Villains Template

Chapter 762: pig demon past

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The village of eight years ago and the village of today are completely different.

Living deep in the valley, far from the market, the officials of the government did not bother to travel the mountains and waters to collect the annual taxes, or the officials of the government did not even know about this poor village in the valley.

But even without the government's exploitation, life in the village is still not good. The reclaimed land can't grow much food. There are only two gruels every day with dried radish. It's life improved.

Later, this pig demon came. According to what it said, it was originally a wild boar in the mountains. Because of its long life, it became fat and strong. It rubbed it on the pine and cypress, and wrapped a layer of tar on its body. Pine resin rolls in the mud and sticks to a layer of dirt and stones. After hardening, it looks like wearing a layer of armor, and it becomes a tyrant in the mountain. The little monsters who have ordinary intelligence are not its opponents.

Later, the wild boar ate some old medicinal materials in the mountains, and the medicinal effects accumulated in the body. After a long time, the spiritual wisdom was opened. Relying on instinctive cultivation, it gradually transformed into a human form.

With a human form, this pig monster is even more incredible, and gradually became the king of the mountain, gathering a group of little monsters.

By chance, this pig demon came down the mountain and entered this mountain village, and ate two people, but the people in this village were in a state of insufficient food all the year round, and there was no two taels of meat on their bodies. The pig demon I feel uncomfortable after eating, mostly bones, no matter how full I am.

Then the village chief Wei, who was not the village chief at the time, had the courage to talk to the pig demon, saying that there was food in the village, so that the pig demon could be fed, in exchange for the lives of other people in the village.

The pig demon ate dozens of catties of food in one go, and was only 80% full, but he didn't eat any more people from the village.

This pig demon has been circling in the mountains. It has never eaten such a good thing as food. After eating this meal, it can't be contained. Ask the villagers to provide it with a certain amount of food every six months, and it will let the village go.

At that time, the village chief Wei dared to say to the pig demon that there were only a few dozen households in their village, and the cultivated land was only so little, and it was still very poor, and could not support many people at all. The pig demon would eat this meal and they would A few people in the village will starve to death, and if there are fewer people farming, the grain harvested this season will be less, and then some people will starve to death. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

The pig demon was not ambiguous when he heard it. It directly showed its original shape and became a huge wild boar. Then it smashed the foot of the mountain, flattened the hill, and forcibly arched out a flat ground in the valley, and directly changed a The direction of the mountain stream allows the stream water to pass through the cultivated land, which is convenient for the villagers to irrigate, so that there is a continuous piece of cultivated land in the village.

With this extra piece of arable land, it is more convenient for the villagers to cultivate, and there is even a lot of land that has no spare energy to cultivate. In previous years, it was much more. Two meals of porridge a day can be turned into three meals a day, and occasionally a dry meal can be eaten.

Moreover, the pig demon would send the little monster down the mountain to bring some medicinal herbs and wild fruits, so that the villagers would not starve to death, so that they would have enough energy to farm it. Although the purpose was not pure, it really helped the villagers.

Some of the villagers are knowledgeable. They did not eat the medicinal herbs like the monster, but collected them and took them to the market to sell them. They also saved some silver taels to buy some chickens and lambs for stocking.

There have been disasters outside for years, human beings have been corrupted, and monsters can eat people. In contrast, this mountain village has become a paradise. Lucky victims have fled and settled in this mountain village, and the population of the mountain village has naturally multiplied. In just a few years, the population has doubled. , and everyone can guarantee that they will not starve to death, and there is spare energy to repair houses, raise chickens and ducks, and herd sheep and pigs.

With poultry such as chickens and ducks, and livestock such as cattle and sheep, after the pig demon tasted it, they said that they could use them to offset part of the grain, as well as sugar and salt that could not be eaten in the mountains, which could offset the offering of grain, and the villagers settled their accounts. , found that raising poultry and livestock, and saving eggs for salt, it was cheaper than simply offering grain to the pig demon, so every household raised it.

And I don't know if it is based on the principle of non-cannibalism, domestic pigs, such as domestic animals, are not eaten by pig demons, and the villagers keep them for themselves, or smoked bacon and the like for easy preservation.

