The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 411 Venetian Rebellion

"What's the origin of this guy called Glyndwr?"

Peter asked the ministers, and one who was familiar with England answered immediately. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"Your Highness, Glyndwr is the self-reliant King of Wales in recent years. The battle with England has been victorious, but it has reached the end of the road."

Glyndwr has proclaimed himself Prince of Wales for eight years, and has been waging a guerrilla war with Henry IV in the past few years. Some local people in Wales also support him. Currently, Glyndwr is based in Cardiff and continues to compete with England.

"Since they are living so peacefully, it is not impossible to let England scream."

What is the Kingdom of England, what is the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, just change the name and call it the Union of Scotland, Wales and Ireland. It's called Suwei Ai for short.

And Burgundy, a country destined to disappear should not cause trouble. Be obedient.

In this European spy capital, which is comparable to Tianjin, Rome needs to strictly guard against death and release false news to protect the survival of the empire. If there were a spy game in the future, Constantinople would definitely be the final location for the finale.

The newly married Stefan gets the opportunity to spend his honeymoon with his wife. They will go to Lyon first, then along Royal and north to Paris. If everything goes well, Charles VI will give him a new position.

The three younger brothers all have their own positions and powers. As the eldest brother, what Peter needs is to help them gain a foothold abroad.

Don't think that the Habsburg family will be invincible in the future. The Bartland family has the upper hand now.

With this spy infiltration, Mircea can use this excuse to ask the government for money to expand the palace. It is necessary to recreate the glory here from the documents and other materials of the ancient Roman period. At the same time, Mircea also built palaces in Bukur Yesti and Nicaea. As the emperor, he naturally wanted to live in a better place.

At the same time, the defense of the entire city must be strengthened, and the number of patrolling soldiers increased to 13,000. For a time, the city was in a trembling state, and all the spies did not dare to act rashly.

In addition to spying on intelligence, the anti-Romanian alliance is also committed to inciting some people in the country to fight against the government. In recent years, the empire's national power has continued to increase, which has also made some people in the originally conquered lands feel tired, because the contrast between the treatment they received and the previous one was too great.

The most irritating ones are the Venetians, Croatians and some Turks. They lived very well in the Croatian region and the Republic of Venice. Now that they were conquered by Rome, their lives were getting worse day by day.

Although their income remains unchanged, they lose their so-called freedom. They had no parliament, and all orders came directly from Constantinople and were forced through without discussion on their part. Such a tyrannical government must be overthrown.

There are troubles every year in the provinces of Illyria and Dalmatia, and local officials immediately put an end to them. At the same time, it also guided some people to become people who could only rely on Rome to live. They lived a better life. They also converted to Orthodox Christianity and learned Romanian. Some people even passed the exam and became bureaucrats.

You must know that the contradiction between the local powerful and the bureaucrats attached to Rome is irreconcilable. Although Peter cleaned up the area, some fish that slipped through the net were still causing trouble in the area. In addition, in order to obtain political promotion, bureaucrats exploited the local people.

In cities such as Zaregeb, Venice, and Verona, the people suffered taxes twice as high as those stipulated by Rome. The local church also had a bad look on these heresies, and it became increasingly difficult for the Catholic Church to survive.

"Sir, this year's taxes have been paid."


The mayor of Venice conducted policy planning in the newly established city hall. Under his administration, Venice's tax revenue more than tripled. If everything goes well, he will be able to be transferred elsewhere next year.

Just then, there was a commotion outside. And the movement is not small.

"What's going on? Who's causing trouble?"

Before the mayor finished speaking, a stone was thrown in. Then more and more rocks.

"Kill the mayor"

"Long live Venice! Long live the Republic!"

Wave after wave of shouts almost lifted the house. Some soldiers went up to stop them, and the people started fighting with them.

Although the soldiers had good combat effectiveness, they could not withstand the overwhelming numbers of the opponent, and the door of the city hall was still breached.

The leader led the people to the office and looked at the huge crowd. The mayor was furious. "Domenico, what are you doing?"

A well-dressed man came out, wearing the red hat of the Doge of the Republic of Venice.

"As you can see, my lord. The people cannot stand the tyranny of Constantinople and they have decided to rebel."

The mayor went crazy when he heard the news, "You are treason."

"No, this is for all the people of Venice. Rome inhumanely destroyed the Republic, but its people did not forget the glory of the Republic. One day they will re-establish it, and now the time has come."

After Domenico said this, he looked at the mayor again. "It's a pity that you, the traitor of Venice, will never see this day again."

Then the angry people swarmed and threw the mayor and two secretaries from the third-floor window. There was also a dense crowd of people standing below, and the poor mayor died just like that.

Dominic stood on the windowsill and declared the independence of the Republic of Venice.

"People, Venice will not succumb to any regime. Her glory will not be forgotten. Power can suppress it for a while, but this place ultimately belongs to all Venetians."

The confidence they could take action was that they had made sufficient preparations. Not only had the defenders in the city been eliminated, but they had also prepared a lot of food and supplies. Moreover, the intelligence network is also ready. If the uprising in Venice is successful, other places will follow suit.

Dominica appointed himself the 64th Governor of the Republic of Venice, declaring the re-establishment of the Republic of Venice. A small government of 10 people was formed and weapons were distributed, so that all men had to fight. Restore Latin and Catholicism, confiscate Roman lands, and prepare to ask Milan for help.

After the rebellion in Venice, rebellions broke out in major towns such as Verona, Padua, Treviso, Belluno, Rovigo, and Vicenza. Only the rebellion in Trieste was suppressed. The mayor sent people to find reinforcements and reported the situation to Constantinople.

After all the towns revolted, their representatives all came to the city of Venice. With the Grand Council dismantled and meeting only in the theatre, they declared the Council to be the body representing all the Venetian people and formally sought recognition and aid from other states. A new rebellion began.

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