Urban Sims

Chapter 715 Stable

What communication device did Zhou Ming introduce and actually said it had "significant strategic value"?

Magic phone.

Of course, it is a magic phone that is small, lightweight, and powerful, making people fall in love with it and become a group of people who bow their heads.

Nokia 001 Magic Phone.

This is the phone that Zhou Ming introduced to everyone.

Zhou Ming introduced more than a dozen functions such as making phone calls, sending text messages, clock alarms, calculators, address books, and mini-games in detail, and demonstrated all functions.


Everyone’s eyes were indeed opened!

"Magical, this thing is so magical and powerful!"

"You can make low-latency calls even if you are millions of miles apart. You can put it on your body and carry it with you wherever you go. It is more convenient than the magic phone of the Magic Association!"

"I used to use the Continental Chamber of Commerce's Griffin Courier to deliver letters. It would take at least a month to receive a reply even though it was thousands of miles away. But now we don't need to. Just make a phone call. It's so convenient!"

"The clock function on the magic phone is also very useful. It is much more accurate than a mechanical watch. It can also set the alarm clock. Okay, I really like it!"

"This little game is very fun. You have to stack various blocks together and then eliminate them. There is also a high score ranking... I have already ranked over 10,000 points!"

"How much does this magic phone cost? Can you sell me one? I really want to sell one!"

Count Thoris played with the mobile phone in his hand fondly, walked up to Zhou Ming, and asked eagerly.

"For 10,000 gold coins each, let's sell it at the cost price. Each person is limited to purchase one unit... I won't take advantage of you."

Zhou Ming held his hands and said, these Nokia 001 magic phones came from the production line of the Waitrose Empire. The material cost is less than 100 gold coins. And because of its powerful functions, it can be sold for 10,000 gold coins each. Zhou Ming really Don't want to make their money.

"What? So cheap? I want to buy one, buy it immediately!" Count Torres, who is worth over 100 million, said.

"Your Excellency Mr. Wang, you are too honest. Even if it sells for 1 million gold coins, I will still pay for it! I like this baby so much that I will buy one too!"

"Your Excellency Mr. Wang, since it is so cheap, can I buy a few more units? No? How about increasing the price to 100,000 units and selling ten units to me? Still not possible... Each person is limited to one unit, and we will release it later. There is a purchase quantity limit...Okay, let me buy one first!"

After a while, the visiting nobles all had a Nokia magic phone in their hands. Their faces were full of joy, and they were completely immersed in the excitement of owning a mobile phone.

The same goes for the old fox Roberts who has seen many things in the world.

Of course, Zhou Ming also explained to them the strategic value of the magic phone in the military.

"First of all, after a large number of magic mobile phones are distributed to the army, our command of each army will become fast and efficient. Compared with the legions of the Holy See of Light, the delay time for our orders is zero, and the feedback time for battlefield situations is Zero...the transmission of orders and the acquisition of battle status can be tracked and processed in real time."

"Secondly, with the help of magic mobile phones, we can quickly adjust our military strategies and action deployments to achieve timely response, and use this advantage to find the weaknesses of the Army of Light, so as to defeat them one by one with more attacks and fewer attacks, with faster attacks and slower ones. !”

"In short, once the magic phone is used in war, the advantages it will bring to us will be huge. Of course, I know that the God of Light has an ability called 'Oracle Believers', which may be used in war command. Among them, but this method consumes a lot of money and is definitely not as convenient as a magic phone!"

"Once the war begins, in terms of command and communication, we can command thousands of troops just like we control our own fingers and toes, forming a crushing advantage over the Holy See of Light!"

"Coupled with those advanced new firearms and equipment, everyone, do you still have confidence in the kingdom regarding the outcome of the next war?"

Zhou Ming glanced over and asked the nobles.

"Of course I have faith in the Kingdom!"

"With the magic phone, it's stable, 100% stable!"

