Villains Template

Chapter 256: Got you

In Ren Deyun's eyes, Yue Si suddenly put on a starting gesture, a feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart, and then immediately activated the moving talisman.

"Mission: Completed using the nudge."

"Reward: A soul revival charm."

With the help of the power of the system, Ren Deyun broke through the space enclosed by Yue Si's palm and moved to another place, so he did not see Yue Si's palm as vast and magnificent as the sun.

This palm Yue Si is very well controlled. The palm force only acts within the range of the zombies, and does not affect too much, just like in the world of "Swordsman", the undefeated East was wiped out, but the palm force was used in the area. All creatures within tens of meters were wiped out, and the earth burned into crystals.

When Ren Deyun's space transfer was over, he found that there were several familiar faces in front of him.

"Qiusheng - 23"

"Housekeeper - 7"

"Captain Away - 45"


The moving talisman didn't move Ren Deyun very far. It was only within the scope of the Ren family's mansion, which happened to be the room where Qiu Sheng and Ren Tingting were hiding.

Seeing that a figure suddenly appeared in the room, her whole body exuded an ominous aura, Ren Tingting screamed in horror, and couldn't even say a word of reminder. Just seeing Ren Deyun, she felt cold and suffocated. Feel.

"Ah!" Captain Awei followed Ren Tingting's line of sight, and was shocked when he saw Ren Deyun. He had been holding the box cannon in his hand and subconsciously aimed at Ren Deyun and pulled the trigger.

Ordinary bullets are wrapped in a layer of golden light under the blessing of the stick figure of "Godzilla Buddha" personally engraved by "Godzilla Buddha" on the gun body. In the conflict, a few lightning sparks exploded.

Ren Deyun originally relied on his 150 invulnerable body to resist, but the box gun Tian, ​​which was blessed by Yue Si, conquered such a sinister thing as him. After a few bullets penetrated into the body, he was left frozen in place, unable to move an inch.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

The old housekeeper sprinkled all the small bag of glutinous rice that the ninth uncle gave him for self-defense on Ren Deyun, causing a few puffs of blue smoke to come out of Ren Deyun.

Qiu Sheng activated the chainsaw sword, raised his hands high, and then slashed Ren Deyun from Tianling Gai to the left and right halves with a single blow.

The Seiko-quality nuclear-powered chainsaw sword comes with the blessing of the Great Sun Godzilla Bodhisattva.

However, in the eyes of Yue Si, who broke into the door, although the zombie was eliminated, he did not eliminate the traveler—there was no reminder of the completion of the relevant task in his system.

But for Ninth Uncle's group of people, things came to an end.

After dawn, the captain, Awei, relied on his relationship in the yamen to gather the townspeople, and then put the zombie in half in front of everyone, so that everyone can see the culprit that has caused panic in the past two days. Vulnerable.

Then there was the fire made of lychee and firewood, on which the two halves of the corpses were placed and turned to ashes.

The fire used this time is different from the ordinary fire when the watchman and Master Ren were burned in the previous two times. Uncle Ninth used a talisman paper enshrined in front of the patriarch’s tablet to attract the true fire of Samadhi, even if it was split into pieces. Two halves, but that is also a zombie that has become a corpse, and ordinary flames can't be burned.

When the zombies turned to ashes, the hearts of the townspeople settled down, but the habit of taking self-defense with glutinous rice remained.

After this battle, Ninth Uncle's prestige became much more prominent, and he greeted him with a lot of enthusiasm. I heard that all the villagers in a village next door disappeared overnight. Obviously, it was the work of zombies, so Ninth Uncle can cure zombies. The high-end talents must stay.

A few days later, the four-eyed Taoist priest drove the corpse to Yizhuang for the night. He learned from Wencai and Qiusheng that he had left for the past few days. He was amazed at what happened to the master and the disciples. The method of corpse, but in order to accumulate Yin virtue, I did this business of chasing corpses, and I didn't work hard to refine a zombie. The zombie that has been promoted to the realm of corpse, even if it harms the world, it will be eliminated quickly, but let him It's good to see it with your own eyes, at least you've experienced eye addiction.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to be a guest at my place as I said before?" After knowing how high Yue Si's Taoism was from his senior brother, the four-eyed Taoist priest reiterated the old story.

Seeing that his senior brother was diligent in Taoism, his white hair turned black, and the whole person looked younger. He said he was a senior brother, and he looked younger than his junior brother.

The four-eyed Taoist also wanted to make himself younger—no, he wanted to improve his cultivation. He asked Yue Si to sit with him and exchange ideas about his cultivation and morality.

Yue Si thought about it and agreed.

Although it is not the mainstream of time-travel, the "Uncle Zombie" at the home of the four-eyed Taoist is also a good place for the cross-traversers. Except for the presence of the two masters, the four-eyed Taoist and the Taoist Yixiu, the cross-traversers can learn Buddhism and Taoism. , and Master Yixiu's pretty apprentice Jingjing...

On the night after Yue Si left with the four-eyed Taoist priest, Uncle Jiu had a dream. In the dream, it was a Buddha. He taught three chapters of the scriptures. When Uncle Jiu knew that he had the opportunity, he carefully wrote down what he said— Although he studied Maoshan techniques and cultivated Dao, the Buddha was originally Dao, wasn't he?

When Ren Deyun returned to consciousness, he found himself lying in a coffin. The revival charm was activated instantly after his divine inspiration was broken, and he took his soul out of that body and entered a new body, but he still didn't expect it. It's the body of a zombie.

Checking the condition of the coffin, Ren Deyun found that the one he was lying on was better than the one made of high-quality wood by Mrs. Ren, and it turned out to be pure gold.

Reaching out to push the lid of the coffin, before Ren Deyun could exert his strength, a severe pain was born from the depths of his soul, and the ink bucket line also bounced outside the coffin.

After thinking for a while, Ren Deyun realized that he did not leave the world of "Mr. Zombie", but transferred to the world of "Uncle Zombie" under the same worldview, becoming the royal zombie.

What do you really want!

Daoist Qianhe, who escorted this coffin, was not as good as his four apprentices. As long as he passed by Daoist Master Simu and Master Yixiu, Master Yixiu dismantled the tent and waited until it rained. The rain melted the ink bucket line, and he could be born again.

Not long after, Ren Deyun heard someone talking outside.

"The golden coffin with copper horns is wrapped in ink bucket nets. Could it be..."

This voice should be the four-eyed Taoist Yes, it is a zombie. " Daoist Qianhe responded.

According to the plot that Ren Deyun remembered, the next step is that Daochang Simu came up with the idea to burn his own zombie. Daoist Qianhe told the origin of the royal zombie and the reason why he couldn't burn it. Then Master Yixiu asked Daoist Qianhe to demolish it. The tent uses sunlight to dispel corpses.

But the next development was beyond Ren Deyun's expectations, and I only heard the four-eyed Taoist priest say: "This time you have hit the big luck. There are some ways to do things like zombies - at my brother's place before, he destroyed more than 300 zombies with one palm, and the magic weapon he borrowed directly split an armored corpse."

Daoist Qianhe was overjoyed when he heard this: "Where is that fellow Daoist."

He had an ominous hunch about this mission. He could be unhappy when he heard that there were powerful fellow Daoists here.

Yue Si patted the golden coffin and sent his voice to Ren Deyun's ear with a spell: "I found you!"

"mission completed."

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