When it comes to farming every year, the pig demon will also arch the land for the villagers, saving the villagers the hardest plowing work.

In a few years, relying on a little bit of frugality, the village has even become a wealthy village. The villagers who fled from the outside to this mountain village said that the government's exploitation is more ruthless than this pig demon. Compared with the imperial court, pig demons are actually rare. it is good.

Hearing the remarks of the village chief Wei, the two masters and apprentices, and the chivalrous person surnamed Chen were speechless. What is this? These villagers would rather farm for the pig monster, even if the other party is a man-eating monster. exploited by the imperial court,

The imperial court is more terrifying than the man-eating monsters, what kind of world is this.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful, it doesn't matter if you live or not. Don't be deceived by their words, they are more like hunters than peasants, putting on a weak state is to make us take it lightly and inspire our sympathy for the same kind. , and then hunt us." Yue Si interrupted Village Chief Wei's narration, and also woke up the seventy-fifth day and the knights surnamed Chen from their very unnecessary sympathy: "As far as I have seen, this is Pig demons eat people and eat the meat of people who practice martial arts, tell me what's going on!"

As he spoke, Yue Si threw the armor and rusted knife that he had stripped from the little monster in front of Village Chief Wei, and asked, "These things are not something you can get from farming, it is obvious that After some Jianghu people were eaten, the things they left were equipped by the little monsters - and listening to the previous emphasis on cannibalism, the pig monsters have eaten people a lot, and they even came out of the door."

After listening to Yue Si's words, the other three suddenly woke up. Yes, if it wasn't for the variable of Yue Si, they would have already started to change to big **** and lost their lives. Why would they want to sympathize with their own lives The culprit?

"Say, what's going on!" The knight surnamed Chen pulled out the knife and put it on the neck of the village chief Wei: "Also, when we came, there were five people, what about the one surnamed Zhao?"

Then a young man was pushed in front of the crowd. He stood unsteadily and knelt in front of the four with a thud. He raised his head. The knife did not know where it was thrown.

However, the submissive swordsman surnamed Zhao wore a farmer's clothes, but he did not appear to be disobedient, as if that was how he should dress.

"Don't guess, this person surnamed Zhao is from this village... Let's put these things aside and answer my previous question." Yue Si said loudly: "Tell me, how did this pig demon start to eat Jianghu people? of."

This incident started in the third year when the pig demon discovered the village. After the harvest that year, the villagers brought food, medicinal herbs and the like to the market to sell. After the money was sold, they bought some chickens and ducks. Miao, and lambs and the like, rushing home.

Then the villagers who went there were targeted by a group of strongmen, who followed the undefended villagers to find the location of the mountain village - the villagers' purchases revealed that the village was a wealthy village, rather than halfway through the purchase of the few villagers If it was robbed, it is better to just do it and turn into a bandit and rob the village.

As a result, the group of strong men hit the moldy head, and the pig demon happened to be in the village, waiting for the food offerings that year, and a group of little monsters were accompanied by a group of little monsters, carrying food for it, pulling sheep and ducks.

There is no need to say what happened next. The strong men collapsed under the hands of the pig demon, and none of them could escape. They became the ghost under the hoof of the pig demon, eating in their stomachs. Their armor and the knife in their hands were captured by the little monsters Taken, armed.

But this time, the pig demon is addicted to eating. Those people in Jianghu eat meat and drink alcohol on weekdays, and they also practice martial arts. The meat quality is different from those of the farmers who shave food in the fields. Let the villagers find a way to find him a few meals every six months. People from all corners of the world come here to beat the teeth and let it eat beautifully, and the offerings can be appropriately reduced or exempted.

The villagers gathered together and thought it could be done, so they used silver as bait to lure the Jianghu swordsmen to come to their village and wait for the pig demon to come and enjoy blood food. In order to make the plan smoother, they also sent people Disguised as a knight in the rivers and lakes, break into the interior of the knight in the rivers and lakes, if no one is fooled, secretly instigate people to come.

And the surname Zhao is such a character.

