On Shia's shoulder, a tiny mechanical insect asked with concern: "My lord, you haven't had a chance to meet him for a long time. Don't you want to take this opportunity to talk to him?"

Sia: "His Highness is very busy, I shouldn't waste his time."

"Busy? What is he busy doing? Not even participating in the interrogation? Is he desperate for his life?!"

Obadiah was indignant: "Holy Lord! I don't understand why that man dared to neglect you like this! You are the supreme and great original god. There is no need for you to care about that ant!"


Shia did not answer the ancient dragon in her sword. She was not at all confused about her choice, but she was no longer willing to emphasize it to others.

Walk out of the interrogation room, climb the stairs, and walk towards the upper level of the Imperial Cathedral.

Now that Euphemia is guarding the imperial capital, and the situation in the world is turbulent, Shia must go out to perform tasks every day.

On a new day, Sia happened to go to Beth to pick up today's job.

But at this moment,

Shia suddenly stopped.

She looked behind her in surprise. Outside the door of the interrogation room, a crack in space suddenly appeared.

Rhein Hein walked out of the space crack.

He came to referee.

Then, Rhine saw Sia about to leave early, and asked curiously: "Is something wrong?"

Sia shook her head slightly: "No, the referee book has been signed."

Rhine: "Really..."

Sia: "Yeah."

Sia had no doubts about Rhine's innocence, so her verdict of not guilty was delivered very simply.

And to say the least, even if Rhine is really guilty and has an affair with the evil god, it doesn't matter.

Sia will accompany him all the way, no matter what is waiting for her ahead - this not guilty verdict, she will still give it without hesitation.

After explaining the situation to Rhine, Sia bowed respectfully to Rhine, then continued to turn around and leave.

But at this time, Rhine stopped her.

Rhine: "Since the referee has passed..."

Rhine: "Then, do you want to go out for a walk together?"

Sia was stunned for a moment.

what did he say......

He wants... to go out for a walk with me?

Is he inviting me?

Sia's face was calm, she nodded, and her answer was simple:

"As you command, Your Highness."

Then, Sia walked to Rhine and followed Rhine consciously.

Sia, who was invited, didn't seem to have any emotional reaction.

As if he was just attending to official duties, he stayed by Rhine's side indifferently.


Maybe no one can notice it,

In Sia's cold eyes,

At this moment, there was an uncontrollable excitement.



I didn’t manage my time well. I was writing an interesting part but ended up being late in the morning. I was a little sleepy. Such interesting content as persecuting Yasuko must be completed with the highest quality with full energy. I will update it early tomorrow morning and finish the second half of the content as soon as possible. .

393. The dog-licking diary of the most powerful goddess on the planet

The combination of the imperial army and the prince was too ostentatious. After leaving the church, Shia and Rhine simply used shielding magic to disguise themselves and blended into the crowd.

Imperial Capital...

This city is the area where Rhine has stayed the longest in the past ten thousand years. For Rhine, every plant and tree here is well known.

And the silent woman who followed Rhine, knowingly regarded herself as Rhine's guard, and walked side by side without overstepping her bounds, was also the person Rhine was most familiar with in this world.

Xia followed Rhine, and she was in a very happy mood at this time.

Rhine's invitation surprised her, because Sia didn't expect that Rhine would actually put her in his heart.

Frankly speaking, Sia no longer knows how to get along with Rhine now.

The people of the opposite sex around Rhine were all too good, which made Xia feel ashamed. Moreover, they were also very kind to Rhine, at least they were not like herself... who once hurt Rhine all over her body.

Although the passionate love has not changed at all, the man in front of her is indeed... becoming more and more distant from her.

But even so,

Being able to stay with him, Sia will still feel the simplest happiness.

Even if you don’t do anything or say anything,

Just keep him in your eyes...

Rhine took Sia through several streets, turning left and right, and finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

It was a newly opened dessert shop.

Lain seemed to want to deal with breakfast here, and Sia silently sat down with him.

Without looking at the menu, Rhine smiled and exchanged greetings with the waiter. His relaxed and natural tone, as if the two were old friends for many years, stunned the waiter who met him for the first time for a long time. Then he reported the number of name the dish and explain your preference in detail.

