The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 293: Playback of the 7th world (5) (Two Thousand Kyun)

But before the old monk spoke, the **** continued to speak for himself.

"This old thief has never taught my little master any skills. Reading and literacy are all extravagant hopes."

"We are within that high wall, and my master and I have survived until this age. We have never seen anything or learned anything, and my little master, who has been tortured, is still a pure heart! "

Feelings are raised as rice worms, and directly raised as idiots who don't understand.

He didn't even have the most basic ability to survive.

When Ai Beibei was astonished by the emperor's fierceness, he felt a little stunned in his heart. Ju Di, no, wouldn't it be the Yongli emperor of their Ming country?

Hahaha, this world is really crazy, or he Ai Beibei is crazy.

Just as he was about to squeeze his hair, the old **** banged his head again.

"Please the host to save my little master's life. I also came with the determination to die this time, and I will never cause trouble to the master."

"What's more, the little master is raised in this uncontested Huangjue Temple. He has no children for his entire life. It is good to live a peaceful life!"

Who would have thought so sincerely, but was broken by the next sharper drake voice.

"The emperor is here!"

With the sound of this falling, a bright yellow figure appeared in this quiet small courtyard.

And the old monk who kept his eyelids down finally raised his eyes and took a look at the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty who appeared in front of him.

"See Your Majesty."

And Ju Di was half nostalgic, half looking at the shadowy reclining Buddha behind the old monk with emotion.

As if talking to himself: "The Zhu family, after ascending to the throne, they will come to this Huangjue Temple for a ritual ceremony, so as to straighten their bodies."

"I wonder if the host received my will from the previous two days?"

"Old Na has already received it?"

"Oh? When can the ceremony be held?"

"When I bring the child in front of me into the door of my Huangjue Temple, it will be fine."

The old **** on the opposite side asked for a wish that hadn't been fulfilled for so long, but it was easily fulfilled after Ju Di arrived.

The old monk who was considered by Ai Beibei to be immobile, actually stood up slowly at this time, walked to the side of the boy, gently stroked the top of his head, and gave a very general reason. .

"The elder brother said that this child is predestined to our Huangjue Temple, so he can save his life. The elder brother told me when he passed away that Ju Di was the only child he had seen and had given a gift. "

"He was born with the life of a purple-gold dragon. He is a world leader who can't be stopped by anyone. No one or anything can stop him from changing the world."

"So, this child will be a monk in our Huangjue Temple from now on, and he will only be a monk from now on."

Hearing what the old monk said, Ju Di was faintly excited: "Master Wuyu really said that during his lifetime?"

"Yes, the monk doesn't slander. He also punched the key of his Buddhist scripture pavilion, and asked me to pass it on to the emperor."

"As long as they are the heirs recognized by the Zhu family, they can come to Huangjue Temple to borrow and learn from the classics from now on."

With the appearance of a bunch of keys in the hands of the old monk, Ju Di finally believed that Master Wu De was really what happened today before he was alive.

Because the word Di written in the handwriting of Master Wuyu cannot be forged in any way.

And the current young man named Zhu Gui, after the recognition of the throne by the Master of No Desire, is not so important.

So, Judy waved his big hand in a good mood and let the host master take care of it.

And the old monk who got his approval kindly touched the young man's hair, and said softly, "Three thousand troubles will be removed at once."

"You grew up ignorant of nothing, and you couldn't feel the love that the world deserves. Once you entered my Buddhism, you want the four to be empty. Since then, you have no destiny for love."

"That's okay, since there is no love around you, put the word Ai in your name."

"From then on, the common name has gone away from you. You came from the north, so be called Ai Beibei."

After finishing speaking, the old monk looked thoughtful, looking at the empty side of him, but in fact it was in the direction of Ai Beibei in another dimension, and shouted: "The past and the past are all clouds and smoke. Find out the cause and effect, this is not where you can stay anymore."

"There are still people waiting for you in the world, loving you, looking forward to you, and leaving soon!"

After talking, Ai Beibei and the black cat who had been watching the excitement were all pushed by the old monk's hand, and they were instantly pushed back to the front yard hall.

Ai Beibei had only one feeling for this behavior. He seemed to be squeezed out quickly in a cotton-like bubble, and then fell heavily to the ground.

