Villain Is on Vacation

48 Let's Do Something

Rain was faced with a problem that required a swift resolution. He knew that time was of the essence, and he needed to think fast.

He started pondering possible solutions, weighing the pros and cons of each idea. He knew that he had to come up with a plan quickly before the situation escalated any further.

Soon, he thought of something.

'So now I have four choices about this situation.

1. Let's wait for those fishes.

2. Let's throw that troublesome thing somewhere far away.

3. Let's run away from this island.'

After that Rain started thinking about the process and consequences of each choice.

'About the first one, I don't think it's a good idea to wait for those fishes.'

Rain considered waiting for the mermaids to arrive, but he quickly dismissed this idea.

He was aware that there was a high probability that the mermaids would doubt his story, leading him to become the prime suspect.

The mermaids might even take matters into their own hands and attack him, resulting in fatal consequences.

The thought of telling the mermaids the truth also crossed Rain's mind, but he found it to be absurd. To him, it was either a joke or a foolish notion.

After years of being hunted and tormented by other races, the mermaids had lost their trust in outsiders. They were skeptical and untrusting of anyone who was not one of their own.

Rain knew that he was just a weak and defenseless being in front of them, and they could easily overpower and do whatever they wanted with him.

Realizing that these options were not feasible, Rain dismissed them and started exploring other possibilities.

Rain considered a second option - to throw the mermaid's pearl away, but he quickly dismissed it as foolish.

He knew that the mermaids were intelligent beings, and even though they lived in the sea, they were not foolish enough to let anyone touch their precious stone.

The mermaid's pearl was like an identification card for the mermaids, and they guarded it with their lives.

Rain knew that he could not fool them into believing that the stone was lost or misplaced. Even if he threw it away, the mermaids would eventually track him down and take the necessary action to retrieve their precious pearl.

In addition, the mermaid's pearl had some mysterious power that could repel anyone who tried to touch it.

Rain knew that he could not risk his life by attempting to touch it, let alone throwing it away. Like that, Rain also canceled the second choice and started thinking about the third choice.

'So let's think about the Third, running away.' But just after a moment of thinking. Rain had a question.

'But where should I go from here? There is no land anywhere near this island!'

In the end, Rain took the fourth and his last choice. He started skimming through the system store. In a hope that he can find something.

He opened the 'Valuables' option and search the 'Teleportation' keyword.

Soon, many results related 'Teleportation' keyword appeared before Rain.

After that, Rain started skimming through the list to find a suitable thing for him and soon he found something.

[One-time use teleportation door

The one-time-use teleportation door is a unique and powerful artifact that allows its user to travel instantly to any location they desire.

Unlike traditional teleportation devices, the one-time use teleportation door does not require any complex setup or calibration.

Instead, all the user needs to do is to think about the place they want to go, and the artifact will transport them there in an instant.

The artifact's mechanism is simple yet effective. When activated, the artifact creates a portal, or door, that connects the user's current location to their desired destination.

The portal remains open for single use and closes immediately after the user travels through it, making it a one-time use artifact.

However, the artifact is not without its limitations. As a one-time use item, it can only be used once before it becomes useless.

Additionally, the artifact's range is limited to the user's knowledge of the location they wish to travel to. If the user is unfamiliar with the area, they may not be able to visualize it accurately enough to use the artifact.]

Rain felt nostalgic after reading about this. He remembered the anime that he watched in childhood. However, when he saw the price of this thing, all of this nostalgia disappeared.

[Price 2000 pts]

Rain rubbed his eyes and blinked them sometimes. His last hope shattered after reading the price.

His eyes widened with shock.

'This system is capitalist. Even if I use my all gold coins and convert them to points, I can't gather that much points.' Rain bit his lower lip. Still, he was not a person who gives up.

'Hey, system how can I gather that much money?' He thought as the system wasn't saying anything, there might be some way.

[There is one way.]

These words were like a light in the darkness for the Rain.

'Which one?' Rain asked.

[Give me, your everything]

After hearing this, Rain thought he doesn't need any light. He should just live in the darkness.

'Everything? Even clothes.' Rain was curious.

[Yes, Even Clothes]

'Let me give you one thing.' Rain smiled and calmly stated.

"Fuck off!" He showed the middle finger of his both hands in the air.

Rain was sitting on his terrace watching sea waves. It helped him to make his mind somewhat calm. He was humming the song.

"🎵Lost and unsure,

I'm caught in this whirlwind.

Can't see the way ahead,

Feels like I'm at my wits' end.🎵

🎵Everything I had,

It slipped away too soon.

Now I'm here all alone,

In this endless afternoon.🎵

🎵Can't escape the pain,

It's like a vice grip tight.

Can't run from my past,

And the demons I must fight.🎵

🎵But I'll keep moving on,

Step by step, day by day.

I'll find my way back up,

And the light will guide my way.🎵"

[Good Song. Host.]


Now Rain didn't even have any energy to get angry at the system. He developed some resistance towards the system's remarks.

"Calm Rain, Calm. You can do it." Rain encouraged himself.

[No you can't do anything.]

"Can you stay quiet for some time?" The resistance that Rain built in a half day was shattered like this. He said in a chilled tone and released his pressure.

In the Rain decided to play a gamble.

"Hey, system how many pts for the information of that stone?'' Rain asked in an exhausted tone.

[100 pts.]

"So expensive. With this many pts, I can even buy some good skills." Rain clicked his tongue.

"Okay, there might be a chance. Give it to me.'' Still, he decided to make a last gamble. He said this in a small voice with every mental strength he had left.

[Thanks Host for purchasing from our services. Please visit us again.]

Rain felt like the system was poking fun at him. However, he had experienced this now many times. So he didn't fall at the system's trick.

He was eagerly waiting for what system would say.

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