Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 590: Weird parasite

Looking from the sky, they are like a group of ants panicking under the rainstorm.

In the back, the heat wave rolled like clouds, the gravel shot like a arrow, and the dense explosions rushed and roared like furious purgatory monsters, driving away the humble and weak ants in its eyes.

No one thought that such a situation would happen. Kandal Island would be attacked by terrorism under the protection of a copper wall and iron wall. This is simply unacceptable. The Duke of Congreve has been in charge of Aradère's star system for 20 years, and he is not bad for civilians under his jurisdiction. There has never been a major terrorist attack. However, today, it is a sensitive period when Surbaggio is about to become the new Duke. Inside, it just happened... The Dengger Palace, which symbolizes the authority of the Duke, suffered the terrorist attack.

What's even more incomprehensible is that there are countless early warning facilities and combat units distributed in the area tens of nautical miles outside Kandal Island, stupefied to allow terrorists to enter the hinterland of Kandal Island to launch an attack on the Dengger Palace.

They are scared, flustered, and even more angry. Especially the Duchess, while yelling at the officers in the outer guard zone of the island for being a rice bucket, vowed to catch the guys who dared to launch terrorist attacks at this time, and then punish the nine clans, oh no, the ten clans!

No one knew that she was more self-sufficient than Surbaggio.

Faced with such a situation, almost everyone selectively forgot that there was a noble corpse in the hall where the spirit coffin was placed. He was once the most powerful person in the principality and the one they sworn allegiance.

When the bombardment of the two Banshee fighters continued to ferment, the hidden defense facilities of the Dengger Palace were activated one after another, the lawn in some parts of the garden subsided, and the hidden gates slowly opened. One after another anti-aircraft missile launchers were pushed to the surface, and some fixed-point near-aircraft arrays protruded from specific areas of some construction facilities, and the recoil rockets whizzing down toward the sky sprinkled dazzling rain.

In addition, some unmanned attack aircraft and manned fighters also took off from the airport in the northern part of the island and rushed to the Dengel Palace for reinforcements.

however. What made the officers who rushed to the ground defense headquarters in the first place bewildered was that, except for the rockets that were difficult to intercept, the launcher could not be captured on the radar screen. No matter how they could increase the scanning of the enemy radar. Neither frequency nor system power has any effect.

They had to beg for help like the security forces around the island, hoping that the reconnaissance ship equipped with quantum radar could spot those invisible enemies.

The Duchess and the officers of the Dengger Palace Ground Defense Command thought it was a surprise attack by terrorists against Surbaggio. Some people even suspect that the attack came from some army generals who are at odds with Surbaggio, or princes who have enemies with the Duke of Congreve.

Some people think that the person who launched this terrorist attack is an out-and-out idiot, who wants to cause trouble for Surbaggio ascending the throne. Why choose today? Wouldn’t it be better to postpone it for a few days in the future and wait for the envoys of other princes of the kingdom and the seventh prince who represents His Majesty to come to express their condolences?

No one knows that things are not as complicated as they thought. This is nothing but a trick played by Captain Tang to divert the sight of those present and create a favorable environment for his next actions.

As early as when the attack began, the entourage and bodyguards in the lounge immediately picked up the master inside and ran to the location of the air defense facility at maximum speed. Tang Fang, Aros, and Irma took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the main hall where the coffin was placed. , Waiting for those nobles and officials to leave and walk to the coffin.

Irma didn't know what Tang Fang was thinking, but she knew that the chaos outside came from the two Banshee fighters. So she settled down and watched his actions carefully, because she was curious that there was something in this hall that was more attractive than Philips and the old Benny, so he didn't hesitate to frighten him.

While thinking about it. Tang Fang gave an order to Oval: "Open it."

Next, Irma saw an unbelievable scene. In her eyes, Earl Oval no longer slumped, straightened his spine, the fleshy tissues of her fingers swelled and squirmed, and her finger bones swelled up, turning into a hard material that makes people chill. The sharp bone spurs were repeatedly mentioned in the seal of the transparent coffin, and the coffin opened in response.

