A royal noble blood who has little connection with the Kaisers bloodline, but also has a high purity of blood.

"Rhein Hein."

Karina's eyes were cold and she said calmly: "I am the royal representative who replaces Edgeworth. I am here to fulfill my royal obligations."

Rhine smiled: "Long time no see, sister Karina."

Karina's voice was still cold, and she reminded: "Don't call me sister. I am the same generation as your mother. You should respect me - Your Highness."

Then, the second-in-line heir to the empire sat across from Rhine.

Unlike Edgeworth, although Karina is also ranked high in the line of succession, it seems that she is not so eager to let Rhine die.

But this does not mean that she has no doubts about Rhine.

"What a coincidence..."

Karina said with a sigh: "That idiot Edgeworth, people have been rumoring that he framed the prince before, and now he has been found to be in collusion with the devil. Maybe his charges will be confirmed."

Rhine shook his head: "The church just discovered that there were traces of demons in his home. Maybe it's also possible that the demons were lurking in his home to harm him, so that's why the corruption was left?"

Karina: "His charges may be cleared, but at this stage, he has completely become the scapegoat of His Royal Highness. The people all think that the prince framed the prince. So as long as the divine judgment passes smoothly, then the people will be in order. I believe all this, and by then, even if His Highness’s name is still engraved on the holy stone, this matter will not have any impact on His Highness’s reputation, right?”

"All of this is just a ridiculous conspiracy of evil gods and demons."

Rhine said sincerely: "Using the corruption of the Netherland to frame a person is too crude a method. If the Holy Church can decide an unjust, false or wrong case based on this basis, we will have to doubt the credibility of the Holy Church."

Karina: "No doubt, it's been ruined a long time ago."

Karina's voice was calm, but there was a bit of disdain: "The guys in the temple never regard themselves as human beings. They claim to be God's spokesperson and work for God. Gradually, they think that they are as noble as God - The eyes are higher than the top, and people's lives are looked down upon."

Rhine did not answer the taunting of the church.

Rhine just smiled, full of gratitude: "But I have to thank you, thank you for taking over this important task, and thank you for coming to save me,"

Karina: "I'm not here to save you..."

Rhine: "Then you are here to kill me? Just like Edgeworth, as long as I am sentenced to death, Mrs. Karina, you will be the next Emperor of Heine, right?"

Karina: "Don't be stupid, Rhein Hein. If I find you guilty, then even if one of the Imperial Guards thinks you are innocent, I will never be able to sleep well for the rest of my life."

Karina's tone was a little tired: "I never planned to inherit the throne, but I can't escape either,"

Rhine smiled, as if regretting: "Really... I thought the lady was thinking of old friendship and came here specifically to save me."

"Don't say such things..."

At this time, Karina suddenly frowned, her voice was low and full of guilt: "The previous things are over. Now my husband is very good to me, and I don't want to make any more mistakes..." .”

Rhine looked at Karina with a smile.

"Okay... let's talk about business."

Karina once again regained her dignity and elegance: "I am only here to get the truth. I cannot let the country fall into the hands of a despicable and cruel cultist. At the same time, I cannot inherit this country without knowing anything."

Although Karina lacks interest in the throne, she also knows that once the prince is executed, as the first heir to the throne, she will be unable to control many things.

Karina: "I will try you in accordance with the rules and procedures. Please cooperate with my questioning. Then I will do my best to find out the truth of the matter. Okay... don't do it again I laughed, be serious..."


341. The prince’s confession and the seduced royal lady

Karina Hein.

The second heir to the Hein Empire, he is one of the few mortals with the purest bloodline in the entire Hein Empire.

As a royal noble, she received the highest education since she was a child, has an elegant and decent style, and has an excellent resume.

And her husband, Grand Duke Oriel, came from a famous family with a long history. He inherited the family's legacy and was in charge of a prosperous province in the south. Under his rule, the province developed rapidly, and the people spoke highly of him. High, contributing a lot of taxes to the empire every year.

When she was young, Karina took the route of a military attache. As an adult, she served as a soldier and went to the front line. She even fought side by side with the Forbidden Army as a collaborative unit.

However, after getting married, she quit the army and became a traditional noblewoman. She managed the property for her husband at home, enjoyed a luxurious life, and attended balls and dinners with her husband. Her former vigor had faded a lot.

But even so, there was still a majesty and calmness in her eyebrows that ordinary people did not have. She untied Rhine, moved a chair and sat across from Rhine, and looked at Rhine calmly.

If anything, Karina is actually somewhat regal.

Karina did not have a dazzling performance in political achievements, but she was at least the most normal among the other heirs.

On the other hand, looking at other heirs,

Edgeworth is a fool, Rhine is a playboy, and as for the other heirs, they all have their own shortcomings.

Speaking of reputation alone, among the previous successors, Karina has the best reputation among the public.

Quite funny.

After experiencing the prosperous era of Kessus's governance, the next generation of successors to the empire could only choose a "normal person" to satisfy the people.

And even the only heir has huge problems.

