Villains Template

Chapter 761: Get ready to hunt!

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Hearing that, Chen Xia Ke and the master and apprentice of the seventh-fifth day stopped and started to go back to the house to prepare.

Although it was only a few days of getting along, the unfathomable nature of Yue Si himself was known to several other people. His words had more weight, even if they did not notice any unusual movement in the village, the villagers did not panic. Crying, there is no sound of shouting and killing.

He wiped the sweat off his body with a hand towel, chewed and swallowed the food prepared by the villagers, and stopped moving after five minutes of fullness.

This is the experience accumulated in the arena. If there is no food in the stomach, the body will have no strength, and if you eat too much, the body will become sluggish.

"Hey, it's just that I don't have enough time. My armor was simply cut out of shape, and I couldn't make a pair of armor."

Yue Si took a piece of cloth, carefully wiped the long sword in his hand, and said regretfully: "Judging from what I have seen, there will inevitably be a battle next, even if it is just a leather armor, it can be resisted. Some."

These words made the other three who were preparing to feel a sense of urgency. The knight surnamed Chen said to himself: "Ha, so, it's a loss for ten taels of silver to take this job."

The villagers gave out fifty taels. There were five of them, and one of them just got ten taels. He could still calculate such a simple account.

Not long after, a villager ran to the yard where Yue Si and the others were temporarily staying. When they saw the four people sitting on the chairs, they were frightened by their murderous appearances leaning on their swords. After a few breaths, they stumbled and said: " Four, no, five heroes, our village chief invites you to come over, there are some things to discuss."

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, he asked, "What's the matter? We agreed in advance that we were hired by you at your expense to help you guard the village chief and resist the strongmen who came to commit the crimes. We don't care about anything else."

"It's okay if we want to take action in other things, but we have to pay more." In order to prevent the seventh day of the first day from being dead, the chivalrous Chen surnamed hurriedly said, after all, he is different from other people. He has a family and a room and needs to support himself. A family, money is a must, and this time he came for money.

The villager said: "Heroes, the village chief is looking for you for this. It seems that the strong men don't need you to take action. Regarding the remuneration, you need to come over in person."

Hearing this, the chivalrous person surnamed Chen immediately stood up and said, "I don't care about this. You come to me. No matter what you do or not, you have to give the money. If you lose a penny, I will kill your village chief."

Chen Xia Ke's words made the villager tremble. He left a sentence: "The village chief is waiting for you at the threshing floor", and ran away in a panic.

"The performance is good." On the seventh day of the seventh day, he praised the chivalrous guest surnamed Chen, and then told his apprentice fifteenth: "Be careful next, if you come out, it is important to save your life - why don't we discuss what to do next? Do."

After a short pause, the group of four went out the door and walked towards the threshing floor. From a distance, they saw that the threshing floor was very lively.

But not all people, but chickens, ducks, sheep, and a buffalo. The young men in the village are carrying bags of grain to the threshing floor, piled the grains together, and then seemed to be running for their lives. ran away.

"Thirty chickens, fifty ducks, twenty-five sheep, one cow, 1,500 catties of rice, 300 catties of white flour, ten catties of salt, ten catties of sugar, everything is here." Beside the high platform in the field, the village chief Wei was talking to the merchant, reporting the amount of these things in front of him.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Yue Si's group of four coming, and shouted loudly: "They are here, they are here."

The chivalrous man surnamed Chen immediately pulled away the rest of the people, walked over, and asked the village chief, "You man, although you haven't done anything, our money can't be short, or I'll burn it. your village."

However, after approaching, the chivalrous man surnamed Chen was stunned to find that the strong man standing in the village chief Wei was really too tall and strong.

The more he was two and a half meters tall, he stood there with a bell clasped, his arms were as thick as the waist of the old village chief next to him, he was wearing coarse cloth, his arms were open, and there was a layer of armor inside, but the armor seemed to be embedded in it. the same on his skin.

And the frame he was carrying was about the size of a wardrobe, and it was okay for one or two people to stuff it into it.

"Hehehe... I like this kind of Jianghu people the most. They are full of qi and blood, and their flesh is firm. They are better than cows... I have been active before I came here... It's good, it's good!"

The trader turned his head to look at the knight surnamed Chen, with a very cruel smile on his face, just like a very hungry disaster victim saw delicious food, and the other party opened his mouth to speak, the knight surnamed Chen only felt a stench of stinky stench coming towards his face. And unlike human bad breath, it is a stench that belongs to beasts.

