Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 589: Strange

Because Howson always said that she had a small chest and could hold it with one hand.

She doesn't think so. She thinks that her **** are of the right size, soft and white, and very firm, because Howson's hands are too big.

Don't boxers have big and rough hands? This is normal.

Until now, she didn't understand why the **** would say that, and wondered if he had a leg with these stealth fighter pilots when she was away.

She decided to meet again and interrogate Howson. As long as she smells a disharmony, she won't do it for him in the future.

The female driver didn't know that the thoughts in her mind had gone round several times in this short half-minute. Following the coordinates provided by Tang Fang, she drove the Banshee fighter plane towards Kandal.

The dn51 stealth device gives the Banshee fighter the ability to bend light. There is only a faint light and shadow under a blue sky, which is difficult to identify. The turbofan engine in low noise mode adds another safety lock for stealth performance.

The Banshee fighter is like an invisible ghost, walking at a low altitude only a few hundred meters from the sea.

Irma once saw the official radar patrol boat passing under the fighter plane. She was startled in a cold sweat, but found that it was only a false alarm. The radar patrol boat did not even find a trace.

When approaching Kandal Island, there are not only radar patrol boats and sonar buoys, but also many unmanned early warning aircraft in the air. There are also some missionary-class frigates and a more than 200-meter-long True Eye-class reconnaissance ship. Ship.

Although it is logical for Surbaggio to inherit the title, under the instruction of the Duchess, the alert level of Kandal Island is still increased a lot, because the remains of the Duke of Congreve are staying in the palace hall. Accept the condolences and condolences from the local nobles of "Aitiya". Other princes in the Turanx United Kingdom and the envoys sent by His Majesty the King are also on their way. For safety reasons, it is naturally necessary to raise the alert level.

After entering the quantum radar scanning range of the Eye of True Sight scout ship, the speed of the Banshee fighter began to slow down. The noise of the turbofan is reduced to a minimum, and it travels through the gap between air mines and monitoring equipment like a swimming fish walking through a seabed reef.

Irma's heart came up to her throat, her hands firmly grasping the seat belt, her nails whitish because of too much force. She is an employee of a business group, similar to the role of a company's white-collar workers, when did she experience this? Had it not been for Philips and the old Barney in jail, she would have been fighting back.

This is completely different from the clips in the movie, and the dull breath alone can make the unwilling people nervous.

Aros was the opposite of her, looking very relaxed, squinting his eyes and lifting his head to sleep on the cushion. There was even a slight snoring sound in his mouth.

Irma was a little unacceptable. The Banshee fighter flew through the gap between the two unmanned early warning drones several times. She could even see the miniature receiver on the surface of the drone from the window.

A thin layer of sweat has been applied to her temples, her face is as pale as snow, and her abdomen feels swollen and urgency. However, even under such circumstances, the veteran could still fall asleep, and his snoring sound was symmetrical and natural. It was like sleeping on a bed in a seven-star hotel, which was simply unacceptable to her. How could he be so peaceful. So calm? In case of detection by reconnaissance equipment, I believe the military will open fire without hesitation. At that time, waiting for them will be destroyed by plane.

She didn't know, let alone this situation, even if she was lying in a dead man's pile in a battlefield intertwined with light and fire. The veterans can still fall asleep safely. This is a "gift" given to every Silver Eagle soldier by the Phoenix Empire.

Ten minutes passed like this. The two Banshee fighters finally crossed the early warning defense line constructed by various reconnaissance equipment and reached the hinterland of Kandal Island.

This is an island with an area of ​​more than 80 square kilometers. From the west coast to the center of the island is a complex of four or five kilometers of buildings, including modern skyscrapers, low warehouses and bunkers. The core building is a green garden in the center of the island, with artificial lakes, stone forests, and Victorian styles in the center. The palace is the Dengger Palace where the Duke of Congreve lived and lived.

