The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 526: Turn the tide

Ren Baqian and others were still waiting on the river bank, and some soldiers went to cut trees nearby.

Whether it is boating or camping, this is a must-do preparation.

Ren Baqian looked at the opposite side with a telescope by the river, and found that the opposite side had been waiting there quietly, and did not do much.

They just sent someone to check upstream, should they see it? Does it matter if the plan fails?

Does the opponent have a backhand? What will it be?

Ren Baqian pondered for a moment, letting go of his thoughts for a moment.

I am not good at this strategy, and I cannot think of what the other party is thinking.

Anyway, our side is totally better than the other side. What the other side can do is to find a way to weaken our own strength.

Otherwise, using a group of recruits and defenders to face the southern capitals and flying riders who are at least human rebels, it is no different than finding death.

Does the opponent never think that a group of recruits can defeat the ancient army? Even if the number is twenty times, thirty times.

If the war was simply a game of stacking numbers, then Dayao would have been destroyed a hundred times.

So as long as you are careful, don't step into the trap, to avoid too much damage to the troop, this counter-insurgency is won.

See tricks.

I remember someone said that every good commander is a coward, so he thinks about it and takes every aspect into consideration, and every detail will not be missed.

Ren Baqian thinks this statement still makes sense.

He has no guts, so he is destined not to be a good commander.

Ren Baqian turned his head to look for Li Fu, and soon found Qing Yunjian and Zuo Cheng, both of whom now look like King Kong.

Li Fu ignored both of them, wondering why all day long? Why are there magic soldiers? Why are there two?

"Senior, there is a large army blocking the road ahead. It is better that the predecessor captures that army and destroys that army. We can go back and study the rocket as soon as possible?" Ren Baqianma said to Li Fu.

Li Fu didn't look up, and the Sichuan pattern on his face continued to meditate.

Ren Baqian didn't take any notice, and he didn't think that Li Fu could run as a thug because of a word.

Although it seems to be a little bit awkward, it is the best in the world.

Just then, Ren Baqian suddenly heard the sound of thunder from a distance.

"Is it going to thunder and rain?" Ren Baqian looked up and looked at the sky in the distance. If it rains, the river water will definitely skyrocket, and the water potential will become sharper. When it crosses the river, it will be troublesome.

But wherever he looked, it was clear, without the slightest appearance of rain.

Just then the front was suddenly confused.

"Great water! Great water! Quickly report to protect and your Majesty, quickly retreat!" Many soldiers shouted.

With a brow, Ren Baqian jumped from the back of his mount, and finally looked through the crowd to see the distant scene.

I saw a white line in the distance coming in the direction of myself and others! And before that white line, dozens of small dots were running towards themselves and others just like the two brothers who had escaped.

"Sun!" Ren Baqian wanted to swear, but the other party's plan was so!

The other party was not waiting for the embankment to break when they waited for people to cross the river. The water potential accumulated by the other party was enough to flood both banks together.

No wonder the other party is not slow or slow, knowing that sending someone to go upstream to detect it does not move at all.

The action faster than him was the Empress and Xi Wanya. She jumped into the air to see this long ago, and immediately opened her mouth to cover the audience: "Everyone returns to the mountain and throws everything away! The personnel quickly retreat!"

"Don't mess up, in the order of distance, quickly retreat to the mountain." Xi Wanya also loudly.

Ren Baqian landed on the back of the horned ox and looked at the hill next to it. The tail of the army was close to the hill, but some people in front were close to the river and at least three miles from the hill.

At the speed of the human wheel, these three miles are about three minutes.

It took at least three minutes for the white line that had just been seen to flood here.

It seems that time is too late, but the problem is that now that nearly 10,000 people are concentrated in such a large place, they can't run away at all!

Just like now, Ren Baqian looked around. The soldiers near the hill in the distance had quickly retreated to the mountain, but they were in a mess around.

Even if Xi Wanya shouts repeatedly not to be confused, confusion is inevitable. If you could give him time, there would be no time now.

Whether it's water or fire, you can't wait!

"Kill!" Just then there was a shout of killing from the hill!

I saw an army of about a thousand people rushing down from that direction, and before that, there was a rain of arrows.

"It's not the army, it's the warriors in the rivers and lakes!" Ren Baqian, even in the distance, immediately recognized their identity when he saw the actions of these people.

