The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 294: Playback of the 7th world (end)

And when Ai Beibei was going to refute, why are you asking someone to raise a cat for you, the tour guide who had been watching the lively next to him ran over with excitement, and began to give salute to the old monk.

"Master abbot, I don’t know if you are here personally. I’m not prepared. Three years ago, Master Juoneng said that you had retreat and enlightened. Did you just leave the customs?"

And this host master just nodded kindly, admitting his identity as well as the fact that he had just left the customs.

Once the identity of this old monk was revealed, it was amazing. When the group of old ladies looked at the cat in Ai Beibei's mother's arms, it was as rare as seeing a golden arhat.

"Hey, his auntie, if you don't have a cat, send me a chant, I also want to have a predestined relationship with Huangjue Temple."

"That's right, my family loves cats the most. If your family doesn't raise us, we will raise them!"

After finishing talking about it, I wanted to grab it.

Seeing that Ai Beibei's mother stopped doing it, she hugged the cat tightly in her arms, lest they would come and grab the golden lump they had come to the door.

Ai Beibei was speechless. It was the first time he saw such a shameless person who would throw a burden on others to raise, and he could still speak of a high-sounding person.

This is simply shameless.

But when things have reached this point, he can no longer control them.

In the profound eyes of the old monk opposite, he heard the farewell message from the other party.

"The donor and our Huangjue Temple have a hundred-year relationship, and you and I will meet again."

After speaking, they drifted away, leaving a confused Ai Beibei to meet the envy, jealousy and hatred of those around him.

Gu Zheng outside the book is very strange. Through this boy named Ai Beibei, he has seen the past and development of Huangjue Temple, and also understood that the original client was dead when he died, and he finally became a master of a generation.

But now why the camera hasn't stopped, but continues to play?

When Ai Beibei and the tour group went down the mountain, Gu Zheng resolved their doubts.

Because when Ai Beibei was lying on the bus, he suddenly asked his mother who closed her eyes and rested: "Mom, our Ai family, this surname is very special. What did the ancestor do?"

But the **** who listened to this was a happy one: "Your father said that their wormwood branch was the surname of the branch that was degraded from the royal family and was relegated to the common people."

"The ancestor of the Ai surname, in order to avoid misfortune, was in this Huangjue Temple to become a monk."

"But in the end, I didn't know what happened, so a few children came out from there."

"It is said that the great **** who followed the ancestor Ai did what he did before he died."

"The old monk who took him in at that time passed away. The current host kicked your father's ancestors out of the temple and no longer recognized them as monks in Huangjue Temple."

"So, only later did you have the existence of your lonely Ai family."

"It is said that it is recorded specially in the genealogy, saying that you have kept the blood of the emperor, so that you don't fall into the prestige of your ancestors."

"When your father told me, I just listened to it as a joke. Why, son, suddenly remembered asking this? Did someone look for you?"

"No, no." After listening, Ai Beibei's facial muscles began to twitch.

It's no wonder that so many people don't ecstasy, they just find him, is this his ancestor psychic?

So what does this cat do? Thinking of this, Ai Beibei grabbed the piece of flesh on the back of the black cat's neck and easily carried it in front of him, and began to observe with his eyes facing each other.

However, after the two of them had made eye contact for ten seconds, Gu Zheng heard a sound that made him very familiar outside the pages of the book.

"Di, congratulations to the host for activating the strongest abbot system. Now it is compulsory installation, 2, 1, success!"

Then Gu Zheng saw a shocked person. As time went on, he didn’t know what the system had said to him, and then the shot of Ai Beibei with an expression of indescribable expression on his face began to gradually appear in the pages of Laughing and Forgetting Books. Is blurred.

The scene in the book page once again became the vision of Huangjue Temple, but there was a very funny system background music, which served as an explanation of the end of the world.

"Buddha said, you and I have a predestined relationship, even after a thousand years, such a predestined relationship cannot be cut off."

"Haha, brat, I thought I was bound to the strongest abbot system at the beginning, and broke the **** without completing the task? Want to run? No way, in the end it wasn't your reincarnation, didn't I get caught again?"

"For the rest of your life, you will be a monk for me obediently, and do the task to die. Ouch!"

What a resentment this is!

What did this little green ball go through from Ai Beibei before that it became like a big villain, only possessing a cat.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng chuckles and laughs, while Xiao Wangshu, who is in charge of the show, shakes like a sieve with joy.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng was pleased. After laughing out loud, he saw the gradual dimming of the scene belonging to the seventh world, indicating that the people or things related to him had been played.

