Three Kingdoms

Chapter 323: Children from a poor family

Fei Qian came out of the tent and walked out while watching Huang Cheng lead the remaining 500 or so soldiers in a training formation.

Yes, it was Huang Cheng who took it.

Fei Qian doesn't bring it himself.

Of course Fei Qian knew who brought out the soldiers, and he would have an innate sense of awe for this person, just like soldiers in later generations who have become battalion commanders will still subconsciously salute when they see the instructors...

But Fei Qian didn't think it was necessary. With so many things going on, how could he have time to stand in line?

Fei Qian himself only planned to capture the sergeants. As for the soldiers, he would let people like Huang Cheng capture them.

Ancient people's military training is not necessarily worse than modern people, but there are many things that only military strategists understand, and modern people have seen a lot even if they have never been soldiers, so sometimes they still look very powerful when they talk about it. look.

Cao Cao has Yu Jin under him, Liu Bei has Chen Dao under him, um, Sun Quan...Lü Meng?

Don’t quite remember.

The communication technology in ancient times was weak, so the means for generals to command soldiers were very limited. When soldiers looked at the command, they just looked at the flags and listened to the golden drums. This alone requires a long time to teach...

Is there anything that can never be taught?

The answer is no.

The first time he makes a mistake, he gets ten lashes, the second time, he gets twenty lashes, and the third time, he gets thirty lashes. Basically no one can make five mistakes. It’s not that he finally learned it, but he was beaten to death in the process. .

There is a large drum at the gate of the camp, called a drum, with a drum surface that is dark red to black in color.

This color was not dyed with other dyes, but was smeared with human blood during every execution. Over time, it became this color.

Fortunately, these soldiers brought out from Luoyang this time have been basically trained, and they are no strangers to flags and the like, so they only need to strengthen the queue...

But today, Fei Qian didn't come to see Huang Cheng train, but to pick someone up. But when he walked outside the camp gate, Fei Qian was stunned for a moment.

Yes, he is a son of a noble family, but at this age, he looks like he is only 14 or 15 years old...

Fei Qian's dazed look was seen by this nobleman, and he almost immediately fell down. He opened his mouth and said: "I hold a gun to defend the country, and I have five chariots to attack Yan. What does age have to do with it?" He rolled his sleeves and was about to leave.

Oops, I still have a bad temper...

Fei Qian chuckled and said loudly: "Seeing my uncle Fang galloping on the battlefield with courage, and speaking to Prime Minister Lu, Fang is mediating in the palm of his hand. You haven't said a word, and you haven't shown a single skill. What does your age have to do with it?"

The half-grown young man stopped and stood for a short while, then came back, bowed his hands to Fei Qian and said, "I met Mr. Fei Qian on Jia Liang Road, Jia Qu, Hedong."

Fei Qian also raised his hand in return and invited Jia Qu to join him in the camp.

Unexpectedly, Jia Qu was unwilling to enter the camp gate and said, "Fei Shijun, please give me a try."

Okay, young man, you have personality, I like you.

Fei Qian looked left and right, and suddenly saw Huang Cheng training his troops, so he pointed over there and said to Jia Qu: "I have more than five hundred soldiers, three to three and two, five to five and one, and seven to six." , may I ask, how many soldiers do we have?"

This is the famous arithmetic problem of Han Xin Dian Bing, also called Guigu Suan, and Wall Counting. It is a classic problem in early arithmetic in ancient times.

Jia Qu opened his eyes and asked, "Where is the literary topic you agreed on?"

Jia Qu originally thought that Fei Qian might have some problems with classics and history, or some political and people's livelihood problems, but he didn't expect that this guy who trumpeted in Anyi City that he was a disciple of Cai Yong, Cai Zhonglang, a literary great, would actually have problems. An arithmetic question...

This, this, you Fei Qian Fei Ziyuan, how could Cai Yong and Cai Zhonglang feel embarrassed when you asked such a question?

But the big words were all told earlier, and Fei Qian didn't look like he had prepared the topic a long time ago, but just remembered it after seeing the military training formation. Jia Qu couldn't say anything, so he was quite depressed. He began to lower his head and search everywhere...

Fei Qian was a little strange, you little guy didn't do the math well, so what are you looking for?

