At this time, it joined the supply ship and the Tiger Shark submarine, which had replenished ammunition and supplies, once again reached the coast of the United States.

"These fools really don't have long memories!" Kretschmer, who was observing a distant channel through the periscope, couldn't help but sigh.

It cannot be said that there is no memory at all. There are more destroyers patrolling back and forth outside the channel, but the number is not large. The distance between destroyers is at least four to five kilometers. Of course, at the speed of the destroyer, if it sailed at full speed, the distance of four to five kilometers would only take four to five minutes.

The freighter in the channel is still moving straight and leisurely. If this were replaced by the British transport fleet a few months ago, it would definitely continue to change speed and course during the journey to avoid possible submarine attacks. "Since you have such short memories, I'll teach you another lesson."

His periscope caught a freighter approaching from far away. Coincidentally, this freighter is the only remaining one among the five freighters that transported special steel to the Brooklyn base yesterday. The four freighters in front hit mines and sank one after another. Naturally, this freighter did not dare to take any more risks and had no choice but to turn around and head to the Washington Navy Yard. However, it happened to encounter Kretschmer's Tiger Shark submarine halfway.

"Prepare torpedo No. 5! Set the depth at 7 meters!" Looking at the waterline and speed of this ship, you can tell that it is loaded with heavy objects, and even one torpedo can easily handle it.

"Torpedoes are ready!"


"Gudong..." As the submarine trembled slightly, seawater poured into the torpedo tube.

During World War II, the main method of underwater torpedo launching by submarines in various countries was the pneumatic (unbalanced) type.

This method of launching is to inject high-pressure gas into the launch tube before the torpedo is launched, so that the internal and external air pressures are equal. When launching, the front sealing cover opens, and high-pressure air pours in from the rear of the launch tube, pushing the torpedo out. The advantage of this method is that the torpedo has a high initial speed, a wide range of applications, and can deploy unpowered mines and various equipment. However, the disadvantage is that the high-pressure gas rushes into the seawater to produce a large number of bubbles, which exposes the submarine. To this end, engineers designed an air recovery device to recover high-pressure air when the torpedo travels to 3/4 of the launch tube and discharge it into the submersible cabin to avoid the generation of a large number of bubbles.

Pressure is required to propel a torpedo through the water. The deeper the seawater, the greater the pressure, and the greater the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the launch tube. Therefore, this method cannot be used in deep water areas and is only suitable for use at depths above 80 to 100 meters.

Submarines of later generations generally adopt a balanced launch method, and there are roughly three operations. One is to use high-pressure air to push the ejector rod in the launch tube first, and then the ejector rod pushes out the torpedo. The torpedo does not need to contact the water before coming out of the launch port. The second method is to use the torpedo's own power, first open the torpedo tube, and when the internal and external pressures are balanced, the torpedo ignition propeller rotates and shoots out. The third and most widely used launch method is to inject seawater first, wait until the water pressure inside and outside the launch tube is balanced, push the piston at the bottom of the torpedo tube through high-pressure air, and use the piston to compress the seawater to propel the torpedo launch.

The Tiger Shark submarine uses this third method. The torpedo pushed out of the launch tube rushes towards its target at the corresponding water depth, drawing a white track on the sea.

"Torpedo No. 5 has been launched!"

Looking at the freighter still moving slowly in the periscope, Kretschmer knew that the torpedo would definitely hit the target. "Dive 30 meters, turn left 15 degrees, speed 15 knots!"

Several sailors on the freighter were leaning on the railing and smoking.

"Yesterday was so thrilling."

"Yeah, just a little bit worse, even we would be unlucky."

"It's really weird. Other ships are fine, so why are cargo ships like ours hitting mines and exploding? Didn't you see that those destroyers came out safe and sound?"

"Who knows? Maybe the German mines don't like us freighters?"

"These idiots don't even know that mines have been planted in front of their homes. Aren't they afraid that one day they will wake up with a grenade next to their pillow?"

"They're all idiots like the president. Why bother with Europe when they have nothing to do?"

"Perhaps it is true, as the German crown prince said, that he wants to be re-elected as president."

"If he is re-elected as president, I think he wants to be the emperor. If he dares to run for office this time, I would rather vote for a monkey than for him."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and one of them flicked the finished cigarette butt into the sea, and accidentally noticed a white track speeding in the distance.

"Hey, look, is that a dolphin? Swimming so fast?" he asked, pointing into the distance.

"Where is it?" Others looked in the direction he knew. When they saw what it was, they were immediately frightened. Their legs went weak and they almost fell to the metal floor. "Fish, fish...that, that...that's a torpedo!"

It's a pity that they are not well-trained navy, they are just ordinary sailors of civilian ships. Faced with this sudden situation, several people's minds went blank and they could only watch the torpedoes that rushed towards the ship plunge into the hull.


This unlucky freighter failed to escape its fate and was reunited with the other four brothers.

The destroyer in the distance noticed the explosion here and headed here with maximum horsepower. By the time it arrived, the cargo ship had tilted severely and it was obvious that it would not last long.

"Damn it!" Destroyer Captain Brady cursed and quickly called nearby destroyers to help; while he went to chase the damn submarine.

In his opinion, no matter how good the German submarine is, its underwater speed will definitely not exceed 10 knots. It is impossible to run too far in these few minutes. His destroyer with a speed of 30 knots will definitely be able to do so easily. to catch up. Of course, the premise is that he can accurately determine the direction in which the German submarine is escaping. Otherwise, no matter how fast the destroyer is, it will be impossible to catch up with the submarine heading in a different direction.

The destroyer's sharp bow cut through the waves, leaving traces of its speed on the water. On the bridge, the first mate said worriedly. "Captain, maybe it's a German wolf pack? If we rush to chase it, will it..." If there are several German submarines lurking in this sea area and firing torpedoes at them from all directions, then they will really have no chance of escaping. .

Brady nodded. "Let everyone go out and stare at the sea, and be careful of enemy sneak attacks." Following his order, the sailors without tasks gathered on the side and searched the sea with wide eyes, for fear of missing the torpedo fired from somewhere.

Soon the destroyers came to where Brady thought a German submarine was launching torpedoes. "Sonar soldier! Did you find anything?"

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