But on the other hand, if most of the imperial guards and angels find the prince not guilty, then you, an eyesore mortal, will be found guilty.

How do the people treat you?

What do the angels and custodians think of you?

Those arrogant humanoid monsters represent the incarnation of the goddess on earth,

They might be more tolerant towards their sisters,

But if they want to kill a royal family to vent their anger, they can do whatever they want.

In the end, the referee's outcome did not depend on the mood of the Forbidden Army and the Angels.

But how can mortals like them know the mood of those demigods?

And the most ridiculous thing is that according to the process prescribed by the oracle, the first judge after the trial begins is a representative of the royal family.

Before those demigods and divine creatures have expressed their opinions, the royal representative referee is basically gambling with his own life and future.

That goddess really wants to roast mortals on the fire...

All in all, the position of the representative of the divine judge is a disaster for the royal bosses. It has no benefits, but it requires a fatal gamble. Who is willing to do such a troublesome thing?

So for many years the answer has been, don't get involved.


Things are unpredictable, but not everyone in this country will give such seemingly rational answers...

The entanglement of interests often prompts people to make decisions that seem extremely stupid to outsiders.

After getting the news, the royal family bosses used various channels to test each other.

They finally made a decision.

340. Karina’s rescue and old relationship with the first royal lady

They have already identified the most suitable candidate to participate in the Divine Judgment.

He has a strong desire to referee and is of a distinguished enough stature to represent the Royal Family.

So now...there is only one answer.

"Rhein Hein, you are fucking blasphemous, do you know that!!"

In the interrogation room,

Prince Edgeworth grabbed Rhine's collar and reprimanded angrily:

"Your name was engraved on the sacred stone by the goddess, you are the first sinner in the ages! You actually want to use the divine judge to avoid judgment? How ridiculous! You are not overestimating your capabilities!!"

The divine judgment was about to begin. When he was collectively recommended by the other princes as the representative of the royal family, Edgeworth was overjoyed. Accompanied by the imperial army, he immediately rushed to the Haine Imperial Capital from thousands of miles away to judge his blasphemous nephew.

And when he walked into the interrogation room and came to Lain, the first thing he did was to grab Lain's collar and yell at him.

Edgeworth's eyes were burning with rage, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"And you actually dare to slander me! Spread rumors about me!! What a coward! You are worse than a beast!!"

After finally scolding him enough, Edgeworth wiped his sweat and took a few deep breaths.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and let's start the process - Rhein Hein, tell me, what explanation do you have for your crime?"

Rhine: "Your Highness, I..."

Edgeworth: "Okay! I pronounce the verdict and Rhein Hein is found guilty!!"

Just as Rhine spoke, the prince interrupted Rhine's speech.

It seems that as long as Rhine opens his mouth to defend himself, the trial process will be completed perfunctorily and the trial can begin.

Edgeworth picked up a document, signed it, and threw it directly at Rhine's feet.

"Well, as long as you have this thing, you will never be able to escape the charge of being a blasphemer - Rhine Hein."

Edgeworth's smile was ferocious, full of malice towards Rhine.

Unlike other royal families who are too hesitant,

Edgeworth's appeal was very simple;

He just wanted Rhine to die well.

Rhine Hein is the elder brother of one of the most powerful demigods, Italion. He is a mortal with the purest bloodline of the Crystal God, and is the unquestionable candidate for emperor.

As long as he was on Edgeworth's head, Edgeworth would never be able to touch that high seat,

He had to let Rhine die.

Other royal families cannot benefit from Rhine's death, but Edgeworth is different. Once Rhine dies, there is a high probability that he will become the next emperor of Rhine.

Under this temptation,

He is fearless.

In any case, as the verdict of the divine judge was signed, a guilty verdict was confirmed, and Rhine Hein was completely sentenced to death.

He escaped the judgment of the temple, but in the end, his life was easily ended by Edgeworth.

Now, Edgeworth is interested in teasing his defeated general.

Edgeworth sneered: "Rhine Hein, look at you now. You are as embarrassed as a dog. Are you still comfortable living in the dungeon? It's a pity that you won't be able to live in the dungeon soon!"

Edgeworth laughed.

Then, Edgeworth asked kindly: "Is there anything else you want to say? Rhein Hein, maybe if you say a few good words about me now, I can consider whether to change the verdict?" .”

Edgeworth sneered in his heart. Of course he would not change the sentence, but he wanted to hear this arrogant bastard's wailing before his death.

Will he beg Edgeworth to spare his life?

Or will he become furious and hysterical?

But neither.

Rhine just looked at Edgeworth silently.


Edgeworth looked at Rhine sadly - this bastard really couldn't let anyone be happy until his death.

