After being transformed by believers, these hearts have become consumables for some extremely cheating spells, enough to make this stitched beast invincible in any battle!

This is an ugly, hideous and weird piece of shit.


But it is also the strongest work!

This is the real war machine! Compared to the three poor demigod corpses bought from Nar's poorly managed remote village, the great product in front of him is a mortal overlord that is truly impossible to defeat!

Yuanji does not have the aesthetics of mortal creatures.

To them, everything in the world is equally ugly.

On the contrary, this monster can give them a refreshing feeling.

That's it.

The King of Heaven has made his decision.

Then, without hesitation, he slit his own throat, stabbed his own brain, and killed himself.


The compressed spirit body that resided in the body of the King of Heaven came into the body of this deformed monster.

The final fusion began.

The silent compressed spirit body began to be activated and released as quickly as possible.

Endless souls voluntarily give up their self-consciousness temporarily, condense into collective thoughts, and become the masters of this body.

They must have strong enough souls to control these great bodies containing divinity and make them move again.

The followers of Yuanji are extremely moved. They are witnessing the birth of the strongest anchor created by their own hands!

In the warehouse, the sounds of broken bones and torn flesh could be heard endlessly. The already twisted and deformed bodies became more ugly and terrifying according to the thoughts of the Yuanji people.

But the believers were even more ecstatic.

They used magic, waving limbs that were cut off in imitation of their masters, and began cheering, celebrating, and singing hymns.

The Yuanji people concentrated on controlling this complex body, and were not tired of the noise under their feet.

Three hours later...

Fusion completed.

The third living anchor point in the mortal world awakened at this moment, and the holy star outside the sky felt the call from the earth. The flawless white starlight gathered in the heavenly Mansia during the Star God's summoning ceremony.

Starlight carries the divine will and descends into the mortal world.

Endless martyrs,

Embark on a journey to no return.

In the bloody heaven of Mansia, the fallen corpses revived one after another. They manipulated unfamiliar limbs and stood up stiffly. Then the limbs cracked and blood and flesh splattered. Finally, they regained the familiar feeling, and then they started to act like a fish in water. , joined the ranks of the massacre.

After fully gaining control of this powerful body, Anchor Point moved his body a little. Hundreds of limbs used their power for a moment, and then divine authority roared out, and various powerful racial talents, along with A series of thoughts from the anchor point were released one after another, and a strange light enveloped the entire warehouse, illuminating the ugly stitched monster.

He felt powerful.

Endless power.

As for the ants under their feet who died tragically because of the warm-up exercise just now...


Now, the anchor only cares about one problem.

"Now, how much time do we have?"

How long will it take before enemies from the mortal world will discover this place and launch an attack?

Facing the death of their companions, the surviving believers not only had no fear, but were even more ecstatic. These souls who had been freed from the physical body finally became part of the great existence. They were very pleased with what happened to their companions.

The believers thought about the master's question, and then said respectfully: "The previous disaster in Nar and Emerald was just an accident. We once underestimated the enemy's resourcefulness and exposed our intentions prematurely, but we will not make the same mistake. mistake."

The believers smiled: "The transformation just started two hours ago. We still have a lot of time before the news is passed on!"

Anchor: "..."

Anchor fell silent.

While listening to the opinions of the indigenous people, the Yuanji people within the anchor point were also having a heated discussion.

Eventually they had a bad guess.

"The enemy is very powerful. Two heavenly kingdoms have fallen, and the outposts on the ground have been swept away. The people who launched the attack must be more powerful than ever...similar to gods."

The sound of the anchor point came out from the eleven heads together, like a chorus: "...the worst situation, he will come the moment we complete the integration."

Believers find this a bit incredible.

But Anchor Point had just finished speaking.

Weird things happen.

Countless strange deflections suddenly appeared around the body of the giant suture monster occupied by the anchor point, causing the entire body of the giant beast to become distorted and blurred...

The believers looked surprised and kept rubbing their eyes.

However, the scene in front of him was still strange. On the body of the spliced ​​giant, the limbs were no longer connected, and there were unconnected fractures on the body.

