Rhine: "Every woman I have slept with is not my true love. It's just that I can't see my sister, so I want to find the feeling of getting along with my sister in these women."

Behind Rhine, the insect swarm gradually calmed down its attacking posture.

——Aha, Mr. Rhine told a lie that will break the hearts of many girls.

Originally, the insect swarm was ready for a desperate fight, but now the insect swarm has completely relaxed and entered the movie-watching mode.


Her invincible little scumbag is going to kill him!

Dai Xi Lei's eyes were shaking violently and crazily. With surprise and joy, she asked weakly: "Is it really like this? Lain... you are not lying to your sister, are you? "

"I would never lie to my sister."

Lain's voice was so sincere, and he said affectionately: "I tried hard to hold back the desire in my heart, but when I saw those women who were similar to Sister Dai Xi Lei, I couldn't control myself... .Every time I go to bed, I imagine that my partner is Sister Dai Xi Lei. I just want to use them to ease my longing for my sister..."

Laing: "If I can't imagine that Sister Dai Xi Lei is still by my side, and use those meal replacements to numb myself... I think I might go crazy."

Dai Xi Lei's eyes were dim with tears: "Rhine...you...you..."

Dai Xi Lei already fully understood Lain's thoughts.


She knew that what she did was very excessive, very unreasonable, and very annoying.

But she still couldn't help but want to ask an extremely unnecessary and confusing question.

Dai Xi Lei: "Rhine...are there really so many women in this world who look so much like me that you can't help but take action?"

Rhine said sincerely: "Yes, sister."

"B-but...you seem to still have the aura of Teacher Euphemia on you."

As if she was afraid of angering Lain and betraying Lain's sincerity, Dai Xi Lei asked in a low voice with extremely guilty conscience:

"Teacher Euphemia...is she similar to me?"

Rhine: "Yes, I think when Sister Dai grows up, she will be like Teacher Euphemia..."

Ah, is that so...

There was light in Dai Xi Lei's eyes again, and she smiled softly, her eyes full of doting on Lain.

Frankly speaking, Dai Xi Lei didn't feel that she and Euphemia were similar at all.

Euphemia is the clone of the Mecha that has taken away the power of Sequence Two.

Dai Xilei, on the other hand, comes from another system entirely.

But does it really matter if they are similar or not?

Since Lain felt so, Dai Xi Lei would not refute.

At this time, Dai Xilei felt much more relaxed: "What about... Hela?"

Rhine smiled and replied: "Hela, like Sister Dai, loves children. Every time I see Hela, I seem to see my sister."

Dai Xi Lei: "But Lain, why do you still have the smell of elves on you? My sister seems... to have nothing in common with elves, right?"

Rhine said gently: "Yes, sister."

Dai Xilei: "Really? What on earth is that..."

Lai Yin interrupted Dai Xi Lei and said more gently: "It's true, sister."

Lai Yin looked at Dai Xi Lei,

That affectionate gaze was enough to break through Dai Xi Lei's defense - well, Lain was right.

Although I really want this uninteresting question to end here...

But the feminine scent on Rhine was too complex.

Among them, what worries Dai Xilei the most is...

Dai Xi Lei: "But Lain, you seem to still believe in the evil god? Is this also because of me? Does the evil dragon Olivia also look like me?"

Rhine immediately replied: "No way."

Dai Xilei's eyes trembled: "Huh? Then..."

Rhine: "But I will use Her Majesty Olivia's power to seduce those women to fall in love with me."

Rhine: "After all, although those demigods are similar to my sister, they will not love me unconditionally like my sister. So in order to use them to relieve my loneliness, I can only find a suitable god to help me."


The crotchless scumbag who has no self-awareness and is extremely comfortable speaks! !

Any normal human being who still has reason will definitely be shocked by Rhine's evil dragon's speech, which completely violates secular ethics.

but! !

The person standing opposite Rhine——is definitely not a normal person! !

Dai Xi Lei became a little excited: "I see, that's right...don't care what those bitches think, they don't know how good you are! They don't deserve to fall in love with Lain! Those women are just It's just a consumable product that Rhine used the power of the evil god to trick into going to bed. It's just a meal replacement!! Rhine, sister will love you and will love you forever! Because Rhine and sister are a perfect match! On this planet, there are only Only sister is worthy of being Rhine’s wife! Right!!”

Rhine nodded heavily: "Yes!"

After getting the most sincere and positive answer from Rhine.

Dai Xilei finally felt at ease.

Dai Xi Lei's eyes once again had charm, and her body was no longer as stiff as a corpse. She slowly let go of Lain, her heart filled with infatuation for Lain.

How she wanted to obey Lain's wish and do more intimate things with Lain.

But alas...

There were children watching beside him.