This is very good. The unlucky system still survives tenaciously, and the client of that world has also fulfilled his wish, and his life without worry is coming to an end.

I can finally get a good night's sleep.

It was a dreamless night.


In the early morning of the next day, Gu Zheng regained his previous habit again. After washing up, he was unable to beat the long-distance running exercise, and then slowly went to the urban management team, which seemed to have not been there for a long time, to report.

Whoever thinks, he just stepped into the office of the logistics brigade, and thunderous applause came to mind in this room.


"Welcome to the heroes of Fengtai Urban Management Team!"

"Come on, everyone's applause will be more enthusiastic!"

When Gu Zheng glanced intently, it was the old pay behind the desk, taking the lead and clapping applause.

Don't tell me, among the colleagues in this logistics team, one of them slapped their hands, each of them has a very face-to-face appearance.

Gu Zheng, who didn't know why, could only greet everyone with a nod and bow. Under the affectionate movement of everyone, you thumped me and squeezed to Fu Sheng's side with his head, and asked a little dazedly: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Fu Sheng on the side looked at Gu Zheng with a surprised expression, and asked, "Why don't you know?"

"Yeah, I don't know."

I went home yesterday to do the task and fell asleep after finishing it.

This is strange.

Fu Sheng still maintained that expression and pointed to the direction outside the office: "Yesterday you had a long-distance run in the community. Because some people in our system also participated, the upper leader asked everyone in the lounge to watch the game. Go out to patrol after the start of the game."

"But who came up with it? When everyone was planning to leave the team, you appeared on TV."

"Good fellow, you didn't watch it. In the end, our branch directors cheered you on."

"I also said that I will hold a separate award ceremony for you."

"Then when we finish watching your game, in the afternoon, the Urban Management Bureau will send someone."

"Not only did you bring your medals and awards, but also gave you special awards and bonuses specially paid by the Urban Management Brigade."


After speaking, Fu Sheng opened the drawer, took out a heavy kraft paper bag from the inside, and put it on the table.

"The prize money for the champion is 60,000 yuan, and the prize money given to you in the game, the total is 65,000 yuan."

"You can take it away, and put such a large sum of money in me, I have been worried all afternoon."

"If you have nothing to do today, after the patrol, you will run upstairs. Thank you for the cultivation of our branch leaders."

"At any rate, I will show a face in front of the leader, and I will have to wait a few months to give you a correct report."

"So fast!" Gu Zheng was struggling to click on the brand new coin that was taken out of the bank. He was even more surprised when he heard Uncle Fu Sheng.

Fu Sheng on the side didn’t know why. It was amused to see Gu Zheng’s momentary shrewdness and momentary confusion. He patted his shoulder lightly, lowered his voice and said, “It’s not good to apply too early, let the leaders think You are asking for credit and coercion with this trivial result."

"It's even worse if you apply too The leader here is so busy, you will definitely forget who you are after that time."

"When you go up to thank you this time, don't say anything, just thank the leader for the cultivation!"


Uncle Fu really treated him best.

Now that Gu Zheng had counted the money, he stuffed the envelope into his pocket and went downstairs with Fu Sheng.

When he deposited the money in the ATM machine, he took a sigh of relief, sorted out his big brimmed hat, and ran towards the blue and white urban management vehicle.

When he opened the door of the co-pilot and took Uncle Fu to step on the accelerator, he asked about the route of their patrol this time.

What Fu Sheng asked was that the spirit came: "Hongmen Village is undergoing internal reconstruction. The small merchants and vendors over there are all gathered to dig trenches and pave the way. I asked them to put all of their business in that public house. Behind the big set."

"Put up one thousand or eight hundred yuan a month, let the wife and children stare at it first."

"In this way, the people in the market administration also have income. They turn one eye and close another."

"And these small vendors can be considered as a place to stay temporarily, so that they won't occupy the public roads and fight guerrillas with us."

"Not only cleared the surrounding city road conditions, but also gave them a fixed place to live. Let them do business in a down-to-earth manner and make money."

"Doesn't this kill two birds with one stone?"

"Let me tell you, Gu Zheng, is your plan to transform Hongmen Village too timely?"

"You haven't read the policies that came down today, have you?"

"What policy?"

Gu Zheng was still wondering. The driver Fu Sheng uttered in the sundries drawer in front of the van: "I'm driving, I'm afraid you haven't been here these past two days and haven't seen the red-headed document approved by the municipal party committee."

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