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wang, I'm very sorry. Just now I doubted your ability and wavered. Damn it, damn it. It really deserves your forgiveness. Please forgive me!"

"Hahahaha, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm really not afraid now. So what about the Holy See of Light? I'll kill as many people as you come! Let's see who has more people, you, or our bullets and shells?"

Duke Rudolf laughed again. With his simple-minded personality, he now decided that he was on the winning side... With many artifacts in hand, what could the Holy See of Light have to fear?

Seeing everyone's performance, Zhou Ming secretly shook his head.

Calm down.

Calm down!

These guys are really difficult to train. They all have a bit of a gambler's personality. They cry when they see a losing situation and laugh when they see a winning situation. Their moods fluctuate violently, giving people the impression that they are impetuous.

Especially Duke Rudolf, who is over eighty years old, and has not seen any accumulation and precipitation of years on him. He is always the one who takes the lead in making noises, and he is also the first one who sees the benefits and pounces on them without any pretense. He and Zhou Ming sometimes wondered: Is this old guy a well-educated and decent nobleman?

Weird is the right word to describe him.

However, the Kingdom of Yadud is about to face a huge challenge. The people of the Kingdom need to settle down and unite as a force to jointly face the huge challenge.

So no matter who is sensible or weird, Zhou Ming will comfort them, calm their minds, inject confidence, unite closely with him, and bring down the Holy See!

After the four strategic weapons and magic mobile phones were presented and introduced to them one after another, it now seemed that Zhou Ming had achieved his goal.

All kinds of noise in the kingdom will be greatly reduced, and he can concentrate on completing his various arrangements and plans.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dingling Ling~Dingling Ling~"


A ringing sound and vibration came from Zhou Ming's pocket, interrupting his thoughts.

The call came.

He took out his Ai Feng 1 generation mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the caller ID - it was a call from Emperor Epps of the Redding Sherris Empire, and it was a video call application.

Zhou Ming has received seven or eight such calls in the past few days, asking Emperor Epps for the reason, and found out that after the implementation of the "Imperial Fortress Plan" began, more than half a year later, other empires' "Fortress Plans" ", all went relatively smoothly, and basically eradicated the Holy See forces in their respective empires.

But the emperor of the Ledincheris Empire was an indecisive and cowardly emperor. He considered that after the implementation of the "Fortress Plan", many people in the Ledincheris Empire would die, so he hesitated and planned to change to a gentler one. He tried to solve the Holy See's power in the country in a certain way, but the result was backfired. He didn't want to kill people, but the Holy See didn't want to leave either. Instead, he was bold and resisted fiercely, and the war spread everywhere.

As a result, after half a year of turmoil, Emperor Epps, who did not want too many people to die, found that more people died in his empire than any other empire, and the rebellions in various places had not stopped, even though the Magic City sent 2,000 more people. Even though a legendary mage passed by, he still couldn't suppress the chaos.

In this case, Epps could only call and ask for Zhou Ming's opinion.

But after seven or eight phone calls, Zhou Ming became more and more angry!

"You stupid idiot! How did you, a human with a pig's brain, sit on the throne of the emperor? What qualifications do you have to sit on the throne?"

"You are completely unqualified, you are a waste!"

"Stop asking me how to deal with the rebels everywhere. You will not adopt any of the hundred plans I offer. The best plan now is to replace you as the emperor first, and then deal with the rebels!"

"I'll make a call to Lao Lang in a moment. Get ready to abdicate. I'll see you there!"

Zhou Ming hung up the phone angrily.

But when he looked up, he found a circle of people surrounding him.

Half of the people were in a state of short-circuit in their brains, shocked by the shocking content of the conversation he had just made... The emperor of an old and powerful empire was scolded bloody by their prince husband, who also said that he should step down. The throne, this...

The other half of the people stared blankly at the Ai Feng 1 mobile phone in his hand, and then looked at the Nokia 001 in their own hands. After repeated comparisons, no matter how they looked at it, they felt something was wrong.

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