The Truth of Magic

Chapter 59 Reading Magic

Chapter 59 Reading Magic

The next day, after preparing for the spell in the morning, Zhao Xu came to the "Library of Learning" in Floating Void City early to take a seat to read.

This library is a frequent place for mages who want to improve their knowledge and skills. It is directly divided into more than a dozen book areas, which directly correspond to the categories of knowledge and skills.

The size and collection of the library are huge, but most mages find a quiet corner to stay, as if they don't disturb strangers.

Since yesterday, according to Antinoya's request, Zhao Xu has been reading with peace of mind after setting up the skill tendency on the character card page.

When he points out all ten categories of knowledge and skills to level 1 skill level, he can go.

This is why Zhao Xu couldn't help being surprised when he heard what Antinoya said.

Even if knowledge and skills are a kind of magical skill in adventure, he can't help but read so much.

After the knowledge and skills are upgraded, association searches can be performed on the information panel.

As long as you pass the test, you can get some information, depending on the skill level.

It is equivalent to Arthur's version of the academic Baidu search engine.

It's just that even so, many combat systems still don't invest in knowledge and skills.

There are specializations in the art industry, and each profession has its own own skills, and knowledge is the master's own skills.

He can use 1 skill point to exchange for a level 1 level.

But for fighters, knowledge is a cross-job skill, and it takes 2 skill points to upgrade to level 1, which is half the effort.

After Zhao Xu released a zero-level spell "Reading Magic" for himself, he quickly opened the occult book he borrowed and began to read, cherishing every second.

Zhao Xu complained about this countless times yesterday.

These authors who write mysterious popular science books cannot write in a simpler lingua franca.

Or dragon language is also available, they have to use encrypted magic words, as if not doing so can not highlight their mage status.

Zhao Xu's own knowledge (mystery) skills and spell recognition skills were level zero, so it was risky to read occult books rashly.

As a last resort, Zhao Xu could only use magic words to decode the magical skill - "reading magic" to read it hard.

In this way, his efficiency will not be able to read ten lines at a glance, and can only maintain about one page per minute.

The duration of the reading spell is 10 minutes per caster level.

His poor level 1 mage is naturally only a level 1 spellcaster.

This made Zhao Xu memorize all 11 spell slots of arcane magic as "reading magic" today.

After the two hours of reading time are used up, he will have to read with a slower reading method.

The power of many spell effects is determined by the level of the caster.

If Zhao Xu waited until the second level sorcerer to cast it, then he would be able to maintain the "reading magic" for 20 minutes, which would be much more lenient.

This can only be blamed on his own low level.

Directly above the library is a light-transmitting glass roof, surrounded by many eternal magical lighting.

It's just that Zhao Xu's 17 points of intelligence have not yet become real, and he has been unable to suppress the urge to doze off while reading these occult classics.

Compared with learning spells, the incentive to upgrade this kind of knowledge and skills is much lower.

This is also the reason why there are not a few player mages in the Nuoda library, and most of them gather at the magic hall.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu saw Antinoya holding a book full of mysterious symbol book covers, sitting diagonally across from him and reading the book.

Zhao Xu couldn't help being surprised and said, "Teacher, do you need to read too?"

Although Zhao Xu had never been able to see Antinoya's real face, he could only be recognized through the vague facial shape shrouded in darkness.

But after getting along during this time, even if Antinoya changed his robes, he could recognize her immediately.

"I haven't used up all the skill points at this level, so I have to read the books to use them up." Antinoya said casually, and started flipping through the books in his hand.

There were three warning stickers attached to the cover of the book in Antinoya's hand.

When he came in yesterday, he was warned by the administrator not to leapfrog reading books with warning stickers.

The number of warning stickers in Antinoya's hand may only be accessible at the legendary level.

"Mentor, you can retrieve most of the information, and you still need to upgrade your knowledge?" Zhao Xu wondered.

Antinoya glanced at Zhao Xu, "You don't know?"

"Know what?" Zhao Xu looked around and made sure that there were basically no people around.

Most public places like the Floating Void City have blocked prophecy detection methods, so it is not so easy to eavesdrop.

"It's no secret, that is, if you want to become a legendary mage, you need the knowledge (mystery) skill. And it also determines the number of your legendary spells." Antinoya said.

"What request?" Zhao Xu's ears almost pricked up.

"Are you able to perform ninth-level arcane spells?"

Zhao Xu shook his head, "Not yet."

"Then why are you asking so many questions?"

"Didn't you say it's not a secret?" Zhao Xu asked.

"It's not a secret for a level 20 mage, but it is for a level 1 mage like you."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu honestly held back and went back to read his occult books.

But after knowing that this is linked to the legendary mage, the magic words in the book are much more vivid.

Every time he read a sentence, he felt that the "Legendary Mage Progress Bar" behind him kept showing "Experience +1".

Ten minutes later, the duration of the "reading magic" on Zhao Xu officially ended.

The originally amiable magic words suddenly changed into a complicated appearance, and his eyes couldn't even focus on them.

Zhao Xu quickly closed the book, and was about to pick up the transparent crystal on the table and do "reading magic" to himself again.

He suddenly remembered that Antinoya didn't seem to have even cast a spell.

As a legendary mage, Antinoya must have more than twenty levels.

Doesn't it mean that she can cast the zero-level spell "Reading Magic" for 200 minutes, that is, 3 or 4 hours?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu hurried over and said, "Mentor, please discuss."

"Let's talk." Antinoya, who was reading the book, was in a good mood.

"Teacher, can you release a 'reading magic' for me?"

"Teacher, your level can definitely last for 4 hours. And I can only last for 10 minutes, which is too short. Let's be flexible, it's just a zero-level spell slot." Zhao Xu Xiyi asked.

Antinoya turned her head formally and looked at Zhao Xu.

"You don't have the 'Spell Delay' feat rewarded by the planning field. With it, you can last for 20 minutes."

Zhao Xu could only look at each other with a helpless expression.

"Oh yes, I didn't mention you yesterday, you shouldn't dare to match this specialty casually."

"It's okay, anyway, I'm going to teach you the rest of the expertise, let's teach it together then."

"But I have to tell you a few points." Antinoya continued.

"I didn't prepare the spell 'Reading Magic' for my zero-level spell today."

"Then mentor, you don't need the ability to read magic?" Zhao Xu was surprised.

"No, I have already fixed this spell."

PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins of "Sangtian 152", the 100 starting coins of "Na Dian", the 100 starting coins of "Philosophy Banana Jun", and the 100 starting coins of "Nie Yuanjie". Thank you for your support and thoughts.

PS2: I am very grateful to the book friends who voted for this book a few days ago. There are really many people. Thank you so much. The names of many new book friends. I really appreciate you voting for it while reading.

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