That phenomenon is like the refraction of an object entering water, but... it is obviously different.

What was deflected was not the light.

But the space itself.

While the believers were still confused, Anchor Point already understood what was happening.

......He is dead.

The next moment, thousands of sword rays of light were like thunder exploding in silence - suddenly erupting! !

The sword strikes that tore apart the space were slashed violently in an instant like a torrential rain, causing the invincible mountains of flesh and blood to surge with blood and scattered limbs! ! !

The mountain of meat collapsed with a flood of blood, and its limbs were broken and splashed all over the ground...

The entire palace was in dead silence.

The stitched giant beast was shattered and destroyed by thousands of sword lights that exploded instantly, leaving a tragic mess on the ground.

The believers who had been cheering just now stood dumbly among the broken limbs and blood that covered their knees, dumbfounded.

At this time, a space crack torn apart by the Starry Sky Sword opened in front of them.

Just as Yuanji predicted.

The "God King" who held the stolen Holy Star Core in his hand came to fight them.

That's a human being.

A human being from the earth.

The worst guesses came true.

The Shining Star user who controls the Holy Star and slaughters Gnar and Emerald,

Someone else! !

A person who is so powerful that it is beyond comprehension.

Staring at that handsome face, a Yuanji believer spoke with a trembling voice:



Chapter 204: Time Corpse Revives, Ex-Wife Arrives

The tragedy that just happened in Mansia Palace was that it was Rhine who used the Sword of Shining Star to directly split the space and remotely attack the anchor point that had completed the fusion.

After killing the anchor point, Rhine opened a portal and arrived at the scene with the God Princess.

The God Princess whose sword had just been pulled out, her heart was still beating very hard, her body was limp, and she was panting emotionally. She originally wanted to act coquettishly with Lain, but when she saw the tragic scene in the Mansia Palace, she instantly tensed up. Already......

She originally thought that it was outrageous enough to end the battle with Rhine's sword.

But what is happening now.

The battle hasn't started yet...

Is it over already?

The God Princess looked at the smelly blood all over the ground and was stunned: "The anchor point...has been solved?"

Rhine smiled: "No."

Although Rhine's attack has destroyed the suture monster.

But Rhine knew

This blow cannot kill this anchor point.


At this time, the believers suddenly laughed wildly.

After the Yuanji believers were initially surprised, they all smiled happily.

"Rhine Hein, do you think you can kill our master in this way? You are too naive!!"

"This body has endless vitality. He is an immortal existence!!"

"This is——Gu Long's body!!"

next moment.

The chopped corpse pieces and blood began to flow back strangely and quickly reorganized.

With that flawless ancient dragon torso as the core, hundreds of limbs have returned to their positions!

The killed anchor point was resurrected before Rhine's eyes!

This is the highest masterpiece of the followers of Yuanji!

After accepting the blessing of the evil dragon Olivia, the entire ancient dragon clan became undead, eternal existences that cannot be destroyed.


What would happen if the ancient dragon corpse that died before Olivia became a god was resurrected now?

Can the resurrected ancient dragon also possess immortality?

About this question.

The resurrected Master is the answer!

After research by Yuanji believers and the enlightenment given by the Holy Spirit, the believers used Olivia's incomplete immortality left on the ancient dragon's corpse to finally develop a rebirth mechanism.

Fifty times!

In their master's body, there are fifty hearts of divine creatures. After their transformation, each of these hearts represents a rebirth!

"Rhein Hein! Your attack is indeed powerful! Tear apart space. We have never heard of this skill. However, how many times can you perform such an attack?!"

"The heat of Shuo Xing is limited, and its battery life is also extremely limited!"

"There is no way you can kill our master before the energy is exhausted!"

"No... maybe you don't have the strength to strike a second time?!"

"You can't win!!"

The believers cheered, shouted, and used the harshest taunts to suppress the fear in their hearts for this unknown existence.

Rhine was not affected by the voices of these dead people. He was very calm and raised his sword again.

Rhine: "An unkillable enemy?"

Rhine: "...That's really great."

The believers' smiles stiffened, and their expressions became twitching when they saw this:

"Wait, you...can't really still..."

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