"Well, farewell, my poor Rhine, I will go and see you on the day of your execution."

Too lazy to pay attention to the dying man, Edgeworth finally glanced at Rhine triumphantly and left leisurely.

However, at this moment,

"Your Highness the Prince."

Lai Yin suddenly said: "Did you know? Blasphemy and cultism are a particularly useful crime in Hai Yin. It is easy to use against living people, but even better when used to slander the dead..."

Edgeworth sneered: "Are you trying to say that I'm slandering you? It's unreasonable!"

Rhine: "No, I want to say that when you were by my side, you made me understand a truth, and now I want to teach you this truth too."

Rhine looked at Prince Edgeworth solemnly and whispered:

"When someone says you're a cultist - you better be."

boom! !

The door to the interrogation room was suddenly kicked open!

A group of heavily armed Templar Knights burst into the interrogation room!

As soon as the knights entered the door, they locked their eyes on Edgeworth. Without saying a word, they rushed forward and hit Edgeworth with dozens of restraint spells that had been brewing for a long time!

Edgeworth was shocked at first, and then became furious: "What are you doing? Arrest me?! Are you crazy? I am Edgeworth Hein! What are you arresting me for!!"

"Don't struggle and cooperate with the investigation, Edgeworth."

However, the Templar's voice was cold and he had no interest in the name of the prince:

"You have been accused of colluding with the Blood Demon. We found a high degree of corruption of the Blood God in the basement of your home - now the church will arrest suspected believers of the Evil God in the name of the goddess."

Edgeworth was furious. He struggled desperately and roared: "My basement?! What are you talking about! How could I collude with the evil god and you searched my house?! You are basically slandering me!!"

"We have ample evidence regarding this allegation."

The Templar Knight said coldly: "The first evidence was discovered and provided by the imperial army Hela when she went to your home to pick you up and bring you to the imperial capital."

Hella...? !

That woman who had a crush on Rhine? !

really! !

I sent her to pick me up and take me to the imperial capital. There is indeed a problem! !

Edgeworth collapsed, his voice trembling with anger: "This is a frame-up! This is a complete frame-up!!"

Edgeworth struggled desperately: "It's him! It must be Rhine who is framing me. It must be this cultist who sent demons to my home. That's why there is corruption in my home. It must be like this!"

Templar: "We will investigate. Now, come with us."

After that, the Templar Knight picked up the document at Rhine's feet again: "In addition, Edgeworth, because you are currently guilty of treason and blasphemy, your status as a royal representative has been dismissed, and this document is no longer valid. "

So in Edgeworth's desperate eyes,

The document that could help him ascend to the throne was casually burned by the Templar Knights.

Edgeworth is going crazy: "I am innocent!! I am innocent!!"

Edgeworth desperately wanted to rush to Rhine and tear off Rhine's raw hands: "Rhine Hein! You bastard, you framed me! framed me ahhhhh!!"

Edgeworth screamed miserably while desperately trying to break free.

This prince with high-purity Crystal God bloodline is more powerful than the Templar Knights present.

Under his desperate struggle, the restraint technique flickered and was in danger.

The Templar Knights' countermeasures were also very straightforward.

They gave Edgeworth a sap directly, knocking him unconscious.

Edgeworth's body twitched violently, then fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

Rhine watched quietly.

The Templar Knights, who were completely loyal to the divine authority, completely ignored the prominent status of this royal nobleman and went about business as usual, dragging the unconscious Edgeworth away.

A farce has come to an end.




Edgeworth, who most wanted to put Rhine on trial, is gone.

The position of royal representative was vacant.

Although he is only a mortal, the trial of the royal representative is still an indispensable part of the divine judgement, so now, Rhine can only wait silently for the substitute to appear.

All the royal families understand that participating in the divine judgment is a sinkhole, and they all want to leave this mess to others to deal with.

In addition to Edgeworth, it is quite troublesome to select another representative.

After the Templars escorted Edgeworth away, they returned and gave Rhine a new document, and then they closed the door to the interrogation room.

Rhine had to wait silently in the interrogation room for the second referee to appear.

After waiting for a long time in boredom, finally that afternoon,

The door of the interrogation room was pushed open again.

What appeared in front of Rhine was a lady with blond hair and blue eyes, a slim and plump figure, and a graceful and gorgeous dress.

This is a complete beauty, with a high purity of goddess bloodline. Even though she has not been promoted to a demigod, she still has a crazy beautiful face.

She doesn't have many accessories on her body, but every one of them is priceless and extremely luxurious, which is enough to show her prominent status.

The sword on her waist shows that she has lived up to the powerful bloodline given to her by the goddess of order. She has also been on the battlefield and made military exploits.

Grand Duchess of Oriel, Karina.

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