Villains Template

Chapter 708: Magnetic field knife

"You are already dead!"

Looking at Ai embedded in the tree, Yue Si made a declaration.

"Nani!" Ai wanted to stand up reluctantly, but found that there was a force entrenched in his body, surrounding the acupuncture points in his body, disturbing his chakra operation, and blasting him from the inside out.

"How could it be possible for you to do this!"

Ai forcibly mobilized his chakra to suppress the constant restless power in his body, but this made him unable to escape from the place for the time being.

"Big brother!" Kirabi was shocked. Although he didn't know what happened, it could be seen that Ai's body was abnormal. After throwing away the broken knife he found, he was about to confront Yue Si with two ninja knives. chop off.

Controlling multiple knives at the same time to make him faster, to deal with Yue Si's fast knives, this is just an idea in Kirabi's mind. He just tried it a little before, but now he is only good at using two ninjas at the same time. Knife.

"Magnetic Power Magnetic Field Sword!"

The power of [magnetic field rotation] converged in Yue Si's hand, turned into an invisible blade of more than ten feet, and slashed towards Kirabi's direction.

Of course, Yue Si still used ninjutsu as a cover on the surface: "Wind Escape·Vacuum Blade!"

Aware of the sharpness and sharpness of the magnetic field sword, the Kirabi people quickly changed their moves in the air, crossed the two swords in front of him, and their own chakra poured into the ninja sword, making it wrapped in thunder and lightning, and it didn't look like It is holding two knives, but two bright lightning bolts.

But the magnetic field sword is not ninjutsu, but the cutting force formed by pulling the magnetic field with the power of [magnetic field rotation], just named the knife, how can Kirabi resist.


In a trance, Chirabi seemed to see a huge word 'death', the perception of danger was like an electric current, straight to his brain, and the instinct written into every inch of muscle made Chirabi dodge.

Then Kirabi saw that the ninja knife in his hand was slashed by the force of the knife, and the force of the knife cut off the ninja knife and his chakra without hindrance, and left a huge gap on his chest and abdomen, and blood spurted out. , and the magnetic field knife fell down a big tree unabated, and the fracture was smooth.

But before Chirabi recovered from the shock, he saw that Yue Si had come to him and punched him.

The two knives in his hands were broken, and red tailed beast Chakra appeared all over Kirabi's body, wrapping him up like a layer of tailed beast Chakra coat. Under the influence of the tailed beast Chakra, Kirabi The horrific wound on his chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The red chakra condensed into a long tail, like an old fist, and smashed at Yue Si, but was shattered by Yue Si's punch. After the scattered chakra, it was Chirabi's rampant arm: "Lei Plough Hot Knife! "

Yue Si raised his arms and coiled the power of [magnetic field rotation] around his arms to form a spiral force: "Drink!"

The two of them put their arms together, and Yue Si only felt that the tailed beast Chakra emerging from Kirabi's body was like fiery acid, and began to domineeringly erode him, and Kirabi's impact speed and powerful wrist strength were not so easy. can be resisted.

But Yue Si is also strong enough, and the power of [magnetic field rotation] also blocks the tailed beast Chakra.

And Chirabi can also feel the powerful strength of Yue Si, and the power of the rotation on Yue Si's arm twists and disperses his chakra and wrist strength, and not only his own wrist strength, but also the strange Rabbi himself.

It is the four or two thousand pounds in Tai Chi.

In the spiral force belt, he involuntarily turned in the air, and Kirabi lost his balance, and then smashed towards the ground. With a "Boom!", his body smashed a big hole on the ground.

"Magnetic field knife!"

Yue Si pulled out another knife, and cut a long knife mark on the ground. Kira, wrapped in the tailed beast Chakra, has been improved in all aspects, dodging back and forth in the shape of a "zigzag", avoiding Yue Si The magnetic field knife.

"Tu Dun · Tulong Spear!" The cloud ninja, who was watching the battle, formed a seal with both hands and slapped the ground. Countless rocks cracked the ground, forming a long spear and stabbing towards Yue Si above.

Stepping on the air, Yue Si put away the heavenly saber and avoided the thorns. Just as he was about to fight back, he saw that Yun Ren used the earth escape ninjutsu to sneak into the ground and disappeared.

