The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 525: Water attack

Another day passed before the road to the Shanjiang River was opened.

The army set up the camp and set out. Ren Baqian was still thinking about how to keep Ning Caichen. After all, the situation in Tianjing's place was to be kept secret for a short time.

It turned out that Ning Caichen not only didn't leave after taking the electric baton, but also seemed to have no intention of leaving.

"Ready to stay here?" Ren Baqian asked casually.

"Where can the slave family go back home? How about adults accepting the slave family?" Ning Caichen twisted his body in a variety of ways.

Needless to say, his little **** is quite flamboyant, and Ren Baqian wants to grab one.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Ren Baqian's face was solemn.

However, Ning Caichen did not return to Ning's house.

Ren Baqian felt that if his son became like this ... he would have to kill him.

Although it can be understood as a modern person that there is a gender cognitive impairment, it is understandable to the sons of other people's homes and absolutely not to the sons of their own homes.

Not to mention in this world.

Besides, although he has some friendship with him, he doesn't think he will help him keep it secret. It is best that he willingly stay.

"If there is no place to go, I just don't have the manpower to do anything. What about Ning Brothers?" Ren Baqian thought for a while. This Ning Caichen knew a lot about Daxia, and he had a lot of information about him. With such a person, it is still useful.

"Isn't that the slave's family anymore?" Ning Caichen trembled with laughter.


Ning Caichen made an arc and flew into the distance.

The emperor left without straying from Ren Baqian's side, not even looking at him.

Ren Yaqian's teeth grinned, and she felt that the emperor's whereabouts had become more and more strange recently, as if everywhere, with thousands of avatars.

And the fault of the Empress's food was getting worse.

Even so, there is still a little sweetness in my heart. After all, I have a considerable position in the heart of the other party, and I will have such a performance.

"My husband's young girl's heart has been melted by her Majesty recently!" Ren Baqian sighed, clutching her chest.

He was then kicked over by the empress.

Riding a horned horn climbed the hill full of rocks and looked forward. There was a few miles of farmland in front of it, and a river more than 100 meters wide behind it lay in front of it.

Crossing that river is a large plain, full of well-groomed farmland, and a vibrant scene.

Under the sun, it is like a beautiful rural landscape picture.

On the opposite side of the river, there is a hill that is not too big. An army is standing on it, and a flag flutters in the wind.

This army, Ren Baqian knew it long ago. After all, they have been locked in here for two days, and they have made a gesture of confrontation.

"They want to stop us by this guy?" Xi Wanya sneered.

"Your Majesty, Feiqi please order to attack, destroy this rebel to promote my great power." Fairly ordered.

"Just! Xi Wanya, you send someone to attack with Feiqi." The Emperor said lightly.

"Yes!" The two went down and were ready to go.

As soon as Ren Baqian descended from the mountain to the plain below, hundreds of households came to report: "Sir, the water level of the Li River is much lower than when the subordinates passed last time."

"Oh?" Ren Baqian glanced at this hundred households, who had run from the south before and should be surnamed Qiao. If only the water level drops, it should not be reported like this, for fear that something is found.

"How much has it fallen?" Ren Baqian asked.

"At least one meter down! Some shallow banks on both sides of the bank are exposed." The hundred households said in a deep voice.

Any eight thousand suddenly thought.

Although I don't know much about this, I also know that the water level has dropped by one meter within a month, which is probably a problem.

Fortunately, it is a small river, but the Li River is at least a hundred meters wide. Such a wide river surface has a lot of decimal water. Drop one meter and there will be more water.

"My lord, my subordinates were thinking about it before. It is guessed that there is less rain these days, so the water level has dropped." Another hundred households came together and laughed. This person's surname Xu also came from the south.

"Oh?" Ren Baqian answered lightly, and asked the hundred households who had previously reported: "Why do you think?"

"I don't know, it is possible for Xu Baihu to say, but the water level has dropped too much, so it is strange." The hundred households whispered: "Or, adults can send someone to see upstream!"

"Good!" Ren Baqian nodded, and then said, "Come!"

"Sir!" The two guards followed him, rushing to take the first two steps.

"Take him down!" Ren Baqian said, pointing at the Baihu with the surname Xu not far away.

"Master!" Xu Baihu's face changed dramatically.

"If the subordinates said something that should not be said, please ask the adults to forgive him!" Xu Baihu dare not resist, was captured by two guards in front of Ren Baqian, with a sad expression.

"I heard that going to the sea to sacrifice the sea god, going down to the river to sacrifice the river god. If nothing happens, it is okay, if there is something, then he will be chopped to worship the river god!" Ren Baqian Dandan said. ..

Xu Baihu's face changed suddenly.

"My lord, my subordinates are just careless words!"

"Don't be nervous, if nothing happens, you will naturally be fine." Ren Baqian smiled kindly. "Unless, do you think something will happen?"

When some hundred households around heard He Renqian's words, they were shocked.

"Put him down to watch, if you run away, take the two of you to sacrifice the river god!" Ren Baqian asked the guard to keep the person down and see the Empress herself.

"Your Majesty, let Xi Du Hu and Gong Du Wei do not rush, let's go up and take a look first."

"What did you find?"

"A little guess! You have to see it for yourself." Ren Baqian said.

"Okay!" The emperor knew what Ren Baqian must have discovered, so she would say such a thing.

After a while, they called Lai Wanwanya, Zongshen, and Justice, and several of them went to the river bank to check.

Ren Baqian stood by the river and looked at it, and immediately saw what he wanted to see.

"Your Majesty, Xidu Hu, Hu Zongdu Hu, and Gongdu Wei, you see, the river here was originally near here, and there are still traces, and only there, indicating that the water level here has always been very stable.

At this point the water level reached here, a full meter less. "

"What did you find?" The Empress asked directly.

Ren Yaqian refers to two bridges that were completely cut off on the river surface: "Originally, there were bridges here. The other side cut off the bridge not to keep us from crossing the river, but to let us cut logs and make boats across the river.

If the other party builds a dam in advance to store water, and then we break the **** to release water when we cross the river, then when the floods wash down, our army will suffer heavy losses. Your Majesty, send someone to go upstream to check it out. "

"Master Ren said it was reasonable." Fairness immediately said, then laughed: "But this person just looked down on me flying ride. This river is also used to make a boat? As long as I put the trunk into the river, I can cross the river by flying. . "

"Then Feiqi attacked the enemy line by himself? Now there are 700 people in Feiqi, which is easy to damage." Ren Baqiandao. Nowadays, the number of flying rides has reached a very dangerous line. If it is broken again, the subsequent battles will not be easy to fight.

"Fair, send someone to search upstream!" Said the emperor.


At this time on the hill opposite the crowd ~ ~ A young man watched as dozens of troops on the riverside rushed upstream.

Found these barbarians? It seems they are a bit smarter than they think! But that's just it.

Everyone thought they wanted to break the water when they crossed the river.

In fact, according to his own plan, even the banks of the river will be swept up.

Including where the ancients are now.

Unless you return to the mountains now, when you find the rushing river, you will be too late!

Even if you can't annihilate your entire army, at least you can lose half of it!

Broke half of the army, no more heavy grain, see how you fight this battle!

The young man made a gesture while thinking, and one of them opened a bag around his waist, and a bird with a finger length turned around in the air and flew to somewhere upstream.

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