Urban Sims

Chapter 716 Outbreak

Zhou Ming's powerful words and the unique magic phone in his hand really made everyone curious and surprised, and everyone became very interested.

However, seeing that Zhou Ming had no intention of revealing it, they didn't ask any more questions and just buried their doubts deep in their hearts.

"Boy, that magic phone you took out earlier, how much does it cost?"

When he returned, Duke Rudolf couldn't restrain his curiosity and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's the latest generation of magic phone produced by Magic City. It's not for sale. You can't buy it no matter how much money you pay." Zhou Ming said.


Duke Rudolf sighed and stared at the pocket where Zhou Ming kept his cell phone for a while.

After visiting the secret base, we returned to the royal capital of Dilo City.

Through the mouths of Prime Minister Elbury, Duke Rudolf and other visitors, and answering the questions of the inquirers, after learning that the kingdom has enough ability and confidence to withstand the attack of the Holy See of Light, the upper echelons of the Yadud Kingdom are basically in a mood. Stabilized.

Through the comfort of the upper class, the people in the middle and lower classes also calmed down.

Then according to the arrangements in the "Kingdom Mobilization Order", the entire Yadud Kingdom entered a state of first-level war preparation.

Mobilize materials from all aspects and prepare for war with all your strength!

And considering that in the Kingdom of Yadud with a total population of more than 60 million, after nearly ten years of industrial development, there are currently more than 8 million workers working in factories, and half of them are capable workers with armed value, Zhou Ming moved. Brains, prepare to distribute firearms in large quantities to arm 4 million workers!

There are more than 4 million farmers engaged in medicinal plant cultivation, who also have the value of training and arming.

This can draw out a workers' and peasants' armed force with a total number of 8 million.

In addition, the Kingdom's regular army will be expanded to 1.5 million men.

As well as 500,000 private armed forces held by various nobles.

Finally, when all were counted, the total number was 10 million!

In other words, the maximum mobilization limit of the Yadud Kingdom is 10 million people!

It is approximately equal to 1/6 of the total population (if you include foreign workers and escaped nobles from other kingdoms, the total population of the Yadud Kingdom is actually close to 100 million).

If such a large population could be mobilized, the Holy See's massive human attack wouldn't actually be that scary.

In addition, in terms of various materials, Zhou Ming also mobilized and organized a large number of manpower and made full preparations.

For example, when it comes to food, in fact, based on the available arable land in the Yadud Kingdom, after excluding tens of millions of acres of medicinal fields, there is still agricultural land used for food cultivation. The food grown cannot meet the needs of nearly 100 million people.

The food self-sufficiency rate is less than 60%.

Of course Zhou Ming saw this shortcoming, so on the one hand he sent a large number of purchasing caravans to import large quantities of grain from neighboring kingdoms.

In addition, a space teleportation array was built leading to the Waitrose Empire, and the space teleportation array was used to transport food and supplies.

Finally, the greenhouse cultivation technology was vigorously promoted in the country, allowing the kingdom to produce food and vegetables even in the cold winter, thus increasing the food self-sufficiency rate.

The food security issue has been basically solved. Secondly, Zhou Ming also invested a lot of energy in weapons production.

Because with the current production efficiency of the Yadud Kingdom's military industry system, once a high-intensity war breaks out, the weapons and ammunition produced can only meet the needs of 2 million people.

But Zhou Ming hopes to arm 10 million people.

There is a huge gap in weapons production.

what to do?

Zhou Ming could only organize a group of more than a thousand high-level magicians and established a "magic factory" - using magic to produce various equipment.

For example, there were not enough high-precision industrial machine tools, so Zhou Ming led people to build them.

For example, some parts engraved with magic patterns were not enough, so Zhou Ming personally led people to produce them.

Another example is that the output of the mine is not enough and the ore reserves are about to be exhausted. Zhou Ming brings highly sensitive detection equipment and leads the exploration team to explore for mineral deposits in various places in the ice and snow.

Zhou Ming did many urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks personally. The purpose was to use the precious more than half a year on his hands before the spring to build a strong defense force to withstand the first wave of people from the Holy See of Light.

Even successful defense was not enough. He also had follow-up military plans, and even worked backwards to create a template.

The template for defeating the Holy See of Light!

Once this template proves successful and effective, and then promotes it, I believe that the so-called Holy See of Light will not have anything to worry about!

So facing this upcoming battle, he must win cleanly and beautifully!

Zhou Ming murmured:

"Indeed, this is an idealistic world, where the power of the soul can override matter!"

"If I were to compete head-on with the Holy See from an ideological and spiritual level, there is no doubt that I would be completely defeated!"

"Material, I can only give full play to the energy of matter!"

"Use the chemical energy in the firearm to fight against the holy power in the soul!"

"Use industrialization to mobilize an armed army to fight against the gathered power of hundreds of Holy Kingdoms of Light."

"Use ordinary materials to fight against powerful spirits!"

"In this idealistic plane, a confrontation between material and faith is staged!"

Who wins in the end depends on the final outcome of this war.


It’s January 5th of the Spring Festival.

The weather is slowly getting warmer and the winter snow has just begun to melt.

In the Holy Kingdom of Bachirut, there is a magnificent temple.

Countless holy mages wearing gray robes, white robes, and red robes, as well as countless holy knights wearing gold armor, silver armor, and steel armor, stood on the thousand steps and the central platform of the temple.

Below the temple, there are countless military formations like tofu cubes, densely packed and astonishing in number.

A grand expedition ceremony officially begins!

On the terrace at the top of the temple.

Red Archbishop Obalh held the holy staff and roared with all his strength:

"God said that anyone who does not believe in Him should go to hell!"

"God says that those who believe in Him and then abandon Him should go into deeper hell!"

"God says that those who are godless and those who rebel against God are all the incarnations of the devil in this world, and they are devils that need to be driven away with holy light!"

"Now, there is a sinful land. They are all possessed by the devil. They have all turned their backs on God. They are dirty and ugly, they are disgusting and despicable. It is a sin for them to live!"

"Hell, they must all go to hell!"

"That land must be completely cleansed!"

"Servants of the Supreme God of Light, go to war! Fight! Crush!"

"Listen to God's oracle, let light shine on the world, and let the devil go back to hell!"

After hearing the bishop's words, the people below responded loudly.

"The light shines on the world, and the devil returns to hell!"

"Kill all the godless ones! Execute all the traitors to God!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Countless devout believers roared fanatically.

The mountains roared and the tsunami shook the world.

On this day, the 5 million light legions gathered in the Holy Kingdom of Bachirut set out for a mighty battle!

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