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Chapter 688: You are already dead

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"Finished, finish work."

After hundreds of blows, finally, Yue Si stopped his punches, and he turned around handsomely without looking at Matekai.

"No pain."

Matekai, who fell to the ground, wanted to cry out in pain, but found that he didn't have the pain he imagined, and it was even worse than the pain when the muscles and bones wailed when the physical training approached the physical limit. It's like giving him a massage.

Then Matekai stood up after a carp hit:

"Yue Sang. Although your previous punches were fast, their lethality was very low. I could handle it completely. Let's do a third fight! It seems that this time, I have to break the limit set for me by my father! "

Although he didn't look back at Matt Kai's situation, Yue Si sneered: "You are already dead!"

"Nani!" Matekai exclaimed, and then he felt an unbearable pain coming from his whole body. The intense pain shot straight to his brain, making him unable to even scream.

Uchiha Obito could see clearly that a fist-sized bag bulged out on Matekai's body, and the bag quickly swam around Matekai, propping up his body and twisting his limbs, making his whole person change. into some deformed, terrifying shape.

In the end, Matekai seemed to be inflated, and the whole person swelled a lot and became very bloated, like a giant.


Matekai opened his mouth and spit out a **** arrow, mixed with other dirt, and his whole body shrank as quickly as a deflated balloon, returning to his original size, but fell to the ground, and the seven holes bleed and disappeared. movement.

The vomit just now seemed to make him spit out all the blood in his body.

"Okay... so scary!"

Uchiha Obito, who was watching on the sidelines, was trembling, unable to speak, and both were Genin. The strength of the two guys in front of them was as strong as monsters. I am afraid that only some Shangren can reach their level.

Uchiha Obito has become more and more confident since the awakening of Sharinyan. He feels that it is only a matter of time before he becomes a Chunin and a Shangnin. He was able to pass the test, but he was unlucky, and his accident came first. When facing Matekai, he was careless and did not flinch.

However, the previous Chunin exam gave him two resounding slaps, and the written exam was partly supported by Rin Nohara's cheat sheet.

But now, the power that Yue Si and Matekai showed was beyond his comprehension. The ferocity when they did it was beyond his imagination. It scared him and made him tremble.

"Hey, Yue... Guan Shanyue, you killed him!" Uchiha jumped off the tree trunk with the soil, and slowly walked to Yue Si, who had already restrained his strength. Looking at Matekai who was lying on the ground in a strange shape, he trembled. Speak loudly.

The blood that dyed the ground red can't be faked, and the smell of blood in the air, and the motionless Matekai, all prove what Yue Si said before, he is holding the mentality of killing Matekai. to face this contest.

Although he has seen death and corpses with Minato, and even took the lives of bandits and hostile ninjas with his own hands, he has never felt so terrified as he is now, because this is true "strength", a kind that surpasses his past. "Strong" awareness of ninjas.

"So what, I said, swing your fist with the thought of killing the enemy, then you will definitely do that." Yue Si said indifferently.

Then, Yue Si thought of something, looked directly at Obito and said, "And you, what did you learn in our duel? Did you understand your heart, your thoughts, and your forbearance? "

"I..." Uchiha Obitomoto was frightened by Yue Si's cruelty, and when he asked this, he suddenly became confused.

"Then I'll change the question, Obito, we've known each other for a few years, have you been clear about what kind of person you want to be in the future?" Yue Si asked: "What are you doing? The reason for becoming a ninja is that everyone around you has become a ninja, and you are about to become a ninja? After you became a ninja, why did you keep getting stronger? After you became a genin, you were not satisfied. It was to become Joinin—and as you told me, to become Hokage.”

Yue Si's remarks caused Uchiha Obito to fall into self-examination. Those famous people in the ninja world, especially the Uchiha family, are most sensitive to this kind of thing.

But Uchiha Obito has grown a lot after all, and he is no longer the one who was frightened by Yue Si for nearly a year because of his own troubles.