At a certain moment, the chivalrous man surnamed Chen saw in a trance that the burly businessman standing in front of him was not a businessman, but a wild boar standing on his head.


There are monsters and monsters in this world, and the surnamed knight Chen knows about such things, but in life, who would be so unlucky to encounter such a monster in front of him, and the knight surnamed Chen is also an accident, thinking that the villagers will send it to the police The poultry, livestock and grain on the farm, as well as Village Chief Wei who was standing beside the monster, suddenly understood: "So this village was not robbed by strongmen, but by monsters!"

There is a care in his heart, the chivalrous man surnamed Chen is not slow, he can live to this day and has a family and a business. In addition to his martial arts, the life-saving means of judging the situation is also the reason. The moment he saw the pig demon, he ran away.

The thoughts that appeared in Chen's mind were only for a moment, and then he ran in the direction he came from. There, there were at least three Jianghu people who could help him.

It's a pity that their various plans were originally based on the village's ulterior motives for them, but they didn't expect to add the variable of monsters, making their plans go bankrupt. Now, it is unknown whether they are alive or dead.

"Haha, this uncle likes this set the most. Compared with the food delivered to his mouth, it is the prey that needs to resist, and the prey that needs to be caught in person is the most delicious." The pig demon said to the village chief Wei: "This year you guys It's done well, and the things offered in the second half of the year can be a little less."

After hearing this, Village Chief Wei expressed his gratitude to the Pig Demon, but the Pig Demon Li ignored him, and as soon as he stepped on it, he chased in the direction of the chivalrous person surnamed Chen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the village chief Wei and the villagers who transported the grain ran away immediately, determined not to get involved in this matter, so as to avoid being affected by themselves.

Even if a few words of nonsense took some time, the pig demon chased after Chen Xia Ke in three or two steps, and the giant hand like a fan grabbed the younger generation of Chen Xia Ke, and the pig demon no longer pretended to be a human, its head directly It showed the original shape of a wild boar, and a tongue stained with saliva was swung back and forth.

It seems that if the chivalrous person surnamed Chen is caught by this pig demon, he will definitely be directly stuffed into his mouth and chewed and eaten.

And the chivalrous man surnamed Chen is not false. He noticed the evil wind coming from behind, and his life was at stake. The tip was handed to the throat of the pig demon.

It's just that the knight surnamed Chen misestimated the physical strength and strength of the pig demon. Although he turned around and slashed into the pig demon's chest, he was also blown away by the force from the long knife, and his knife was only on the pig. A mark was left on the demon's chest. The layer of things that was mistaken for armor was nothing more than the hardening of the stones stuck to the body of tar rosin. It was really comparable to the protective ability of armor.

"Evil, look at the trick!"

There was a loud shout not far away, followed by a sound of breaking the air, the pig demon stopped the pace of chasing the knight surnamed Chen who fell to the ground, raised his hand to cover his face, and only heard a "pop". , something smashed into the hands of the pig demon. If it wasn't blocked by the palm, it must have hit its eyes.

The pig demon turned its palm around, and in the palm was a piece of gravel. When it was thrown, it was a complete stone. When it hit its palm, it was almost smashed into powder. It can be seen that its powerful punch was really hit just now. Well, I guess I'm going to lose an eye.

The pig demon looked up at the person who threw the stone. It was Yue Si not far away. The sling in his hand was filled with another stone, and he turned it around in his hand.

"It's so fragrant! This man is so fragrant! If I eat him, I will become a fairy, and if I eat him, I will become a fairy!"

A pig's nose is smarter than a dog's. After twitching its nose a few times, the pig demon could smell the fragrance of Yue Si's body that he had never felt before, and from that fragrance, the pig demon could feel that his chance to gain the Tao had come. , on Yue Si's body.

Yue Sina is not a person at all, but a walking elixir. As long as a monster eats him, he can become an immortal.

"Little ones, come out for me and catch me alive!" The pig demon laughed strangely, his eyes flushed with excitement.

With the pig demon's order, the burden it carried was opened, and this inconspicuous thing turned out to be a treasure. The lid was opened, and a hare, a fox, and a wild wolf emerged from it. The monster with the outline of a human, wearing armor and holding a knife in his hand, rushed towards the direction of Yue Si.