Irma couldn't help taking a step back. More or less scared.

As a woman, she suddenly faced the dead body. It is unavoidable to be afraid.

Roy didn't move, just turned his head and looked at Tang Fang, curious as to why he ordered the mimic larva to open the coffin, it was just a dead body, what's so good about him, even if he was a noble duke before his death.

Aros moved a little to the side, covering Irma with his body.

Tang Fang's heart moved, and the huge body of the queen of insects walked out across from the other side, making a mess of the flowers and furnishings.

Irma's eyes widened, she couldn't help but stepped back three steps, sitting on the ground, her face as white as snow, her teeth fighting straight.

She has seen this kind of alien shape comparable to a tank. If Tang Fang, Roy and others hadn't moved before, she had seen "Oval"'s hands mutate before, and she had some psychological preparations. She screamed, and even ran away.

She has seen too many incredible things today, more than 20 years of life combined, stealth fighters, shapeshifters, and hideous behemoths coming out of black holes. At this moment, she finally knew why Howson had so much respect for Captain Tang, almost blindly thinking that there was nothing in this world that he couldn't do.

Roy looked at her and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. He thought it was not good to do so. After holding back for a long time, he finally suppressed the smile on his chest, scratched his scalp and said, "Don't be afraid, it's very docile."

The word "docile" used the word "docile" to describe a hideous alien with sharp appendages, thin spider-like legs and a body as big as a tank. She felt that either Roy's brain was broken or her own brain was broken. Lost.

On the other side, Tang Fang ignored the trembling Irma behind him, and sent an instruction to the queen of worms.

In the next second, the queen stretched out the thinnest appendage and sent it into Congreve's body little by little.

He was waiting, Roy was waiting, Aros was waiting.

Irma felt her legs gradually recover a bit of strength, and tried to get up from the ground.

At this moment, he yelled: "No!" Hooking Aros and Roy's bodies with both hands and backing away.

Suddenly, there was a sound like a vesicle bursting in the coffin. A **** tentacle with the thickness of an arm swept aside, quickly wrapped around the unresponsive "Oval", and pulled it into the coffin.


Accompanied by a scream, "Oval" began to twist and transform, from a nobleman in a suit and leather shoes to an abomination. A monster with terrifying sarcoma.

Irma shuddered in fright, and her body that had just straightened collapsed to the ground again, and was picked up by Tang Fang and quickly retreated.

At the same time, there was another **** tentacled thick thumb crawling all the way up around the appendage behind the worm like a dexterous snake. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent instructions for self-harm. The thick appendage on the back of the queen worm is like a sharp long knife, slashing it from top to bottom, cutting off the connection between the tiny appendage and the body, quickly retreating, and returning to nothingness.

Tang Fang held Irma and withdrew about three feet before stopping. Turning to look at the spirit coffin in the center of the main hall, the fake Oval has completely transformed into a mimic larva, being pulled into the spirit coffin bit by bit by the blood sausage-like tentacles.

Congreve had already sat up from the coffin at some point. Of course, he hadn't come alive, only his flesh had come alive.

Some tentacles came out of his face, chin, and forehead, blood and pus dripped drop by drop, and even an eyeball protruded from his eye socket. Hang on the place flush with the mouth and shake it back and forth.

Irma finally couldn't stand her emotions and let out a scream.

Roy's face was also pale, and anyone who saw a disgusting corpse crawling out of the coffin would not be calm.

Tang Fang's expression did not change much. It's just that the frown becomes tighter.

As soon as the queen sent a warning message, he knew that things had changed. It was not that Congreve was still alive, but the things in his body were still alive. He felt when the appendages of the worm were inserted into the corpse and were ready to be checked with the phantom power. When it reaches the threat, it wakes up from the dormant state and launches a counterattack against what it regards as an enemy.

