In the quiet back garden of the palace, Rhine staggered around, walked to a pavilion, and sat down.

He was confused and almost unconscious.

This feeling was terrible, so he subconsciously activated magic, hoping to use it to cure his drunkenness...

However, at this time, a jade hand covered with long white gloves grabbed Rhine and dispelled the upcoming spell for Rhine.

Rhine raised his head and looked at the face of the God Princess full of worry and concern:

"Your Highness, don't use magic in heaven, it will make your situation worse."

Rhine showed a silly smile: "Yes, really..."

Seeing Rhine's embarrassment, the God Princess felt even more distressed.

She sat next to Lain and said softly: "Let me treat you."

Rhine declined vaguely: "How, how dare you trouble the concubine of God..."

"Stop saying that."

The God Princess smiled bitterly and activated the astrological spell to relieve Rhine's pain.

Gradually, Rhine seemed to regain some consciousness, and his cloudy pupils became much clearer.

The God Princess asked gently: "Are you feeling better?"

Rhine's speech was still a little unclear. He tried hard to answer: "Okay, I feel much better..."

"Ah That's good."

Just when the God Princess was preparing to continue treating Rhine.

However, she found that Rhine was staring directly at her.

The God Princess was a little puzzled: "Your Highness Rhine, what's wrong with you?"

But then, the God Princess heard unexpected words from Rhine.

Rhine's voice trembled, almost choking.


Rhine said sadly: "I'm sorry...Her Royal Highness the God Princess..."


The Godly Princess was stunned and said with a smile: "Your Highness has not done anything sorry for me?"

"I have always advised you to serve the God King well and let you fulfill your so-called mission...I'm sorry..."

Rhine was heartbroken: "I didn't know that you so much pain."

Under the influence of alcohol, Rhine spoke vaguely what was in his heart: "You shouldn't...suffer that kind of punishment..."

The God Princess trembled in her heart again.

Listening to Lai Yin's sincere apology, at that moment, the God Princess actually wanted to cry.

I didn't deserve...that kind of sin.

This was the first time she heard such words in ten years.

Years of sadness welled up in her heart, making the smile on the God Princess' face become even more bitter.

But she still shook her head and said firmly:

"It doesn't matter, don't worry about me, in order to win, we all have to make sacrifices, don't we?"

"But...but...the concubine..."

Rhine's eyes were a little moist. He stared at this magnificent goddess of the starry sky and told the secret that he would never reveal when he was rational:

"Maybe I'm a little... in love with you."


Upon hearing this, the God Princess was stunned.

The God Princess looked at Rhine in disbelief. This sudden confession made the God Princess at a loss.

His Highness Rhine...likes me?

The adoration and admiration of others for her, the God Princess has endured too much in the ten years since she came to the mortal world, so much so that it has become a burden to her, causing her trouble and pain.


What Rhine said was not from the standpoint of a believer or his god.

But as a member of the opposite sex...he is courting the God-Princess.

The God Princess panicked.

She had never experienced such sincere love, and her nominal husband had never shown any true feelings for her.

Panic, confusion, doubt, inferiority, surprise, happiness...

All kinds of messy emotions rushed through her mind in an instant.

The God Princess was dizzy, and she didn’t know what to do...

But she only knows one thing...

When Rhine confessed her love, she felt... no feeling of disgust in her heart.

However, the next moment, something that made the God Princess bewildered happened suddenly again.

Rhine pounced on her!

A strong smell of alcohol, mixed with the intoxicating fragrance, hit his face together.

Rhine grabbed the wrist of the God Princess, pushed the God Princess, and hit the stone pillar of the pavilion.

The God Princess was shocked.

She struggled desperately to get out of Rhine's control.

This is not because the God Princess dislikes Rhine's roughness, but there is a more fatal reason.

"No...Your Highness Rhine, please don't touch me! You will get hurt!!"

Mortals are not allowed to touch the concubine.

This taboo is not just to maintain the authority of the God Queen.

This is to protect those ignorant mortals!

As a starry sky elf, the God Princess's body structure is the same as that of the elves, but there is a star core in her body that can be awakened at any time!