Dai Xilei: "Laine, don't scare sister in the future... If sister really made a decision just now, you would never see me again, right?"

A smile finally appeared on Dai Xi Lei's face again.

The misunderstanding was resolved.

Rhine actually still loves her deeply!

Although he used the excuse of meal replacement, he still could not hide the fact that Rhine had cheated on her.

But Dai Xilei didn't care about that at all.

Those so-called "lovers" are just substitutes for Dai Xi Lei. They are the helpless actions of lonely Lai Yin when Dai Xi Lei cannot comfort Lai Yin.


Just a tool man.

How could Dai Xilei be jealous of Tou Xi?

It's obviously Dai Xi Lei's inability to accompany Lai Yin, and it's obviously her wife's fault, which is why Lai Yin is so lonely. How cruel and vicious is Dai Xi Lei to blame Lai Yin in turn?

Dai Xilei couldn't do that kind of thing.

Now Dai Xi Lei has completely understood the truth, a sweet and hopeful truth.

Rhine loved him so deeply - how could there be a woman in the world who could replace Dai Xi Lei's position in his heart?


What was I thinking about before...

I actually doubted Rhine's true feelings for me, and wanted to abandon Rhine to complete some so-called mission - I should simply die to apologize to Rhine.


Dai Xilei stared at Lain infatuatedly,

This poor woman who had been wandering in the abyss for several years, tortured by curses, filth, and whispers all day long, her sick soul that was already on the verge of collapse, once again found hope enough to support her to continue fighting.

I can't give up this soul yet.

If I die, won't I have to leave Rhine alone in the world?

He will be very lonely, because he will only love Dai Xi Lei in this life. Is Dai Xi Lei going to let Rhine lose her true love and be trapped in the longing for Dai Xi Lei for the rest of her life until she dies in depression?

Wouldn't it be too pitiful for Rhine like that?


I can't die yet.

Absolutely, cannot die.

Dai Xi Lei: "So Lain, I can definitely trust you, right? You will still love me only for the rest of your life, right?"

Lai Yin did not speak, but stared at Dai Xi Lei infatuatedly.

Everything is left unsaid.

At this moment, Dai Xi Lei's heart was moved. Although she deeply loved Rhine's soul, she had to admit that Rhine today... was indeed more charming than before.

However, compared to Rhine, Dai Xi Lei has been wandering in the Sea of ​​Origin for so many years, and her mental condition has deteriorated rapidly. She has become haggard and crazy. Let alone her femininity, she is almost no longer a human being.

Moreover, there are a group of children around.

400. Dai Xilei: Let your sister dedicate everything to you, right?

But fortunately... even though Dai Xi Lei is in such a bad state now, Lain doesn't dislike herself at all.

Rhine is so kind to me...


Dai Xilei said infatuatedly: "Layin, my sister already knows your feelings, and she also promises you that I will always be your sister, your wife, your princess...Absolutely, I won't Become something else that scares you.”

Dai Xi Lei snuggled into Lain's arms again: "So from now on, you can't make such jokes with your sister anymore..."

Rhine nodded in agreement: "Sister...I am the same as you. I need my sister, please don't leave me."

Lai Yin hugged Dai Xi Lei and asked affectionately:

"Sister, please hold on for me for a while longer. I will come to pick you up soon, very soon."

Dai Xi Lei replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, Lain, I will wait for you..."

Dai Xi Lei's commitment to Lain is not only because of her desire for a married life with Lain - it is also because of responsibility.

Dai Xi Lei had known Lain since she was a child, grew up together, and fell in love together. Their meeting was such a coincidence. It was fate that Dai Xi Lei should meet Lain at the age when she was most easily emotional in her life - it seemed like fate. Destined to be average.

If her love for Lain hadn't supported her, Dai Xilei would probably have ceased to exist by now.

And not to mention, if the mortal world faces a doomsday catastrophe, then in that sinful reincarnation ritual, only Dai Xi Lei, who has the same power as those hateful original gods, can protect Lai Xi Lei... ...


After thinking about this in her heart, Dai Xilei suddenly froze.



The original god, childhood sweetheart, fell in love with Rhine at the most emotional age...

Suddenly, another person's name appeared in Dai Xi Lei's mind.

For a moment, Dai Xilei's eyes showed worry.

Lain caught Dai Xi Lei's wavering.

Rhine: "Sister, what's wrong?"

So far,

Dai Xi Lei had long been willing to obey Lain's wishes, but...she seemed to have thought of something very important.

Dai Xi Lei moved her eyes away from Lain's face.

She looked at the sea of ​​corpses at her feet.


Dai Xi Lei: "Um...Rhine, of course sister will not leave you. Sister can agree to any request you have. But in order to prevent any unpleasant things from happening between sister and you in the future, there is one thing. Sister hopes you will confess to me."

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