"Your Majesty, tasting food sometimes does not depend on the taste of the food. Even if the food tastes terrible, the sense of ritual produced in the heart during the meal will still make people intoxicated..."

The God Princess looked intoxicated, she was immersed in herself and no longer paid attention to the God King.

The God King sighed, feeling helpless.

He was a little dissatisfied.

When everyone was mourning the sacrifice of the minister, the Godly Princess was still in the mood to eat and taste delicious food?

All I can say is that this guy is worthy of being a god, cold and arrogant.

For this cold-blooded woman who was a superior, she didn't feel sorry at all for Chen Xi to die within two days of such a loyal minister and good general! !

Those people all have sons and daughters, living beings born and raised by their parents!

Now he died in an unknown manner, and there wasn’t even a whole body!

They have worked hard for Chenxi for half their lives, but in the end no one can avenge them!

The God-King was in great pain.

The previous support for Nar and Jade caused Chenxi's finances to become strained. The God King generously used his personal property to arrange the funeral arrangements for these dead Zhongliangs and provide support to their families.

However, just when the God King sadly bid farewell to these loyal ministers one by one with tears.

This woman is still in the mood to have a good meal, and she even has it on her hand, and she still licks her hand without decorum? !

At this moment, the God King knew that the joys and sorrows between people were incompatible.

I can't talk to this woman.

Let’s find my brother Rhine!

The God King snorted, wiped his tears, and went to find Rhine.

Now that a large number of important officials died suddenly, in the entire kingdom of heaven, the God-King found that the last person he could trust was Rhine Hein!


I’m asking for everyone’s opinions. Isn’t the recent update less interesting?

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Chapter 203 The second round of offensive begins, the anchor point is instantly sentenced to death

The great purge of the Rhine rectified Chenxi's officialdom and eliminated all potential enemies.

This is a good thing.

But the overly sharp and decisive killing also brought a lot of trouble to Chen Xi.

That is, serious job vacancies.

Overnight, a large number of vacancies appeared in almost all important positions in major departments in Dawn, and the vacancies were all top decision-makers. The personal qualities of the leaders of these departments will directly determine the fate of the entire country. Therefore, every personnel All dispatch arrangements need to be made with great caution.

In order to arrange replacement personnel, the God King can be said to be exhausted.


The God King showed off his traditional skills - leaving the mess to the God Queen.

The God Princess has long been used to the God King's urine. In the past, the God Princess would have dealt with it by herself, but now...

The God Princess found that there was obviously a wiser person beside her who was more suitable for making decisions.

So the God Princess chose to seek advice from her all-knowing lover.

So in the end, the personnel transfer of Dawn Kingdom was outsourced to Rhine.

Rhine was not surprised by this result, but he was still a little speechless.

After all, this is Chenxi's internal affairs. In theory, he, the Prince of Haiyin, should not interfere too much, but unfortunately both the God King and the God Princess have great trust in him.

Rhine informed the God King about this, and the God King agreed more readily.

Finally, with the assistance of Rhine, the personnel transfer was completed quickly in a short period of time.

So far,

The situation in Chenxi finally stabilized.

During this period, the relationship between the God Princess and Rhine further heated up.

Every morning, the God Princess would come to Lain's home early in the morning, prepare breakfast for Lain and his sister, then gently wake up her lover, virtuously wait on Lain to wash and change clothes, and help Lain calm down.

Recently, the trick that the God Princess likes to play is to sneak into Rhine's bed early in the morning, and wait until Rhine wakes up to give him a sweet surprise.

The God Princess knows that if Lain is her God King, then she has done too many things that she should not do as a "God Princess".

Cook for the God King, take care of the God King's daily life, and help the God King deal with his desires.

These are not part of the job of the God Princess.

The God Princess's feelings for Rhine have far surpassed the feelings of the Star Spirits for the God King.

That's love.

The God Princess knew that she had truly fallen in love with Rhine.

So since she has developed a relationship with Lain,

Then that kind of thing...that is what must be done.

The God Princess has recently been thinking about what occasion she should give her first time to Rhine.

However, it is a pity that the time that can be spent leisurely and intimately with Rhine is not unlimited after all.

Before the God Princess could think of the answer to the question,

The war begins.

On this day, the God King was uncharacteristically locked in his palace and remained silent for a whole day.

After the Godly Princess finished handling the government affairs, she immediately went to find Rhine.

However, today, the atmosphere in Rhine's house seemed a little serious.

At this time, Rhine and Italian were sitting together, and they were quietly observing something through some kind of magic technique.

Seeing this, the God Princess asked nervously: "My dear, what happened?"

