next moment.

Rhine changed his sword moves. This time he did not use the power of space, but activated the violent heat of Shuo Xing, and thrust out his sword!

The brilliance blasted out! !

The roaring energy sword cannon caused the newly reorganized body to be carbonized and evaporated!

The heat instantly evaporated the body outline of this stitched beast!

Together with those noisy believers, destroy them all! !

But soon, the burned anchor resurrected in front of Rhine again.

So Rhine changed his sword technique again. His body teleported in front of the giant beast. He did not use magic power, but simply stabbed a sword towards a certain point on the giant beast's body.

However, this sword accurately hit the fatal point of the giant beast. This trauma caused a tragic chain reaction in the giant beast's body. After a few seconds, the giant beast's body began to twist and collapse rapidly, and its belly bulged rapidly—— Until the whole body collapses and explodes! ! !

boom! !

Blood splatters.

The invincible suture beast exploded like a balloon when it was punctured by a single blow.

Anchor Point comes to life again.

Then, he was killed again by a new sword technique!

A series of terrifying swordsmanships are constantly taking effect on the body of the suturing giant beast, without repeating the same effect.

Resurrected, and then killed again.

The bright light of the twinkling stars is burning, bringing the end of the suture beast time and time again.

Anchor Point desperately discovered that at this time, he was not the enemy of the Sparkling Star holder.

But... wooden stakes! !

Moreover, this person is not only able to use swordsmanship to cut,

He can also do magic,

Lots and lots of magic! !

There is no need to chant or sacrifice, he only needs to snap his fingers, and an overwhelming matrix of spells will appear behind him!

Countless forbidden spell levels, and even great magic above it that transcends cognition and understanding, were all completed in an instant.


The forbidden rainstorm, which could only be seen in the age of mythology, fell.

Anchor Point shows the weak nature of this demigod.

He is just a very weak piece of trash!

His body was extremely weak, and he didn't even have a blessing to protect his body.

However, even so,

There is no way that the anchor point can break through the terrifying fire network and attack his body. It is impossible!

He is too strong! !

Ridiculously strong! !

His swordsmanship has reached the divine level, and he can actually use the weakest demigod's body and rely on his terrifying skills to easily kill this immortal sutured beast time and time again!

And he may have several, dozens of sets of such sword skills! ! !

Not to mention his magic.

Those dazzling clusters of forbidden curses are enough to make any mortal or even a demigod who understands the forbidden curses shocked to death! !

Swing the sword, snap the fingers, swing the sword, snap the fingers...

The torrential rain of magic and sword light swallowed Anchor Point's body again and again, and then crushed him to ashes.

Just like showing off his skills, none of the swordsmanship and magic he used were the same!

The size of the anchor point continued to shrink, and more and more limbs were turned into fly ash and completely disappeared in the horrific bombing.

When it comes to the fortieth time.

Rhine finally stopped.

The anchors had been tortured to the point of almost mental breakdown by the continuous bombings just now, and they felt a little lucky...


Is it finally over?

Has this demigod's power finally been exhausted? !

But how is this possible...


How can it be......

Anchor smiled desperately.

Rhine's body suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Anchor.


Rhine put his hand on Anchor Point.

A magic matrix that he opened casually took effect on Anchor Point's body.

next moment,

The remaining ten spell hearts,

same time,

Stopped beating.

The magic of immortality is lifted.

It turns out that he was able to defeat this so-called undead beast from the beginning.

Behind Rhine, the brilliance of the forbidden curse was still burning brightly, and the Shining Star Sword in his hand still had strong heat.

Rhine was not consumed at all.

From the beginning to now, he was just testing the sword.

Sword wielding practice, spell practice, and the knowledge he has accumulated for thousands of years are put into practice to become more proficient and test the power.

With this,

Be prepared for the next battle.

Anchor Point felt a sense of absurdity...

With Yuan Ji's offensive, can we really fight a war that requires this monster to prepare in advance?

The battle is over.

At this time, Mansia's palace had been reduced to scorched earth.

Outside the palace, the Yuanji zombies that were raging had already been exterminated.

The common people were looking in the direction of the palace one after another.

But all he could see was a vague figure, looking in the direction of the Kingdom of Dawn, which seemed...a little sad.

After some testing, Rhine confirmed that his strength had not declined, and had even improved a lot.

In every reincarnation, Yuanji is an enemy that must be dealt with, and Rhine has gone through countless anchor point crusade battles like the one just now.

Due to changes in the world line, each time Rhine is reborn, the host chosen by the anchor point is different.

There are ordinary demigods, there are powerful demigods, there are other divine creatures, and of course there are also occasional suture monsters like this.

But in the end, no matter how they change, the anchors will be easily defeated by Rhine.

It seems like fate has been decided...

Can not change.

Lain silently looked at the dawn of heaven.


He looked at the God Princess again...

The God Princess noticed Rhine's slightly complicated gaze. She didn't understand what it meant and could only respond with a gentle smile.

The God Princess smiled and asked: "My dear, what are we going to do next?"

Rhine also forced a smile: "Let's go take a look at Xiao Yi's progress. She should have solved the marigold's anchor point by this time..."

However, at this time, before Rhine could move, the communication technique in Rhine's body was suddenly activated.

Then, Rhine heard the communication from Italian.

"elder brother......"

Italian's voice sounded panicked:

"Let me tell you something, don't be afraid..."

Lain nodded calmly: "Don't worry, I'm your brother, I won't be afraid."

Etalion: "My anchor, it's possessed by something outrageous..."

Rhine: "How outrageous?"

Etalion: "It's Shia! Shia Constance, brother!!"

Italaine was still frightened and extremely shocked: "A super-powerful Shia Constance! I don't know why, but she is still wearing Hein's crown - oh, wait, my brother and I haven't finished talking yet - —”

Etalion's communication technique was taken away. After a brief silence, the voice sounded again in the communication technique.

Rhine heard a hoarse voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Sia: "Dear...Long time no see."

Chapter 205 Timing 003, Mortal Empress, Shia Hein

Heaven, Marigold.

The holy killing dedicated to the Holy Star has begun.

Also in the palace,

The same king of heaven, at this moment, tore off the disguise.

The simulated personality began to fall silent, and the original consciousness represented by the compressed spirits began to rise.

The King of Marigolds realized the mission of his birth.

"Great master."

The ministers serving around the Marigold King finally stopped hiding the truth and confessed their identities as Yuanji disciples.

The entire palace, from top to bottom, even the maids and guards, have signed a contract with the Holy Star to sell the world.

turn out to be......

The entire heaven has never belonged to the high elves for a moment.

At this moment, the believers of Yuanji began to prepare for the final process necessary to complete the awakening of the anchor point.

Choose the body.

"Believe in us, great master!"

The believers in Yuanji have certainly been prepared for this crucial step, and they are extremely well prepared:

"The stitch monster created by those idiots in Mansia is nothing more than a flashy straw bag. There are so many parts, but the source of each part is only at the bottom of the demigod level - ha, what a useful hand. Really? If having many hands is useful, then the ones who rule the world are not gods but centipedes, hahahaha!"

The distant believers of Marigold burst into laughter.

The Marigold King did not smile, but quietly waited for the natives to say what was next.

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