And when he fell face-to-face, he hit the black cat who was pushed back with him all at once, and the two of them were in the screams and screams of his old mother. I fell a dog to eat shit.

When his eyes were full of Venus and he wanted to take a break on the ground, his old lady actually leaped towards him crying, hugged his still dizzy head, and started to move. pull up.

"Son, my son, are you okay? What's wrong with you, why do you still wrestle on the ground."

"I see where I fell, do you recognize your old lady, do you see what it is?"

Ai Beibei's mother rubbed her son's head while desperately gesticulating her fingers in front of him.

"My mother, your son was stupefied by you even if he didn't fall stupid. If there was a concussion, wouldn't it be worse if he was shaken by you?"

"I'm okay, mother, as to why did you fall? Didn't you see? It's not all the cat's damage!"

Up to now, Ai Beibei has experienced such a fall, and the popularity of the people around him has immediately recovered. If he has not noticed, the strange situation that happened around him just now was caused by this cat. It is really blind that he can be admitted to Tsinghua University. His head is gone.

Therefore, after he reacted, despite the nosebleed that was about to shed, he was very vigilant and pulled his mother away from the black cat who was still like a sheet and stuck on the ground.

Who would have thought that he just said that, he was worried about his mother just now, but he slapped him on the back: "Nonsense!"

"You kid, don't you know how to be grateful! We all saw it just now, if it wasn't for this cat sprang out of the grass, and bravely rushed in front of your face that was about to fall to the ground, and covered it for you. Down the impact."

"You've hit the slate floor with your whole face now, do you know? Your nose and teeth, can you keep your nose and teeth, you have to say something else!"

And as Ai Beibei's mother slapped, the old men and women on the side also testified one after another.

This made Ai Beiqi Ai Ai looked around, thinking that the most real experience that I had just experienced was my daydreaming.

He looked at the black cat blankly, and moved gently under the caress of an old lady on the side. Then, amidst the cheers of the people around him, he shook his tail and slowly climbed up.

This two-slap-sized cat meowed twice. It actually limped and climbed to Ai Beibei's side, and rubbed him tremblingly with its body twice, but he refused. gone.

Ai Beibei's mother, who was even more heart-warming, picked up the black cat and didn't even plan to let it go.

Ai Beibei, who is naturally alert to this cat, could not let such a weird animal be beside his mother. He still held his nose and kindly reminded: "Mom, you just hold this cat like this NS?"

"Yes, since you all said it saved me, but what if this is a wild cat that ran out from nowhere, and it still carries parasites that don't know where, what about the fleas?"

"It is said that cats can carry rabies virus, do you know my old lady?"

When Ai Beibei finished saying this, the old ladies around him looked at the glossy and smooth fur in Ai Beibei's mother's a black cat with no miscellaneous hair, and then looked at it. Looking at the arrogant Ai Beibei, are you opening your eyes and telling lies?

But before they were about to say something of conscience for the cat, a sentence suddenly rang behind them: "Amitabha."

It turned out that the current tour group had arrived in front of the Zhaifang in the backyard, and this location was precisely the strange scene that Ai Beibei saw just now.

The sound of Amitabha also made him very vigilant. When he and the tour group turned their heads and looked over, he almost sat on the ground.

Because the person who said this was also an old monk with white eyebrows and beards, and the style of the monk's robe he wore was not much different from the clothes of the old monk hundreds of years ago.

In addition, he smiled so kindly and kindly, and he actually looked like the monk in his mind seven or eighth, you said he was so scared.

But after the monk had spoken, his heart was settled.

Because this monk was definitely much younger than the one he had seen before, and the Buddha nature on his body was also a bit weaker.

"The black cat in this donor's arms is a civet raised by Lao Na. It's just that this cat, coming and going in a hurry, except when the monks are eating, they only hang out around the Huangjue Temple on weekdays. Drill in crowded places."

"But today, it turned out to be uncharacteristically and saved the donor. This shows that this cat has a predestined relationship with the donor."

"I see the donor's family with a peaceful and peaceful face. I want to be a happy family and a smooth sailing person."

"And after this civet recognized the lord, Lao Na and the monks of Huangjue Temple were relieved."

"Please rest assured, the donor, as long as the civet agrees, you can take it down the mountain. This is also the fate of Huangjue Temple and the donor."

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