Different from the warning zone with copper walls and iron walls on the periphery of the island, the island and the nearby waters for dozens of kilometers are calm and peaceful. Only at low altitudes around the island and gardens, there are occasional people or unmanned early warning aircraft flying by to patrol suspicious persons and vehicles.

Two Banshee fighter planes stopped over a woodland outside the island. Irma saw the Banshee fighter plane carrying Tang Fang and Roy descend the rope ladder. After half a minute, the Banshee fighter plane rose again, and disappeared into the cabin.

She was a little puzzled. Since the Banshee fighter plane in front was thrown down the rope ladder, why didn't she see people down? The Banshee fighter plane she was in had no movement from beginning to end. The female pilot concentrated on controlling the fighter plane and hovered in the air. Aros was still sleeping.

The boring waiting lasted for more than 10 minutes. A maglev car drove up on the road shaded by trees, stopped by the side of the road, and then a person got off.

When Irma saw the man’s face and costume, her small mouth opened unconsciously, her face and eyes were filled with confusion and shock, because the person who got off the car was not someone else, who should be in the cabin of the Banshee fighter ahead. Tang Fang.

When did he go down? Where did you get a maglev car again.

She recalled the previous scene of the Banshee fighter lowering the rope ladder, wondering if Tang Fang went down at that time, but she hadn't seen anything at the time. Could it be that he could magic, be invisible, and hide?

She subconsciously swept the female pilot in the cockpit, and another Banshee fighter that could only be seen on the on-board display. Suddenly she figured out that since even a large figure like Banshee fighter can be invisible, he has this. What's so strange about ability.

"Come on, go down."

With her distraction, Aros, who had fallen asleep, suddenly woke up, greeted the pilot in front, opened the hatch, and threw the rope ladder down.

Irma hurriedly opened the seat belt, carefully followed Aros and descended from the rope ladder into the woods on the roadside.

When the two people walked to the position of the maglev vehicle, Roy also walked out of the woods. Tang Fang sat in the main driver again. Aros chose the co-pilot. Irma opened the rear door, but found an old man sitting in the middle. He is about 70 years old, wearing a luxurious suit, with a calm demeanor.

"O...Earl Oval?"

She knew this person, the former Governor of "Aitiya", who had just retired from office a few years ago.

"Oval" glanced at her. Without speaking, he turned his head and looked at the road ahead with an attitude of indifference.

Tang Fang glanced at the horizon behind him, reminded her to get in the car quickly, and then drove the maglev vehicle to the direction of Dengger Palace.

He didn't tell Irma the truth, the old man in the back row just looked exactly like Oval. The true identity is a mimic chick.

According to his earlier plan, after entering the safe zone of Kandal Island, he used the cockroach's burrowing ability to dig out a tunnel leading to the prison of Philips and the old Benny, and then launched a lightning raid to rescue the two people. In a time, he rushed back to Knollburg to send Zhou Ai, Freya, the managers and their families away, and then he would rush to the collection of the Duke of Congreve. Get things done for "Smart Core".

If Surbaggio dispatches armed forces to suppress it, he doesn't mind letting the young duke suffer.

The Duke of Congreve clearly caused his death by drinking excessively, but Surbaggio imprisoned Philips, the old Benny, and the old Duke’s guests and friends in the wine shop. What is the purpose, I am afraid it is not like an announcement to avenge his father. It's that simple.

The so-called three fires for the appointment of new officials. Throughout human history, when the new king is enthroned, there will be few drastic changes. In fact, it is just to wipe out dissidents on the grounds of change.

Surbaggio is self-sufficient, and will inevitably adjust the power structure of the territory after he succeeds, and replace the people who originally belonged to the old duke in some important positions. This requires an excuse. Obviously, Philips, Benny and others are his important weights for the reform of the official system. After all, Philips has been in business for so many years, and has socialized with many powerful figures under the old duke. In order to obtain some convenience and benefits, it is inevitable. Give gifts and bribes. Sulbaggio can get rid of some people he doesn't like by just following the vine.

