Three Kingdoms

Chapter 324 Building momentum

Regarding titles, the Han Dynasty was actually very detailed and particular. Completely different from later generations, in the Han Dynasty, the relationship between people and their mutual attitudes could be seen from their titles.

Huang Cheng, for example, usually calls Fei Qian "Fei Langjun" because this is a title that favors the family, and only people with some family connections such as Huang Cheng and Huang Xu can call him this way.

Of course, Huang Xu also called Fei Qian "Lord" like Du Yuan. Because Huang Xu was not as good as Huang Cheng, he sometimes used the courtesy of a subordinate in formal occasions.

Although Jia Qu visited Fei Qian, he still called Fei Qian "Fei Shijun". This is a term that can be advanced or retreated. One step forward is the lord, and one step back is a passerby. This is consistent with the current situation.

What Jia Qu means is that although I am working under you now, if Fei Qian fails to achieve his goal within three years, then I'm sorry, I still have to say goodbye...

Fei Qian didn't take it seriously and helped Jia Qu up from the ground. This action also represents Fei Qian's willingness to accept such an agreement. If you don't want to, it's easy. Instead of helping Jia Qu with your own hands, you can give Jia Qu a half-salute and say something like "I'm so virtuous, I don't dare to accept this gift..." and everyone will understand.

A reporter's office is not high, but it is not low either. Otherwise, even if someone like Jia Qu wants to become an official at his age, he usually starts as a secretary, not to mention that he comes from a poor family.

Well, Jia Qu just turned sixteen this year. Maybe it was because of poor nutrition that he looked a little thin and a little small. Fortunately, there was no such thing as child labor in the Han Dynasty...

It happened that Du Yuan had brought people to Beiqu to open up a base in advance, and there was no one to take over the logistics accounts of the army. Jia Qu could just take over the job when he came.

"I have a junior brother..." Now that Jia Qu has joined the gang, he is more or less one of his own, Fei Qian spoke more casually, and while leading Jia Qu to the back camp, he said, "Well, how old is it? You are still five years younger... The Classics and History Collection is better than me. Can you calculate the Classics? Not to mention anything else, you can even calculate the weight of a drop of water..."

"Five years younger... Jingshi Ziji is still very strong... I can even calculate a drop of water..."

Bang bang bang three consecutive blows, Jia Qu was deeply hit, and asked quite depressedly: "Dare you ask Mr. Fei to give me your junior brother's surname?" Although the words were very polite, he could hear that he was a little unconvinced. the meaning of.

Fei Qian laughed and said: "His surname is Pang, his given name is Tong, and his courtesy name is Shiyuan. He is from Jingxiang. He is the disciple of Duke Pang of Jingxiang... Oh, I forgot to mention it. I also studied with him when I was in Jingxiang. I got to know Mr. Pang De because of this..."

"Pang Degong..." Jia Qu gasped, then glanced at Fei Qian again and remained silent.

Fei Qian pretended not to see it and took Jia Qu to the tent where Du Yuan used to work in the back camp. He pointed at the desk and said, "Liang Dao is right here. If you need anything, you can send someone to find him." I."

"Wei!" Jia Qu bowed his hands respectfully and began to seriously deal with the logistical matters.

Sometimes people are just like this. You still have to show off when you should show off. If you keep a low profile for too long, sometimes you will be ignored by others.

Many people, including Jia Qu, have just heard of Fei Qian's name. Even most people only know that Fei Qian is Cai Yong's disciple, and they don't know that the potential behind Fei Qian is amazing.

The same is true for Fei Qian's intention of telling Jia Qu. Between the northern Confucian scholar and the southern literary leader, some things are not as simple as one plus one equals two.

If Cai Yong had not died early in history, Zheng Xuan would not have succeeded to the authority of Northern Classics so easily.

Therefore, Fei Qian's current goal is definitely not to win Shangjun in three years, but to become powerful within one year!

