere to each other!"

Princess of God: "..."

She felt tired again for the God King's naivety.

Fortunately, the atmosphere of today's banquet was indeed quite harmonious. King Moonlight and Prince Hein enjoyed the banquet separately without disturbing each other, and there was no intention of getting into any tense situations.

Today, perhaps to show that he was not a threat, Prince Heine did not even bring his demigod sister to the banquet.

Obviously, Moonlight King also has the dignity of being a demigod. Even though she is full of hatred for Rhine, she is not shameless enough to bully a mortal with the power of a demigod.

The conflict between the two was thus alleviated.

"But let's talk, Rhine is really good at drinking."

The God King looked at Rhine drinking cup after cup of wine, marveling at it and admiring it immensely.

The God King praised: "You are not old, but you drink a lot. He is a hero!"

The God Princess sighed, she silently left the God King and came to the Moonlight King.

The God Princess was listless and asked with a wry smile: "Alice, can you lend me a seat?"

Alice welcomed her very much: "Sister, please sit down!"

During the time when Laita and Hein's two distinguished guests visited the Kingdom of Heaven, the God Princess not only established a friendship with Lein, but she and the Moonlight King also became close best friends.

Perhaps this word is not appropriate to describe the leaders of the two countries, but yes... the personal relationship between the God Princess and the Moonlight King is indeed very good.

Ever since the accident at the last banquet made the two get acquainted, they immediately became familiar with each other and quickly became friends.

And unlike wanting to meet the Rhine Prince, the Godly Princess also wanted to try her luck in the wheat fields.

When she gets along with the Moonlight King of the same gender, she doesn't need to be so particular about it.

The two often visit each other, and now they have begun to treat each other as sisters.

The God Princess sat next to the Moonlight King. Alice was still itching with hatred when she saw Rhine today.

However...compared to his hatred for Prince Hein.

Alice's eyes today seemed to be more surprised.

Moonlight King frowned: "How strange..."

Princess God: “What’s wrong?”

Alice stared at Rhine Hein in confusion: "I remember this guy doesn't like drinking."


The God Princess was stunned.

Your Highness Rhine...don't you like fine wine?

But today, he drank very hard.

Alice was also very confused about this. She thought for a moment and said to herself:

"Did this guy get some kind of stimulation? Hehe, he is probably a treacherous traitor who is plotting for the Kingdom of Heaven, but today he saw the power of Sister Shenfei's Shining Star Spear, so he must be scared."

Alice smiled and asked: "You think so, sister?"

The God Princess smiled bitterly and did not answer.

Of course she knew that Rhine's depression was not due to fear of Shuo Xing.

The Hein Empire, with its Oath Angel and Histia, is not afraid of any country in the world, even the God-King who holds the Star Weapon, he will not take it lightly.

I'm afraid that the reason that really makes Rhine feel sad and even need to drink to relieve his sorrow is actually...

The God Princess trembled in her heart.

She had an incredible guess that seemed to be the only reasonable one.

Could it be...

Is Your Highness sad for me?

Recalling the sadness on Rhine's face when they met in the wheat field today.

The God Princess was stunned, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Because he didn't bring his sister with him, Rhine sat alone in a corner, not talking or eating, but just drinking in silence.

From time to time he would cast a glance at the God Princess, but then quickly move away.

When the big-hearted God King saw this, he enthusiastically sat down next to Rhine and brought several bottles of good wine. While drinking heavily, he kept pouring wine for Rhine.

Rhine, who was too drunk, did not refuse. With a bitter smile, as if he was punishing himself, he forced himself to drink one glass of wine after another.

The God Princess looked at this scene and felt heartbroken for the first time.

How long has it been since the party...

The God Princess can no longer remember clearly.

Her heart was completely drawn to Rhine. During the entire banquet, she was absent-minded, only looking at Rhine worriedly again and again.

It wasn't until Rhine was almost unconscious from drunkenness that he staggered to his feet. He drove away the servant who wanted to help him and left alone.

Rhine is gone.

The God Princess, who was worried about Rhine, also asked the Moonlight King to cover her, and found a reason to leave quietly.

Chapter 192: The divine concubine who is not qualified as a wife is pulled out of Shuangxing by a man other than her husband

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