Soil Escape · Soil Snorkeling - Use chakra to turn underground solid sand into fluid, allowing you to swim quickly in the underground soil.

But how could this method hide from Yue Si, under the perception of [magnetic field rotation], unless the earth escape ninja wraps himself with a lead plate with a thickness of 30 centimeters, there is nothing to hide.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Yue Si fell to the side of the tree that had fallen down before, stabbed his hands into the trunk of the tree, gritted his teeth and shouted. Forbearance hidden location.

Immediately, countless branches were broken in the collision with the ground, and the broken branches and stubble splashed, but the violent shock was transmitted to the ground, and the earth escape ninja knew the danger and hurriedly left the ground and returned to the ground.

But then, a huge shadow enveloped him, Yue Si held the trunk of the big tree and smashed at him, at this time he was too late to use ninjutsu.

But Ai's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the flashing technique in Lei Dun Chakra mode was as fast as lightning: "Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

The swung arm slammed on the tree trunk, and the ferocious power and chakra penetrated into the tree trunk, shattering it inch by inch.

A dark red figure appeared on the tree trunk, and Kirabi, who had further transformed into a tailed beast, used the tree trunk as a bridge and came straight to Yue Si, and the thunder plow hot knife slashed toward Yue Si's neck.

"Bang!" Kirabi's sure-kill blow was blocked, as if his head hit the south wall, and he flew out.

"Enough, Bi, at this point, it's enough!" Chirabi was about to stand up again, but was stopped by Ai.

The battle between them is enough here. The tactics and strength of the two sides have been displayed almost. The battle between ordinary ninjas has exceeded the scope of the fight to this extent. Now the two sides have fought a real fire. , it will really kill people if you go further.

"Am I right, Akers!"

Yue Si threw away the stump, looked at Yun Ren and the other four, and said in response, "Yes, but I still have a trump card that I didn't use. I didn't show it in front of you. I'm unwilling."

Aix is ​​the name of Yue Si when he was in Yun Ren. According to the naming rule of Yun Ren Naai (A) than (B), the name of Yue Si "Aix" is actually (X).

Kirabi, who had put away the tailed beast Chakra, stood beside Ai and watched Yue Si say in a rap tone, "What is that!"

Just now, his determined blow was blocked by a layer of barrier, and there was the same force on the barrier, which directly bounced him and made him return without success.

Beside Yue Si, a huge metal plate stood up, and it was this metal plate that blocked Kirabi and bounced him back.

"This is my secret weapon, the last trump card. You should be honored to be able to force me to channel it out."

He patted the metal plate, Yue Si said.

This is one of the chakra machines he made. It uses the Anbu ninja's immortal chakra as an energy-driven machine, which can generate a layer of chakra shield, block Kirabi's blow, and the immortal chakra. The source of carat is mainly the black carapace implanted in the body of the Anbu ninja, which is provided by the intercolumnar cells. Chakra specializes in restraining tailed beasts.

Because of this, Kirabi, who was transformed into a tailed beast, was able to bounce back.

The palm was pressed against the wedge-shaped metal plate, and the magnetic field force was injected into it, and the metal plate that seemed to be over a ton floated up and reversed its direction.

"Secret Art Atomic Beam!"

As the energy converged, the energy of the wedge-shaped metal plate reached a peak, and then a beam of light suddenly shot out from the top of it.

In an instant, the dazzling rays of light lit up, and even if there was no direct hit, the release of energy still shattered the ground, forming a long ravine. Even if it was only lightly brushed, the hard rock began to melt and evaporate, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The air in the forest boiled directly, making a series of blasting sounds. The air in a high-heat state directly produced ionization, and arcs spread across the surroundings.

Originally, Yue Si used the fire tornado to keep the surrounding air at an exaggerated high temperature, but now it gives Yun Ren the feeling that he is in a furnace. Although he didn't directly touch the beam of light, he still felt that the moisture in his body began to start. Evaporated, I don't know if it was hot or sweat from fear appeared on their foreheads.

"This technique is so scary!"

The unparalleled ray penetrated everything, burning and melting everything that stood in its way.

The ray that appeared at the top of the wedge-shaped metal plate only appeared for a moment, but it left a long and straight ravine, and within the range of the ray, everything disappeared.