It is almost impossible to ambush the army in the immediate vicinity, but a thousand-man team composed of warriors is completely possible to quietly approach!

"Damn, do all the people in Duwei's house eat shit?" Ren Baqian looked angry!

Originally, the situation was chaotic here, and an enemy army appeared on the hill to block the way. As a result, the speed of returning to the hill was slower. I do n’t know how many people will be killed in the flood.

"Go!" The emperor landed beside Ren Baqian, snorted Ren Baqian in one hand, and killed the enemy army that suddenly appeared on the hill. "

"Predecessor Li Fu!" Ren Baqian shouted at this moment. "Your Majesty, look for Li Fu, or even if you kill the people on the mountain, you don't know how many people will be washed away at the current speed!"

The Empress heard Ren Baqian's words and turned around Li Fu in the air.

"Also ask seniors to shoot!" Ren Baqian rushed to Li Fu's archway.

"You guys, the old man is not involved!" Li Fu looked at him and shook his head.

"If this battle is defeated, there will be chaos in the South. There will be Chen Guoyun and Da Xiahu outside. If there is a rebellion inside, how can we develop technology to make rockets? I also ask the seniors to help, and do not have to attack the rebels. Help these soldiers and save them! When I look back, I will make a kite for the predecessors, and let the predecessors go to heaven! "Ren Baqian quickly said.

Before that, Li Fu's stick made him astounded. If there is anyone who can turn the tide, he is the only one.

Li Fu hesitated before he nodded and said, "Well, the old man will help you. Let people hide behind the old man!"

Ren Baqian was overjoyed and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, let those who have not had time to return to the mountains behind their predecessors."

The female emperor also said nothing, and fisted her arms in the direction of Li Fu. It was a thank you, and then everyone gathered behind Li Fu to form a group.

Waiting for the crowd to gather, the emperor fell onto the tree carrying Ren Baqian, staring at Li Fu with every move.

At this time, the rebels on the hill threw down the corpses. After a brief fight, only half of them ran towards the rear.

Their purpose was only to delay the ancient army for a moment, and now their purpose is achieved.

Ren Baqian set his gaze to the front. The water line that came over was only over a hundred meters away from the crowd. The huge water wave more than two meters high rushed towards the crowd with great power and roar.

Facing this water wave, Li Fu was alone, with thousands of soldiers crowded behind him.

But for a dozen breaths, the water wave rushed in front of everyone.

Li Fu stared at the water waves in front of him with a solemn expression, and the dragon and turtle stick in his hand instantly became two meters long and nodded toward the front.


The tens of meters of water in front of Li Fu exploded directly. Li Fu was satisfied with a stick. According to estimates, this stick should be able to open a hundred meters square.

However, the flood hit his head the next second.

Li Fu was startled. Why is this stick so low? Then shake out the sky stick shadow point to the front. ..

At this point, the water waves separated from where Li Fu stood, and surrounded by many soldiers.

The soldiers at the outer periphery can clearly see the numerous fishes in the water.

Ren Baqian and the empress looked clearly on the tree. Li Fu did not point out a stick, but counted out countless sticks. The countless stick figures filled the space in front of him.

The flood was so open in front of him, and pushed outward by the stick figures he moved towards both sides, collided with the current outside, and squeezed together.

However, it happened to pass many soldiers behind Li Fu.

From a distance, everyone seemed to be standing in the water like a reef ~ ~ Let the water wash away.

Having had a trekking mountain experience in the past, Li Fu shook the sky at this time to separate the water waves by a hundred meters and it didn't seem that amazing.

After all, Broken Mountain only used one stick, but at this time it used countless sticks. Li Fu was completely covered with sticks in front of him.

But Li Fu's control of power can be said to be the best! It is the first in the world to be able to make the flood just escape the crowd and close together one meter behind them.

The eyes of the hundred households standing on the hill and Qing Yunjian behind Li Fu were almost glowing.

At this time, Li Fu, admired by everyone, wanted to say 10,000 P!

"My mother, why did my husband's strength drop so much? I saw a ghost! I thought I could separate the river with one stick, and it took hundreds of sticks to separate them. I tried my best to barely protect so many people, so I continued The old man can't hold on for long! "

"But since the words have already been spoken out, you must protect the person behind you, otherwise the old man's old face will have no place."

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