Since the young duke wanted to use Philips and the old Benny as tools to exclude dissidents. Naturally, Tang Fang didn't need to care about the friendship between Philips and the old duke anymore.

This is a very simple thing. However, after arriving on Kandal Island, Tang Fang sent a detector in advance to scan the place where Philips and Benny were held and returned an anomaly. During the scanning process, the detector found that the old man had been dead for 7 days. There is a subtle energy response in the duke's body.

At first he suspected that it was the effect of the anti-corrosion equipment, but after sharing the vision of the detector, it was found that the anomaly had nothing to do with the anti-corrosion equipment. Congreve’s body did indeed have a very subtle life energy response. There is no way to detect the products of Ling Technology.

Congreve has been dead for a week, and the life energy response should have stopped long ago. It stands to reason that this shouldn't happen.

He doubted whether Congreve was not completely dead, or that this incident was not like what Irma said. The old duke died violently because of excessive drinking. It was probably a carefully planned murder, like Surba. Joe had announced it to the outside world, but the real murderer must be someone else.

According to Emma's analysis, that kind of life energy response is suspicious. Congreve may be in a state of suspended animation. Perhaps the queen has a way to wake up his organs and bring the old duke back to life.

Tang Fang thought about it and felt that if he could save Congreve, it would be a good way to break the situation. As long as the old duke wakes up, Philips and the old Benny’s charges will naturally be cleared, and the intellectual core should not be a big problem. After all, he saved his life and should give back to the savior.

Of course, if the old guy plays any tricks, he will just grab it as originally planned.

Out of the above considerations, he gave up the original plan and decided to enter the Dengger Palace first.

Soon, the maglev vehicle arrived at the core of Kandal Island, the garden where the Denger Palace is located.

When passing by the guard box in front of the door, Tang Fang handed the guards the certificate belonging to the genuine Earl of Oval, and after some taboo items were checked, only a few people were allowed to enter the garden.

Congreve is a duke, belonging to the great aristocratic class of Turanx United Kingdom. His death, including the nobles and the lords of other duchy and marquis, will send children or envoys to express condolences. Close ones will even be there in person, even King Hymn will be no exception.

Compared with the big nobles, the small and medium nobles in the Knar family territory to which Congreve belongs can only rush to condolences before the arrival of the big aristocrats, which makes the Dengger Palace change from the quiet of the past and many people come. But most of them are very low-key, deliberately keeping quiet. Don't dare to make a loud noise.

Tang Fang and Aros dressed as Oval's bodyguards. Roy and Irma were personal waiters and assistants. They sandwiched Oval and walked to the main hall where Congrev's coffin was located.

On the way, some little nobles, waiters, and entourage saw Oval among the four, and they retreated to the side. Solemnly salute.

The fake Oval nodded to some little nobles in response under Tang Fang's command. As for the waiters and entourage, some local officials chose to ignore them. After all, Oval is the second-class earl of the kingdom and once served as the governor of "Aitiya". His actual status is definitely at the highest level in the entire duchy. If even some local officials must respond to salutes. It would be a share.

The closer to the Dengger Palace, the tighter Tang Fang frowned, because the people who came to mourn were far more than expected, and even some local officials gathered here, three groups and five groups. The child whispered something.

He was a little surprised why so many people came. When I think about it carefully, it suddenly seems. The old duke died, and the new king succeeded to the throne. At such an important and sensitive moment, in order to keep the black gauze on his head, it is natural to come, and those who shouldn’t come will also find a way to come here in order to be in the new duke. Showing his face in front of him might win Surbaggio's favor. Ever since then. No matter how bad, I can still listen to the wind and figure out how the three fires of the new duke are burning, and it is good to make arrangements early.

This brought some obstacles to his plan. But it's not big, within an acceptable level.

Irma lowered her head as much as possible to conceal the panic on her face. Although she had already put on makeup on the road and was surely recognized, after all, she was not like Tang Fang who had gone through many winds and waves. Can't be calm.

