Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 657: The German-Soviet War (14)

At this time, the roar of engines came from the sky, and from far to near, a small passenger plane slowly landed on the runway. "It seems our guests have arrived."

The passenger plane stopped not far from them, the door opened, and the first person to run out was Princess Margaret. "Brother Yannick!"

Yannick rubbed Princess Margaret's little head. "Margaret is getting more and more beautiful."

Princess Margaret eagerly pointed to the rocket in the distance with a curious look on her face. "Brother Yannick, what is that?"

"That's a good thing. I'll take you to see it later."

At this time Queen Elizabeth and little Elizabeth walked down the gangway, each holding a baby.

Queen Elisabeth Yannick bowed forward. "Your Highness the Queen." He said and stretched out his hand to her. "Can I have a hug?"

Queen Elizabeth glared at him quietly, and reluctantly handed the baby in her arms to him.

Yannick took it carefully and looked at the sleeping baby in the swaddling clothes. The round little face was white and tender, the red little lips curled up from time to time, and the chubby little hands unconsciously grabbed the swaddling clothes. It was so cute; but he was not too cute. It’s unclear whether this little guy is a brother or a sister. "Is he Auston or Alice?"


Little Elizabeth came forward with Alice in her arms. "Brother Yannick. What kind of place is this? It's so mysterious." After receiving Yannick's invitation, when he was about to board the plane, he was told that only five people, mother and daughter, were allowed to board the plane; other security personnel and attendants were not allowed to follow him. After the plane took off, all the windows were covered, and the attendants arranged by the German side did not say where the destination was, so they were brought here in a daze.

Hugging Alice again, Yannick pointed to the rocket in the distance. "I told you last time that I would lead Europe to find the hometown of the 'Little Prince'. Today will be the first step."

Little Eliza looked in disbelief. "Really?!" Even Queen Elizabeth opened her mouth in surprise.

"Of course it's true." Yannick nodded firmly and asked Dr. Obert beside him. "Dr. Obert, is the rocket filled with fuel?"

"Not yet, Your Highness. It will start in 3 hours as planned." Early liquid fuels could only maintain stability for a short period of time under specific conditions, and were extremely corrosive to storage tanks, so they were all stored in Filled before launch.

"Then let's go over and take a look." Yannick ordered a car, and everyone got in the car and drove towards the rocket launch pad. "Dr. Obert, are my orders strictly followed?"

"Yes, Your Highness, according to your order, senior scientific researchers and engineers are not allowed to come within 500 meters of the rocket after the rocket is injected with fuel."

"Very good, you can't relax at all." The reason why Yannik gave this order was because an extremely tragic accident occurred in the Soviet Union in later generations.

At that time, the Cold War between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, was in full swing. The two countries were engaged in a crazy arms race. The top leader of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev, was about to come to the United States for negotiations. In order to frighten the United States, he ordered that an R-16 Intercontinental must be launched as soon as possible at all costs. Ballistic missiles. Mitrofan Ivanovich Nederin, the first commander-in-chief of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, gave a fatal order to the chief engineer responsible for the launch, and he must successfully launch the R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile on time.

As the saying goes, "Haste makes waste". In order to launch as soon as possible, the chief engineer could only illegally allow inspections of different systems at the same time, instead of inspecting them one by one step by step. In this way, the blind pursuit of speed paved the way for future tragedies.

On October 24, 1960, the missile that was about to be launched suffered some malfunctions. The launch should have been postponed, but at this time, Nedelin could no longer care so much. He rejected his subordinates' advice to postpone the launch and insisted on ordering the launch of the missile.

What's even more terrible is that according to regulations, all personnel who are not directly involved in missile launches must enter the underground cement shelter. However, Nedelin ignored the advice of his subordinates and insisted on sitting on a stool not far from the rocket that was about to be launched to supervise on-site, as if It’s a moment to witness a miracle.

And what he witnessed was a tragedy, a tragedy in which he even lost his life.

The missile exploded before it had time to take off, and a sea of ​​​​fire reaching more than 3,000 degrees Celsius flooded the entire launch site. Dozens of general-level rocket experts and technicians, including Nedelin, were instantly burned to ashes. Some people were burned until only their human outlines remained.

A total of 161 people were killed in the accident. Only half of the commander's epaulette was burned and the key to the melted office safe was found afterwards.

Yannick did not want to see such a tragedy. Even if an inevitable accident occurred, senior scientific researchers and engineers could not make any mistakes.

While talking, the car arrived under the rocket launch pad.

"Wow, it's so high." Little Elizabeth couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the rocket, which was twenty or thirty meters high.

In terms of rocket propulsion methods, they can generally be divided into single-stage rockets and multi-stage rockets. The most effective are multi-stage rockets, also known as three-stage rockets, which provide continuous three-stage rockets after liftoff. A propulsion power accelerates the rocket until it enters the predetermined satellite orbit.

This rocket is a "one-and-a-half-stage" rocket, with four additional boosters added to the single-stage rocket. First use four boosters to launch the rocket to a certain height, then turn on the thrusters of the rocket body, and finally send the satellite into the predetermined orbit.

Little Elizabeth pointed to the huge words on the rocket body. "Hati No. 1? 'Hati', are you talking about the wolf?"

"Little Elizabeth is so smart." Yannick smiled and nodded. "The name of this project is Mani, and it and subsequent rockets are named after Hati."

The Chinese myth of a dog swallowing the moon is a well-known one, and there are similar stories in Nordic mythology.

Mani is the son of the giant Mundilfari, the moon god in Norse mythology, and the incarnation of the moon. Mani's chariot is pulled by a horse named Yasvidel. A wolf named Hati (the son of the giant wolf Fenrir) is always chasing the moon behind the car, trying to swallow it. When he catches up, there will be a lunar eclipse, and the people on the ground must beat gongs and drums to scare away the wolf.

Yannick didn't know why the American moon landing program was named after the sun god "Apollo", but he decided to name the project after the moon god in the Norse mythology system, so he named it Mani.

Queen Elizabeth, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked. "How high can this rocket fly?"

"It can send artificial satellites weighing 100 kilograms to a low-Earth orbit 230 kilometers above the ground."

"Artificial satellite?" Seeing the puzzled look in Queen Elizabeth's eyes, Yannick then realized that they didn't even know what an artificial satellite was.

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