It's okay even if you don't care.

Rhine: "I've met a lot of good women recently, so my schedule is tight. I've been busy dating demigods, but in the end I've left you out in the cold... You don't mind, right?"

Sia's expression remained calm, and she shook her head gently: "I won't..."

Rhine asked again with concern: "Did I make you feel lonely?"

Sia's eyes trembled. She was almost trying to endure something, and replied in a low voice: "If you mean, do I need you to spend time with me, then... I don't dare to ask for it."

"very good."

Rhine smiled with satisfaction: "I also know that I'm sorry for what I did recently, but at least Sia, I think... you should still love me, right?"

Sia's eyes were lowered, still trying to hide her emotions: "I don't dare to say I love you, but Your Highness, no matter what the situation, I will swear allegiance to you - please don't worry."

"That's great!"

Rhine was in a happy mood and finally began to enjoy breakfast happily.

On the other side, after Sia finished chatting with Rhine, her eyes changed again and again, and various emotions were brewing in her heart.

But only, there was no trace of displeasure...

After the meal, Sia was ready to leave.

What Rhine wanted to say to her has already been said, and Sia has already made a promise to Rhine, so next, Sia should be more sensible... and not take up His Highness's precious time.

After bidding farewell to Rhine, Shia left immediately.

"Wait a moment."

However, seeing Sia about to leave, Rhine naturally reached out and took Sia's hand.

This move made Xia stunned on the spot.

Skin contact...

Is this Rheinta—taking the initiative to make skin-to-skin contact with me? !

Rhine: "If we're not in a hurry, let's just walk around again? Where do you want to go?"

Sia was a little overwhelmed by Rhine's inquiry.

——Where do you want to go?

--I have no idea......

Sia plucked up the courage, and after testing it out, she also held Rhine's hand.

A strong sense of happiness spread in her chest, making her heartbroken.

Xia looked at Lain and showed a faint smile.


——I hope you can continue to hold my hand...

——A little longer...

Just a little longer...



In the afternoon, after having lunch with Lain, this date, which was not considered a date, finally came to an end.

Satisfied, Sia said goodbye to Rhine and returned to her residence.

Sitting at home, Sia looked at her right hand, as if she could still see how she was holding hands with her lover, walking down the street together, like a pair of lovers...

"Did you hear...?"

Even the taciturn Sia couldn't help but share her joy with her friends at this moment:

"He said...he gave me the cold shoulder."

what does that mean?

Rhine...isn't angry anymore? Did he even think that maybe I was a woman he could take care of?

So happy......

So happy! !


He just called me cute! !

Sia knew that Rhine had said this kind of praise to many, many women,

But so what?

No matter he gave gorgeous compliments to all women, as long as Rhine was willing to praise her, she would still be so happy that she couldn't help laughing.

Sia closed her eyes and let her heart surge, almost suffocating.

Of course she will continue to defend Rhine and dedicate everything to Rhine,

That was her deep, unworthy love,

Even if Rhine doesn't say anything, Sia will still serve him with all her heart.

but now......

He actually felt guilty for neglecting himself...

For Sia, this is simply salvation.

And at the same time.

There was a dragon that was also suffocating.

Obadiah was carrying Tohti on his back, and the two stood aside, admiring the infatuated look of their holy Lord.


"Our gorgeous Lord, how happy he is now..."

"She is looking at her right hand infatuatedly now, still immersed in the beautiful memories of dating with Rhine Hein hand in hand..."

And she might have decided not to wash her hands until the next morning!

Obadiah felt a little tired: "Toherty, do you want to bet? I will definitely be locked in a small cabinet by my Lord tonight."


Faced with the slander of his master by his colleagues, Toherty sighed and said sternly:

"I will not participate in a bet without suspense!"

Obadiah: "Look how beautiful and romantic the scene is now..."

If Obadiah didn't know that a certain innocent and good boy who everyone loved, he also held the hand of an elf last night, and after holding her hand, he made her look like a ■■■■■... .