Roy held a bunch of flowers in his hand, showing a decent expression of sadness. Gaze at the road ahead.

The main hall where Congriv's coffin was parked was not far from the parking place, and several people quickly came to the stone steps in front of the hall. A viscount in his 50s came out from the inside. After seeing Ovar, he was taken aback, smiled and saluted, and then pointed to the attached hall next to him. It seemed that he was familiar with Ovar and invited him afterwards. Meet in the attached hall.

According to Tang Fang's instructions, the counterfeit earl nodded, and walked inside with the help of Irma.

When the viscount walked down the steps, he looked at Tang Fang and his group with some doubts, but he didn't care. He walked down the steps to the attached hall next to him.

A few people walked into the main hall and found that it was composed of two parts. The front was a lounge. The inner room was where the coffin was placed. Through the open door of the hall, you could see the huge cross directly opposite, as well as lying flat. The coffin on the high platform is surrounded by a thick layer of lilies.

Tang Fang and Aros were stopped by guards, and only Roy was put in on the grounds that the old count was in poor health and needed help.

The atmosphere in the lounge is a little more relaxed than in the inner hall where the coffin is located. Some entourages brought by the nobles exchanged their views and wonders on the architectural style and garden layout of the Dengger Palace. If it were not for the death of Congreve, they would have no chance. Come here.

There are still some people talking about which big person has been here today, or who hasn't, Oval is one of the protagonists in their conversation.

Tang Fang took a look at the front hall and found that there were no heavyweights. The nobles who wanted to come were all in the attached hall.

He took Irma and Aros to an inconspicuous corner on the west side of the hall, looking at some stunning portraits of the Knell family’s ancestors, but in fact, his attention has long been shifted to the outside. Frame Banshee fights on the fuselage.

To obtain the qualifications to enter the inner temple is actually very simple.

Without any warning, a few flashes suddenly lit up in the blue sky, the sound of rockets piercing through the sky was like tearing cloth with hands, and the surging smoke, pulling out strips of twisted white behind the rocket tail Track.

boom! boom! boom!

Recoil rockets exploded one after another, and the fire suddenly appeared, and the whole ground shook. Crushed stones fell everywhere like pouring rain. Some vegetation in the garden was covered with flames, and a magnetic levitation vehicle carried The flame flew to the sky. Not far from the main hall where the coffin was placed, a bell tower was hit by two fire missiles, the flames expanded rapidly, countless bricks shot in all directions, the tower began to fall, large pieces of debris peeled off, and pits appeared on the surrounding ground. depression.

The screams of the women were mixed with the harsh sirens all over the island, and the originally orderly garden area was immediately blown up. The local officials and drivers and entourages outside were like a group of chaotic locusts to the Dengger Palace. The air defense shelter is running.

In the hall attached to the main hall where the coffin was parked, the noble lords also swarmed out, and under the support of their entourage and bodyguards, they fled to the air defense shelter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The duchess with white flowers in her chest and some female families barefoot. Ah, while running, watching the Hida rain flooding behind him like a tide, screamed and howled again and again.

At this moment, their behavior is not elegant at all, and there is no temperament at all. The flying black gauze skirt was torn and torn during the escape, like a **** butterfly flying to the world by death, stirred up by the explosion. The gusts of wind swirled and flew into the distance.

Some people tripped over the debris under their feet, ignored the blood dripping from the abrasions on their knees, gritted their teeth and climbed up, limping and continuing to run forward. Some elderly aristocratic lords are too poor in physical fitness, so they can only be lifted up by strong bodyguards or directly carried on their shoulders and rushed forward. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you local tyrant book friends for the great rewards that started with a single step.

Thank you Ying Chengfeng, Baishan-jun, Dachun, Tianma Meteor Cannon, and Caiji whose names have been used.

Thanks to the Chinese General of Command and Conquer, szdl82, Spider Crab, Deng Mao, Emperor Tank, Black Blood Freedom, book friends 150814102252997, book friends 150727164246685 for their rewards.

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