In fact, this plan is full of loopholes. The discerning person listened to the villagers’ stories, and then looked at the situation in the village. A simple analysis can be used to analyze the general situation. However, those people in the rivers and lakes rely on a knife to make a living, and they spend less time using their brains. , greed for profit, and will not analyze in this direction at all, so the villagers have repeatedly succeeded.

Although every time they have to grind rice, white noodles, and meat and alcohol to supply the knights, those people in the rivers and lakes are not necessarily good people, and insulting women occasionally happens, but compared to the rice noodles and poultry and livestock saved, the villagers They also gritted their teeth and recognized it. When the pig demons eat those Jianghu people, they will also have the joy of getting their revenge.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the behavior of those people in the rivers and lakes that the villagers relieved their inner guilt. These people in the rivers and lakes are bad people. They exchanged their flesh and blood for a better life. The villagers thought it was reasonable. as it should.

After several times, the villagers got used to this kind of life, and when Yue Si wanted to teach the villagers martial arts and how to protect their own village, why did the villagers slack off, or even resisted, that is, they were ruthless under the scolding of the village chief Wei. Practice reluctantly.

It is because they are worried that they have learned martial arts and become similar to the Jianghu people, and they will be targeted by the pig demon and become its blood food.

"The most loyal and cunning, the best and the worst, the most stingy and cruel..." The chivalrous man surnamed Chen recited the sentence Yue Si once said, and laughed in anger, almost wanting to kill Wei Cun in front of him with a knife Chief, slaughtered this village.

On the seventy-fifth day of the first lunar month, the hands of the master and apprentice were also tightly clasped on the hilt of the knife. As long as Yue Si nodded and waved his hand next to him, they would start killing and destroying the village. You want to survive and live a better life. We have no objection to this, but at the cost of our lives, this is not acceptable.

"Since you have difficulties, then forget about this matter!"

It's just that Yue Si forgave the villagers very generously: "In today's world, if you want to live and live better, you must take extraordinary measures. You and this pig demon have reached a symbiotic relationship, and both parties are mutually beneficial. Mutual benefit, this is also understandable.”

As soon as these remarks came out, the villagers in the mountain village were very grateful to Yue Si, because it meant that Yue Si had let them go. With just one move, Yue Si killed the group of little monsters, which was very scary in the eyes of the past. The pig demon was also unconscious on the ground beside him.

If Yue Si wanted to get rid of them, they would not be able to escape no matter what, and now Yue Si meant to let them go inside and out, so how could they not be overjoyed.

Hearing this, Fifteen looked at Yue Si in disbelief, but was beaten lightly on the back of his hand by his master on the seventh day of the year - Yue Si is an expert, what plans does he have? If you can interfere, whatever people say, just follow along and do it yourself.

Sure enough, just listening to Yue Si's words, he said to the villagers: "You have difficulties, you need to rely on the power of this pig monster to survive, but it is my equal to subdue the demon and eliminate the demon... Well, I'll invite you a god, and you can use its power to protect your village, to farm or something."

Different from the previous eagerness, the villagers have been cold at this time. The matter of praying to God and worshipping Buddha is not effective. On the contrary, the power of monsters is immediate. Their village has been able to live a stable and prosperous life in the past few years. Their own hard work, raising chickens and ducks, there is also the protection of the pig demons. Without the farmland that the pig demons had built on a whim, and without the pig demons to eat the strong men for them, their village did not know if they would be able to. survive.

But the villagers didn't agree and there was no other way, because whoever made Yue Si the biggest fist now controls the life and death of their entire village.

Yue Si asked the villagers to collect the armor and swords left by the little monster and send them to the courtyard where he temporarily lived. He cast a spell and let his sword control the unconscious pig demon and returned to the courtyard.

After Yue Si and the others left temporarily, the villagers began to beat and scold the villager surnamed Zhao and the two villagers who brought Yue Si to the village. Several evil stars were recruited in the village.

If Yue Si hadn't come, they would still be able to live a good life under the protection of the pig demon, but now the pig demon has been subdued by Yue Si's sword, how will the pig demon be dealt with next? No one can tell what the pig demon's shelter will be like.

They did not dare to exert this anger on Yue Si, because Yue Si had the ability to cut them with one sword, so he waved his fist at the people in his village.

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