Villains Template

Chapter 255: The power of funny characters

The zombies pouring in from the gate were crowded, shoulder to shoulder, there were at least three hundred people, and there were men, women and children.

Because they are newly dead zombies that were transformed from corpses and poisons, the hands and feet of this group of zombies are not completely stiff, and they can move like ordinary people, but the gradually stiffened limbs make their movements become weird, plus The group formed by gathering together reminded Yue Si of the zombie group in the zombie movie.

"When did the zombies learn the blasting tactics, so many people, it looks like he slaughtered at least one village." Yue Si murmured, and then said to the ninth uncle: "Fellow Daoist, please close your eyes, I will do this next. The lethality of the move is too high, and if you look directly at it, you will easily get burned."

Relying on the authority of the Multiverse Administration, Yue Si can be sure that the zombie that is hiding in the zombie group, protected by countless jumping corpses, and transformed from the corpse of the old man, is indeed a zombie in that shell. The soul of the traveler.

Before, I used Tianyantong to spy on numerology, and everything about Mr. Ren was vague. I thought that there was a great supernatural power that could not appear in this world to cover up for him, but I didn't expect it to be this transmigrator. The soul carries a system.

That's right, think about the traversers that you encounter, the hero of the time-space gold finger, one wearing one, three soul wearing, and another system flowing soul wearing, this is normal.

It's just that the transmigrator was also very surprised by the matter of transmigrating to the zombie.

But since the other party has accepted the fate of becoming a zombie, and has harmed innocent people for the sake of becoming stronger, there is no need for recycling, and they will be eliminated according to the regulations of the Multiverse Authority.

Although Yue Si himself has done this kind of thing himself, the killings caused by the use of the "Blood God Son" character card are far more than what these three hundred people can compare, but who let Yue Si have the system.

A palm was pushed out, and the fusion energy turned into a big palm. There was an infinite amount of light in this palm. Even if he turned his head and covered his eyes with the sleeves of the Taoist robe, the light made him mistakenly think that the sun had risen ahead of schedule, spreading brilliance.

Before the Great Merciful Radiant Palm, the group of zombies had been dispelled by the light in the palm of their body and turned into corpses, and the subsequent fusion energy turned their corpses into ashes.

When the light from the Radiant Palm dissipated, Ninth Uncle turned around and looked at the front of the Ren family gate.

After the ninth uncle turned around, there was a hot wind blowing on his face, and then he looked closely, but found that the original zombie had disappeared without a trace, and disappeared together, as well as the main courtyard wall of Ren's house.

From the foot of Yue Si, a fan shape spread forward, and everything within this range turned into fly ash and disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist, what a magical power!"

Feeling the hot and pure air remaining in the air like the sun, Jiu Shu sincerely sighed.

With just this palm, it can be seen that he is far inferior to Yue Si in Taoism.

What kind of powerful magical powers are used by oneself, not to mention chanting spells, but also need the cooperation of magic tools and spells, how can anyone come here neatly.

Yue Si frowned and said, "No, the zombie that the old man of the Ren family transformed into escaped my palm!"

Referring to the supernatural powers and realm perception brought by the Great Sun Tathagata, Yue Si's great merciful and merciful radiating divine palm has reached the realm. He has the power of the great sun to slay evil, and the power of nuclear energy to burn everything, and can interfere with space, making it impossible to avoid it. Avoid, there is no escape.

But the transmigrator who occupied the corpse of the old man of the Ren family moved out of the range of his palm at that moment. It is estimated that his system contributed, but where did it move?

If the traveler randomly teleported to a place where no one was in the wild countryside, he would lose his mind.

Suddenly, Yue Si aimed at the upstairs of Ren's house alertly. The screams, gunshots, and the sound of the chainsaw sword turning were mixed together. Use, Qiu Sheng immediately took it in his hand after being woken up by Ninth Uncle, and he didn't let go when he pulled Ren Tingting to run.

Yue Si immediately flew to the second floor, and then kicked the door and all kinds of debris blocking the door with one foot, and then saw the scene of Qiu Sheng splitting the old man of the Ren family into two sections from the beginning with a chainsaw sword.

Ren Deyun is a man of action. He plans to hide in the shadows during the day, and starts to act after the sun goes down at night.

With the assistance of the system, his jumping corpse has one more skill when he drinks the blood of his blood relatives and is promoted to a corpse. That is, he can control the zombies killed by him or transformed by him with corpse poison. It is in view of this that Ren Deyun has the confidence to specify this plan.

The villages around Renjia Town are far and near. In addition, the villages are not towns, so don’t think about the high-walled compound. Generally, the simple thatched hut can’t stop his armored corpse. Ren Deyun chose the closest one. , taking advantage of the night to slaughter cleanly, and then drive the newly dead corpses towards Renjia Town.

And relying on the blood of more than 300 people, Ren Deyun's Taoism has taken a big step forward "Ren Deyun - 150"

Before dawn, the group of zombies, driven by Ren Deyun, finally came to the Ren family's mansion. After violently pushing the door, Ren Deyun finally saw the famous exorcist ninth uncle.

"Lin Jiu-50"

"Housekeeper - 7"

"Captain Away - 45"

Wait a minute, is that funny character captain Awei so strong?

Is the setting with the strongest combat power of funny characters common in this world?

Letting the jumping corpses stand behind him as shields, Ren Deyun looked at Captain Awei who was hiding behind the unfamiliar character, and only knew when he saw the box gun in his hand - it turned out to be taking advantage of the weapon.

Just where did the pistol come brings such a high level of promotion to the characters.

You must know that Qiu Sheng only increased his combat power by 20 points by relying on a chainsaw.

"Unknown Character - ∞"

Before Ren Deyun could figure out the changes in Captain Awei, Yue Si's character data surprised Ren Deyun. As the backbone of the entire "Mr. Zombie", Uncle Ninth is only a mere fifty, and this unknown character is stronger than Ninth uncle.

While Ninth Uncle and the mysterious man let the idle people wait to hide in a safe place upstairs, Ren Deyun controlled the zombies to move forward slowly, as if the army was advancing slowly and steadily, while asking the system for help.

It's just that the system that used to be eloquent and provide a lot of help seems to have crashed at this time, just repeating the sentence "whether to use the shift symbol".

The Shifting Talisman is Ren Deyun's only prop, and it is also the reward for the first mission the system issued to him. However, where it has not been used, Ren Deyun has never paid attention to this shifting talisman. Who knows that the system will remind him to use it repeatedly at this time. Shift character.

Could it be?

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