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Chapter 238: 1 more traveler

Seeing Ren Tingting's strange expression, Ninth Uncle asked as an elder, "Miss Ren, I see that your face is not right. Is there something wrong with you?"

Master Ren took a look at Ren Fa, and sure enough, his daughter's face was red and her expression was different, and he asked with concern, "Daughter, what's the matter with you."

Ren Tingting can't tell the story of losing her as an adult, she can only take a sip of coffee: "Coffee is too bitter."

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Master Ren also took a sip of the black coffee without adding anything, and said, "It's really bitter."

It is not only Ren Tingting who is embarrassed, but also Master Ren.

Because this foreign tea house was funded by him, he invited Ninth Uncle to come here to drink foreign tea, just to revisit the matter of moving the grave for his father, Grandpa Ren.

There is a psychological application in this. Only when the ninth uncle encounters unfamiliar things in unfamiliar places, he will inevitably show his timidity, and then follow the trend of the home court. With a little pressure, the possibility of the ninth uncle agreeing to this matter will be met. Greatly improve.

Last time, I took the opportunity to choose a mansion for the mysteriously missing Ye Gongzi, and Master Ren mentioned this matter. Uncle Ninth shied away from it on the grounds that "this is a very big matter and needs to be carefully considered".

Of course, this reason cannot convince Mr. Ren. When his old father was buried, the feng shui master who ordered the yin house for Mr. Ren said that the yin house can only guarantee his fortune for 20 years. After 20 years, it must be Lifting the coffin and relocating the burial and choosing another yin house will benefit the descendants of the Ren family, otherwise it will bring disaster.

Mr. Ren, Ren Fa, has been deeply aware of this. Recently, the business of his Ren family has become sluggish.

Therefore, it is better to move the grave sooner rather than later.

When the old incident was brought up again, the ninth uncle was not easy to shirk. In addition, Mr. Ren learned from that Ye Gongzi's money to open the way, and took out a few barrels of money, and the ninth uncle immediately agreed.

The ten silver dollars are in a stack, rolled up with red paper, which is the so-called barrel money.

"I count the days. After ten days, the ground should be moved to the grave. I will choose the address of the old grandfather's new grave. I will choose it in these days." , I can't keep the money in my hands, unlike my younger brother, the four-eyed Taoist priest, who can save a box of gold bars, but with the bright ocean in front of him, how could Ninth Uncle not be moved.

With several gun barrels and money in front of him again, Uncle Ninth changed his words again: "On the yellow calendar, three days later will be a good day to break ground, but there are a lot of things that need to be prepared, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Master Ren patted his chest and let Uncle Ninth relax. He would prepare everything that was lacking. The power of money was unimaginable.

After leaving the foreign teahouse, Uncle Jiu met Yue Si on the street.

"I don't know what's wrong with fellow Daoist?" Now that he has money, the ninth uncle is full of courage when he speaks, and he has the arrogance that Yue Si will pay for him when he sees something.

After all, he has been eating Yue Si these past few days. Although it is the place where Yue Si temporarily lived, he would always feel sorry for Ninth Uncle if he didn't return anything.

"I just felt something in my heart to turn around." Then he killed an evil cultivator and sent his soul-piercing apprentice back to his place of origin.

Of course, Yue Si would not say the second half of the sentence.

Although it only appeared in the background, in the world of "Mr. Zombie", there is really a Feng Shui master who was taken over by the old man of the Ren family.

Twenty years ago, the feng shui master felt that his time was short and wanted to find a feng shui treasure to bury his bones. He found a "dragonfly **" in Renjia Town, but he didn't know how Mr. Ren knew about it, so he forced him to The tomb is occupied.

The resentful feng shui master used some tricks to turn the feng shui treasure land into a corpse-raising place. Ren grandfather buried in it would not only fail to protect future generations, but would gather grievances and turn into zombies.

However, it took a very long time to transform a dead body into a zombie, and it took twenty years. The Feng Shui master asked the descendants of the Ren family to move their graves after twenty years. When the zombies came out, they would definitely call the Ren family's family to perish.

The feng shui master at that time knew that his time was short, so he traveled far away and was going to find another tomb for himself. Who knew that he would have a fortuitous encounter and obtained the inheritance of Taoism left by the immortals. Although it was an evil method, he let him Gou lived for twenty years.

The lifespan borrowed from evil methods was about to run out, and the Feng Shui master thought of the idle chess move he made twenty years ago, and was going to rely on zombies to continue to prolong his lifespan.

That transmigrator was originally the apprentice that this Feng Shui master had accepted in the past twenty years.

The aptitude is mediocre, the appearance is not that of a middle-aged person, and the fortune is not strong, but it is very rare in these eight villages.

Then, during a visit to the yin house, the apprentice accidentally provoked dirty things, and his own soul was washed away, allowing the soul of the traveler to have an opportunity.

The traveler was very happy when he first found out that he was traveling, not to mention that he had a master who understood Yin-Yang Feng Shui Dao. Gotta get discouraged.

Because Feng Shui master's Dao method is pondered by himself, unlike Jiu Shu and Si Mu Dao Master, he is a genuine Maoshan Daoist who has a specific teacher and has received seal script, even if he cultivates Dao, he can't get anywhere.

Even Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian, who act as villains, are serious Taoist priests, and they have the true tradition of Wulei Palm.

For a feng shui master who has no name and no surname and can only serve as a background, the transmigrator is of course grateful and insensitive.

Then this transmigrator had other thoughts—that is, to go to Renjiazhen to join the ninth to expose the conspiracy of his cheap master, and then change his family and join the ninth uncle to be his third uncle disciple.

It's easy to find out where Renjiazhen is, and it's easy to find the Yizhuang where Ninth Uncle is located.

It's just that he didn't die, just in time for Jiu Shu to take Wen Cai to go out for an appointment. In Yizhuang, there was only a recuperating Qiusheng and the natural enemy of the transmigrators.

Yue Si smiled at the achievement that came to his door. After returning the soul of the transmigrator to his original place, the original body that lost his soul became a walking corpse.

After discovering that the apprentice disappeared, the geomancer guessed that he was going to tip off the news, so he quickly found Yizhuang, prepared to "theorize" with Yue Si, and then radiated the palm of Yue Si with a note of great mercy and great compassion. Down, and the corpse of his apprentice turned into fly ash.

Having had the card of "Great Sun Tathagata", Yue Si mastered the two supernatural powers "Buddha in the palm" and "Tathagata's palm", which he used to perfect his "Great Mercy and Great Compassionate Radiant Palm".

The power of a palm is amazing, but the momentum is like a breeze, almost no movement is made, and the two people are silently obliterated.

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