The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 228: Wang Jia Youmei Year 14

By the way, when it comes to home affairs, Wang Yingqiang did not plan to take overseas routes when he returned from the cruise.

Seeing whether the family is safe or not, show off by the way that he is about to add official uniforms. If he is lucky, the court's order of commendation may be issued the moment he returns home.

At that time, Wang Yingqiang would be able to raise his brows and straighten his back in front of his family.

Wang Qianhu, who had made plans, naturally shared his proposal with his current best subordinate, Gu Zheng, who understands his mind best.

"Hey, let's stop by my house when we return. I remember that many military books are still in my study and haven't been moved out."

"This time I return to the guard station, I will definitely be able to improve again. Then I will have military command, and I don't need to look at the faces of those people anymore."

"I will build a study room in the sanitary ward, and you, don't take up this small, hopeless post."

"How about transferring the position back to the command system? Why don't you bother Gu Xiaozi?"

Gu Zheng on the side didn't care about this, as long as he could raise his salary, it didn't matter what position he was in.

And the group of people who had decided in this way, in the days when they were fighting the little pirates and seeing the boat lady, they passed their Min Zhe rescue period perfectly.

When the officers and soldiers of Weihaiwei returned with a full load, the navy of Minzhe who was seeing off was also reluctant to leave.

When the soldiers of the two sides bid farewell to each other, and when the soldiers of Weihaiwei began to fly to Beihang, Young Master Mao completely collapsed.

From mid-June to mid-to-late August, in a short period of two months, it took him a long time to develop the maritime power. The navy of Weihaiwei gave him 90% of the sea power that was accompanied by people and ships. Nine.

This is the first time he has suffered such a big loss since he obtained this maritime hegemony system. Through his adoptive father’s eyeliner and his many inquiries, he finally knew the culprit who caused his current tragedy. who is it.

It is a deputy Qianhu surnamed Wang, who is said to be Wang Yingqiang.

Because the name now has been sung in the whole towns of Minzhe Sea, it is quite a legendary young hero.

The word of mouth among the common people is not a big deal, but according to the news from the military, when Wang Qianhu seems to have the ability to seek thousands of miles, Young Master Mao was frightened.

Could it be said that there are people as special as me in this world, too, since it is a strategy of maritime hegemony, how can there be no competitors?

Is the opponent a task set for him by the system, or is he a selected person like him?

Mao Wenlong lost his heart, and he was even more afraid to approach this waters. When he heard that Wang Qianhu was about to return to the voyage, he deliberately called his remaining team back to the base area, intending to avoid the opponent's edge. .

Now my power is too weak, wait for me to recharge and accumulate wealth, one day, I will fight you to the death!

Wang Qianhu perfectly carried Gu Zheng on his back and became the person Mao Wenlong wanted to get rid of.

Unbeknownst to him, he took his team of guards from his direct lineage, and Gu Zheng, and headed towards Ning Cheng, whom he wanted to pretend to be forced.

There is a small family where he has not returned since he was transferred to the Weihaiwei Naval Division at the age of 22. He missed his mother and the young sister who was so good that he was short of breath.

Thinking of Wang Yingqiang here, he naturally felt like an arrow. Even the mules and horses provided by the official post under his crotch were too slow for him to run.

"It's not as good as the horses of the Liaodong Frontier Army. The horses purchased inland are just to fool our navy officers and soldiers."

"There is the most important town of the court, and where is the nature like us naval masters?"

"If this is two years earlier, and the sea is still peaceful, how can our naval life be as good as it is now?"

The joking guards were chatting about the victory this time, while following Wang Qianhu's back and galloping towards Ningcheng.

It is Gu Zheng who is most surprised to talk about these newly promoted lineages.

This kid is full of spirituality, as if he was born as a soldier. This was his first time riding a horse, but after a short half of the crooked ride, he was able to keep up with their pace and started galloping together.

In fact, Gu Zheng, who followed him, has been making complaints about him, letting a person with great riding skills pretend to be a beginner, he is the best acting school.

When he was about to speed up a few more points, Wang Qianhu, who led the team in front, slowed down.

Pointing his hand forward, he roared, "Ningcheng's city wall, have you seen it?"

"After that wall, not far inside is my home!"

"I don't know if I sent someone back two days ago to announce they have not heard the news."

"But no matter what, I still have the ability to take care of my brothers' meals!"

"Brothers follow me, I think the stewed pork at home is not a day or two!"

rush? This is naturally impossible. When they arrive at the gate of the city, although they are dressed as a soldier, they also need to dismount to cross the city.

Otherwise, according to the rules of the daimyo country, unless it is a soldier who is sending urgent news, if anyone dared to rush to the city gate, then this is the performance of attacking the town, and the guards of the city can be captured on the spot, regardless of life or death.

No matter how much Wang Qianhu returned home, he was still clear about this.

When they were full of evil spirits, brave and capable navy officers and soldiers slammed outside the gate of the king's house, it was different from Gu Zheng's imagination that the neighbourhood would close the gate for fear of provoking these evil star soldiers. .

When Wang Qianhu stood up and got off his horse to call the door, the neighbors who came out were very enthusiastic and chatted with this silly kid who hadn't returned for many years.

"Oh, the Wang family boy is back. Seeing this official uniform, is he promoted again?"

"This is what it looks like, your old lady in the province is always worried for you."

"Hurry in, in fact, your father should be the happiest person. Don't even think of him as such a big official, but your old Wang family will still count on your ancestor's inheritance lintel in the future!"

The area of ​​affection is the gathering place for the families of high-ranking military households in the Dongshan Army. His sons and daughters are all officers, so they can be afraid of wool.

In such a lively atmosphere, the door belonging to the Wang family was finally opened.

The one who opened the door was the concierge who had just gone to inform, and the younger sister who rushed out to meet his mother after hearing that his brother had returned home.

Wang Yingli.

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