During the retreat of the three of him and Irma. Emma drew a conclusion by analyzing the dormant biological DNA fragments in Congreve's body intercepted by the worm. That thing has a genetic structure similar to the Evil Eye, Giant Snake and other epic creatures encountered before.

The dormant things in Duke Congreve's body, or parasitic things, are of the same family as the Evil Eyes and Epic creatures like the giant snake. This is a bit unacceptable. Whether it is the bat monster on Namistar, the mushroom monster on the jump relay station, and the aqbd-1 asexual jellyfish body of the Akubado star system, they are all heterogeneous creatures of a certain size, like this kind of parasitic creature. It was the first time he met.

In any case, although the information transmitted by the worm queen is incomplete, it will not be false. Since this parasite is of the same family as the epic creature, it must be difficult to mess with.

There is one more thing he can’t figure out. Congreve is an elderly duke who spends most of his time in the Dengger Palace on Kandal Island. Many government affairs that require a long journey are also handed over to Surba. Agent Joe, in such an environment, how can you come into contact with epic creatures and be parasitic?

Of course, the most important thing right now is how to solve the "zombie" in the coffin.

He tried to instruct the mimic larva to pierce Congreve's body with a sharp finger. It was a bit cruel. After all, the old duke had never done anything that made people angry, and whip the corpse shouldn't happen to him. But he had no choice but to do so.

Mimic larvae originate from insect swarms and are much stronger than humans. If it is an ordinary flesh and blood body, it can tear into countless palm-sized corpses between a few breaths.

It's a pity that it encountered a "zombie" today. It pierced Congreve's body with a sharp finger and was entangled and wrapped by countless **** tentacles from the wounds, like many earthworms that made people cold. , In the blink of an eye, swallowed the entire arm, merged with the blood sausage that had previously entangled the mimic larva, and pulled it into the coffin.

Tang Fang quietly released a detector, preparing to scan Congreve's body in detail to determine whether the "zombie" would have a heart-like door like the tree monster that Akron encountered in the underground.

That is, at the same time, the whole body of the mimic larva that was pulled into the broken coffin was pressed against Congreve's body, looking like two dried salted fish tied together.

This state did not last long. Through the "eyes" of the detector, he saw an extremely frightening scene.

Congreve's body was torn apart from the middle, and there was a cracking sound of bone cracking, and countless viscous plasma and mucosal tissues flowed down. Exposed the internal organs of the chest, which were colorful and covered with short tentacles like maggots, **** and nauseous.

Immediately afterwards, it just swallowed the mimic larva into its stomach, or it was more accurate to put it into its stomach.

The torn chest began to tighten, like the mouth of a beast. Swallow the lower body of the mimic larva little by little. At the same time, Congreve’s chin was split from the middle, all the way up to the nasal cavity. Several blood-colored tentacles that looked like twisting worms protruded from the mouth and nasal cavity and swayed around in the air. One of them was rolled up and hung on the side of the mouth. Eyeballs squeezed forcefully. A cloud of slurry splashed.


Irma couldn't bear the change of Congreve's head, and vomited without image.

The veteran took her from Tang Fang, without any expression of disgust on his face. Roy put his right arm in front of his chest, and the cyan meridians were like protruding tree roots.

A zealot flashed out of nothingness and used the "Charge" skill to fly to the coffin. When the hand lifted the knife and fell, the psionic blade slashed like a guillotine, splitting the spirit coffin in half, and the Congreve inside was also divided into two.

It didn't just die, even if it was cut in half by the fanatic.

Numerous twisted granulation sprouted from the wounds of the abdominal cavity and lower limbs, which were stretched and combined very quickly, like elastic rubber bands, and the upper body and lower limbs were gathered and sutured again. Then it just stood up.