When Rhine saw the Divine Princess, he smiled: "Please don't be nervous, Your Highness the Divine Princess."

Rhine replied: "It's just that a new anchor point is about to wake up."


The second invasion has begun.


Heaven Mansya.

The massacre that happened between Gnar and Emerald happened again.

The dead bodies were eroded and assimilated by Yuanji, turning into alien monsters with split limbs and dripping blood. They were slaughtered area by area in an organized manner.

A large number of corpses were artificially created, and despair and collapse spread rapidly in this isolated island in the sky.

The snow-white holy star shines brighter and brighter.

Everything announces the end.

And in the palace of Mansia, the kingdom of heaven.

The King of Heaven, forged from a living anchor, is currently making final preparations for his fusion and advancement.

Beside him, a group of Yuanji believers gathered.

The believers faithfully report all kinds of current information.

"The domestic situation is stable, and our army has not encountered resistance. According to current calculations, we only need ten days to complete the comprehensive transformation of Mansia. If Anchor Point personally participates, the transformation speed can be accelerated. Several times.”

"In this battle, we will invest in three ground anchors and one outer anchor. This will be our last round of attack before entering a full-scale war. Once the war situation stabilizes, the final holy war will begin!"

"Three anchor points, Marigolds of Heaven have been activated. They have found the body of a legendary and powerful divine creature, which has great power to reverse cause and effect, enough to fight against the elite demigods from the earthly empire."

The King of Heaven nodded tremblingly.

At this moment, the simulated personality of the King of Heaven is on the verge of collapse. Under his high elf skin, countless Holy Spirits from the Holy Star have awakened one after another. Their voices merged and asked the questions they care about:

"Where's the morning sun?"

"Morning light..."

The disciples of Yuanji stopped talking: "The anchor point of the morning light failed to activate."

The followers of Yuanji then reported truthfully: "The simulated personality of the anchor point has awakened its self-awareness and is resisting the integration, but it doesn't matter. There is no precedent for this kind of resistance and it should not last long. We can continue to carry out the attack."

The King of Heaven nodded tremblingly again.

It doesn't matter......

The anchor point of morning light, it doesn’t matter if you wake up or not.

Importantly, he does not continue to fight for those natives.

According to the sporadic information previously obtained from Nar and Jade, it was not the imperial army of the Hein Empire that caused the destruction of those two kingdoms, but Shuo Xing.

Despite the repeated assurances of believers, the current Shuangxing has fallen into the hands of mediocre people, and her power has been greatly weakened, and it is even difficult to fight against a single anchor point.

However, the final result was obviously not the case.

The fall of Gnar and Emerald was so fast that when the believers returned to the battlefield after the war, they could not find any useful information at all.

So in the end,

In order to prevent the fiasco of Gnar and Emerald from happening again, the anchors finally decided to activate Dawn's anchor in advance.

The trump card that was originally used to completely dismantle the defense of the Kingdom of Heaven during the high dynasty stage of the war was activated in advance.

However, even if the holders of the Twinkle Star are eliminated, they will still have to fight the demigods from the Mortal Empire.

The Anchors knew their mission was daunting and they were short-staffed.

Therefore, they must make all preparations before officially starting the integration.

From under the body of the King of Heaven, came the warning of the Holy Spirit: "We cannot blindly start fusion. Previous failures have told us that our enemy is extremely powerful..."

"No need to worry, my master."

The followers of Yuanji seemed to have been waiting for this sentence for a long time. They immediately came up with the plan they had prepared for their master.

Even though the defeat of Gnar and Emerald remains a mystery, it at least proves that there is a powerful force in the Kingdom of Heaven that can quickly annihilate the biological anchor point.

to this end,

Anchors must be strengthened! You must have the confidence to win in a confrontation with high-level combat forces.

This is not a problem!

Because believers have already prepared the most powerful bodies for their master.

"My master, please give up that weak body and use the body of the true god we created for you..."

The followers of Yuanji bowed respectfully and led the King of Heaven to a warehouse.

And here,

The King of Heaven saw something interesting.

In the dim warehouse, there was a pungent rotten odor and a shocking and terrifying divinity. In the center of the warehouse, there was a huge, twisted and weird shadow.

As the warehouse lights come on.

Everyone saw the crazy creation clearly.

It was a huge alien monster spliced ​​together from the remains of countless divine creatures.

Twenty-eight hands, fifteen legs, seven tails, five pairs of wings, two pairs of fins, and one hundred and nine tentacles.

Various biological organs of different sizes and types, as well as the decayed heads of various divine creatures, were roughly sewn onto the torso of an ancient white dragon.

And inside this body, there are more than fifty hearts symbolizing the core of divinity!

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