A very fundamental thing,

Karina is almost completely uninterested in the Crystal Stand.

She has some psychological shadow about Jingzuo.

This bad impression comes from her family.

Her great-grandfather was the former emperor of Queen Cathers, Eugene Hein.

Emperor Eugene was sixty years old and had reigned for fourteen years. He was considered a very mediocre emperor, and the cause of his death was also mediocre.

It was a sudden illness—that was the official story.

However, almost everyone in the court at that time knew that

The person who killed the emperor was actually Karina's grandmother.

The biological daughter of Emperor Eugene.

And this daughter, her other identity is the Royal Imperial Guard.

As for this forbidden soldier, what is the conflict between her father and her father who must be killed? In fact... it is not a fatal matter.

In other words, it was the accumulation of a series of trivial matters during the emperor's reign that finally made the imperial army tire of it.

The emperor relied a little too much on the family relationship between himself and his daughter, but this made her daughter feel bored.

The daughter of the Forbidden Army killed her father, but was not punished. Later, as the Forbidden Army changed generations, she went to the outside world and is still alive today.

"Half a year ago, my grandmother sent me a letter."

Karina recalled the past: "She said the war there was getting more and more tense and she didn't know how long she could live. She missed me very much and wanted to know if I had any children."

Rhine smiled: "It's so tender."

Karina sneered: "Rhine, are you mocking me? That woman killed her father. She didn't regard that mortal as her family at all. I can't figure out those weird... demigods Maybe that guy doesn't care about me at all, but wants to know if I have given her a demigod great-granddaughter."

The words in the letter left by the demigod grandmother shocked her and was full of love for Karina.

But whenever I think about how she brutally killed her father,

Karina felt creepy.

After being elevated from royal descendants with highly pure blood to demigods, the Imperial Guards have completely become another species. They have no family ties and cannot empathize with mortals. They are a group of superiors above mortals and below gods.

Those monsters only show affection towards their own kind.

And if Karina succeeds as emperor, she will have to control these monsters that can get out of control at any time.

Karina felt that she did not have Kessus's talent, and she felt that her fate might be the same as that of many emperors in Hein - assassinated by the imperial army.

Karina frankly expressed the fear hidden in her heart:

"I can't control them, I don't want to work with them, and I don't want to be emperor."

Rhine nodded, expressing deep understanding.

Then the problem comes again.

Karina: "Rhein Hein, if you become emperor, do you think you can?"

Rhine: "Demigods are noble beings. You can't take it for granted that you want to control them."

Rhine smiled and gave the answer: "You have to be friends with them."

What a gentle answer.

It seems that he may have inherited the political tradition of Keyser. This Rhine prince is also a gentle and kind man.

Karina shook her head, seeming to lack confidence in Rhine: "If you want to be friends with them, then you have to hurry up, because now, if one of those monsters is dissatisfied with you - you will die. deal."

Rhine still looked at Karina tenderly, even looking a little pitiful: "Then why do you have any dissatisfaction with me? Will you put me to death? Sister Karina."

"Don't call me sister..."

Karina once again avoided Rhine's gaze. Every time she saw the boy in front of her, Karina could not help but have various complicated emotions in her heart.



as well as......

Karina sighed and said feebly:

"After Edgeworth was taken away, no one wanted to take over this mess. It was my husband who persuaded me to come. Your life and death mean a lot to me and I have to face my fate, so don't get me wrong... I I'm not here to save you, I just want the truth..."

In fact, Karina understands that her husband cares about her, and his encouragement to Karina is correct.

But her husband didn't know at all...

Next, Karina chatted a lot with Rhine.

With Karina's identity, she certainly couldn't be like a jailer, yelling hysterically at Rhine and questioning him about his evil relationship with the evil god.

Karina didn't even mention the evil god.

She just wants to know whether this person, Rhine Hein, is still qualified to inherit the empire.

So Carina and Rhine talked a lot about the country of Rhine.

Karina discovered that Rhine was indeed different from before.

He has become mature, and his speech and behavior may seem simple, but he also has a thought-provoking philosophy.

His views on Hein and his various political opinions,

Shockingly correct.

He wasn't exactly copying his mother.

This is good.

If Karina had to say,

He is a qualified successor, comparable to Kessers.

But that's also the problem...

Karina stared at Rhine, her eyes becoming more alert.

Karina must doubt herself. Is her recognition of Rhine really coming from her true heart?

Isn't all this really a devil's conspiracy?

Before coming to interrogate Rhine, the knights of the Templar cast a spell on Karina to resist corruption.

However, even these spells cannot prevent Karina from resisting...

Fight against that pair...

Eyes as brilliant as the stars.

More than once, after talking to Rhine, Kaysers looked at those eyes and fell into a brief trance.

"Rhine, your wisdom is admirable. I am convinced that you are a better ruler than me."

When Karina said this, there was no hint of relief or recognition, she was just more and more suspicious.

This boy felt strange to her.

Karina: "But I want to know, until half a year ago, you were still addicted to debauchery, where did you get so many insights?"

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