"A money-making work? This time Dimension Entertainment may really be planted."

"Fried cold rice, making money, I am extremely disappointed in you."

"I thought there was finally a conscientious film and television company in China, but I didn't expect it to be the old way."


Looking at the headlines and many popular comments from the self-media on the Internet, Wu Jingtong sneered.

"It's so naive."

After giving such an evaluation indifferently, he decided to ignore it.

This matter is nothing to worry about, of course he can see that this must be something caused by 'Hua Yi'. These articles seem to be attacking Dimension Entertainment, but there will always be two sentences related to "Deadly Action" at the end. Not only that, in many social media and new media, when discussing things related to "War", someone will always say a few words about "Deadly Action".

But so what?

In Wu Jingtong's view, these small tricks of 'Huayi' can't be put on the table at all. They are like a group of bedbugs hiding in a dark corner, eating some leftovers and doing nothing.

He didn't intend to respond to this, so he even contacted the company's public relations department and told them to ignore it.

As for himself, he didn't pay any attention to the little tricks of 'Huayi Films'.

There is no need to respond to this kind of thing. Whether it is involved in it in an official tone or unofficially, it will only play into the hands of Zhonghua Arts. Maybe they just want to use this method to irritate Dimension Entertainment, provoke a war of words, and then stir up the heat a little bit more, so as to better catch the heat.

As far as Dimension Entertainment is concerned, they only need to do one thing right now: ignore the clowns, and promote their works openly. The promotional strategy of "Martial Arts Master: Flames of War" is to follow a bright road, not to do anything vain, and everything will be done according to the most formal plan, and then it will be over.

With the popularity of the work, all conspiracies and tricks can be completely crushed!

Wu Jingtong's online marketing work is still proceeding in an orderly manner. There is no strange way of promotion, just launched a brand new trailer step by step, decisively harvested a lot of attention, and then gradually released some movie posters...

At the same time, the offline promotion of "Fire of War" has also begun to vigorously proceed.

Chen Yu has been busy to the sky during this period, and the main thing he is busy with is participating in various promotional activities for "Fire of War".

Although, other actors and stars in the crew, including the director Du Zhengde, also participated in many activities. But, after all, he is the protagonist, and he is also the most popular one in the whole movie, so he participated in the most publicity work naturally.

As the protagonist of "Fire of War", during this period of time, he traveled to 30 cities and participated in various local promotion activities. On average, I have to travel to two cities a day, and the most one day, starting from the morning, I walked to four cities!

It's exaggerated, it's hard work, but it's his job.

He is using his popularity to try to drive the box office of the entire movie.

I won't say much about the screening of the movie in advance. Anyway, after the movie is over, show up, say a few words to the specially invited audience, and take a few photos. After all, you can get a lot of goodwill. Most of the audience who went out of the screening room were reporters, media people, and film critics, and apart from these people, there were also some influential people. If they can say good things about the movie, they can still attract a lot of audience.

In this world, no matter how well the various forms of publicity are done, some audiences will not buy it, but often people or friends they know, a casual recommendation, can attract him to the movie theater.

This is the power of word of mouth and acquaintances.

In addition to these early screenings, Chen Yu also participated in many commercial activities. For example, in three cities in the north, each went to a commercial center and held a small fan meeting. These meetings vary in scale, the one in the capital is the largest, and it is estimated that thousands of people will be present.

And every meeting is a good opportunity to promote the film. Huge movie posters are hung up, and the screen can be enlarged if possible, and clips of movie trailers are also played. The host chatted with the main creators, and promoted the film promotion face-to-face to a large number of potential audiences...

Of course, Chen Yu is not the only one who participates in the offline promotion of "Fire of War". The contracts of the heroine Wu Na, director Du Zhengde, male supporting actor Chen Weiting, and the villain "Super" Henry Cavill also include related promotion work.

Of course, as an American, he only needs to travel to four first-tier cities in China and he is done. The main battlefields of propaganda that require his participation are in North America and Europe.

"Fire of War" was released in North America and Europe about a week later than in mainland China. For the distribution in Europe, an agent was found, but in North America, "Dimension North America" ​​has been established for these years, after all, it has its own partners and distribution channels, and can make many things by itself.

And all these offline publicity will eventually be fermented on the Internet.

Whether it is an ordinary audience, after seeing the promotional activities, they spontaneously take pictures and post them on Weibo or Moments, or many celebrities participating in the promotional activities post them on their own Weibo with a lot of attention. Further expand the audience of the film.

It's easy, the incident caused by Yan Zhangrong of "Huayi Films" was suppressed in this way.

Obviously, they are some of the most normal promotion methods, taking the grand road, but it is the exposure of these movie information that makes the previous rambling discussions all black in the sewer, and only some people with dark hearts will pay attention. Most of the people have already entered into the carnival and discussion about "War Flame".

Yan Zhangrong is panicking now.

Normal propaganda methods can't make "Deadly Action" rival "Fire of War" at all; playing some methods, only to find that people ignore you at all, or even engage in normal propaganda, you can completely crush yourself.

What else can he do with this? He was really helpless.

A week before the release of "Fire of War", he received a notice and went to the headquarters of "Huayi Films" in Beijing.

Another executive of the head office is also one of the important directors of Huayi Films. Peng Zhi asked him: "The situation of "Deadly Action" looks very bad now. Have you considered postponing the release? ? The drama of Dimension Entertainment is very aggressive, so if it doesn’t work, just avoid it.”

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