When Dai Xi Lei left, Mr. Rhine was still a pure and innocent young man who could be easily teased by Dai Xi Lei's astringent words of love so that his face would turn red.

But now...

Rhine has changed.

He has become bad, he has become feverish, he has become unclean! Dai Xi Lei can no longer burn him! !

Can Dai Xi Lei bear this change?

Can she still stick to her heart and resist corrosion for Rhine?

Of course not! !


Just as the swarm expected.

Dai Xilei's spirit collapsed.

Those beautiful emerald green eyes lost their sparkle, as if they were dead...

"Rhine...are you not going to refute me?"

"So, am I actually right?"

"After so many years, you already have other lovers, right? And there's more than one, right?"

"Why did it become like this..."

"Rhine...who are those women? Are they beautiful? Are they gentle to you? They must be very good to you...otherwise they won't make you forget me."

Rhine remained silent.

He has obviously acquiesced to all this.

The prototype of the original god, being on her home court, she could see all the information on Rhine at a glance.

She seemed to be asking Rhine, but it was just the last trace of luck in her heart. In fact, she had already clearly understood what kind of wanton and dirty man her lover had become.

Dai Xi Lei had begun to collapse and speak incoherently.

"What should I do... what should I do... I never thought that Lain would do such a thing, but, but Lain has become like this, and I don't want to blame Lain, right? My sister can’t be by your side to take care of you, it’s all my fault for letting you live alone in this world... My sister can understand you, I can understand you completely!”

Dai Xilei tried her best to smile, but soon her smile collapsed:

"But Rhine...if I don't have you, my sister really doesn't know what to do in the future..."

"why why......"

An aura of despair filled the abyss.

The whole abyss seems to be sighing and sobbing...

The light in the area on Dai Xilei's chest gradually dimmed, turning into a lightless black spot...

She could no longer smile.

But the sons of Haiyin who surrounded her seemed to sense something and began to become active...

Dai Xi Lei's state began to become extremely unstable, and she was being assimilated by something!

The insect swarm sensed the approaching crisis!

Dai Xi Lei shed tears and hugged Lain tightly.

However, at this moment, she no longer wanted to be intimate with her lover, but she wanted to confirm how many times Rhine had betrayed the vow he made to Dai Xi Lei when she was not around...

The answer is countless times.

From royal ladies, to aristocratic ladies, from common girls, to exotic beauties, from true gods, to demigods, and all kinds of divine creatures...

Countless females make out with the man she loves, again and again.

There's even the scent of her sisters, even Euphemia's teacher...


Dai Xi Lei asked softly in a desperate voice:

"Will you feel happy like this?"

Dai Xi Lei was already desperate for Lain.

After so many years, Lain may have long forgotten the oath he casually made to Dai Xi Lei that night.

What's ridiculous is that Dai Xilei thought it was an oath of alliance, and she had been fighting against the great will in the Sea of ​​Origin for so many years.

But even so, Dai Xilei did not hate her out of love, and she had no intention of hurting the heartless man.

Her deep love for Rhine has not changed,

She just finally came to another conclusion,

She figured out one thing...

"I see, Rhine doesn't need me anymore."

"It's great. Rhine has become happy even without me..."

"It's okay, Lain. Sister can understand you. Of course, sister knows Lain's difficulties. I can no longer return to the ground, and I can't meet Lain again. For a woman like me, what does death mean to Lain? What’s the difference?”



There are three chapters in total. This is the first chapter. Remember to refresh and view the rest.

399. The love logic of the yandere God of Creation

"I really envy those children who can be loved by Rhine. After all, Rhine is so gentle and cute... They are so happy."

As she spoke, Dai Xilei's eyes became increasingly sad...

The way she looked at Lain also became unfamiliar amid the pain and despair...

Dai Xi Lei was relieved.

That's it.

