"Say it again?!" President Roosevelt looked at Ernest who came to report with a stunned look on his face, feeling that his heart began to hurt again.

Ernest repeated with an ugly expression. "Four cargo ships struck a mine and sank outside the Brooklyn base. The ships were loaded with 80,000 tons of special steel originally planned to build battleships and aircraft carriers. Then the base commander Johnson shot five people in the command post and finally committed suicide."

President Roosevelt's mouth twitched slightly. "Is he crazy?!"

"According to the staff at the command post at the time, Jensen was already acting abnormally when he saw the third freighter sinking. After the fourth freighter sank, he went completely crazy. Maybe he was too stimulated. "

"What an idiot!" Roosevelt said in confusion after cursing secretly. "You said those freighters were sunk by mines? Not German submarines? When did the Germans lay the mines?"

"When the first freighter sank, Jensen immediately sent out destroyers to search. But then the second freighter exploded. He suspected it was a mine and sent a mine-sweeping team to clear the mines. But the mine-sweeping team had carefully swept the sea area. Several times, the third and fourth freighter still struck a mine and sank. As for when it was laid, it may have been the last time the German submarine attacked." But the question is, how could the mines laid at that time not be discovered until now? Detonated? Moreover, all the mines hit were large ships. Could it be that the German mines could distinguish the tonnage of the ships and specifically find large ships to detonate?

A series of questions came to mind, and Ernest felt his head aching. "It should be a new type of mine from the German army. I guess this kind of mine is not a traditional anchor mine floating in the sea, but sunk on the seabed, so our minesweeping equipment cannot sweep it. It may be a timing device to delay the start. . As for specifically looking for large ships to detonate, it may be that some special fuses were used, such as water pressure, magnetic fuses, etc."

The new weapons of the Germans are truly endless. President Roosevelt rubbed his temples, took a deep breath, and asked. "Is there any way to deal with these new mines?"

Ernest replied. "I've already asked people to study it, but it will take time."

"We need to increase our efforts." If German submarines came over from time to time to lay such mines, wouldn't their ships be trapped in the port? "Is there any news from Greenland?"

"The mission went smoothly. They have basically found out the basic situation in Greenland. There are only more than 5,000 troops stationed there, no more than fifty fighter jets, and no more than one armored regiment. The rest are engineers, and they are building a large-scale airport there. , its size can accommodate at least a thousand aircraft. There are no large warships in the port, only a few cruisers and destroyers."

"A thousand planes?" President Roosevelt looked a little ugly. Once German bombers are stationed in Greenland, they can bomb the continental United States. But equally, after they capture Greenland, they can also threaten mainland Europe. "How are the preparations for the Greenland operation?"

"We have assembled two Lexington-class aircraft carriers, one USS Ranger aircraft carrier, and two Yorktown-class aircraft carriers."

There are two Lexington-class aircraft carriers, the first ship "Lexington" and the second ship "Saratoga". Modified from the Lexington-class battlecruiser, it became the largest aircraft carrier in the world's navies with a full-load displacement of more than 43,000 tons at the time of its birth. This record in the U.S. Navy remained until the Midway-class aircraft carrier in 1945. Service was only broken.

The USS Ranger is the first ship designed and built for the purpose of an aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy. It was the only large aircraft carrier in the U.S. Atlantic Fleet in the early days of World War II. Due to its small tonnage and island, the USS Ranger has a narrow flight deck and The issue of seakeeping has not become mainstream, and subsequent construction plans have been cancelled. The problems caused in the design and operation have provided many valuable experiences for the design of subsequent aircraft carriers.

The design of the Yorktown-class aircraft carrier is limited by the tonnage of the Washington Naval Treaty and the London Naval Treaty. However, compared with the previous generation Ranger, it is more suitable for the strategic and tactical use of the U.S. Navy. It can carry a large number of aircraft and has superior Speed ​​and cruising range are only lacking in underwater defense. Before the Essex-class aircraft carrier was commissioned at the end of 1943, this class of ships had been the backbone of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet.

The first ship of the Yorktown-class aircraft carrier is the USS Yorktown, and the second ship is the famous USS Enterprise.

"In addition there are three Colorado-class battleships and one Tennessee-class battleship."

The Colorado-class battleship was a type of battleship built by the United States before World War II. It was originally planned to build four ships, but three were actually built, including the "Colorado", the "Maryland" and the "West Virginia". It followed the standard style of American battleships at the time, including a scissor-shaped bow, a cage-type mainmast, secondary guns installed on the forecastle deck, and an electric propulsion power system, which mainly improved firepower and protection.

There are two twin-mounted 406mm main gun turrets on each front deck and aft deck. The four main gun turrets are all arranged along the longitudinal central axis of the hull. They are piggy-back type at the front and rear of the hull. This layout allows eight guns to be fired on the sides at the same time. Salvo fire, or four guns firing in the forward and rear directions, can exert broadside salvo firepower and ensure that the main gun has a good range of fire in the forward and rear directions.

The Tennessee-class battleship is the predecessor of the Colorado-class battleship. It was started in 1917. Based on the experience of the Battle of Jutland, the hull is divided into multi-layer compartments. The underwater defense performance is greatly improved and strengthened over the battleships previously built by the U.S. Navy. The horizontal defensive armor of the hull. This class of ships uses the same electric propulsion power system as the New Mexico class. Increase the elevation of the main gun to extend the range. Mast towers with large fire control facilities are erected on the front and rear mainmasts.

The original plan was for the newly built USS North Carolina to also join the operation, but it was sunk by a German submarine and died before the mission was launched.

"It will take more than a month for the USS Washington to officially enter combat. Do you want to wait?" The USS Washington is the sister ship of the USS North Carolina.

Five aircraft carriers and four battleships sound like a lot, but these are all old-fashioned battleships. If the German Navy comes after hearing the news, Ernest really doesn't have much chance of winning with these old-fashioned battleships fighting against the German Navy. So he hopes to add a few new warships to improve his chances of winning.

President Roosevelt shook his head decisively. "This matter cannot be delayed any longer and must be implemented immediately."

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