He asked Yue Si in return, "What about you, isn't your ideal to become a rich man, why do you keep getting stronger?"

Uchiha Obito didn't use a question to fight back against Yue Si, but wanted to get inspiration from Yue Si and learn from him.

"Because I understand that money alone is not enough. You need to have your own powerful strength to protect your money." Yue Si clenched his fists and said, "You don't need to store guns, your home is a granary. ; hoarding guns, not food, there are granaries everywhere, this is the truth of my understanding - when the first Hokage was still active, the ninja world can be said to be in peace. After the death of the first Hokage, the first ninja war broke out. After the death of the second Hokage, the Second Ninja World War broke out, from which we can see that as long as there is a strong force, we can defend everything we hold dear."

"As expected of Yue Sang, your youth, your blood, and your ideas are so touching!"

Uchiha Obito hadn't had time to feel his feelings, but he heard a whimpering cry next to him, and turned his head to look, but it was Matekai crying bitterly there, moved by Yue Si's words.

"Ah!" Uchiha Obito was taken aback and jumped to the tree next to him with a whimper.

"You guy, aren't you dead, are you a ghost?"

Although his legs were trembling, Uchiha Obito still summoned his courage and shouted to Matekai.

Matekai's crying stopped instantly, scratched the back of his head, and said, "I'm dead, why don't I know, I really slept well just now, even if it was only a few minutes, I felt Full of energy, like eight hours of adequate sleep - although the strength is not restored, but it is not so tired, and there is no pain after using the Bamen Dunjia before."

Then Matekai was very moved and said to Yue Si: "Yue Sang, that's the magic of your boxing skills! I realized the mystery of the Qimen Dunjia technique. In addition to being used for cultivation, there are also The role of medical ninjutsu."

"I remember the trajectory of that power running..." Matekai experienced it firsthand. He knew exactly the order in which Yue Si's fists and fingers landed on the acupuncture points on his body. He remembered how Yue Si induced the investigation in his body. The flow of carat, how to subdue his surge of chakra, how to make the injured body heal quickly.

This is also his experience in physical training for many years and the practice of Qimen Dunjia. Only then can he learn from Yue Si's fists, and learn the more miraculous techniques based on Qimen Dunjia.

"Hey, don't say it here." Yue Si tapped Matekai on the shoulder with the back of his hand, reminding him not to say those key tricks.

If he taught this secret technique from scratch, it would take him a long time to learn, but relying on his fists, he could learn the tricks at the fastest speed.

What Yue Si taught Matekai was the result of his excessive research on the transformation from the Chakra system to Infinite Qigong, which was a by-product of the research. Based on "Chakra Meridians and Acupuncture Points", it is the product of the combination of his wisdom and the power system of this world.

And what he taught Matekai with his fist just now was a feasible direction that did not meet Yue Si's needs in the process of his exploration from the Chakra system to the development of Boundless True Qi.

"I saw clearly just now that this guy spit out a mouthful of blood..." Uchiha Obito, who jumped from the tree, was still a little scared and did not dare to approach Matekai. He hid behind Yue Si, separated by a person and Mai. Teke speaks.

"Do you know what is called the corpse-spreading technique, the mind of death is like a weapon, and letting your body enter a state of complete dormancy can better restore your physical strength and energy." Yue Si used a kind of 'you have little knowledge, just Uchiha Obito faced Uchiha Obito with the expression and tone of "Don't talk nonsense".

"And what Kai spit out was only blood stasis, how could he not be injured after being beaten by me, I just used the secret technique to stimulate his own power and speed up his body's self-healing, so as not to leave behind a dark disease, has been This injury dragged down the rest of the exam."

Both Uchiha Obito and Matekai still have the Chunin exam to take, and they didn't stay with Yue Si for long, but the two gained a lot. Even if they can perform the task and earn money, they cannot easily Not to mention the yakiniku consumed—of course, Uchiha Obito is not included.