After a while, the dishes were served.

Sia was a little surprised. The desserts in this shop were unique in style. Just one bite gave Sia a shock that hit her soul.

Very... to her liking.

Sia tasted the dessert silently, raising her eyes from time to time to secretly look at Rhine.

There were few customers in the dessert shop in the morning, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Rhine didn't speak, and Sia didn't know what she should say to interest Rhine.

After a while, Rhine looked at the street outside the store for a long time, watching the pedestrians coming and going, and he felt sincerely:

"I like these people very much."

Sia: "...?"

Rhine: "They are a bunch of people who are ignorant, selfish, and submissive. They will easily believe the lies propagated to them. Therefore - they stupidly love me and are willing to believe that I am a god descending to earth and an omniscient and omnipotent savior. As long as they follow me There is no insurmountable suffering behind us.”

Weird words without beginning or end.

Sia didn't know why Rhine suddenly mentioned this.

But that's okay.

Shia listened silently while eating her dessert.

Rhine: "They even worship me as a god. They expect me to redeem them, give them peace and prosperity, and at least allow them to live, and I will try my best to do so - although that is not because I feel sorry for myself. them."

Rhine needs mortal people to help him win the war,

Just like the people also need a leader who can firmly lead them to resist the doomsday disaster.

Perhaps what they need is not a wise leader, but a god, a god who can give them hope and promise to save them in the future, giving them the courage to face the fate of endless tragedies... ....

Order threw crystal spears at them, and the gods of nature were mercilessly killed, so they turned their pious eyes to their emperor... Of course, these didn't matter.

The Rhine and all the sentient beings in the mortal world will never understand each other.

But this does not prevent them from needing and relying on each other.

In the face of disaster, they can become each other's most reliable comrades, uniting together, carrying their own obsessions, and living and dying together.


Rhine liked them.

"However, Shia, I just discovered recently that not only those common people, but all living beings in the world... are actually the same."

Not just mortals,

It turns out that even demigods and even those divine creatures are the same.

Rhine said something that Sia couldn't understand. He didn't know whether he was talking to Sia or simply talking to himself:

"This time, maybe we can really win - ah, by the way, try the milk coffee in this shop, you will definitely like it."


Sia nodded slightly, followed Rhine's instructions, and picked up the cup at hand.

Rhine looked at Shia with a smile.

There was no expression on Sia's face. She just carried out Rhine's orders without a smile, sipping coffee in a dignified and quiet manner.

But Rhine knew,

When Rhine accurately guessed her preferences, Sia actually felt happy and began to think wildly.


Even though he has been her lover for ten thousand years, Rhine still sincerely believes...


Rhine's smile was endearing: "You are so cute."

Sia's cup suddenly trembled.

Rhine could clearly see the surprise and panic flashing in Sia's eyes for a moment.

But in the end, he still maintained a cold expression and said softly: "Thank you for the compliment..."

Rhine smiled.

In fact, of course Rhine knew that he had been neglecting Sia during this period.

As the shield of the empire, Shia has been stationed in the imperial capital for a long time. Every time Rhine returns to the imperial capital, every time he gets close to every woman, basically, everything cannot escape Shia's perception.

Since a long time ago, Sia has been silently enduring her lover's indiscretion, watching how he flirted with them tenderly and infatuatedly, but she didn't even want to say a word to herself.

But Rhine doesn't care about this.

Don't care at all.

For this beloved who has been with him for ten thousand years, his deep feelings for Xia can no longer be summarized as the ordinary love between a man and a woman.

She became an obsession in Rhine's heart, a beacon that allowed Rhine to maintain his sanity.

He knew very well that Sia was a lover he could trust unconditionally, a beloved who would never betray Rhine or leave Rhine no matter what.

In the infinite river of time,

What the Broken Saint needs is not just a short moment of companionship,

What she needs is a future that can continue.

And Rhine,

Will create such a future for her.

so now......

In the last reincarnation, Rhine must seize every moment to win more chips for himself. In fact, his overly efficient attack speed has caused a series of chain reactions, which has accelerated the arrival of the decisive battle a lot.

He had no time to care about Sia's feelings at the moment.


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