This star core will be activated with physical contact with the opposite sex.

In order to highlight the beauty of the goddess, the star attendants will not wrap her in simple robes for this purpose, but when the god princess attends the ceremony, the exposed parts of her body will be covered with fabric to ensure isolation from the outside world.

For example today,

Under the divine princess's gorgeous dress, there is a white silk jumpsuit as a base, covering her whole body.

All this is to avoid unnecessary physical contact.

Once the body of a star elf comes into direct contact with a male intelligent creature, the star phenomenon will inevitably occur. For those who are not qualified to receive star weapons, the out-of-control star reaction will kill them instantly!

The God King back then was blown up to death by the rampaging Shuo Xing because he was not qualified to use Shuo Xing.

Although the God King is not a demigod, he still possesses the strongest combat power among mortals. With his physique, he will be seriously injured by Shuo Xing, so for Rhine, it is even more...

This will kill Rhine! !

The God Princess struggled desperately and begged with tears in her eyes: "Please don't do this... Your Highness Rhine! Please calm down, please...!"

However, as a star elf, the God Princess herself did not possess much power. Under the hostage of an adult male, Rhine, she was unable to resist.

So, she was pushed to the wall by Rhine,

At this time, Rhine's body was almost touching hers.

The heart of the God Princess was beating very fast, and there was a kind of expectation and fear in her heart that she couldn't look directly at.

Lain stared at the Divine Princess affectionately: "Your Highness, the Divine Princess, if I am not qualified to save you, then I will use my death to apologize to you..."

The God Princess was shocked, and she shook her head desperately: "Please, Rhine, don't do anything stupid, please..."

But the next moment.

Rhine kissed the God Princess directly!


that moment,

The God Princess almost had an out-of-body experience.

The God Princess was helplessly pressed against the wall by Rhine, unable to resist, and gradually unwilling to resist...

There was a raging fire burning inside the body of the God Princess.

The twinkling star phenomenon has begun.

The God Princess was heartbroken. She was about to watch the only man who cared about her die in front of her eyes... However, soon, she was surprised to find...

The twinkling star phenomenon operates extremely smoothly!

She didn't lose control, she didn't go berserk. The God Princess felt the burning star core in her body, which brought her an unprecedented sense of comfort. At this moment, it took her ten years to understand... the real Shuangxing Phenomenon, what a wonderful taste it is.

And Rhine also discovered this.

Shuo Xing did not lose control. It awakened in the body of the God Princess and welcomed Rhine's use.

Rhine did not hesitate and released the lips of the Divine Princess. Then, he apologized softly: "Please forgive me for my offense once again, Your Highness the Divine Princess..."

"Your Highness Rhine, what do you want to do? You——"

With the sound of fabric tearing, the divine princess's delicate skin, as white as snow,

Exposed to the air.

Then, Rhine placed his hand on the God Princess.

In an instant, the bright starlight illuminated the dark night.

Some kind of unprecedented strong feeling was like a flood bursting a bank, swallowing up the God Princess, causing the God Princess to fall into a brief trance.

The world went blank.

Only the intoxicating warmth spreads all over the body, making the concubine feel so comfortable that she forgets herself...

And when the God Princess regained consciousness...

It's all over.

The twinkling star phenomenon is over.

In front of the God Princess, Rhine was holding a flaming Star Core Sword in his hand.

It was a cross sword with no material entity, only the flames of the starry sky burning crazily.

Pulled out...

Under the cold night sky, the body of the God Princess was hot. She was dripping with sweat from the fierce struggle just now, and she looked at Lain dully.

Her sparkle was pulled out by the second man...

Rhine also looked dull.

After pulling out the Sword of Shining Star, Rhine's physical fitness was raised to the level of a demigod, which caused the alcohol in his body to quickly fade away.

Rhine regained his senses.

Then he looked at the Shining Star weapon in his hand and was shocked.


Silent silence.

In the silent night, only the Star Sword bursts out with brilliant light, full of vitality and fierce flames.

Illuminating the hesitant faces of foreign princes and concubines...


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