"Grandpa, I have been practicing hard in this mountain since I acquired spiritual wisdom, but I never saw the chance to become enlightened. I didn't expect it to be delivered directly to my hands today."

The pig demon laughed wantonly, saliva splashed with the tongue that swung back and forth, pointed to Yue Si not far away and said, "I want to slice him into pieces and eat them carefully!"

"So many monsters, can I put on a set of leather armor to stop them?" Fifteen felt a little panic when he saw the pig monster in action, and then saw a group of little monsters dancing with knives and guns jumping out of the box. With a little more panic, he asked Yue Si when he saw Yue Si's look on his chest.

On the seventh day of the first year, his heart was swayed, and he pulled out his sword: "For today's plan, only slaying demons and exorcising demons!"

I originally thought it was just to deal with some strong men who had transferred from farmers, but I didn't expect that I needed to keep my name in the hands of monsters. I walked around the world for many years on the seventh day, and I saw many villains. This is the first time I have encountered monsters, I don't know. Whether the knife in his hand can give him that chance of life.

"Oh, don't be nervous." Yue Si said to the two masters and apprentices, then his eyes narrowed and he said with a smile:

"Prepare to catch the demon! Take the sword out of its sheath, go!"

The long sword in Yue Si's hand was unsheathed, shining like moonlight, and the little monsters such as the mountain fox and the hare passed through in an instant, and then the little monsters with their teeth and claws and swords and swords fell to the ground one by one. The body shrank to its original shape, leaving behind pieces of armor and rusted swords.

Then the sword light went straight to the pig demon, and spun around it like a swimming fish. Then the pig demon let out a scream like killing a pig, and fell to the ground, but it didn't die, and passed out. .

", this." The chivalrous Chen surnamed Chen, who even crawled to Yue Si's side, saw this scene, and he couldn't say anything neatly, but he escaped from death and sat on his back. On the ground, breathing heavily.

On the seventy-fifth day of the first lunar month, the pair of master and apprentice also looked at Yue Si with horrified eyes. They originally thought that there would be a fierce battle, and the pig demon was even more difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, Yue Si's long sword was unsheathed, and the sword light turned, so many The monsters were all dealt with so easily.

"It's just a mere trick to subdue demons and eliminate demons. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Yue Si is not humble. Among the means he has mastered, whether it is the right way or the magic way, this trick is the most trivial now, but the two teachers and apprentices on the 75th day think that Yue Si is being humble.

"The next step is to settle accounts with this village. You dare to lie to us to send us to your death, and treat us as the blood of monsters. This revenge must be avenged!" The knight surnamed Chen gasped for a while, then stood up from the ground and said to the rest of the group. .

"Yeah, I want to find this village to find out." Yue Si nodded and said yes: "I don't know if there is a bigger monster behind this pig monster. We are destined to be different from each other. After we part, I have to protect myself. Li, if you are targeted by that big monster, it will be bad."

As soon as Yue Si's words came out, several people nodded.

Walking to the high platform beside the threshing floor, holding a scabbard as a hammer, he rang the gong.

Hearing the sound of the gong, the villagers walked out one after another and gathered at the threshing ground. They saw the corpses of the little demon all over the ground, the pig demon lying on its back, and the four beards standing on the high platform. The people in the whole shadow, the villagers did not show any relief on their faces. Instead, they all looked like they were mourning their concubine, their parents, and their mothers. They lowered their heads and grimaced.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, he said mockingly: "Why, you guys are not eaten by monsters, are you very unhappy?"

After seeing the village chief Wei coming, the knight surnamed Chen was furious, jumped off the high platform and drew his knife, put the blade on the neck of the village chief Wei, his eyes were red and he said: "You This bastard, dare to lie to Lao Tzu to send you to death, believe it or not, Lao Tzu killed you and set fire to your village."

After seeing the four of Yue Si from a distance, the elder Wei village was already terrified. After the blade was attached to his neck, he was so scared that he almost urinated. He pleaded: "Hero, hero, listen to the old man's explanation, listen to the old man's explanation!"

The knight surnamed Chen originally wanted to slaughter the old man with a knife, but when he turned his head and saw Yue Si motioning for Village Chief Wei to continue, he said viciously: "Okay, I'll give you a chance, I can't say why, believe it or not. I still cut you down."

"Thank you hero, thank you hero!"

Village Chief Wei said with great gratitude, "This matter has to start seven years ago..."

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