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Chapter 709: A person who grows in aesthetics

Although Yue Si's words were only a possibility, it made Ai's eyes light up. Ai, who has a delicate heart that does not match his rough appearance, has already begun to consider how this will affect the ninja world if it is successful. .

Imagine that the future Naruto is actually a ninja of Yun Ninja, so what will be the situation at that time?

Don't say anything else, even if Aks, who took up the position of Hokage, just announced his identity as Yun Ninja's undercover, and did nothing else, the impact and the damage to Konoha Ninja Village were also the same. Very scary.

Even if Konoha reacted in time and replaced Aix with a new Hokage, this incident had a very big impact on Konoha Village. This incident can be said to be a slap in the face of all Konoha people. a slap.

This incident will be a highlight in the history of Konoha Ninja Village. Even if Konoha Ninja Village tries to erase it, other Shinobi villages, especially Yun Ninja, will be widely publicized, and use this incident to attack Konoha Ninja - Don't underestimate the influence of people's hearts, which is the so-called morale and fighting spirit.

Of course, this is the most wasteful way to do this. It completely wastes the hardships that Yue Si has put in to grow from Konoha Orphanage to Hokage. What is better is that Yue Si firmly holds Hokage's position and secretly makes some small moves. , weakening Konoha's power little by little.

For example, for those famous and powerful ninjas, relying on the public opinion in the village to force them to death, or force them to become rebels, force the backbone of the village to death or force them to rebel.

There are also cultivating party members, suppressing dissidents, provoking the relationship between Konoha and internal families, and consuming the power within Konoha Ninja Village by infighting, such as exterminating those big families, letting Konoha break his arms, and then wait until On the day when the incident was exposed, I could still throw all the responsibilities on the person who did the dirty work for me...

Well, how can this matter be so immediate? It seems that some unknown third-generation Hokage Sarutobi did this.

After discussing some things, Ai said to Yue Si: "Aix, what can we offer you? How can we help you?"

Yue Si thought about it and said, "Now, it's mainly money and a lot of iron, these are convenient for my private activities..."

Akers (but) has been carrying out the task of undercover wood industry Ninja Village, not to mention the funds required for the execution of this task, the remuneration of the task itself, accumulated over the years, it is also a large sum.

Moreover, Yue Si also plans to build a powerful ninja tool that belongs to him, just like the wedge-shaped metal plate that Yue Si channeled before, which is one of them.

"There are also merits and achievements, which are conducive to the improvement of my status in Konoha Village. My disciple has performed well, and I can also help my teacher 'Orochimaru', so that he can set foot on the road of Hokage. Flat, but I will fight for this with my hands, and the corpse of the Konoha ninja, I also need to take it back, he is my purpose this time."

Yue Si thought for a while, and continued: "If what I need most now is a set of Yun Ren's ninja uniform and Yun Ren's forehead protection, this will allow me to be able to reveal my identity in some inconvenient times. Act as a cloud ninja."

In fact, Yue Si admired Ai very much. In the original work, Sasuke Uchiha, who joined Xiao's organization, led a team to capture the eight-tailed man Zhuli, that is, Kirabi.

But a group of people who didn't understand the situation thought that Kirabi was taken away and the tailed beast was forcibly extracted. For Ren Zhuli, it was a must-death situation, and Ai also thought that Kirabi was dead and would kill him. Sasuke Uchiha avenged his younger brother.

At that time, Naruto Uzumaki found Ai and launched the art of mouth escape, hoping that Ai would give up the idea of ​​revenge against Sasuke, but Ai said the most amazing words:

"We will kill Sasuke, and then you will give up the idea of ​​revenge!"

Ai looked at Kirabi, and then said in a very solemn tone: "There is one more thing next, the most important thing..."

The two Yun Ren received the signal from Ai, and the conversation between them and Aix (Yue Si) had ended. When they returned to the original battlefield, they saw Kiraby holding his hands and leaning against the fallen giant. The tree stands.

Ai stood on the other side, holding several scrolls in his hand, which were obviously important documents brought by Aix.