Although Uchiha Obito was out of the village for quite a while after he became a ninja, and even in the village Yue Si may not be free, but the two of them are suppliers and middlemen, facing the Uchiha family Chakra The trade of weapons has not stopped, and Uchiha Obito's rake in this regard can be much more than he earns from performing tasks.

It's just that Uchiha Obito enjoys it because he is accompanied by Nohara Rin when he performs the task, and he can sharpen himself.

In addition, the battle between Yue Si and Matekai was the most important.

Matekai learned new training methods from Yue Si, as well as the unreserved experience of fighting against the strong, which made his strength a lot higher again, and then, his Chunin exam will definitely go a lot more smoothly. , along the road that Yue Si pointed out for him, he will definitely be able to go further.

As for Uchiha Obito, after eating Yue Si a meal, he watched a fierce fight, which made his mood grow a little bit, and relying on the writing wheel, he also copied the use of Yue Si and Matekai Some of the physical skills, as long as they are properly applied, will be relatively smooth in the next exam.

And this is the gift he gave these two friends.

Yue Si, who was walking on Konoha Street, touched the bridge of his nose and felt that he was missing something without the sunglasses. Although the sunglasses were only worn by him to change the decoration, but after wearing them for several years, he got used to it. , In order to pretend that Gu Dong was doing his best, he deliberately gave out a little strength and shattered his sunglasses, and now he is going to buy a new pair.

Because the Chunin exam is being held, the streets of Konoha are more lively than before, because the ninjas sent by other ninja villages to take the exam have no foundation in Konoha Village, and they need to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. , obviously, this is an opportunity to make money.

Those who can take the Chunin exam are all seniors who have performed tasks for a few years. As long as they don’t have the money to use their apprentices to wash the sauna or go to places where the pink lamps are lit, they are basically The superiors have little spare money, and leading the Jounin will certainly not be short of money.

As the saying goes, a poor family is rich, and when you arrive at a place like Konoha, you will definitely not be stingy.

This also indirectly promoted the commercial development of Konoha.

And Yue Si found a more pleasing optical shop, picked out a pair of sunglasses, just about to pay, but found that he didn't have enough money.

The barbecue that he invited Matekai and Uchiha Obito to eat before, he spent almost all the money on him. His current character is a big eater, and he will definitely not eat less; Matekai also has eight courses. Dunjia Technique and Qimen Dunjia Technique consume a lot of physical strength, and the appetite must be large, and it is also an expensive food such as barbecue, so it must be eaten vigorously.

"Boss, you have to help me put this pair of glasses away. I don't have enough money on me right now, so I'll bring enough money to buy them right away." Yue Si said seriously to the owner of the optical shop.

The owner of the optical shop looked at Yue Si, and saw that his clothes were worn out (caused by the wear and tear from the previous fight), and he was obviously embarrassed. I really love this pair of glasses and am determined to buy them.

At this time, the owner of the optical shop showed a kind smile, and was about to speak in the way of the conscience shop owner in the chicken soup for the soul story, but a person was inserted from the side: "I'll pay for this pair of glasses for him."

Hearing the hoarse Yue Si turned his head to look, and said to the man, "Teacher Orochimaru."

Orochimaru kept looking at Yue Si, laughed a few times, and said, "After I left the old man, I have been looking for your whereabouts, hehe, it seems that in the time just now, you met an interesting person. Even the sunglasses were broken."

At this time, it was also the first time that Orochimaru saw Yue Si's eyes and understood the reason why Yue Si had been wearing sunglasses before. Yue Si did not want his existence to be easily known, and he acted like everyone else. his way of self-preservation.

And what he revealed in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what, that confidence, that fighting spirit, that kind of perseverance...

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Relying on something like sunglasses, it is the easiest way to directly isolate the outside world from prying on his soul.

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