My holy Lord, can you be of some use?'s hopeless, this woman has already begun to smell the palm of her hand and recall the scent of that scumbag.

"Toherty, you said..."

Obadiah was shocked by the scene in front of him, and asked tiredly: "Why do the three supreme beings who control time and the infinite world, the second most powerful ultimate supreme being on this planet, treat others as licking dogs?"

"Dog? Obadiah, don't talk nonsense!"

Toherty’s little robot has a sullen face and gives a serious warning:

“The dog has to be taken home by its owner before it can be raised!”

Obadiah: "..."

Toherty: "......"

Obadiah: "Fuck you."

In the end, the two servants decided not to get involved in the matter.

Leave some personal space for the gorgeous mistress and let her slowly digest what she has seen today.

Obadiah: "So...seriously, we really don't have to drive to Golden Country to deal with that scumbag?"

Toherty: "Obadiah, do you think my Lord will be happy if you do this?"

Obadiah: "Probably not..."

Toherty: "Then don't do it. Don't use your shallow low-level thinking mode to speculate on the intentions of the gorgeous Lord. Maybe these are just part of my Lord's plan."

"My Lord may have witnessed her happy future with Mr. Rhine in the distant future, so he is so determined at this moment, and must obey the other party even if he sells his dignity."

"They, this is - pure love that transcends time..."

Toherty thought about it seriously for a long time: "...right?"

394. The first night of Princess Abyss and Prince Heine

The date with Sia made Rhine feel happy,

After parting with Sia, Rhine did not go home immediately, but went to the underground ecological tank.

Today in Rhine, six not guilty verdicts have been obtained.

A representative of the royal family, plus five Imperial Guards. Except for Beth, who ranked herself last among the judges, the only one Rhine will face next is the last and most special Imperial Guard.

Although the current Royal Forbidden Army is theoretically composed of seven people, in fact, it is integrated into Hein's combat system. Only six people clock in to work every day.

One is missing.

Long-term sick absence.

She is Dai Xi Lei Hein.

This is a name that Rhine misses...

Finally, he was going to see that person again. At this time, Rhine couldn't help but think of some past events...

This Imperial Guard is very special to Rhine, because Rhine and her once had a deep marriage...

Regarding this matter, the first thing to talk about is Kaysers's life plan for Rhine since he was a child.

Hein is a country that has a paranoid pursuit of blood. Therefore, with his identity and blood, he was destined to become the emperor of Hein almost as soon as he was born.

As for the male emperors of Haiyin, as the best synthetic materials in the eyes of the priests, their first priority is to reproduce offspring.

First of all, of course the emperor will be protected by an oath angel who will serve as the emperor's nominal wife.


Angels don't give birth to children.

Therefore, as a man with the purest Hein bloodline, Rhine must have multiple women with the same pure bloodline as partners and produce as many high-quality heirs as possible.

In the environment of Haiyin, all the royal family are pampered fertility machines.

Because of this,

Only Rhine will be assigned to Euphemia to teach.

Euphemia is the teacher of the Imperial Guards. She raises a bunch of children who are expected to become Imperial Guards with the Crown Prince. On the one hand, it is to allow the Imperial Guards to establish a relationship with the Crown Prince, which is conducive to the stability of Hein in the future.

On the other hand,

It was just to choose a concubine for the Crown Prince Rhine.

Although the candidates for the Imperial Guard all have the highest quality blood, most of their mothers are descended from a certain demigod Imperial Guard.

But even so, this does not mean that they can 100% be sublimated into demigods.

So what should we do with those losers who did not succeed in sublimation, and although they have high-purity blood, they are just mortals?

Kessers had it all planned out.

Of course, she would be kept as a concubine for Rhine.

Because of Kaiser's arrangement, the Royal Guardsmen who grew up with Rhine as childhood sweethearts basically did not hate Rhine. There were even several who, even after becoming Guardsmen, still had a good impression of Rhine.

Except for Etalaine, the biological sister who is bound by blood to Rhine.

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