Unlike the previous fight to death, Yue Si warmly greeted one of the Yun Ren: "Yo, Sam Yi, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be a Zhong Ren after so many years, I'm just one. The insignificant Konoha Shimonin is really unpredictable!"

Among the two Yun Ren, one was an adult man who looked like a dragon and was very ordinary in appearance and clothes, and the other was a blond girl, about the same age as Yue Si.

Facing Yue Si's warm greeting, this Samui didn't seem to care, and replied coldly: "Well, the only ninja in the same class who graduated from the ninja school in just one year, but since then After that, you disappeared, and you are no longer seen in the village. I guess you died during a certain mission, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

"I'm really sad when you talk like that." Yue Si pretended to say, "We've been classmates for a year anyway!"

When in Yunyin Village, Yue Si and Sam Yi were students in the same class, but Yue Si performed so well that he graduated after only one year of courses, and there was no intersection between the two.

If Yue Si were a normal human being, he would have liked Samui. The grown-up Samui actually pokes at him.

Just like the fake information released by Yue Si in the world of "Three-Body Problem" deceived by the ETO organization, Yue Si's standard for the other half is - tall but not slender, plump, convex in front and back, with lines, the best The one that exercises just right, has a vest line, straight short hair, a certain mixed-race feeling on the face, and delicate facial features.

Although it is the image that Yue Si made up, but the aesthetic point of Yue Si, who existed as an ordinary human in his previous life, is really this image. The ETO of that world really found such a person. Listening to the girl's meaning, she has passed by. For half a year of exercise, I used technology to take out.

As for Samui, all aspects meet this requirement, except that the hair is not black and the voice is not that sweet girl, which is irrelevant.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? You seem to be looking at a piece of goods." Samui noticed Yue Si's eyes and said disgusting words in a cold tone, obviously unhappy with Yue Si's attitude.

Yue Si took off the threat from his body and threw it to Samui: "After the meeting, I changed the handle and scabbard. It's a gift from me to you."

The ninja of the cloud ninja prefers to use red, the color of the hilt and the scabbard are vermilion, and the color of Yue Si's dagger is black, so I asked Samui to change some unimportant accessories. The most precious thing is the blade he made with Lei's metallurgy method, which is the work of Yue Si after he realized the power of [magnetic field rotation].

"You gave me this, do you want to use it as a token of love? Or is it a simple gesture of friendship?" Holding the courier, Samui suddenly said strange words to Yue Si.

Children in the ninja world are always precocious, and emotional matters are also established early.

Samui is very good in both appearance and talent, just like the flower that exudes the sweetest smell, surrounded by countless butterflies and bees, there is definitely no shortage of suitors, giving precious gifts to express your heart and so on. She encountered a lot of things, and Yue Si's behavior was considered by her to be the same as those of her previous suitors.

Sending precious ninja tools as gifts to show your existence and send your blessings is a way of expressing emotions for people in the ninja world, and it is normal.

"You think so, so it is! I, Guan Shanyue, congratulate you in advance on your promotion to Shangnin."

Yue Si chuckled, and his figure disappeared from the spot, appearing behind the dragon set Yun Ren: "Wind Dun, Vacuum Blade."

Longtao Yun Ren subconsciously took two steps forward, and then it became two sections. The power of the magnetic field knife made him step behind the previous Konoha ninja, and fell to the ground, without life, the magnetic field force sealed. There was no blood flowing out of his veins.

Yue Si's pain killer frightened Samui, but she immediately pulled out the threat that Yue Si had given her before and put on a fighting stance, but she caught a glimpse of Ai and Kirabi, but there was no movement. They just stood aside, looking at everything in front of them indifferently, watching Yue Si kill their comrades, without the slightest reaction.

It was as if the killed Yun Ren was not their comrade, Yue Si's killing him was justified, and that indifferent look made Samui feel a palpitation.

Moreover, that kind of emotionless eyes also fell on him, as if the next moment, he would encounter the same thing as the dragon set Yun Ren, with a different head.

