The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 227: Great military merits gifted by monks

This terrified stormtrooper collapsed in an extremely rapid manner, but these monks who had raised the stick formation had no intention of letting go of these thieves' thoughts at all.

The Buddha said, I don’t go to **** and whoever goes to hell, Amitabha!

The monks who sang promises were not idle under their feet, and they chased up with their legs in a formation.

When under Gu Zheng's guidance, Wang Qianhu's ship had begun to approach the hardest-hit area sent by the maritime hegemony system, and he saw such a ridiculous scene.

I saw bright lights on the long and narrow coastal beach, but the combination of these torches was like a swimming dragon, moving at high speed towards the rear.

A group of pirates carrying torches, smashing on the beach, fleeing desperately in the direction of the large group of square camps behind.

And behind them, chasing them like a scourge, but only a large bald-headed team of less than twenty people.

"Hey, come and take a look at the western scene. Who are those people with bright heads and light bulbs?"

"With such a high force value, you should be serving for my famous national navy division!"

The soldiers on the observation platform on the side immediately waved the semaphore, and the guards around Wang Qianhu slowly translated it into the most straightforward language: "That group of people are a group of monks."

"Oh, monk! This is weird, besides Jinshan Temple, where is there a monk in Minzhe."

"What's more, this temple is also famous for its prosperous incense, how can such a powerful monk be trained?"

"Don't tell me it's the Buddha's manifestation! Let's go over and watch the excitement. When these great monks met hundreds of pirates, they weren't so powerful!"

Knowing that the combat capability of individual soldiers does not play a significant role in large-scale encounters, Wang Qianhu issued an order to rush to shore.

But this group of people who like to watch the excitement are still standing on the windsurfing board to observe the development of the situation on the coastline.

Sure enough, Wang Qianhu's earlier speculations were all correct.

After the assault troops at the front fled to the front of the large troops in the rear, and successfully joined forces with them, the momentum of the pirates who had completed the group changed.

They also knew that they had encountered a tough situation, and the Tokugawa family was indeed a family that once had a general. This commander immediately adjusted his strategy.

He mobilized the pirates who were close to him, and rushed towards the monk stick formation in front.

Before giving the order to encircle, the generals of the Tokugawa clan inevitably swayed.

Five hundred people, the battle between the city lords of the invaders did not have such momentum!

Five hundred people are enough to support themselves in the Kou country and become a force that cannot be ignored on one side.

Sure enough, Young Master Mao is a talented person, and he has such a power in a short period of time. His Tokugawa hyperthyroidism will rewrite new brilliance.

Comrade Hyperthyroidism was excited, and as a well-trained commander, he also perfectly surrounded these monks who did not know the heights of the world.

"Hahaha! Let's catch it with one's hands. We Dakou Nation admires samurai most and can give you a decent way to die."

"I allow you to judge yourself!"

After listening to the opposing supreme commander's crazy call, the Shaolin monks on the opposite side fell into silence inexplicably.

The Great Monk Guiyuan, who was in the center of the stick formation, just stretched out his hand and shouted: "Amitabha."

Junior Brother Zhenfan, who is the youngest and the most fun in this group of clubs, likes to be ridiculed by pilgrims the most, said: "Grandma **** you! Kill you!"

Please refer to the South River accent here.

And when I heard my brother-nephew and brother-in-law talking like this, let alone the real fellow brother-in-law, the corners of his mouth twitched for a while.

In the end, he still needs to maintain the demeanor of a high monk. Guiyuan intends to continue to pretend to be forced: "Shen Yan! Zhenfan Master Nephew!"

"Good uncle! Then let me say this! The donor on the opposite side, please come over and let my stick collide with your head lightly! Exhausted!"

Still want to kill him!

Feeling that his majesty has been challenged like never before, Tokugawa hyperthyroidism can no longer bear to talk nonsense with the other party. He swishes the samurai sword that has been handed down for many years and gives his last order tonight: "Warrior The time has come for our allegiance to the lord, let me take down these monks!"

"Let us break through this last obstacle and join the front troops that have already rushed into the town!"

"Let Min Zhen always remember that the banner of Lord Mao once inserted here is a symbol of the honor of my Tokugawa family!"


Well said, well said!

The famous navy officers and soldiers who had logged in from the side and unknowingly found the ships that the pirates secretly concealed, and silently slaughtered all the equipment of the first ship squadron, are listening After the uplifting words of Tokugawa Hyperthyroidism, Gu Du put the navy's long knife in his hand against his shoulder and applauded the other party's remarks.

Nearly a thousand people touched silently on the coast, but because of the crackling applause, everyone's traces were exposed.


Hearing the extra sound, Tokugawa hyperthyroidism, subconsciously looked back, and saw a line of neatly lined lines of famous marines with bright armor and loaded swords, squatting behind him and applauding him. .

Illusion, all of this is an illusion. First, a monk who has attained Taoism, saying that he was going to kill him, and then the most elite navy who should have routinely patrolled hundreds of nautical miles away has now appeared. Behind him.

All this is an illusion!

Tokugawa's hyperthyroidism, who did not admit it, still stubbornly brandished his saber towards the monk in front of him.

He seemed to be in a world where he was alone, and there was only one goal left in his eyes.

Such behavior of hiding ears and stealing the bell did not bring him any good luck, but because of his unusual reaction, the hyperthyroidism alone suddenly appeared in front of the monks.

Where did you ask the other people?

Still need to ask?

The navy officers and soldiers behind has already been overwhelmed. If they are still stupid and follow their commander forward, there will only be one result, and they will be heartbroken by the opponent’s long knife from the back. Qi Feiyang!

Those thieves who are not stupid hats, who are copying their hands are making the last resistance, how can they care for their problematic chief.