Jia Qu snorted softly and said, "I went out in a hurry and didn't bring my calculation chips with me!" The calculation chips are usually put in a box. Unless someone needs to do calculations and accounts every day, no one will carry them with him at all times. body.

But what if you need to perform calculations on an ad-hoc basis?

Just like what Jia Qu is doing now, he lowered his head, looked around for some long grass leaves, pulled out a few handfuls, and used them as temporary calculations.

Fei Qian laughed, pulled Jia Qu into the camp gate without any explanation, and when he got into the tent, he picked up the abacus on the table, put it in Jia Qu's hand, and said, "The calculation is too complicated. This thing is called an abacus, and it was made by my master." By the way, he gave Jia Qu a rough idea of ​​how to use the abacus.

Jia Qu took the abacus and looked up and down, carefully fiddled with the wooden beads, and said with some surprise: "Cai Zhonglang is a true god, a man of letters, and a master of economics, and his calculations are also unpredictable..."

"Ah, this was made by my masters Liu Yuanzhuo and Liu Houcheng." Fei Qian corrected him.

No wonder there is a question about arithmetic...

Jia Qu raised his head and glanced at Fei Qian, and suddenly felt that the gap between people was simply too great. Fortunately, he had tried so hard to seek a teacher everywhere but could not find one. But the guy in front of him not only worshiped Cai Yong and Cai Zhonglang as his teacher, he even knew how to do arithmetic in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Hong is also his master, which is really a big thrill for Jia Qu...

Jia Qu's Jia family was still a prominent family in his grandfather's generation, but as things got worse, it was barely able to survive by his parents' generation. However, he did not expect that when Jia Qu was still young, his parents They both died because of contracting typhoid fever...

In the customs of the Han Dynasty, funerals were extremely expensive. In order to prepare for his parents' funeral, Jia Qu basically used up all his family's free money...

Don't look at the wide robe and long sleeves he is wearing now, but in fact, this is all he has left, which is pretty good and can meet people.

With no money, no collection of books, and a broken family, it was quite difficult to study. Over the years, I had been shamelessly borrowing some books from here and there, relying on some residual affection from my parents, until Now.

Being able to choose to write three books a year, and if he can get further comments from Cai Yong, it will definitely change his current situation. Therefore, Fei Qian's publicity is too tempting for him, although he also I had heard that the Wei family in Hedong didn't like Fei Qian, but he came anyway.

His behavior at the camp gate was nothing more than an attempt to boost his worth, but now he was beaten repeatedly without any opportunity to show off...

Jia Qu silently handed the abacus back to Fei Qian, gave Fei Qian a big gift, and said bitterly: "I'm sorry for disturbing you, I hope you will forgive me." After that, he left.

Fei Qian quickly held him back and said with a straight face: "Fight with Lang first, and Zhongni will not show any regrets. He will be brave first, and the Emperor of Qin will send envoys. Although Qian is not talented, he is still willing to open up borders and protect the territory for the Han Dynasty. Yinshan! Jia Langjun, let me ask you what your ambition is? Do you want to leave your name in history, or do you want to stay in the pond?"

Jia Qu suddenly raised his head and stopped talking.

Fei Qian smiled slightly and said, "I can conscript you into a record office for three years. If I can't go to the county, you can come and go freely. How about that?"

Jia Qu pondered for a while, then took a half step back, straightened his clothes, kowtowed to Fei Qian and said, "Qu, see Mr. Fei Qian!"

Pig's feet progress slowly?

Ren Cao’s wife, what are you doing now? Recruiting troops in Yangzhou, and then spent Cao Hong's money to "get two thousand soldiers from the Lujiang River, and get thousands more from Danyang in the east", and "send people to ask for it?" (Riyu, this word was licked away by Dianniang) (...), he gathered the troops and got 2,000 people. The total was about 10,000. However, he encountered a rebellion at night and added the camp to Xiao. When he arrived at Longkang, many soldiers rebelled. He returned to the pre-liberation area overnight. …

What about being gay?

I am still working hard with my good brother, carrying him all the way, ahem, heading north...

Where is Jingzhou Liu?

I am leading my troops to fight towards Jingnan, but I don't dare to use all my troops to fight for fear of losing them all, so I fight and threaten at the same time...

The curtain of the Three Kingdoms has just begun...

Besides, what is Fei Qian’s nickname...

The fish in the sea...



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