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Chapter 687: Beidou 0 split fist

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Fist to fist, leg to leg, Yue Si and Matekai fought non-stop.

They know that the opponents are all ninjas who are good at taijutsu. They have a strong grasp of timing. If they are a little slack when making moves, they will be caught in the loopholes. .

Therefore, the two of them did not dare to relax at all, and kept their strength and speed at their peak. When the last move was exhausted, the next move followed closely, forcing the other party to keep up with their speed. In the frequency of such battles , or make mistakes, or can't keep up with physical strength.

This made the battle between the two people like a violent storm. When the two did not stop at all, the release and collision of the two people's strength set off a gust of wind and dust, brought up the mud and gravel on the ground, and sputtered towards the surrounding, breaking the empty stone Makes a "swoosh" sound.

Uchiha Obito, who was watching the battle, had to find a hiding place, hid in a big tree, stood on the branch and covered most of his body with the trunk, exposed his head to watch the battle, and put his arms across his face, Cover up stones that might hit you.

"Is this level really just forbearance?"

Uchiha Obito muttered to himself, are the two fighting guys in front of them really ninjas?

In the previous game, Matekai didn't really move. If the current battle is fierce, let alone the left kick and the right whip, he would bring a set of wooden whirlwinds. Even Matekai's I couldn't see the movement clearly, I was killed by one move

Taijutsu is not the whole of ninjas, but the taijutsu of these two guys is a bit too scary. The original Uchiha Obito could learn a trick or two through Sharinyan, but as the battle continued, he was completely absorbed in it. Looking at it, I have no other thoughts in my heart.

Yue Si, who was covered in a little electric light, and Maitkay, who was covered in chakra, punched each other. The explosive force caused the bandage wrapped around Maitkay's arm to explode into pieces, and the aftermath pushed the two away. This contest was temporarily suspended.

Yue Si and Matekai, who were dragging two long traces on the ground under their feet, stood at a distance from each other. They were majestic, but they were not handsome for a second. Knees, panting violently, as if to **** all the air around him into his lungs. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

And Yue Si was still standing handsomely, but his breathing rhythm had also sped up a lot.

Obviously, the previous "Kai Kuai Kuai Kuai" took a lot of physical strength for the two of them. The punch just now was considered a tacit understanding between the two, and it was considered a half-time break.

"Kai! Your strength can no longer be maintained at the peak, and your strength can no longer keep up with your consumption!" Yue Si shouted loudly, where Matekai is very close to him, he can do it without speaking loudly heard, but he still roared.

Although Yue Si's power is [electric current push], the power-generating technique he uses is the Qimen Dunjia technique he has developed, and the same is true for Matekai. The art of dungeon armor uses one's own strength more accurately and effectively, and exerts 130% of the original strength.

Because it is the same technique, when Yue Si and Matekai collide, they will direct the force of the blast towards him, so that his body can bear the minimum load, without even breaking a piece of clothing. This technique has been used for many years. A hard-earned instinct

This is also the reason why their battle spreads all around, and the momentum is huge.

However, in the punch just now, Maitkay could no longer completely eliminate his strength. Yue Si's punch slammed into his arm. Although Maitkay was not injured, the bandage on his arm collapsed. It is proof.

"Your fist hurts more than before!" Matekai gasped for a while, regained some strength, and began to straighten his back.

After Matekai graduated two years ago and studied with Shangnin, the two never had the chance to fight again. After two years of competition, Matekai remembered Yue Si's one-to-two victory. Scenes.

However, it was only a contest of skills, not mixed with the practice of ninjutsu and chakra, because at that time Yue Si was only a second-year student of the ninja school. Before that, he was just a child in an orphanage, and he was not as well educated as those geniuses.

But even so, in terms of skills, he and his father, Matty, could only be tied with Yue Si, and his father, Matty's generous praise, aroused Maitkay's competitive spirit.

In the past two years, he has been studying with Shangnin when he is awake, and has given himself more training in physical skills. When he is sleeping and dreaming, he is subconsciously practicing according to the Qimen Dunjia technique, using chakra to repair and strengthen it. Repair every part of the body.

He thought he had worked hard enough, and even in order to show his importance, he opened the first door of the Eight Gates of Dunjia before fighting Yue Si, but he did not expect that he still did not have the upper hand in the fight with Yue Si, even if he reached the The level of tie is also very reluctant.

"In the past two years, your progress has not been small, Kai, you have been able to play against me for such a long time, it is already very good!" Yue Si said: "For such a long time, apart from Teacher Orochimaru, you are the only one who can The opponent who made me serious!"

Because in the past two years, the only competitors Yue Si had to face were students of the same grade, and there was no need to show his true strength.

"Teacher Orochimaru? Is that Orochimaru from Sannin? To be his disciple, just like what my father said, Yue Sang, your talent has been given due attention!" Matekai wrote to Yue Si thumbs up.

His friend has a good teacher, and he is also honored.

"Do you want to play again?" Yue Si clenched his fists and said to Matekai: "I am also a little excited, and I want to see if you can let me shoot without reservation—two years have passed. Now, your fists are still not strong enough, not hard enough, not fierce enough."

"Although your fist has enough strength, you haven't poured your will into it. I haven't sensed your heart or your thoughts from your fist. Your fist is far from enough in this regard. If you can't understand this, go practice for another two years!"

In order to fit his current style of painting, Yue Si made a nonsense that he didn't believe in himself. It looked very bloody, but if you think about it, it didn't make sense. However, in a **** world, such words seem It's not so inconsistent, and it's poking at the point of Maitkay, and Maitkay can't believe it.

Not only Matekai, but Uchiha Obito, who was watching the battle, listened to Yue Si's words, and it was like drinking a big bowl of chicken soup. The blood all over his body seemed to be boiling, and he was eager to do something spectacular. prove yourself.