This situation of single-handedly singled out twenty people, and it happened so blatantly, it also made Gu Zheng, who had been left behind and guarding the thief boat captured afterwards, amused.

This is still a famous military commander in the game of Overlord of the Sea. The upper force value has been clearly reached, but this poor IQ just achieved, I don’t know why the host of that system can’t think about it. This one was sent here.

In fact, Gu Zheng really wronged the young master Mao, he wanted to find something with a high value of force and a high IQ.

But the most powerful general who passed by on the map, he didn't dare to look for it at all, let alone look for it, even if he was a little closer to that person, he might be hit directly by the failure of his great cause.

Because the character of the general indicated that it was a small red dot that was shining brightly, not to mention that it was a general of the hostile force, this idea was still huge.

In the collection of military commanders, the navy commanders lined up brightly in the forefront, Yu Dayou, strength and intelligence.

Just ask if you are afraid?

Kou Guo couldn't find a second such person.

So Mao Wenlong pulled out the general from the 第子, and finally found a person above the average level, and he was busy dispatching him.

Besides, if there is no accident with his system, this mission is really enough to have a force value.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Now Gu Zheng thought about it carefully, and probably understood what was going on. He comfortably leaned on the boat close to the group of monks, and watched the eight hundred arhats abuse the toad in the most comfortable position. Comedy.

After he saw that the stick of the little junior who was about to kill the hyperthyroidism really hit the eye sockets of the opponent, he couldn't help but laugh.

Hey, my little master is laughing so hard. After coming here, my nerves are tense every day. It's rare to have a good time. It's really interesting.

Just two minutes after Gu Zheng was happy, suddenly he saw a black figure flying towards the area where he was, like a sack bag, and it fell on his feet all at once.

Gu Zheng glanced intently so that, by coincidence, it was the Tokugawa hyperthyroidism who was picked up by the stick formation.

Now he is just like pulling a cupping pot on his face, full of marks on his head. His nose and drool were all over his face, lying motionless beside Gu Zheng, and fainted.

Seeing that the thieves and bandits were all at their feet, Gu Zheng, who could no longer be lazy, sighed, and dragged a rope from the side of the boat, slowly starting to tie a knot on the body of the pirate's current supreme commander.

And when he had done all the work, he took the initiative to walk to the Guiyuan monk. At this time, the monks around this uncle have automatically and consciously integrated into the ranks of the bandits. Only he himself swept from the sidelines outside the battle.

Gu Zheng, who took advantage of others, went up and gave a gift, pointing in the direction of Dechuan and asking: "Master, the generals captured by the Shaolin monks have been tied up. When asking the court for merit, I will definitely point out. Your merits."

Upon hearing this, the Guiyuan monk waved his hand in surprise: "No, no!"

"The monks like me are all voluntarily petitioning from the temple to fight, and no one asks us to come out of the mountain."

"What's more, the four monks are all empty, and they have nothing to do with fame and fortune. What they want is the health of the people and the stability of the court."

"If you do the main login feat, you don't need to worry about waiting. What's more, look at the scene here. This is the route that the navy must pass and there are such rampant pirates. Those remote waters are even more unbearable. ?"

"I wait here for some training, and I will rush to other towns overnight. There is no need for the little donor to stay. It's too much trouble."

Don't fight, don't grab, good demeanor!

Gu Zheng couldn't do anything to steal people's merits out of thin air. He just gave a deep salute and returned to his place of responsibility.

The pirates of more than 500 people are the most powerful force in the eyes of the Kou people, but in the eyes of Wang Qianhu, it is only half of him under the hands of the fifth-rank official. Soldiers only.

Two-on-one is already quite bullying, what's more, the people on your side don't even bother to wield a knife, and just use a firearm to smash most of the opponent's head.

Although the job of collecting noses is a bit more difficult, he solved this battle quickly.

When Wang Qianhu escorted the few remaining pirates who were still panting into Min Town in the country of Daming, the bandits who came in first in the town had already been caught by the monks who had left early. At the gate, people were sitting in rows, waiting for the Supreme Commander, the magistrate of the county, to deal with them.

And these legendary monks headed for another goal that needed them against the darkness.

The current county grandfather doesn’t shake his legs anymore, and his mouth is closed. When he held the gavel in his hand and knocked on the heads of these unresistible pirates, Wang Qianhu’s The navy also arrived at the county government which was still unspoiled. After they finished the trivial matters, the Wenyiwu officials realized that the sky was already bright.

The people in Minzhen seem to be immersed in the tense atmosphere of the pirate attack yesterday, but the chirping birdsong and the porridge and cake shops that are still on time show that the people’s small life is still normal. Spent.

Gu Zheng was very satisfied with such a life. With the advancing of the rushing route, he used the cheating radar to catch more and more pirates.

The merits of Wang Qianhu and the endless stream of captives made the Supreme Commander far away in Weihaiwei feel painful and happy.

This general who is only 24 years old, he really can't suppress it anymore.

Brother Wang, I'm sorry for your request, now your precious son's merits are no longer what one of Weihaiwei's guards can take.

This time, not only his commander, but also the combined navy commander in Minzhe will also hand over the paper to the court.

In the moment when the emperor of the Daming country made trouble again, and the court was insecure, an exciting victory was made. A representative celebrity was freshly released, whether it was for the Daming country or the Jiadi. Quite a good omen.

The commander who had made up his mind, rolled up his sleeves, and began to reverently write this piece of paper for merit.

Wang Qianhu was completely unaware of these things. He was now immersed in the illusion of what official rank he could be promoted to after this trip.

Thousands of households? Positive five products?

Deputy Commander? Oh, so young and promising from the fourth product.

Or transfer him to a major border defense town, so that he can also taste the taste of a general with a heavy hand, and let the old man in the family see how he is capable of being a king.

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