And if it is necessary to become a trend in such a short period of time, the only way is to adopt the tactics of future generations...

When Fei Qian returned to the front camp, Huang Cheng happened to come to find Fei Qian.

"Have you selected everything?" Fei Qian asked.

Huang Cheng nodded.

"Okay! Let's leave now!"

× × × × × × × × ×

Anyi, although it has the word "安", is destined to be uneasy today.

An army column entered from the south gate. Although the number of people was not very large, the overall formation was strict and regular, neat and uniform. There were less than a hundred people, but it seemed like there were thousands of people.

The flags fluttered fiercely in the air, seeming to stir up the mood of all the onlookers; the sound of horse hooves on the long street was like a rumble of war drums beating everyone's heart...

Walking at the front was a group of cavalry. They were serious, earnest, and unsmiling. They held the reins of their horses in their left hands and held their spears in their right hands. Their sharply polished spear points pointed upward, reflecting a frightening cold light in the sunlight. A three-color cloth belt was tied under the gun head where it met the gun handle, echoing the three-color battle flags held high in the team and dancing in the wind.

The war horses are specially selected. They are tall and majestic. Every step they take, the beating of their muscles shows the absolute beauty of strength. Coupled with the heroic and upright rider on the horse, they are sure to be impressed as soon as they appear in front of the people of Anyi. It firmly attracted the attention of the people.

Many Anyi people called friends and stood spontaneously on both sides of the street, with a kind of awe and pride in their eyes.


This is our strong army!

Tsk tsk tsk...

Who led this army?

Did you return victorious somewhere?

Among the crowd, there was constant chattering.

The county soldiers on top of the city stretched their heads to look down, then lowered their heads to look at their own clothes. They couldn't help but tugged at their wrinkled robes with their hands, and then wiped themselves with their dirty sleeves. The face that was also dirty, found that it was of no use, and shrank back gradually...

Behind the mighty knight is a group of infantry. These infantry are fully armed, with a fierce look, and their steps are as neat as one person. Their momentum is overwhelming, as if they will rush to the battlefield in the next moment. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they will be flattened and defeated. …

"This is Fei Shijun's team who wants to recapture Shangjun!"

"This is to clean up the Huns and barbarians!"

"This is the team that protects us!"

"These are the powerful soldiers of a truly powerful man!"

"Mr. Fei Shi, you are mighty! Long live the Han Dynasty!"

The rangers in the crowd, on the one hand, received the money, and on the other, they really felt the powerful momentum of Fei Qian's team, and immediately shouted loudly, which immediately ignited the emotions of the crowd.

"Fei Shijun, mighty..."

"Long live the Han Dynasty..."

Amid bursts of cheers from the crowd, Wei Jian came down from the watchtower of the Wei Mansion with a gloomy face. He shook off his sleeves and walked towards the inner hall with his hands behind his back.

Almost at the same time, Wang Yi, the governor of Hedong County, could not help but shake his head. Fei Qian's move also made him somewhat unexpected...

How come Zhuge is so capable?

This means what did Mr. Zhuge do?

Those who work hard in Nanyang and farm...

So, can the rice seedlings be transplanted unevenly?

There needs to be a line horizontally and a line vertically...

To build a military formation, isn't it just to replace the seedlings with people...

Zhuge is good at arithmetic, good at ambushes, and good at using terrain?

That is necessary...

Mountain resources are tight and the ravines are bumpy. If you can plant five trees here or ten trees there, you have to figure it all out. You can be sneaky and ambush...

There are also side effects. I am always worried that wind and rain will damage the seedlings, so I have maxed out this skill of observing the sky...

Moreover, the fields must be set on fire after the autumn harvest every year. I was not familiar with the business and almost burned down my house...

Later, when I became more familiar with it, I could burn it wherever I liked...

My hands are itchy due to burning, so I always like to write the word "fire" in my palms...

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