The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 412 Western Response

At the same time as the rebellion in Venice, there was also the uprising of the peasant Skro, nicknamed Big Man, in the Croatian region. In Ljubljana, some local gentry planned to invite Austria to return to rule. For a time, there was a storm in the west of Rome.

"It seems that I underestimate these people."

Mircea told the ministers at an emergency meeting that this rebellion would undoubtedly wake Rome from its dream of prosperity.

"Your Majesty, the most important thing now is to mobilize troops to suppress them. If they cannot be eliminated, those countries that are eyeing the empire will come out."

This was the most important thing at the moment. Mircea quickly made arrangements and mobilized a total of 40,000 soldiers from three provinces to suppress it. He also asked the Principality of Romagna to send troops to squeeze Venice and contain Milan. The navy had to rush to rescue Trieste.

As for the people leading the army, they were led by Duke Gion of Allgäu and his eldest son Stanissa. All funds and supplies need to be replenished in the shortest possible time.

While the western region was shaken, the Baitakshi sect in the east made a comeback. But fortunately, it did not spread. This was the first time since the establishment of the dynasty that such civil strife occurred.

"First there are spies, then there's rebellion. Why are things always so troubling in Venice?"

Peter did not attend the meeting because he had to oversee the construction of the racecourse, but he heard what was going on. Previously, it was not possible to just sell off the residents of Venice. All the people in Venice should be relocated.

"Now His Majesty has asked the Duke of Allgäu to lead the troops to annihilate them. With General Woike maintaining order in the eastern region, there should be no problems."

Nicholas thought on the sidelines, now that Rome is rich and powerful, the army is no joke. Maybe it can be settled within a few months.

"Hopefully, but they must have other people supporting them, otherwise it would be impossible to cause trouble."

Peter was right, after the Republic of Venice was re-established. Domenico waited until his sponsor.

"Ah, my dear Count George, I am so glad you could come. Venice needs your help."

"Where, without the resistance of the citizens, how could there be a new life in Venice. This is your glory. Austria will help you until you are freed from the yoke of Rome."

George, a subject of the Archduke of Austria, entered the city of Venice with some money. As a force that has been secretly funding opponents of Venice, Austria, or the anti-Roman forces behind it, has taken the first step.

"My Lord Governor, this time I have brought you good news. The Archduke of Austria is ready to recognize your status as Governor. The Duke of Luxembourg will also recognize it."

"Great", Domenik was extremely excited, and now he has secured two powerful aids from Austria and Lower Luxembourg. Next are powerful countries such as Milan, Bavaria, and Burgundy. Ah, the glory of Venice seems to be right in front of you.

"I have brought the first batch of 50,000 florins. As long as you can withstand the Roman attack, there will be more florins."

This is to send money to them. It is shameful to say that although the Republic of Venice has been restored, the government is indeed very poor. The previous tax revenue had been given away by the former mayor. I originally wanted to be promoted, but now I have been directly promoted to heaven.

Moreover, after the rebellion began, the prices of local supplies also increased. Otherwise, how can one say that one does not know how expensive firewood and rice are? It is already difficult to maintain normal commodity prices, and people in the parliament are still arguing over issues such as dividing land, shops, and workshops.

"Sir, can you give me more? You know that Venice is still a little short of money."

George rolled his eyes inwardly, it seemed that Rome was really squeezing him hard. Leave nothing for them.

"Don't worry, as long as you withstand the Roman attack, Austria will be able to deliver supplies."

While the Governor was still fighting for help, the Parliament had already begun to make a fuss. A total of 130 congressmen from all over the country gathered together and could not reach an agreement on the issue of dividing the spoils.

"The land in Verona must be owned by the citizens of Verona, and this is their compensation."

"It's impossible. Now we must concentrate our efforts on defense, and all enemy properties must be confiscated."

The value of the property invested and constructed by Rome in Venice exceeds 1 million lei, including buildings, land, funds, and treasures. This made the Venetians greedy, and no business could go through until they got what they needed.

This thing is probably to blame on Rome, who asked Peter to move all the old nobles in Venice. They are just a newly growing wealthy class. In terms of wealth, they are equal, but in terms of political means, they cannot even match a finger of the old nobles.

The original parliament became a quarrelsome meeting, without any long-term vision, and everything was taken care of by one's own interests.

For example, some people believe that the government deposits in the Bank of Verona should be handed over to the state, but the local government disagrees and uses them directly. Local congressmen continue to criticize the central government. Didn't they say that private property is inviolable? By doing this, the central government is not slapping itself in the face. Are you sorry?

Since the Parliament is so indifferent, the Governor can only allow various places to maintain their autonomy. Let them form their own armies to defend the town, and only gather together to fight the enemy when necessary.

The advantage of this is that his financial pressure is reduced. As for the disadvantages, he understands it. Moreover, their main direction is to capture Trieste. There is a Croatian uprising in the east as a buffer, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

After gaining support from Austria, Domenico also received verbal support from Milan, and Gian also wanted to take a look at Roma. At the same time, contact Savoy and the Papal State, hoping that they can recognize it.

However, before the Venetians could be happy, bad news came. The neighboring country of Romagna saw them making trouble and seeing that they were full of military exploits, so they prepared to let the heir Julian lead the troops in person. In this way, the emperor can also think highly of their family.

Romagna's army is not the best, but it is considered capable of fighting among the Italian city-states. How could he let go of such a meritorious opportunity, especially an action that would further compress Milan's space.

Romagna can now recruit more than 6,000 troops for three months, and the Venetians, although they have more than 20,000 people in total, are scattered everywhere, and they are all militiamen who have not been trained recently. They hated everything Roman, and naturally looked down upon weapons such as muskets and artillery that changed history. They either eliminated them or melted them down and re-created cold weapons.

As for the most critical materials and funds, the Governor can only let each locality prepare on their own. These people rush forward when they hear about independence, but shrink back when it comes to getting money. It’s a joke. Supporting them is already a great gift. Why should I take money?

Therefore, they can only rely on their own emotions to make up for their shortcomings. They can only say that their ideas are very advanced, but they should not be shown in this era, otherwise they will be punished beyond the era.

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