"Well, it seems that there is still something to be revised. The phenomenon of energy spillage is too serious. It does not show a line as I imagined, but a bunch." Seeing the scene in front of him, Yue Si said in his heart that there is After this experiment, he understood the omissions of his work, and when he returned to Konoha Village, there were areas that needed improvement.

As I said to Sarutobi Hizan before, war is the best occasion to verify weapons, not only mortars, but also the secret weapons he built for himself.

After unlocking the psychic technique, with the sound of 'bang', the wedge-shaped metal plate disappeared, the power of [magnetic field rotation] was hidden, the battle lines on Yue Si's face disappeared, and the whole person's painting style returned to its original inconspicuous state. .

The battle has come to an end, and now it’s time to reminisce and exchange information. A few pieces of wood were cut from the fallen tree to use as stools and tables, and ‘Ex’ Yuesi, Ai, and Kirabi sat together.

The other two Yun Ninjas dispersed and patrolled around. The conversation between Yue Si and the others was not something they could listen to. Even the existence of Yue Si, the spy who broke into Konoha Ninja Village, was not something they could know, and in order to prevent At this time, there are Konoha or other ninjas approaching, and their patrol is necessary.

Yue Si took out a few scrolls, handed them over to Ai, and introduced the contents to Ai one by one: "This is the design drawing of a new type of ninja tool that I learned from Orochimaru, and some of it has already been manufactured. , and verifying that it can work is also the purpose of my coming here this time; the other part is just staying on the design drawings, and it is still unclear whether the design is reasonable or not.”

"This is Konoha's medical knowledge, because I am not a medical ninja, and I can only obtain very simple things."

"In addition, there is a new metallurgical method used by Konoha to create the ninja tools - the method of 'Lei Metallurgy' using Leidun Chakra."

After handing over the carefully prepared documents to Ai, who was supplemented by Raikage, Yue Si said: "Besides my own strength, this is what I have gained in Konoha over the years."

"Orochimaru is really as terrifying as the legends say, and it brought you up to what you are today." Ai looked at Yue Si and said after accepting the scroll.

In front of this "Konoha Shimonin" who doesn't seem to be too conspicuous, the power he just showed is terrifyingly strong. If it wasn't for the absence of any signs of using the tailed beast Chakra, Ai would think that Konoha's nine-tailed man Zhuli was him. .

Taijutsu and Ninjutsu are the best in all aspects. If Aix (Yue Si) did not enter Konoha Village, he would like to accept Aix as a disciple and train him to be the next one. Refill Raiying.

"My strength, in strict terms, is to inherit the second generation Hokage Senju Tobima." Pressing his chest, Yue Si introduced: "Senju Tobama has developed a chakra model for Raikage's Lei Dun chakra model. The set of secret techniques is called the Qimen Dunjia Technique. This secret technique is difficult to get started with, and the progress of cultivation is very slow, but after successful cultivation, it can burst into a powerful force. It is just because the cultivation is difficult and wastes a lot of time, not necessarily He was able to practice successfully, so he was kept on the shelf until my genius was born, and Orochimaru gave me this secret technique, and I miraculously learned this secret technique."

Yue Si again and again used Tobirama as a target, explaining the source of his own power.

Sure enough, hearing the name of Senju Tobama, Ai believed what Yue Si said, and then asked: "It's Senpa Tobama's words, that's true - Aix, what are you going to do next? Take this opportunity to return to the village, or do you plan to continue lurking in Konoha Village?"

"I chose to hide in Konoha Village. My 'Guan Shanyue' is a disciple of Orochimaru, and this relationship cannot be wasted." Yue Si shared his experience in Konoha Village and said: "Orochimaru is the third generation of Orochimaru. A disciple of Naruto Sarutobi Hizan, Sarutobi Hiizhan has always cultivated Orochimaru as the next Hokage, and Orochimaru has performed well, no matter in terms of fame or credit, he is the best candidate to become the fourth Hokage."

"And I, Guan Shanyue, is the best disciple of Orochimaru. When he becomes the fourth Hokage, I will have the opportunity to become the fifth Hokage."

"In the Ninja Village, the most powerful person is Shadow. If I can become Hokage..."

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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