This feeling of being betrayed by his companions made Samui feel a lot of discomfort, mixed feelings, and scratching his heart.

"Samui, thank Aikes, he saved your life." Looking at the nervous Samui, Ai said: "As a spy who was personally selected by Raikage to penetrate Konoha, Aike The identity of Suzanne is kept secret, except for Raikage, me, and Kirabi, all but our three insiders, this matter is kept secret for them."

"Ax showed him as a spy, let you know where he went, and the fact that you are a Konoha ninja, you should be kept secret, that is, you should be executed - and that is the most important thing, Ai Cox's identity is too important to be exposed, even if it's just a little bit of a possibility, it must be erased."

Yue Si was half-kneeling on the ground, half-kneeling beside that Yun Ren, stripped his forehead guard, shoulder armor, ninja bag and other equipment from the corpse, and took away everything on him that could prove his Yun Ren identity:

"However, as a companion in the village, how can Ai and Chirabi attack their own people, so the person who shot is me, Guan Shanyue, who is a Konoha ninja - oh, it's not just killing people, where did it come from? A lot of nonsense."

Ai followed Yuesi's words and said: "Originally, you should be like him, but Aix promises that you will become a powerful and indispensable ninja in the future, the best candidate to become Raikage's assistant, Therefore, it is better for the village to be alive than to be dead."

On the other side, Zhezhi Hanshiro, Shiwuzuo, and Hyuga Asao hurried back to the Konoha ninja camp. Their hurried appearance was immediately taken seriously. The experiment of the "new ninja gear", Not a small success was achieved.

But four of them went out and three of them returned, losing Yue Si's figure.

"What happened!" asked the ninja of the Nara clan as the commander.

"We are on our way to the destination..." Zhezhi Hanshiro briefly explained what happened to him and Yue Si's choice, and described the event in the shortest possible time.

"Henzhuli and the Yun Ninja, who is as powerful as a monster!" The ninjas of the Nara clan frowned when they heard the description of the enemy.

With this description, the ninjas of the Nara clan immediately found the corresponding ninja: "It's the AB brother of Yun Ninja, the son of the third generation of Raikage, Ai, and the eight-tailed man Zhuri, Kirabi!"

"Go and inform Minato class!" The ninjas of the Nara clan immediately ordered the ninjas who were waiting for the order to go to find Minato Namikaze.

The name of the AB brothers can be said to be a big shock, and the threat of human Zhuli will not be mentioned. When Ai's Lei Dun Chakra mode is turned on, it is almost like a blue lightning, although it is not as good as the three generations of Raikage's Lei Dun Chakra mode. As powerful as a tailed beast, it possesses the "strongest spear" Hell Stab, Ichigo, and the "strongest shield" Thunder Armor, but it is not something that ordinary ninjas can resist.

Hyuga Asao's description of "as powerful as a monster" is perfect for Ai.

Therefore, Konoha will send Minato Namifeng to lead the team. His yellow flashing name is based on the ultimate speed. He uses a speed-type ninja to fight a speed-type ninja. With no CD, no need Sealed Flying Thor's Book to fight Ai's Raiden Chakra mode.

And because his wife is the Uzumaki Kushina of the Uzumaki clan, Minato Namikaze also understands the previous part of the sealing technique, such as the Eight Trigrams Seal, the Sixiang Seal, and even the living Nine-Tails. .

Soon, a team of four from Minato Naikaze and three from Hanshiro's team, a total of seven, rushed out in the direction Yue Si was heading.

Suddenly, Asao Hyuga, who was on her way, suddenly stopped and looked into the distance. Although there was a long distance in the middle, she could still see something with her white eyes, and saw the terrifying chakra that erupted in an instant.

Although it was only a short moment, that chakra was very terrifying.

Asao Hyuga's unusual reaction was immediately noticed, and as a perceptive ninja, she was extra worthy of attention.

"What happened!" Namikaze Minato asked Hyuga Asao, the ability of the white-eyed ninja is trustworthy.

Hyuga Asao said: "I saw a very terrifying technique, a very terrifying power."

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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