Yes, you can only clarify your own heart, understand what you want, determine your own way of tolerance, and implement it into your words and deeds, even your fists.

In the face of Yue Si's words that he didn't know whether it was provocation or pointing, Matekai clenched his fists and said with impassioned tears in his eyes: "My youth is burning! Yue Sang, I will use my true strength next. To face you, that is the most powerful force my father has allowed me to use at this stage."

"That's good, I hope you won't let me down, I will use my fists to make you realize!" Yue Si put on some kind of fist stance he knew, and the silent arc flashed again: "This is my unreserved punch. You must be prepared to die! At the same time, you must be prepared to kill me!"

The sunglasses that Yue Si had been wearing were shattered by his strength, his hair fluttered wildly, and the tangible "potential" radiated out.

At this time, Matekai finally saw Yue Si's eyes. Those were eyes full of firm will and unremitting faith. At this time, Matekai finally understood where he was weak and where he lacked. .

"Yue Sang! I already understand your heart, so let my youth and blood burn again!" Matekai folded his hands together, took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Eight-door Dunjia, the first door, open the door ,open!"

As before, the limitations of Matekai's brain were opened, and the power was released without reservation.

"Eight-door Dunjia, the second door, Xiumen, open!"

As soon as the door was opened, Matekai’s physical fatigue limit was lifted, at the expense of overloading the body’s energy, in order to restore physical strength and offset the fatigue caused by the energy consumption speed of opening the door.

"Eight gates, the third gate, the gate of life! Open!"

As soon as the gate of life was opened, Matekai's power was enhanced. It was different from the 100% liberation of the original power of opening the door, but a pure improvement in power. His whole body was red, and his blood vessels burst, affecting the changes in his facial muscles, making him look like a ferocious ghost.

As three of the eight dungeons opened, Maitkay's power surged to a terrifying level, and green chakra enveloped him.

"Then, that is, the Qimen Dunjia Technique!"

As soon as the Qimen Dunjia technique was opened, the energy that was uncontrollable and spilled out from Matekai became controllable, and began to be withdrawn into his body and compressed in the acupuncture points. The strengthened body began to accommodate eight doors. Dunjia's surge of energy, and rational use of every millimeter, allows him to persist in fighting for a longer time, and the original overload can no longer affect his body.

Maitkay's beating heart gradually became stable, the bloodshot and red skin returned to its original color, and the hideous face also returned to its original state. Apart from the high aura, it was not seen that Maitkay had ever used the Eight Gates. Dunjia signs.

However, in this state, Matekai is stronger than before. Qimen Dunjia's practice allows him to perfectly control his own strength, and can play the original seven-point force to the effect of fourteen points: "Yue Sang, I I will defeat you with the art you taught me!"

"Okay, let's come then!" Yue Si said with a fierce fighting spirit.

As soon as the voice fell, the two instantly disappeared from the spot, and in an instant, there were more than ten collisions of tricks, and the force of venting made the ground crack.

"So fast! So strong!"

Uchiha Obito's eyes widened. Before, he was able to capture the silhouettes of Yue Si and Matekai, and learned a trick and a half, but now he can see only the two people left on the retina. Shadow, although the Uchiha Obito is stuck like PPT, the speed is several times higher than the original. Uchiha Obito tried his best to see it, but he couldn't see clearly.

Although the use of secret techniques to stimulate the explosion of power sounds like the Berserkers used the madness skills, sacrificing flexibility and IQ in exchange for the increase in strength and speed, but Matekai's movements have become more flexible , more lightweight, and the attack that originally required all hard-connected power release can now be dodged one or two times.

"Kai! That's right!" Yue Si yelled, and then his fists and kicks, which were wide open and closed, changed, becoming small and exquisite, and the range of movements became very small. Cut and beat.

In the face of Yue Si's sudden change of fighting style, Matekai didn't have time to keep up with the first time, revealing a flaw, and then Yue Si used the close support in Bajiquan, relying on his explosive force, to directly hit Matekai into the air. out.

"Kai, at the same time as the improvement of strength, you also need to learn the skills of using strength, both of which are indispensable!"

Yue Si shouted and chased Matekai who flew out. Before Matekai had landed and took the opportunity to change his state, he caught up with him, and then punched him fiercely, hitting him in the abdomen.

Matekai took a punch, but did not fly out immediately, but "sticked" to Yue Si's fist. After stagnating for a while, he continued to go out. He hit a big tree and cut it off in the middle.

The severe pain caused Matekai to lose his mind for a moment, and the ground in front of his eyes turned completely white, but with his tempered body and consciousness, as well as the two top physiques, Eight Dunjia and Qimen Dunjia, he would not fall so easily. Down, the pain of his body colliding with the big tree made him wake up instantly.

With the "click" sound of the tree Matekai stood up again, and before he could adjust his posture, Yue Si had already rushed in front of him: "Big Dipper, Hundred Split Fist!"

"Ah da da da da da!"

Yue Si's arms seemed to disappear, and because the speed was too fast, it seemed that a hundred pairs of arms were born at the same time, and fists, fingers, stabs, palms, and knives fell on Matekai like raindrops.

The power of each blow is not large, but it accurately penetrates the acupuncture points of Matekai's body, which is the technique of Hyuga Karouquan. Although Yue Si didn't turn his eyes to confirm it, it was almost the same. Meridian diagrams are available in the library of the ninja school.

The skills targeting acupoints and meridians dissipated Matekai's strength, making him unable to use his chakra freely, so that he was beaten so much that he didn't even have the strength to parry. He hit the ground, but was "fixed" in place by Yue Si's fist strength, and acted as a sandbag honestly.

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