Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 656: The German-Soviet War (13)

"It's hard to handle!"

Timoshenko sighed deeply. Comrade Stalin's order was to rescue hundreds of thousands of troops trapped in the German encirclement. But it is obvious that this is not an easy task, and it can even be said to be an almost impossible task.

Continue to attack?

The German army completely occupied the air superiority, and the ground force's attack could not form a large scale and could only be a fueling tactic.

"Have you contacted the troops in the encirclement?"

The officer from the communications department of the headquarters shook his head cautiously. "Comrade Commander, the radio has been unable to be contacted. We suspect that it is radio interference carried out by the German army. In this case, unless the German army closes the jamming facilities, communication cannot be restored."

Timoshenko did not know much about this technical aspect and did not delve into it. Although the specific situation in the encirclement was not known, the food carried by the troops was only enough to last for two days. No matter how much they saved, it would not last four or five days, and there was not much ammunition. If the German army launched an attack, those troops would easily fall into a desperate situation of running out of ammunition and food. Even if the German army failed to attack, the troops would not be able to hold on for a week. There were only two options for them, either to fight to death before starving to death, or to surrender.

If you want to airdrop supplies to them, let alone whether you can avoid the German air interception. Even if you are lucky enough to escape, how many airdrops can be dropped to hundreds of thousands of troops to make them hold on?

Just as Timoshenko was racking his brains to find a way, Yannick came to the German Space Launch Base.

The later European Space Launch Center was located in French Guyana on the Atlantic coast of northern South America. This location is close to the equator and has great benefits for rocket launches: the low latitude means that the journey from the launch point to the orbit entry point is greatly shortened. The stage does not need to be started twice; the orbital inclination angle with the same launch azimuth angle is small, and the energy required for apogee orbit change is small, which increases the payload of the synchronous orbit; there is a wide launch arc on the sea to the north and east; population, Traffic and weather conditions are ideal, etc.

However, it is currently impossible to go to South America to build a launch base. We can only build a space base somewhere in the Algerian Sahara Desert.

The special plane landed smoothly on the runway of the space base. Through the plane window, he saw the tall launch tower in the distance and the milky white rocket surrounded by the tower. Yannick couldn't help but feel emotional.

In 1957, in the original time and space, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite in human history, triggering a space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. However, few people know that as early as the 1930s, the Germans formulated a detailed space colonization plan in an attempt to achieve Aryan domination of the world and the universe.

In March 1939, Mustache met von Braun and other scientists for the first time, and he admired this scientist with a broad vision. Especially when they talked about ideas such as "space colonization", the two hit it off.

As a result, a detailed space plan was officially launched: on the basis of developing rockets to carry bombs, develop military spy satellites. This was followed by the launch of a manned spacecraft, with the ultimate goal of establishing a permanent base on the moon to solve problems such as resources, energy and living space for the German nation. Mustache also hopes to use the moon as a transit station to send Germans to Mars and even farther into space.

Mustache declared that this would be a "leap of faith" for the Germanic nation. In order to support this plan, he awarded von Braun the title of "Honorary Professor" and personally ordered the establishment of the Penamünde base for space research. The base had state-of-the-art laboratories at the time. Germany's best scientists in physics, chemistry, aeronautics and other fields also gather here. In just one year, the Germans conducted 25 launches of launch vehicles, tested three guidance systems, and made significant progress, which provided an important basis for the design of the A-4 rocket.

In October 1942, the Germans launched an A4 rocket into space 100 kilometers above the earth's surface. Of course, its flight cannot be called entering space, but it is a decisive step for humans to enter space and proves the fundamental possibility of reaching outer space.

But everything that followed completely shattered this dream of a great power. As the German army retreated steadily, Mustache had to stop his space dream. After Germany's defeat, these scientists who studied the space program were divided between the United States and the Soviet Union. Among them, von Braun went to the United States to continue his space dream. In 1969, he developed the Saturn giant rocket and Apollo 11. Sent to the moon.

Now, Yannick is walking faster than anyone and hopefully further.

Seeing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince walking out of the cabin door, the crowd on the ground burst into enthusiastic cheers, and many people even burst into tears with excitement. Yannick couldn't help but think of the crowd's reaction when a certain fat man appeared on the stage in later generations.

Walking down the gangway, he extended his hand to Dr. Obert, who was standing at the front. "Dr. Obert, thank you and all of you for your contributions to humanity."

Dr. Obert's eyes were a little red with excitement. "Your Highness, you have spoken harshly, and I really cannot live up to it. Compared with your contribution, Your Highness, what we have done is really insignificant."

Yannick shook hands with the scientists and engineers present.

After everyone returned to their respective posts, only Dr. Obert and a few other persons in charge were left with Yannick. Yannick noticed that young von Braun seemed hesitant to speak. "Dr. Braun, if you have any problems, it's okay to speak up. There's no need to hide it. Are there any technical problems that can't be solved?"

"It's not a technical problem." Von Braun shook his head. "Your Highness, why must this launch be kept strictly confidential? Shouldn't the whole country celebrate such an exciting moment?"

Yannick couldn't help but smile. "Dr. Braun, as scientists you only need to be responsible for scientific research projects, while I, the crown prince, need to be responsible for the entire empire. Do you know what will happen after the war is over? Of course, that is on the premise that we win the final victory."

Several scientists looked at each other. "Everyone is celebrating?" They couldn't think of any other adjective.

Yannick shook his head. "Those were just the first few days and weeks. After the war, there will be a 'post-war syndrome' in society, such as inflation, rising prices, unemployment, etc. Even if we are a victorious country, we cannot avoid it. This kind of problem. The first two are inevitable problems caused by the adjustment of wartime economy to peace economy, and the latter is caused by the return of a large number of veterans to society and the reduction of employees in military industrial enterprises. In addition, there are various social The trouble and impact caused by the concentrated outbreak of problems. Gee, just thinking about it is a headache.”

Take the United States during World War II. In the third year after the end of World War II, the United States experienced its first post-war economic crisis. This crisis broke out suddenly after the United States experienced a short-term post-war prosperity. The fundamental reason for the crisis was that civilian production was greatly compressed during the war, and all production lines were used to produce war preparation materials. Not only have a large amount of deposits accumulated in the hands of residents, but the supply capacity of social products is not enough to maintain daily market balance. After the war, the huge deposits in the hands of residents and the products produced by a large number of production lines sold by the U.S. government to capitalists at low prices all poured in. The consumer market has also caused inflation to a certain extent.

At the same time, due to the deficit policy implemented during Roosevelt's New Deal to save the U.S. economy, and the subsequent series of U.S. expenditures during World War II, the U.S. national debt increased more than 40 times in a few years. After the war ended, national bonds flowed into the financial market for liquidation, which objectively increased currency issuance. Moreover, with the cessation of price controls on some commodities and the inability to guarantee supply in the short term, U.S. prices have become out of control in the short term.

However, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union had already begun at that time, and the first large-scale hot war since the Cold War broke out in East Asia. U.S. military spending has skyrocketed, and many military factories have resumed production. The huge economic driving capacity has enabled the United States to quickly get rid of the crisis and usher in economic prosperity.

"So waiting until then to announce such an exciting event can alleviate many problems."

"Your Highness is really far-sighted." Everyone looked suddenly enlightened, with sincere admiration in their eyes.

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