Villains Template

Chapter 257: just 1 point

"Submit mission."

After lingering here for a few days, Yue Si left this world.

Yue Si doesn't care about the fate of the few people Yue Si knows in this world. Living people will never be suffocated to death by urine. They each have their own way of living.

When he left Renjia Town, Captain Awei begged Yue Si to help him get rid of the explosives in his stomach. Although it was just a water-soluble capsule shell, Yue Si still took out a glass of Coke and let him Captain Awei untied the knot.

After leaving the world of "Mr. Zombie", Yue Si couldn't wait to redeem the character card of "The Great Sun Tathagata".

As a Godzilla, Yue Si doesn't care about the conflict of cultivation methods. Taoism cultivates the eight meridians, and Buddhism cultivates the five meridians and seven chakras. A person wants to cultivate both Buddhism and Taoism, unless his own cultivation base is already Destroyed to the depths, it can control two different forces; or die because of the conflict between the two forces.

In Yue Si's place, his future has been determined. In addition, he is not the essence of human beings. These complex power systems are just dishes with different tastes to him. After eating, they can absorb nutrients from them and grow themselves.

"According to the completion of your tasks, a number of reward points will be issued."

After obtaining the reward points, Yue Si was about to exchange the "Dari Tathagata" character card into his hand, but the system showed "insufficient balance".

"Why, just a little bit!"

Comparing the value of "Dari Tathagata", it is very coincidental that the reward points obtained in this world are only a little short of the points redeemed by the "Dari Tathagata" character card, and Yue Si only lacks that little reward point.

After recalling the mission process, Yue Si remembered that he had actually missed a transmigrator.

That is, the very unlucky transmigrator who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake when he was urinating. Yue Si never met him from beginning to end, and Yue Si did not deal with his part of the task. The reward points will not be issued accordingly.

Because of this, the "Dari Tathagata" character card that was determined to be won was just missed with Yue Si in vain.

And because the mission this time was issued by the Multiverse Administration, cards like "Dari Tathagata" are also considered benefits issued by the Multiverse Administration. Except for the one in the "Terminator" world, the reward points issued by the system itself are No matter what, even if Yue Si has the remaining reward points in his hand, he will not be able to redeem it for "Dari Tathagata".

"Really, bad luck can also be contagious, and that traveler infects me with his bad luck too!"

Even though Yue Si has lived through many worlds and has a stable mind, he couldn't help but scold the transmigrator for not being able to live up to his expectations.

Cursing and returning to his own world, Yue Si continued to operate and maintain his own shop.

In the past few days, a few swindlers have come to the door and bought some flashy things.

Those "arts" that are said to come from "Tara" have a market among these under-competent people. They have a small fortune under the deliberate connivance of the planetary governor of this planet, and become the top noble and the lower level of flesh and blood. Buffer zone between parts.

This group of people has a little knowledge about culture and the like, but they don’t know much about it, that is, one bottle is less than half a bottle. Yue Si swears that the things on the shelves of his store are from Terra, although it is Mass-produced stuff, but with a different symbolism, the guys bought it with little hesitation.

Holy Terra, that is, the Earth, is the origin of the human empire and the residence of the Emperor. Even a handful of dust from Terra is extremely sacred, and it is precious to the human beings who are scattered among the countless colonized planets in the vast universe. Yes, willing to spend a lot of money in exchange for it.

Not to mention a house on Terra, even if it is just a dwelling value, it can be exchanged for a palace-level mansion on other planets.

Of course, there is no way to tell whether it is true or false. This is just a rumor circulating in the market. Yue Si is trapped on this planet, and he cannot go to Terra to verify it.

If nothing else, there are countless monsters, monsters, monsters, and alien races in the universe, and a little weak chicken like myself cannot walk sideways; there are only a few people who have the coordinates and star map of the holy Terra. , as well as the means of transportation across space, Yue Si also does not have it here.

"Ah, if I have something in my hand that I can take out to make a deal with the Empire or the Mechanicus, I'll have a spaceship."

Yue Si sighed when he was boredly refining the small sapling of the Space-Time God Tree.

Mechanicism is an organization in this world that monopolizes the technology and production of the human empire. It believes that machines have souls, and thus forms the form of zongism, which advocates transforming the weak flesh and blood of humans into machines.

Most of the empire's military equipment is inseparable from them. The foundry world controlled by them produces a large number of firearms, armor, and vehicles, and there are countless technical priests who provide technical support and mechanical maintenance for the empire (whip their own with incense and prayers). way to please the Machine Spirit), as well as a large number of people imparting knowledge to the nobles of various planets.

Relying on this method, the Mechanic Sect monopolized knowledge, and even the Space Marines who were sent to the Mechanic Sect for further study became inclined to the Mechanic Sect after returning to the team.

Moreover, the Mechanicus also has an armed force called the Guardian Unless you are a powerful space warrior chapter, you cannot bypass the Mechanicus to master your own unique technology.

Assuming that Yue Si really mastered enough to exchange for a ship capable of navigating in the warp, then the first consideration is that in the face of the army sent by the Mechanic God, killing people and stealing goods is a matter of course for the Mechanic God.

But as the joke goes, a couple discussed how to spend their winnings after winning the "five million jackpot", and ended up fighting because of the uneven distribution of the spoils - even if they didn't even buy a lottery ticket. .

Even if things like spaceships and battleships hadn't been seen yet, Yue Si began to think about it.

In the world of "Mr. Zombie", he is not without gains. As a bonus, the small saplings of the time-space **** tree are unexpected joys, as well as the understanding of various magical powers in the activated state of the Great Sun Tathagata Card, and from Mr. Ren Extracted cadaver samples.

For this "zombie virus" from the mystery department, Yue Si felt that it could play a good role at some point.

But no matter how he comforted himself, Yue Si couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart, that was "The Great Sun Tathagata"!

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