The Truth of Magic

Chapter 60 Mysterious reward

Chapter 60 Mysterious reward

Hearing Antinoya's reply, Zhao Xu really had the kind of mischievous smile on his face when he lifted the other's hood and looked at the face under the cloak.

But considering the identity of the other party's legendary mage, let alone stir up trouble, it is almost impossible to approach Antinoya with malice.

He didn't even dare to guess how many buffs Antinoya had on him.

Zhao Xu was deeply touched by this point after he had seen a more advanced mage fighting in his previous life.

Just a level 5 mage is enough to pull the battle to another dimension.

However, Zhao Xu was still modest enough to ask Antinoya for advice in front of a good student.

When time travels a year later, people who want to ask a legendary mage like Antinoya to guide them will be able to line up from the church to the gate of Mystra city.

Without the friendship of several generations of family contacts, without that kind of transcendent talent, there are basically few first-level rookie mage apprentices who can receive instruction under the legendary mage.

"Teacher, I've heard of constant spells, but there's a price, right?" Zhao Xu asked softly, with a much more humble attitude.

It is said that the fifth-level spell "Magical Constancy" can stabilize more than a dozen commonly used spells, and Zhao Xu knew this.

But he heard that the price of constant spells, some even mages can't afford.

"The price is, it's a loss of professional ability and two spell slots." Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu's teeth were sore when he heard this, it was so irritating.

What is the cost of using professional abilities and spell slots that can be recovered every day?

He's wasting his lifespan every day he's alive.

In order to cast a "reading magic" like him, he had to prepare the corresponding spell-casting equipment "transparent crystal".

Before casting a spell, it has to be taken out of the side door pocket of the backpack to use, and then put back after releasing the spell.

This is the "Howard Convenience Bag" that he had given by Antinoya, and he can take out what he wants from the dimensional space.

A mage without this kind of equipment has to wear a robe with numerous storage bags sewn on it to get magic materials. Those who don't know where they thought they were beggar magicians.

Zhao Xu was almost drooling with envy for a once-and-for-all thing like a direct permanent spell.

But he was only Antinoya's disciple, not his own son, so naturally he couldn't ask for too much.

"The second point is that there is a big difference in the time you estimated for me to cast the "reading magic". This is a big taboo in mage battles."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu nodded. The level of the caster determines the power, duration, and various effects of the spell. A wrong guess would indeed lead to a very different conclusion.

It's just that even if Antinoya is level 35, the 350 minutes is less than 6 hours.

The magic books he saw in the first few days told him that the only mages above level 40 that Arthur had appeared were those goddesses of magic.

"8 hours?" Zhao Xu immediately reacted and guessed.

If you use the "spell delay" at the cost of a higher level of spell slots, you can double the spell time.

"You don't know anything about the power of a mage," Antinoya said.

Zhao Xu almost didn't realize what Antinoya meant by such a middle school line.

"Combined with 'Spell Lasting', you can extend the duration of non-dispelling spells whose target distance is your own to a whole day." Antinoya said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhao Xu nodded.

It's just that he suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked up at Antinoya in disbelief, and murmured softly, "Isn't it possible?"

"Oh, do I need to lie to you?"

It turns out that the mage is strong here!

A "read magic" that lasts ten minutes per casting level doesn't make much strategic sense, since it's a ten-minute level spell.

But with some spells, the duration is calculated in rounds per caster level.

There are even some that only last for one round. These are extremely powerful spells, so they are born with a short duration.

Once these spells last for a full day.

That mage is really able to deal more damage than a warrior.

Moreover, such a mage, because the magic is permanent, no longer needs to buff himself in a hurry during the war.

When seeing this mage, the other party is already at the peak of combat power.

Antinoya looked at Zhao Xu's shocked expression calmly, knowing that he had already reacted.

However, Antinoya didn't intend to tell Zhao Xu that this was just a powerful aspect of the sorcerer.

There are still many places where mages are truly powerful.

"Then mentor, how much is the price?"

Zhao Xu's expression had recovered by now, and he knew that this method was the way he was going to work hard.

There was basically no mention of this specialty in the previous life forum, which shows that not many players have mastered this specialty.

In this way, the name of the mage is still blown to the sky. If he cooperates with this specialty, Zhao Xu really can't imagine the power of the mage.

"The premise is that you have learned the 'Spell Delay' specialty, which is why you choose the planning field."

"The price is that you can prepare it with a six-level spell slot." Antinoya said, as if it was only a small price.

Hearing this, Zhao Xu suddenly felt like waking up from a dream.

These feelings are all Antinoya's teasing him.

Raise level six?

What a concept!

This means that his "reading magic" has to use a sixth-level spell slot to prepare this zero-level spell.

The sixth-level spell slot is only available to an 11th-level mage.

Even after mastering the ninth-level spell slot at level 17, it can only be used for the long-lasting third-level spell slot of supermagic spells.

No matter how great the meaning is, it has lost its own strategic value.

"Relax, the advancement of our mages can reduce this cost. Otherwise, how can I keep the ninth-level spell 'Lord of the Underground' on me?"

"Study hard, as long as you study hard, we will let you get that advanced."

Zhao Xu was taken aback by Antinoya's words.

He took a deep breath, knowing that his heart was in a mess.

He seemed to return to the feeling of being exposed to various cheating devices when he was playing games when he was a child.

Zhao Xu could only keep reciting spells silently, using that habitual focus to suppress the sense of disorder in his heart.

"Then you can continue to guess, how long is the duration of my 'reading magic'?"

"Yesterday you guessed the skill point correctly, and I promised you a reward. I brought it here, and it's wrapped in this blue cloth. If you continue to guess correctly now, then the reward can be upgraded to the green cloth wrapped thing."

"But it's come to this point, there must be a price for guessing again. If you still guess wrong, I will confiscate the reward from Rambury."

Zhao Xu looked at the two packages of things, one blue and one green, that Antinoya put on the table. They were not big and could be held with one fist.

But if you guessed right, it’s not all free, it’s just an upgrade to a green cloth package.

I am afraid that the value is not lower than the 24-hour backpack behind him.

"How can you guess correctly?" Zhao Xu asked.

"If I think it's possible, then it's a right guess. If I don't think it's possible, it's a wrong guess if it's one round away."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu calmed down.

Antinoya is whether he wants to bet for 24 hours.

But think about it, it's actually easy to guess.

If you use "durable spell", it is the standard 24 hours.

If the "spell delay" was used to double the time, then the duration of the spell would only exceed 24 hours if Antinoya's caster level was over level 72.

How could Antinoya have this caster level.

No goddess of magic!

After being silent for a while, Zhao Xu spoke directly——

"More than 24 hours."

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