Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 655: The German-Soviet War (12)

Maekhlis did not expect that Comrade Stalin would execute Pavlov so resolutely. He thought that at most Pavlov's command would be revoked and his official position would be demoted a few levels. After all, Pavlov was also Stalin's favorite general, otherwise he would not have sat on the throne of commander-in-chief of the Western Front.

Moreover, Pavlov was not the only one named in the verdict, but also Major General Klimovsky, Chief of Staff of the Western Front, Major General Grigoriev, Director of Communications of the Front, Major General Krich, Director of Artillery, and Kolo, Commander of the 4th Army. Major General Bukov and more than ten people.

"..." Mahlis silently looked through all the judgment documents. I couldn't help but wonder. I remember reading a book on the art of war before, which said, "Changing commanders before the battle is a taboo for military strategists." What's more, now we have to kill the commander before the battle, won't it cause any problems?

But he did not dare to question Comrade Stalin's decision-making, and immediately ordered people to arrest all the people named in the verdict. And he came to the holding room where Pavlov was temporarily detained.

Pavlov had panda eyes and his pupils were bloodshot, but he couldn't fall asleep. He kept pacing back and forth in the narrow cell and kept mumbling.

"Comrade Political Commissar." The two soldiers guarding Pavlov saluted Maekhlis. Mahlis nodded and waved. "You guys go out first, and I'll have a word with Comrade Pavlov."

After the two soldiers left, Mahlis walked to the iron fence. "Comrade Pavlov, the verdict against you has been handed down."

Pavlov seemed to realize that there was an extra person in the room, and two people were missing; he looked at Mehelis with a blank look on his face. "Judgment? What judgment!"

Mahlis coughed lightly and patted the document bag in his hand. "The Supreme Military Court orders your execution."

"Death penalty?" Pavlov's whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning. He stood there blankly. It took him a long time to recover, and he started shouting hysterically. "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! I want to see Comrade Stalin! This must be a conspiracy!"

Mahlis quickly took a few steps back, avoiding Pavlov's hand that stretched out from the gap in the iron fence, and curled his lips in disdain. Still want to meet Comrade Stalin? Without Comrade Stalin's instruction, would the Supreme Military Court dare to issue such a verdict? Comrade Stalin just didn't want to see you, so he didn't take you to Moscow, but carried it out immediately here.

At this time, several soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs walked in. "Comrade Political Commissar, everyone has been escorted to the execution ground and is ready."

Mahlis nodded and looked at Pavlov who was in a semi-mad state behind the iron bars with some pity. "Comrade Pavlov, it's time to hit the road."

"Whatever way you go, I won't go! I want to see Comrade Stalin! I am the commander of the front army, you can't..."

Several soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened the iron bars and rushed in to escort Pavlov out. Pavlov was only 44 years old at this time, in the prime of life. After desperately resisting, several soldiers were unable to hold him for a while.

Several people tore and struggled into a ball. One of the soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs took off the rifle on his back, and hit Pavlov's head hard with the butt of the rifle, causing blood to flow out instantly. Under the heavy blow, Pavlov's body did not fall down, but only took two steps to one side, and then stood firmly again. It can be said that he was very strong. However, he lost the ability to continue resisting and was dragged out of the cell by several Ministry of Internal Affairs soldiers and dragged all the way to an open space behind the headquarters. There was a row of wooden stakes standing there, with more than a dozen people tied to the wooden stakes. personal.

Mahlis stepped forward to identify each one and a colonel read out the verdict.

Some people were ashen-faced and silent, some were struggling desperately and yelling, and some were pleading with runny noses and tears, which can be said to show all kinds of emotions in the world.

"Listen to my command! Get ready! Raise your gun!" The colonel who read out the verdict calmly ordered to the row of soldiers holding rifles in front of him.


"Bang!" Uniform gunshots resounded through the sky, and the dozen or so people who were tied up seemed to have had their souls taken away. Their bodies trembled, they struggled a few times, and then they hung their heads feebly.

After Pavlov was shot, the Military Court of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested Pavlov's family members according to the Soviet military criminal code: his father, George Vasilyevich Pavlov, and his mother, Ekaterina Stepanovnaba. Vlova, and Pavlov's sister Maria Pavlov. They were not military personnel but were nevertheless sentenced to exile by military courts.

Pavlov's parents were exiled to Siberia - Krasnoyarsk Territory to serve a five-year sentence. This border region is nearly 4,000 kilometers away from Moscow. It is a vast and sparsely populated area and the famous Yenisey River flows through it. The local economy mainly relies on animal husbandry, firewood, and minerals. Agriculture mainly grows cold-resistant and flood-resistant crops. Mechanical processing can only be regarded as a second-rate industry locally. Pavlov's sister was exiled to Arkhangelsk. Although it was better than Siberia, her situation was no better than that of her parents.

A month later Pavlov's wife Alexandra and her mother Karavidya Mikhailovna Kuznetsova, and Pavlov's son Boris Dmitrievi Chipavlov and his daughter Ada Dmitrievna Pavlova were also arrested and sentenced to five years in exile in Uralsk. However, because her daughter Ada was only 12 years old, she was instead handed over to a military care institution for her upbringing and education, which was considered a blessing in misfortune.

The next day, General Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko came to take over as commander of the Western Front, and he brought with him a letter of transfer for Mykhlis.

Timoshinger's fame was mainly due to Stalin's own feelings for the cavalry. This can be seen from the fact that after the Great Purge, there were only three people left at the top of the Soviet Red Army. Among these three people, the first five major members of the Soviet Army There are only two marshals left, Voroshilov and Budyonny, plus one Shaposhnikov left in the first-level army group. These three are all cavalrymen. Timoshenko also grew up as a cavalry officer, so not only was he not purged, but he also quickly gained Stalin's trust and love during this vacancy among the top leaders of the Red Army.

Timoshenko was very disgusted with Maekhlis's character and naturally did not want to work with him, so he asked Stalin to transfer Maekhlis away and appointed Я Fominekh as the political commissar of the Western Front.

When he arrived at the headquarters, Timoshenko did not care about rest and immediately threw himself into work.

After sorting out the casualty reports reported by various armies, Timoshenko couldn't help but sigh. "Pavlov, you idiot really deserves to die! Do you think the German defense line is made of paper?! You can't even see such an obvious trap?!" In just one day, nearly 700,000 elite troops were lost. I'm afraid it's a record in military history.

A small Finland had been fighting for several months. Pavlov, an idiot, did not have any doubts about the crumbling German defense lines. He broke through two lines of defense in succession, allowing his own large forces to fall into the German encirclement. "He is simply a sinner of the Soviet Union!"

It's a pity that Pavlov has been shot, and no matter how much he curses, it will be of no avail. The top priority is how to rescue the troops surrounded by the German army. This is also Comrade Stalin's order.

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