Most of the mimic larvae had been swallowed, and only a huge sarcoma fell on the **** belly, except for the **** tentacles dancing in the mouth and nostrils. Congreve's body shook a few times, and his back bulged out with cysts that looked like bulges. Two large appendages that looked like worms grew from the inside of the scapula. The plasma dripped from the tips and fell on the ground into a ball of stench. mud.

The golden light flashed before Tang, and another fanatic appeared in the real space. Together with the fanatic on the opposite side, the Duke of Congreve, who was transformed into a dead body, was sandwiched in the middle.

Next second. Two fanatics attacked at the same time, turning into two blue afterimages. Instantly rushed to Congreve's side, and the 4 faint blue light knives enveloping the flames resembled death hurricanes, dismembering the 2-meter-high corpse into several segments... even the two appendages were no exception.

Plasma and ground meat are thickly spread on the ground, and many maggot-like parasites are blown away by the thrust generated by the rupture of the vesicles, and fall on the surface of the enthusiast's plasma shield and turn into pungent smoke.

At this moment, Tang Fang's expression changed drastically, he pushed the veteran and Roy back, yelling and shut his breath.

Light and shadow flashed in front of him again, and a static ball and mechanical sentry appeared in the field.

The energy ball at the tail of the mechanical sentry was shining brightly, and the "Guardian's Shield" was aroused. A high-transparency photon shield enveloped the four people behind. At the same time, the static ball placed a "force field" in front to confine the entire space.

Tang Fang quickly took out three sets of power armor and threw it to three people, and said: "Replace it." Then Irma, who was at a loss, put on the harsh environment protective clothing as quickly as possible.

He never thought that the seemingly weak Congreve would be so difficult, the level of weirdness was comparable to that of phagosome polymer.

According to the detection results of the detector suspended in the air, the gaseous particles formed after the death of the maggot-like parasites are biologically toxic and can also be said to be a deadly virus that can infect organisms through the respiratory tract.

Fanatics can be immune, but it doesn't mean that humans can also be immune, but fortunately, he responded promptly and blocked them with "Guardian's Shield" and "Force Field", and finally avoided breathing the poisonous smoke.

With little effort, he put on protective clothing for the harsh environment. Later, Irma was also dressed up with the help of veterans and Roy to avoid exposure to the polluted environment.

Instructed the veteran to teach Irma Ma Runjia how to use it, and he looked at the opposite side of the "force field" with a sullen face.

Those corpses that were cut into several pieces are still alive, just like the situation that appeared after being cut off at the beginning. There will be resonance between the meat pieces. The granulation along the edge of the knife stretches rapidly, grows relatively, and finally combines into one strand, The pieces come together to restore their original appearance.

Two fanatics tried to stop them, but even if they cut into pieces of meat smaller than fingers, they could still re-fuse into large pieces of tissue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even evolved. The clumps of granulation squirm through the ground to drive the meat. The main body gathered together like countless little scarlet snakes, and turned into a sickly mess.

In the end, Congreve's face was left with only pieces of broken skin, crookedly attached to the head of the rotten meat.

Not only that, because of the frequent cutting of fanatics, more and more parasites died, which turned into a cloud of viruses to spread. Although he can't see it, Tang Fang knows better than anyone what harm it will bring if it continues like this-once it escapes from the main hall and winds away and reaches the continent where Fort Norr is located, a terrible event is bound to erupt. Catastrophe.

He can only order the zealots to suspend the attack, and let the pieces of meat gather together and become a hideous corpse beast.

Due to the double obstruction of the "Force Field" and the "Guardian's Shield", the virus cloud cannot pose a threat to the four people. This does not mean that the situation will remain deadlocked.

When the defensive facilities hidden underground in the Dengger Palace were activated one after another, the Duchess finally remembered that Congreve’s body was still left unattended in the hall, and hurriedly ordered the security department to send people to carry it, because in the next few days, all over the kingdom The envoys of the princes will come one after another. If the body of the old duke is blown to pieces in this terrorist attack, it will be a shame for the Knar family. (To be continued)

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