Since Rhine no longer needs her,

Then this soul that is constantly resisting assimilation in the Sea of ​​Origin because of its deep love for Rhine,

That is,

There is no need to exist anymore.

Heine cannot think, it has no soul,


The perfect Dai Xi Lei didn't need that thing either.

Dai Xi Lei once had something she couldn't let go of, but that no longer belongs to her...

"That's great..."

"Rhine already has a new love. Someone will take care of Rhine for me and please Rhine...Sister, I...have no regrets..."

The mortal world no longer needs Dai Xi Lei to miss her.

"The only thing I need to do now is...to destroy the world with these children hehehehehehe..."

Dai Xilei looked sideways at the Sons of Haiyin behind her with dead eyes.

Dai Xilei was born with destiny on her shoulders.

She is not a mortal being,

Her hometown is this abyss, and the mother who gave birth to her is also in this abyss...the sea of ​​origin that has been tortured by corruption and filth for a hundred thousand years...

The billions of poisoned fetuses screamed in her mind, making her remember the meaning of her birth again.

"It's time to say goodbye to you, Rhine. This may be our farewell forever..."

"Next, I may do something that is very scary for mortals."

"But don't worry, Rhine, even if I give up my soul and become a monster or a god, I will not hurt you. If we win... I will leave a safe place for you and your family." Space, you don’t have to worry about anything.”

Dai Xilei's smile was extremely sad:

"From now on, please forget about me and live a good life by yourself."

Although I won’t turn against Rhine because of this,

But obviously,

If this continues, Dai Xilei will turn into something else! !

The swarm of insects became even more panicked!

Now the entire annihilation layer is shaking!

The sea was turbulent and the waves were turbulent. The dead fetuses seemed to be alive again, and they all looked in the direction of Dai Xi Lei.

"Mr. Rhine, do you want to withdraw?"

The insect swarm entered a state of preparation for war.

She vigilantly observed the surroundings and was ready to separate Lain and Dai Xi Lei at any time and then run away.

On the other side, the Sons of Haiyin behind Dai Xi Lei were also becoming more active.

Those slender figures, still as statues, began to move,

The stiff joints turned with difficulty.

The son of Haiyin stared at Dai Xilei and felt Dai Xilei's mood at the moment.


Has she finally made up her mind?

More and more sons of Haiyin are gathering in the direction of Dai Xi Lei. Every area of ​​this boundless sea of ​​filth is trembling and ecstatic, for a revenge that has been waiting for a hundred thousand years. ready.

However, just when things were becoming irreversible.

Rhine was the trigger of everything, but he seemed...still calm.

He let Dai Xi Lei lie in his arms and sneered like a maniac, but Rhine was not infected by Dai Xi Lei's sad and crazy emotions at all.

It was as if the collapse of Dai Xi Lei, the boiling of the Sea of ​​Origin, and the disaster the world was about to face had nothing to do with him.

He just looked at the darkness in the distance and said lightly:

"These women..."

"It's all when I miss my sister..."

"It's just a substitute for relieving lovesickness."

In an instant...

The black spot on Dai Xi Lei's chest stopped expanding.

The Sea of ​​Origin was boiling and surging without warning, but now it strangely became calm in an instant.

The abandoned babies stopped moving and froze in mid-air like sculptures.

Dai Xilei: "...?"

Dai Xi Lei was quiet for a long time. She repeatedly digested what Lain had just said, and finally asked cautiously:

"Rhine...what do you mean by what you just said?"

At this moment, some emotion finally appeared in Rhine's tone - it was regret, helplessness, loneliness...

He said deeply: "Sister Dai Xi Lei, I'm sorry, I didn't control myself. I'm not a responsible man. When my sister left, I betrayed my sister and tainted myself..."

Rhine looked at the darkness in the distance and said softly:

"I just...miss my sister so much."

Dai Xilei: "!!!"

Dai Xilei's eyes trembled. This noble prototype of the original god, at this moment, her heart was stirred up by Rhine's light words! !

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