This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 58 Head-to-head confrontation

"Lord, what does this mean? Why does the city of hot springs have a second god!"

Less than five minutes after the players sent out the news, the Bishop of the God of Health appeared in the Lord's Mansion and asked loudly.

"You are not calm, my lord, would you like a cup of slime tea to calm down?" The lord blew a sip of the foam in the cup.

Slime tea is expensive, and requires slimes to eat specific food to produce, and the processing method is quite harsh.

However, this kind of tea is mixed with the fragrance of various fruits, and after taking it, it will leave a faint fragrance in the mouth. Some ladies will also take a little bit of it when they attend important balls, making them the brightest stars on the stage.

Seeing that the always-poor lord started to pursue luxury goods, the bishop sneered as he thought of a report from a high priest.

"I see, you have been bought."

"Don't say it so badly." The lord took a sip of hot tea, "I know that my ancestors sold the city of hot springs, and I have to pay their debts for their recklessness with his descendants. But they have something If it’s not sold, it’s the right of belief. I’ve overturned the original contract, and it seems that the residents here have freedom of belief, right?”

"Is your soul only worth this little money?"

"It's better than rotten in your hands."

The bishop stared at the lord indifferently. His aggressive gaze should have made the lord tremble, but now, the other party looked unusually calm.

Putting down the teacup, the lord said softly: "I really like what the group of slimes said, whoever has cheap indulgences can have more believers. The God of Health's indulgences are too expensive, and now there are cheap ones. way to buy, why not buy a little?"

"Don't forget why you invited the God of Health in the first place!"

"We set out to live better, not worse."

"You are blasphemy!"

"I declare in advance that I don't believe in the God of Health. I am a non-believer. Your God doesn't give us any rights, so we don't have to do anything to you."

"Serving the gods is the duty of every human being!"

"Who said this sentence?"

The bishop was momentarily at a loss for words.

This is an unwritten unspoken rule that has never been made explicit.

Now, the lord directly laid out this rule to let the bishop understand that the other party must have been instructed by a master and dug a pile of holes waiting for him to jump.

And there must be a series of pits under the pit. After jumping into it, it will only slide all the way, and eventually it will even be extended to the rationality of the existence of the gods.

In this case, shutting up is the only correct answer.

Glancing coldly at the lord, the bishop said indifferently: "I understand, this is a war, right?"

"You finally reacted."

"Then, we will also respond in the form of war. You choose the path yourself, Lord Lord, I hope you will not regret it."

"Thank you, the door is over there, please close the door from the outside."

Watching the bishop leave, the lord let out a long breath, and then found that his back was wet, and there was a urge to urinate in his bladder.

This was the first time he had confronted the bishop head-on, and it was also the first time for their family.

But besides the fear, he also felt a subtle pleasure.

"Profanity is becoming such an interesting thing."

Picking up the teacup, the lord continued to enjoy it.

When the lord and the bishop were confronting each other, the text in front of everyone was still scrolling.

"As an opening bonus, as long as you shout 'Praise the Nameless God', you can get a seven-day buffet opportunity. The amount is not limited. Drinks, wine, avocado, bacon, braised prawns, garlic ribs, and fruit wood steaks are available in unlimited quantities."

"The first 100 guests will receive a blessing of holy water, the effect is the same as the weakened version of the panacea, first come first served."

"Extraordinarily pious people will get the opportunity to work in the temple, and be baptized as priests for free, and further study related creeds. The monthly treatment is favorable. Those who study well will be exceptionally promoted to bishops and qualified to go to other cities to preach."

"At the same time, lucky prizes will be drawn randomly every day. The third prize will be ten gold coins for 100 people; the second prize will be a free house for 50 people; the first prize will be a field farm for ten people."

"What are you waiting for, come to the Temple of the Nameless God and enjoy yourself."

The hypnotist played these advertisements in a loop, and complained: "Who wrote these things, why is there no style at all?"

"Otherwise, your writing is too advanced and they won't be able to understand it." The boss looked ahead, "Strange, why didn't anyone come? Are the prizes not rich enough?"

"It should be too weird. It is probably the first time they have seen such a weird way of preaching."

"It shouldn't be. It stands to reason that the buffet alone can make them flock here, and there are not many chances of being able to eat. Boss Duran, send your men to see why?"


I specially found a ranger to investigate the situation, and this skilled ranger quickly fed back the information.

"The paladins of the god of health are guarding nearby. They don't allow others to come over. Anyone who violates the order will be executed."

"Do they have this power!"

"Power is the embodiment of violence. The opponent has a big fist, so of course it can be so high. And if we fight rashly, we don't have enough soldiers. It's a face that the opponent didn't directly attack." The hypnotist said helplessly.

The boss thought about it for a while, and then called Wolongfengchu.

"Do you two melon eggs have any bad ideas?"

"What bad idea? We can only come up with genius ideas!" Wolong shouted dissatisfied.

"That's right." Feng Chu immediately agreed.

"Think quickly, I am your master now, and I don't want to find a way for you to know the consequences."

Pointing to the side, a few brats who came here with the boss, Don't Change, showed obscene smiles, and stuck out their tongues to lick their lips.

Wolong and Fengchu shivered for a moment, then said: "Why don't we broadcast live."

"Yes, live broadcast! Let them see our cute appearance, maybe they will all come over!"

"That's right, we are so cute, they will definitely fall in love with us, and then flock to us. At that time, the two of us can debut as idols! Oh, I have to think of a stage name and practice my signature, otherwise What if the signature doesn't look good at that time?"

"Don't worry, my calligraphy is super beautiful."

Looking at Wolong and Fengchu who were talking and talking, the boss sighed, thinking that these two guys are really weird.

But live streaming is a good idea.

In reality, the effect of live broadcasting with goods is good, and there is also a market for live broadcasts after 75 years in the game.

How about trying to use the hypnotist's ability here?

Thinking of this, the boss probably has an idea.


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